Exemplo n.º 1
bool CstrategyScans::bSetScans(Cimage_header* poHeader, const Cstring& sStrategyPrefix)
    if( !poHeader )
        return false; // safety


    // Figure out how many scans are there
    int     iScanMax = -1;
        Crotation     oRotation(*poHeader, sBuildStrategyScanPrefix(sStrategyPrefix, D_K_ScanPrefix, iScanMax));
        oRotation.ms_nVerbose = 0;  // so that when it fails at the end of this while loop, it does not say it's an error, because we do want it to fail.

        if( !oRotation.bIsAvailable() )
    iScanMax--; // last valid scan index

    if( iScanMax < 0 )
        return false;
    for(int iScan=0; iScan <= iScanMax; iScan++)
        vAddScan(poHeader, iScan, m_aoAxes.size(), sStrategyPrefix);

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
CstrategyScan::CstrategyScan(Cimage_header* poHeader, int nScanIndex, int nNumAxes, const Cstring& sStrategyPrefix)

    // Get gonio values
    // Build scan prefix
    Cstring         strScanCrystalPrefix = sBuildStrategyScanPrefix(sStrategyPrefix, D_K_CrystalPrefix, nScanIndex);

    double*         pdGonioValues = new double[nNumAxes];
    int             nStat = poHeader->nGetValue(strScanCrystalPrefix + D_K_GonioValues, nNumAxes, pdGonioValues);
    if( 0 != nStat )
        delete [] pdGonioValues;

    // Add axes objects 
    for(int ii=0; ii < nNumAxes; ii++)
        m_aoAxes.push_back(CstrategyAxis(ii, pdGonioValues[ii]));

    delete [] pdGonioValues;

    Cstring     sScanPrefix = sBuildStrategyScanPrefix(sStrategyPrefix, D_K_ScanPrefix, nScanIndex);
    Crotation     oRotation(*poHeader, sScanPrefix);
    m_dRot_Begin[enSingleScan] = m_dRot_Begin[enMultipleScan] = (double)oRotation.fGetRotStart();
    m_dRot_End  [enSingleScan] = m_dRot_End  [enMultipleScan] = (double)oRotation.fGetRotEnd();
    m_dMaxRotRange = (double)oRotation.fGetRotRange();

    m_segRotLimits.vSet((double)oRotation.fGetRotMin(), (double)oRotation.fGetRotMax());
    m_nOriginalScanIndex = nScanIndex;

    // See if the header uses D_K_ScanDetDatum keyword to specify the detector position. If it does not - no problem,
    // the detector position will be read by the container class CstrategyScans using detector D_K_GonioValues keyword.  
    Cstring     sScanDetRelZero(D_K_ScanDetDatum);

    double      dDetRelZero[3] = {0.0};
    if( 0 == poHeader->nGetValue(sScanPrefix + sScanDetRelZero, 3, dDetRelZero) ) // the first value should be equal to 2, then two theta and distance
        m_dDetRelZero[enStratScanDetRelZero_TwoTheta] = dDetRelZero[1];
        m_dDetRelZero[enStratScanDetRelZero_Distance] = dDetRelZero[2];

	//shijie yao : 2008.03.12
	//Noticed there was a var m_fImageRotWidth defined, which should server the 
	//same as m_dIncrementalWidth. But the original code didn't set its value
	//properly. It's value was set from the STRATEGY_INPUT_S*_SCAN_ROTATION,
	//which only keeps the original copy of the SCAN_ROTATION values, even the
	//-rotimage option is provided.
	//After adding code in CDTMainMultiStrategy::bGetImageRotationWidth() to
	//update the STRATEGY_INPUT_S*_SCAN_ entries together with the SCAN_ROTATION,
	//for the new imagewidth value, m_fImageRotWidth and m_dIncrementalWidth are 
	//sequal now. 
	m_fImageRotWidth = oRotation.fGetIncrement();
	m_dCryGonioValMax = oRotation.fGetRotMax();
	m_dCryGonioValMin = oRotation.fGetRotMin();
	//Crotation  oScanRot(*poHeader, D_K_ScanPrefix);	// use SCAN_ROTATION values for rotImageWidth
	//m_dIncrementalWidth = oScanRot.fGetIncrement();
Exemplo n.º 3
// This function updates scans in the header object.  Return value - number of scans updated.
int CstrategyScans::nUpdateHeader(Cimage_header* poHeader, 
                                  int nScanNumberOffset, 
                                  const Cstring& sStrategyPrefix,
                                  bool bUpdateDetectorPosition)
    if( !poHeader )
        return 0; //safety check

