Exemplo n.º 1
/*! \brief Change visibility status of attribute object.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function toggles the visibility status of the attribute \a
 *  object and updates it. The object is erased or redrawn if
 *  necessary.
 *  \param [in] w_current  The GschemToplevel object.
 *  \param [in] object     The attribute object.
void o_attrib_toggle_visibility(GschemToplevel *w_current, OBJECT *object)
  TOPLEVEL *toplevel = gschem_toplevel_get_toplevel (w_current);

  g_return_if_fail (object != NULL && object->type == OBJ_TEXT);

  if (o_is_visible (object)) {
    /* only erase if we are not showing hidden text */
    if (!toplevel->show_hidden_text) {
      o_invalidate (w_current, object);

    o_set_visibility (toplevel, object, INVISIBLE);

    if (toplevel->show_hidden_text) {
      /* draw text so that little I is drawn */
      o_invalidate (w_current, object);

  } else {
    /* if we are in the special show hidden mode, then erase text first */
    /* to get rid of the little I */
    if (toplevel->show_hidden_text) {
      o_invalidate (w_current, object);

    o_set_visibility (toplevel, object, VISIBLE);
    o_text_recreate(toplevel, object);

  gschem_toplevel_page_content_changed (w_current, toplevel->page_current);
Exemplo n.º 2
/*! \todo Finish function documentation!!!
 *  \brief
 *  \par Function Description
 *  \note
 *  The object passed in should be the REAL object, NOT any copy in any
 *  selection list
void o_text_change(GschemToplevel *w_current, OBJECT *object, char *string,
		   int visibility, int show)
  GschemPageView *page_view = gschem_toplevel_get_current_page_view (w_current);
  TOPLEVEL *toplevel = gschem_page_view_get_toplevel (page_view);
  PAGE *page = gschem_page_view_get_page (page_view);

  g_return_if_fail (toplevel != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (page != NULL);

  if (object == NULL) {

  if (object->type != OBJ_TEXT) {

  o_text_set_string (toplevel, object, string);

  o_set_visibility (toplevel, object, visibility);
  object->show_name_value = show;
  o_text_recreate(toplevel, object);

  /* handle slot= attribute, it's a special case */
  if (object->attached_to != NULL &&
      g_ascii_strncasecmp (string, "slot=", 5) == 0) {
    o_slot_end (w_current, object->attached_to, string);

  gschem_toplevel_page_content_changed (w_current, page);
Exemplo n.º 3
/*! \todo Finish function documentation!!!
 *  \brief
 *  \par Function Description
void o_edit_show_specific_text (GSCHEM_TOPLEVEL *w_current,
                                const GList *o_list,
                                char *stext)
  TOPLEVEL *toplevel = w_current->toplevel;
  OBJECT *o_current;
  const GList *iter;

  iter = o_list;
  while (iter != NULL) {
    o_current = (OBJECT *)iter->data;

    if (o_current->type == OBJ_TEXT) {
      const gchar *str = o_text_get_string (w_current->toplevel, o_current);
      if (!strncmp (stext, str, strlen (stext))) {
        if (!o_is_visible (toplevel, o_current)) {
          o_set_visibility (toplevel, o_current, VISIBLE);
          o_text_recreate(toplevel, o_current);

          toplevel->page_current->CHANGED = 1;
    iter = g_list_next (iter);
  o_undo_savestate(w_current, UNDO_ALL);
Exemplo n.º 4
/*! \todo Finish function documentation!!!
 *  \brief
 *  \par Function Description
void o_edit_show_specific_text (GschemToplevel *w_current,
                                const GList *o_list,
                                const char *stext)
  TOPLEVEL *toplevel = gschem_toplevel_get_toplevel (w_current);
  OBJECT *o_current;
  const GList *iter;

  iter = o_list;
  while (iter != NULL) {
    o_current = (OBJECT *)iter->data;

