Exemplo n.º 1
/*calculates how much space is remaining on the transporter - allows droids to take
up different amount depending on their body size - currently all are set to one!*/
int calcRemainingCapacity(const DROID *psTransporter)
	DROID *psDroid, *psNext;

	// If it's dead then just return 0.
	if (isDead((BASE_OBJECT *)psTransporter))
		return 0;

	for (psDroid = psTransporter->psGroup->psList; psDroid != nullptr && psDroid != psTransporter; psDroid = psNext)
		psNext = psDroid->psGrpNext;
		const int space = transporterSpaceRequired(psDroid);
		ASSERT(space > 0, "Invalid space required for %s", objInfo(psDroid));
		capacity -= space;

	if (capacity < 0)
		capacity = 0;

	return capacity;
Exemplo n.º 2
// free up a feature with no visual effects
bool removeFeature(FEATURE *psDel)
	MESSAGE		*psMessage;
	Vector3i	pos;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, psDel != NULL, "Invalid feature pointer");
	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, !psDel->died, "Feature already dead");

	//remove from the map data
	StructureBounds b = getStructureBounds(psDel);
	for (int breadth = 0; breadth < b.size.y; ++breadth)
		for (int width = 0; width < b.size.x; ++width)
			if (tileOnMap(b.map.x + width, b.map.y + breadth))
				MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile(b.map.x + width, b.map.y + breadth);
				if (psTile->psObject == psDel)
					psTile->psObject = NULL;
					auxClearBlocking(b.map.x + width, b.map.y + breadth, FEATURE_BLOCKED | AIR_BLOCKED);

	if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_GEN_ARTE || psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_OIL_DRUM)
		pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
		pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
		pos.y = map_Height(pos.x, pos.z) + 30;
		addEffect(&pos, EFFECT_EXPLOSION, EXPLOSION_TYPE_DISCOVERY, false, NULL, 0, gameTime - deltaGameTime + 1);
		if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_GEN_ARTE)

	if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_GEN_ARTE || psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_OIL_RESOURCE)
		for (unsigned player = 0; player < MAX_PLAYERS; ++player)
			psMessage = findMessage((MSG_VIEWDATA *)psDel, MSG_PROXIMITY, player);
			while (psMessage)
				removeMessage(psMessage, player);
				psMessage = findMessage((MSG_VIEWDATA *)psDel, MSG_PROXIMITY, player);

	debug(LOG_DEATH, "Killing off feature %s id %d (%p)", objInfo(psDel), psDel->id, psDel);

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
static bool baseObjDead(INTERP_VAL *psVal)
	BASE_OBJECT *psObj = (BASE_OBJECT *)psVal->v.oval;
	if (psObj && isDead(psObj))
		debug(LOG_DEATH, "Removing %p (%s) from the wzscript system", psObj, objInfo(psObj));
		psVal->v.oval = NULL;
		return true;
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
static inline void destroyObject(OBJECT* list[], OBJECT* object)
	ASSERT(object != NULL, "Invalid pointer");

	// If the message to remove is the first one in the list then mark the next one as the first
	if (list[object->player] == object)
		list[object->player] = list[object->player]->psNext;
		object->psNext = psDestroyedObj;
		psDestroyedObj = (BASE_OBJECT *)object;
		object->died = gameTime;

	// Iterate through the list and find the item before the object to delete
	OBJECT *psPrev = NULL, *psCurr;
	for(psCurr = list[object->player]; (psCurr != object) && (psCurr != NULL); psCurr = psCurr->psNext)
		psPrev = psCurr;

	ASSERT(psCurr != NULL, "Object %s(%d) not found in list", objInfo(object), object->id);

	if (psCurr != NULL)
		// Modify the "next" pointer of the previous item to
		// point to the "next" item of the item to delete.
		psPrev->psNext = psCurr->psNext;

		// Prepend the object to the destruction list
		object->psNext = psDestroyedObj;
		psDestroyedObj = object;

		// Set destruction time
		object->died = gameTime;
Exemplo n.º 5
// free up a feature with no visual effects
bool removeFeature(FEATURE *psDel)
	int		mapX, mapY, width, breadth, player;
	MESSAGE		*psMessage;
	Vector3i	pos;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, psDel != NULL, "Invalid feature pointer");
	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, !psDel->died, "Feature already dead");

	if(bMultiMessages && !ingame.localJoiningInProgress)
		SendDestroyFeature(psDel);	// inform other players of destruction
		return true;  // Wait for our message before really destroying the feature.

