Exemplo n.º 1
// ---
std::string VSWContentPrjSaver::saveSchedulings (VSWContentProjectPt cntPrj,
	const std::string& bPath, QBOOLEAN saveAll)

	// Creates the header...
	std::string result = std::string ("\t\t<") + 
		std::string (__SCHEDULINGS_TAGNAME__) + std::string (">\n");

	// Iterates over all the schedulings...
	VSWContentProject::CursorForSchedulingsPt cursor = cntPrj -> listOfSchedulings ();
	for (cursor -> first (); cursor -> areThereMoreElements (); cursor -> next ())
		// First, get the name of the original scheduling description xml file...
		std::string oFName (__NULL_STRING__); // The original name...
		if (cursor -> actualElement () -> _aditionalData.exists (std::string (__GENVALUE_DESCRIPTORPATH__)))
			oFName = cursor -> actualElement () -> 
				_aditionalData.getStr (std::string (__GENVALUE_DESCRIPTORPATH__))
					-> value ().asString ();
		// If not exists an exception must be thrown. The system will never know
		// wher to keep the new file...

		// ...then, extract the relpath of that file,
		// taking the location of the reproduction definition file as the basic path
		// what it has been received as a parameter...
		std::string oldBasicPath = 
			_theData -> valueForVariable (std::string (__VARBASICPATH__));
		size_t oldBasicPathPos = oFName.find (oldBasicPath);
		if (oldBasicPathPos == -1) 
		// It is not possible that the original basic path was not included into 
		// the name of the file. If it occurrs, then an excepction will be thrown.
		std::string newPathForDescriptor = std::string (".") + 
			std::string (__PATH_SEPARATOR__) + 
				oFName.substr (oldBasicPathPos + oldBasicPath.length () + 1);

		// The fullName of the descriptor file, is the unión between the path where the 
		// the new description file is located, and the related path of the orginal
		// file...
		std::string fullFileName = bPath + 
			std::string (__PATH_SEPARATOR__) + newPathForDescriptor;
		_temporalPathsForSchedulings.push_back (fullFileName);

		// Save the scheduling,
		// and add a reference to it, into the reproduction project xml description file.
		result += std::string ("\t\t\t") + 
			_theSchdSaver -> saveScheduling (cursor -> actualElement (), 
				fullFileName, saveAll);

	// Add the footer...
	result += std::string ("\t\t</") + 
		std::string (__SCHEDULINGS_TAGNAME__) + std::string (">\n");


	// Return the result...
	return (result);
Exemplo n.º 2
void ExportSingleDatasetSelect(wxWindow* pWnd, IGxDataset* const pGxDataset)
    wxCHECK_RET(pGxDataset, wxT("The input pointer (IGxDataset*) is NULL"));

    wxGxObject* pGxSrcObj = dynamic_cast<wxGxObject*>(pGxDataset);
    wxString sName = pGxSrcObj->GetName();
    sName = ClearExt(sName);

    wxGxObjectDialog dlg(pWnd, wxID_ANY, _("Select output"));

    wxGISEnumDatasetType eType = pGxDataset->GetType();
    int eSubType = pGxDataset->GetSubType();
    bool bDefaultSet = false;
    int eDefaulSubType = 0;

    if (eType == enumGISFeatureDataset)
        for (size_t i = enumVecUnknown + 1; i < enumVecMAX; ++i)
            wxGISEnumVectorDatasetType eCurrentSubType = (wxGISEnumVectorDatasetType)i;
            if (eCurrentSubType != eSubType && IsFileDataset(enumGISFeatureDataset, eCurrentSubType))
                if (bDefaultSet)
                    dlg.AddFilter(new wxGxFeatureDatasetFilter(eCurrentSubType), false);
                    dlg.AddFilter(new wxGxFeatureDatasetFilter(eCurrentSubType), true);
                    bDefaultSet = true;
                    eDefaulSubType = eCurrentSubType;

        if (eSubType != enumVecPostGIS)
            dlg.AddFilter(new wxGxFeatureDatasetFilter(enumVecPostGIS), false);
    else if (eType == enumGISRasterDataset)
        //for (size_t i = enumRasterUnknown + 1; i < enumRasterMAX; ++i)
        //    wxGISEnumRasterDatasetType eCurrentSubType = (wxGISEnumRasterDatasetType)i;
        //    if (eCurrentSubType != eSubType && IsFileDataset(enumGISRasterDataset, eCurrentSubType))
        //    {
        //        if (bDefaultSet)
        //        {
        //            dlg.AddFilter(new wxGxRasterDatasetFilter(eCurrentSubType), false);
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            dlg.AddFilter(new wxGxRasterDatasetFilter(eCurrentSubType), true);
        //            bDefaultSet = true;
        //            eDefaulSubType = eCurrentSubType;
        //        }
        //    }