    if (o_current->type == OBJ_TEXT) {
      const gchar *str = o_text_get_string (w_current->toplevel, o_current);
      if (!strncmp (stext, str, strlen (stext))) {
        if (!o_is_visible (toplevel, o_current)) {
          o_set_visibility (toplevel, o_current, VISIBLE);
          o_text_recreate(toplevel, o_current);

          gschem_toplevel_page_content_changed (w_current, toplevel->page_current);
    iter = g_list_next (iter);
  o_undo_savestate_old(w_current, UNDO_ALL);
Exemplo n.º 5
/*! \brief Replace attribute value in object
 * Find the instance of attrib_name on o_current, and
 * replace its value with the new_attrib_value.
 * \param toplevel TOPLEVEL object
 * \param o_current object to operate on
 * \param new_attrib_name name of attribute to replace
 * \param new_attrib_value value to set attribute to
 * \param visibility set visibility of attribute
 * \param show_name_value set visibility of attribute name and value
void s_object_replace_attrib_in_object(TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
				       OBJECT *o_current,
				       char *new_attrib_name, 
				       char *new_attrib_value,
				       gint visibility, 
				       gint show_name_value)
  GList *a_iter;
  OBJECT *a_current;
  char *old_attrib_text;
  char *old_attrib_name;
  char *new_attrib_text;

  a_iter = o_current->attribs;
  while (a_iter != NULL) {
    a_current = a_iter->data;
    if (a_current->type == OBJ_TEXT
	&& a_current->text != NULL) {  /* found an attribute */
      /* may need to check more thoroughly here. . . . */
      old_attrib_text = g_strdup(a_current->text->string);
      old_attrib_name = u_basic_breakup_string(old_attrib_text, '=', 0);
      if (strcmp(old_attrib_name, new_attrib_name) == 0) {
	/* create attrib=value text string & stuff it back into toplevel */
	new_attrib_text = g_strconcat(new_attrib_name, "=", new_attrib_value, NULL);
	g_free(a_current->text->string);   /* remove old attrib string */
	a_current->text->string = g_strdup(new_attrib_text);   /* insert new attrib string */
	if (visibility != LEAVE_VISIBILITY_ALONE)
	  o_set_visibility (toplevel, a_current, visibility);
	if (show_name_value != LEAVE_NAME_VALUE_ALONE)
	  a_current->show_name_value = show_name_value;
	return;     /* we are done -- leave. */
      } else {
      }  /* if (strcmp . . . . */
    } /* if (a_current . . . . */
    a_iter = g_list_next (a_iter);
  }  /* while */

  /* if we get here, it's because we have failed to find the attrib on the component.
   * This is an error condition. */
	 _("In s_object_replace_attrib_in_object, we have failed to find the attrib %s on the component.  Exiting . . .\n"),
Exemplo n.º 6
/*! \brief Creates a text OBJECT and the graphical objects representing it
 *  \par Function Description
 *  Create an OBJECT of type OBJ_TEXT.
 *  \param [in]  toplevel              The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]  type                   OBJ_TEXT (TODO: why bother)
 *  \param [in]  color                  The color of the text.
 *  \param [in]  x                      World x coord of text.
 *  \param [in]  y                      World y coord of text.
 *  \param [in]  alignment              How text bounding box aligns on (x, y).
 *  \param [in]  angle                  Angle at which text will appear.
 *  \param [in]  string                 The text (TODO: can be char const *)!
 *  \param [in]  size                   Text size.
 *  \param [in]  visibility             VISIBLE or INVISIBLE.
 *  \param [in]  show_name_value        SHOW_NAME_VALUE or friends.
 *  \return Pointer to text OBJECT.
 *  \note
 *  Caller is responsible for string; this function allocates its own copy.
geda_text_object_new (TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
                      gint color,
                      gint x,
                      gint y,
                      gint alignment,
                      gint angle,
                      const gchar *string,
                      gint size,
                      gint visibility,
                      gint show_name_value)
  GedaObject *new_node=NULL;
  TEXT *text;