    int     nScansUpdated = 0;
    int     nScanNumberForRecord = -1;
    CstrategyScan::enStrategyScanType      eScanType = !m_bMultipleScanSolution ? CstrategyScan::enSingleScan : CstrategyScan::enMultipleScan;
    // Let's create a rotation object based on scan 0, then substitute variable fields in a loop. 
    Cstring     sScanPrefix(D_K_ScanPrefix);
    Cstring     sScanDetRelZero(D_K_ScanDetDatum);
    Crotation       oRotation(*poHeader, sScanPrefix);
    if( !oRotation.bIsAvailable() )  // The scan must be in the header.
        printf("\nERROR: Cannot create rotation object for writing a header\n");
        return 0;

    CSegment    segRotLimits(0.0, 0.0);
    Cstring     sScanCrystalPrefix("");
    int             nNumAxes = nGetNumAxes();
    double*         pdGonioValues = new double[nNumAxes];

    int             nUsed = -1;
    double          dDetRelZero[3] = {2.0};  // 2, because there will be two values: 2Theta and Distance
    double          fExposureTime = -1.0;
    for(int ii=0; ii < (int)m_aoScans.size(); ii++)
        if( !bIsScanUsed(ii, eScanType) )
        nScanNumberForRecord = nUsed + nScanNumberOffset; 

        oRotation.vSetRotStart((float)dGetScanRotBegin(ii, eScanType));
        oRotation.vSetRotEnd((float)dGetScanRotEnd(ii, eScanType));   

        //Check if the the rotation limits have been set. If not, they will be both 0.

        if( !segRotLimits.bIsEmpty() )
            oRotation.vSetRotMinMaxRange((float)segRotLimits.dGetBeg(), (float)segRotLimits.dGetEnd(), (float)segRotLimits.dGetWidth());
        fExposureTime = m_aoScans[ii].fGetImageExposureTime();
        if( fExposureTime > 0.0 )
        sScanPrefix = sBuildStrategyScanPrefix(sStrategyPrefix, D_K_ScanPrefix, nScanNumberForRecord);

        if( 0 != oRotation.nUpdateHeader(poHeader, sScanPrefix) )
        // Now update detector position
        if( bUpdateDetectorPosition )
            dDetRelZero[1] = dGetTwoTheta();
            dDetRelZero[2] = dGetDistance();

            poHeader->nReplaceValue(sScanPrefix + sScanDetRelZero, 3, dDetRelZero); 

        // Now update setting angles
        sScanCrystalPrefix = sBuildStrategyScanPrefix(sStrategyPrefix, D_K_CrystalPrefix, nScanNumberForRecord);
        for(int jj=0; jj < nNumAxes; jj++)
            pdGonioValues[jj] = dGetScanAxisValue(ii, jj);
        poHeader->nReplaceValue(sScanCrystalPrefix + D_K_GonioValues, nNumAxes, pdGonioValues);
    delete [] pdGonioValues;
    return nScansUpdated;
void TransformationComponent::RotateAround( const Vec3& i_Axis, const real i_Angle )
	Quaternion oRotation(Ogre::Radian(Ogre::Degree(i_Angle).valueRadians()),i_Axis);
	SetRotation(oRotation * m_oOrientation);