        //if (eSubType != enumRasterPostGIS)
        //    dlg.AddFilter(new wxGxRasterDatasetFilter(enumRasterPostGIS), false);
    else if (eType == enumGISTableDataset)
        for (size_t i = enumTableUnknown + 1; i < enumTableMAX; ++i)
            wxGISEnumTableDatasetType eCurrentSubType = (wxGISEnumTableDatasetType)i;
            if (eCurrentSubType != eSubType && IsFileDataset(enumGISTableDataset, eCurrentSubType))
                if (bDefaultSet)
                    dlg.AddFilter(new wxGxTableDatasetFilter(eCurrentSubType), false);
                    dlg.AddFilter(new wxGxTableDatasetFilter(eCurrentSubType), true);
                    bDefaultSet = true;
                    eDefaulSubType = eCurrentSubType;

        if (eSubType != enumTablePostgres)
            dlg.AddFilter(new wxGxTableDatasetFilter(enumTablePostgres), false);


    wxGxObject* pGxParentObj = pGxSrcObj->GetParent();
    wxString sStartLoc;

    if (pGxParentObj)
        while (NULL != pGxParentObj)
            wxGxObjectContainer* pGxCont = wxDynamicCast(pGxParentObj, wxGxObjectContainer);
            if (NULL != pGxCont && pGxCont->CanCreate(enumGISFeatureDataset, eDefaulSubType))
                pGxParentObj = pGxParentObj->GetParent();
        if (pGxParentObj)
            sStartLoc = pGxParentObj->GetFullName();

    wxGISAppConfig oConfig = GetConfig();
    if (oConfig.IsOk())
        if (eType == enumGISFeatureDataset)
            sStartLoc = oConfig.Read(enumGISHKCU, dlg.GetAppName() + wxT("/lastpath/exp_vector_ds/path"), sStartLoc);
        else if (eType == enumGISRasterDataset)
            sStartLoc = oConfig.Read(enumGISHKCU, dlg.GetAppName() + wxT("/lastpath/exp_raster_ds/path"), sStartLoc);
        else if (eType == enumGISTableDataset)
            sStartLoc = oConfig.Read(enumGISHKCU, dlg.GetAppName() + wxT("/lastpath/exp_table_ds/path"), sStartLoc);

    if (!sStartLoc.IsEmpty())
    if (dlg.ShowModalSave() == wxID_OK)

        wxGxObjectFilter* pFilter = dlg.GetCurrentFilter();
        if (NULL == pFilter)
            wxMessageBox(_("Unexpected error"), _("Error"), wxCENTRE | wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, pWnd);
            wxLogError(_("Null wxGxObjectFilter returned"));

        CPLString sPath = dlg.GetPath();
        wxString sCatalogPath = dlg.GetLocation()->GetFullName();
        wxFileName oFName(dlg.GetName());
        wxString sName = oFName.GetName();

        if (oConfig.IsOk())
            if (eType == enumGISFeatureDataset)
                oConfig.Write(enumGISHKCU, dlg.GetAppName() + wxT("/lastpath/exp_vector_ds/path"), sCatalogPath);
            else if (eType == enumGISRasterDataset)
                oConfig.Write(enumGISHKCU, dlg.GetAppName() + wxT("/lastpath/exp_raster_ds/path"), sCatalogPath);
            else if (eType == enumGISTableDataset)
                oConfig.Write(enumGISHKCU, dlg.GetAppName() + wxT("/lastpath/exp_table_ds/path"), sCatalogPath);

        if (eType == enumGISFeatureDataset)
            ExportSingleVectorDataset(pWnd, sPath, sName, pFilter, pGxDataset);
        else if (eType == enumGISRasterDataset)
            ExportSingleRasterDataset(pWnd, sPath, sName, pFilter, pGxDataset);
        else if (eType == enumGISTableDataset)
            ExportSingleTableDataset(pWnd, sPath, sName, pFilter, pGxDataset);