  g_return_val_if_fail (string != NULL, NULL);

  new_node = s_basic_new_object (OBJ_TEXT, "text");

  text = (TEXT *) g_malloc(sizeof(TEXT));

  text->string = g_strdup (string);
  text->disp_string = NULL; /* We'll fix this up later */
  text->length = strlen(string);
  text->size = size;
  text->alignment = alignment;
  text->x = x;
  text->y = y;
  text->angle = angle;
  text->name = NULL;

  new_node->text = text;

  new_node->color = color;
  o_set_visibility (toplevel, new_node, visibility);
  new_node->show_name_value = show_name_value;

  update_disp_string (new_node);

  /* Update bounding box */
  new_node->w_bounds_valid_for = NULL;

  return new_node;
Exemplo n.º 7
/*! \brief Promote attributes from a complex OBJECT
 *  \par Function Description
 *  Selects promotable attributes from \a object, and returns a new
 *  #GList containing them (suitable for appending to a #PAGE).
 *  \param [in]  toplevel The #TOPLEVEL environment.
 *  \param [in]  object   The complex #OBJECT to promote from.
 *  \return A #GList of promoted attributes.
GList *o_complex_promote_attribs (TOPLEVEL *toplevel, OBJECT *object)
  GList *promoted = NULL;
  GList *promotable = NULL;
  GList *iter = NULL;

  promotable = o_complex_get_promotable (toplevel, object, FALSE);

  /* Run through the attributes deciding if we want to keep them (in
   * which case we copy them and make them invisible) or if we want to
   * remove them. */
  if (toplevel->keep_invisible) {
    for (iter = promotable; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter)) {
      OBJECT *o_kept = (OBJECT *) iter->data;
      OBJECT *o_copy = o_object_copy (toplevel, o_kept);
      o_set_visibility (toplevel, o_kept, INVISIBLE);
      o_copy->parent = NULL;
      promoted = g_list_prepend (promoted, o_copy);
    promoted = g_list_reverse (promoted);
  } else {
    for (iter = promotable; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter)) {
      OBJECT *o_removed = (OBJECT *) iter->data;
      o_removed->parent = NULL;
      object->complex->prim_objs =
        g_list_remove (object->complex->prim_objs, o_removed);
    promoted = promotable;
    /* Invalidate the object's bounds since we may have
     * stolen objects from inside it. */
    o_bounds_invalidate (toplevel, object);

  /* Attach promoted attributes to the original complex object */
  o_attrib_attach_list (toplevel, promoted, object, TRUE);

  return promoted;
Exemplo n.º 8
/*! \brief Delete or hide promotable from the passed OBJECT
 *  \par Function Description
 *  Deletes or hides promotable attributes from the passed OBJECT.
 *  This is used when loading symbols during the load of a schematic from
 *  disk. The schematic will already contain local copies of symbol's
 *  promotable objects, so we delete or hide the symbol's copies.
 *  Deletion / hiding is dependant on the setting of
 *  toplevel->keep_invisible. If true, attributes eligible for
 *  promotion are kept in memory but flagged as invisible.
 *  \param [in]  toplevel The toplevel environment.
 *  \param [in]  object   The complex object being altered.
static void o_complex_remove_promotable_attribs (TOPLEVEL *toplevel, OBJECT *object)
  GList *promotable, *iter;

  promotable = o_complex_get_promotable (toplevel, object, FALSE);

  if (promotable == NULL)

  for (iter = promotable; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter)) {
    OBJECT *a_object = iter->data;
    if (toplevel->keep_invisible == TRUE) {   /* Hide promotable attributes */
      o_set_visibility (toplevel, a_object, INVISIBLE);
    } else {                                /* Delete promotable attributes */
      object->complex->prim_objs =
        g_list_remove (object->complex->prim_objs, a_object);
      s_delete_object (toplevel, a_object);

  o_bounds_invalidate (toplevel, object);
  g_list_free (promotable);