Exemplo n.º 1
  void testQLDSolver()
    BaseVariable xy("xy",2);
    BaseVariable z("z",1);
    CompositeVariable T("T", xy, z);

    MatrixXd A1(1,1); A1 << 1;
    VectorXd b1(1); b1 << -3;
    LinearFunction lf1(z, A1, b1);
    LinearConstraint c1(&lf1, true);

    MatrixXd A2(1,2); A2 << 3,1 ;
    VectorXd b2(1); b2 << 0;
    LinearFunction lf2(xy, A2, b2);
    LinearConstraint c2(&lf2, true);

    MatrixXd A3(2,2); A3 << 2,1,-0.5,1 ;
    VectorXd b3(2); b3 << 0, 1;
    LinearFunction lf3(xy, A3, b3);
    LinearConstraint c3(&lf3, false);

    QuadraticFunction objFunc(T, Matrix3d::Identity(), Vector3d::Zero(), 0);
    QuadraticObjective obj(&objFunc);
    QLDSolver solver;

    std::cout << "sol = " << std::endl << solver.solve().solution << std::endl << std::endl;
    ocra_assert(solver.getLastResult().info == 0);

    IdentityFunction id(z);
    VectorXd lz(1); lz << 1;
    VectorXd uz(1); uz << 2;
    IdentityConstraint bnd1(&id, lz, uz);
    std::cout << "sol = " << std::endl << solver.solve().solution << std::endl << std::endl;
    ocra_assert(solver.getLastResult().info == 0);

    BaseVariable t("t", 2);
    VectorXd ut(2); ut << -4,-1;
    BoundFunction bf(t, ut, BOUND_TYPE_SUPERIOR);
    BoundConstraint bnd2(&bf, false);

    QuadraticFunction objFunc2(t, Matrix2d::Identity(), Vector2d::Constant(2.71828),0);
    QuadraticObjective obj2(&objFunc2);
    std::cout << "sol = " << std::endl << solver.solve().solution << std::endl << std::endl;
    ocra_assert(solver.getLastResult().info == 0);

    Vector2d c3l(-1,-1);
    std::cout << "sol = " << std::endl << solver.solve().solution << std::endl << std::endl;
    ocra_assert(solver.getLastResult().info == 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
void  initUpdateDistMatrix(
    double * D, 
    double * E, 
    double * SS, 
    size_t d,
    size_t N, 
    size_t * size, 
    void (*objFunc) ( size_t , size_t , size_t , double * , double * , double * ,size_t, size_t , size_t * )
    /* this is an update function */

  size_t i, j;
  /* run some sanity checks */
  //assert(N > 1);

  for( i = 0; i < N-1; i++) { /* iterate over columns */
    for( j = i+1; j < N; j++) {  /* iterate over rows */
      if((size[i] > 1) | (size[j] > 1)) objFunc( j,i,i,D,E,SS,d,N,size) ;
  /* that was it, we are done */
Exemplo n.º 3
// Function definitions. 
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
void mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], 
		  int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) 
  try {

    // Check to see if we have the correct number of input and output
    // arguments.
    if (nrhs < minNumInputArgs)
      throw MatlabException("Incorrect number of input arguments");

    // Get the starting point for the variables. This is specified in
    // the first input argument. The variables must be either a single
    // matrix or a cell array of matrices.
    int k = 0;  // The index of the current input argument.
    ArrayOfMatrices x0(prhs[k++]);

    // Create the output, which stores the solution obtained from
    // running IPOPT. There should be as many output arguments as cell
    // entries in X.
    if (nlhs != x0.length())
      throw MatlabException("Incorrect number of output arguments");
    ArrayOfMatrices x(plhs,x0);

    // Load the lower and upper bounds on the variables as
    // ArrayOfMatrices objects. They should have the same structure as
    // the ArrayOfMatrices object "x".
    ArrayOfMatrices lb(prhs[k++]);
    ArrayOfMatrices ub(prhs[k++]);

    // Check to make sure the bounds make sense.
    if (lb != x || ub != x)
      throw MatlabException("Input arguments LB and UB must have the same \
structure as X");

    // Get the Matlab callback functions.
    MatlabString objFunc(prhs[k++]);
    MatlabString gradFunc(prhs[k++]);

    // Get the auxiliary data.
    const mxArray* auxData;
    const mxArray* ptr = prhs[k++];
    if (nrhs > 5) {
      if (mxIsEmpty(ptr))
	auxData = 0;
	auxData = ptr;
      auxData = 0;

    // Get the intermediate callback function.
    MatlabString* iterFunc;
    ptr = prhs[k++];
    if (nrhs > 6) {
      if (mxIsEmpty(ptr))
	iterFunc = 0;
	iterFunc = new MatlabString(ptr);
      iterFunc = 0;

    // Set the options for the L-BFGS algorithm to their defaults.
    int    maxiter = defaultmaxiter;
    int    m       = defaultm;
    double factr   = defaultfactr;
    double pgtol   = defaultpgtol;

    // Process the remaining input arguments, which set options for
    // the IPOPT algorithm.
    while (k < nrhs) {

      // Get the option label from the Matlab input argument.
      MatlabString optionLabel(prhs[k++]);

      if (k < nrhs) {

	// Get the option value from the Matlab input argument.
	MatlabScalar optionValue(prhs[k++]);
	double       value = optionValue;

	if (!strcmp(optionLabel,"maxiter"))
	  maxiter = (int) value;
	else if (!strcmp(optionLabel,"m"))
	  m = (int) value;
	else if (!strcmp(optionLabel,"factr"))
	  factr = value / mxGetEps();
	else if (!strcmp(optionLabel,"pgtol"))
	  pgtol = value;
	else {
	  if (iterFunc) delete iterFunc;
	  throw MatlabException("Nonexistent option");

    // Create a new instance of the optimization problem.
    x = x0;
    MatlabProgram program(x,lb,ub,&objFunc,&gradFunc,iterFunc,
			  (mxArray*) auxData,m,maxiter,factr,pgtol);    

    // Run the L-BFGS-B solver.
    SolverExitStatus exitStatus = program.runSolver();
    if (exitStatus == abnormalTermination) {
      if (iterFunc) delete iterFunc;
      throw MatlabException("Solver unable to satisfy convergence \
criteria due to abnormal termination");
    else if (exitStatus == errorOnInput) {