	//remove from the map data
	mapX = map_coord(psDel->pos.x) - psDel->psStats->baseWidth/2;
	mapY = map_coord(psDel->pos.y) - psDel->psStats->baseBreadth/2;
	for (width = 0; width < psDel->psStats->baseWidth; width++)
		for (breadth = 0; breadth < psDel->psStats->baseBreadth; breadth++)
			if (tileOnMap(mapX + width, mapY + breadth))
				MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile(mapX + width, mapY + breadth);
				if (psTile->psObject == (BASE_OBJECT *)psDel)
					psTile->psObject = NULL;
					auxClearBlocking(mapX + width, mapY + breadth, FEATURE_BLOCKED | AIR_BLOCKED);

	if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_GEN_ARTE || psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_OIL_DRUM)
		pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
		pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
		pos.y = map_Height(pos.x, pos.z) + 30;
		if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_GEN_ARTE)

	if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_GEN_ARTE || psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_OIL_RESOURCE)
		for (player = 0; player < MAX_PLAYERS; player++)
			psMessage = findMessage((MSG_VIEWDATA *)psDel, MSG_PROXIMITY, player);
			while (psMessage)
				removeMessage(psMessage, player);
				psMessage = findMessage((MSG_VIEWDATA *)psDel, MSG_PROXIMITY, player);

	debug(LOG_DEATH, "Killing off feature %s id %d (%p)", objInfo(psDel), psDel->id, psDel);

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
// Add the droid order screen.
// Returns true if the form was displayed ok.
//changed to a BASE_OBJECT to accomodate the factories - AB 21/04/99
bool intAddOrder(BASE_OBJECT *psObj)
	bool Animate = true;
	UWORD OrdIndex;
	UWORD Height, NumDisplayedOrders;
	UWORD NumButs;
	UWORD NumJustifyButs, NumCombineButs, NumCombineBefore;
	bool  bLastCombine, bHidden;
	DROID *Droid;
	STRUCTURE *psStructure;

	if (bInTutorial)
		// No RMB orders in tutorial!!
		return (false);

	// Is the form already up?
	if (widgGetFromID(psWScreen, IDORDER_FORM) != NULL)
		Animate = false;
	// Is the stats window up?
	if (widgGetFromID(psWScreen, IDSTAT_FORM) != NULL)
		Animate = false;

	if (psObj)
		if (psObj->type == OBJ_DROID)
			Droid = (DROID *)psObj;
			psStructure =  NULL;
		else if (psObj->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE)
			Droid = NULL;
			psStructure = (STRUCTURE *)psObj;
			psSelectedFactory = psStructure;
			ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, StructIsFactory(psSelectedFactory), "Trying to select a %s as a factory!",
			                 objInfo((BASE_OBJECT *)psSelectedFactory));
			ASSERT(false, "Invalid object type");
			Droid = NULL;
			psStructure =  NULL;
		Droid = NULL;
		psStructure =  NULL;



	// Selected droid is a command droid?
	if ((Droid != NULL) && (Droid->droidType == DROID_COMMAND))
		// displaying for a command droid - ignore any other droids
	else if (psStructure != NULL)
		AvailableOrders = buildStructureOrderList(psStructure);
		if (AvailableOrders.empty())
			return false;
	// Otherwise build a list of selected droids.
	else if (!BuildSelectedDroidList())
		// If no droids selected then see if we were given a specific droid.
		if (Droid != NULL)
			// and put it in the list.

	// Build a list of orders available for the list of selected droids. - if a factory has not been selected
	if (psStructure == NULL)
		AvailableOrders = buildDroidOrderList();
		if (AvailableOrders.empty())
			// If no orders then return;
			return false;

	WIDGET *parent = psWScreen->psForm;

	/* Create the basic form */
	IntFormAnimated *orderForm = new IntFormAnimated(parent, Animate);  // Do not animate the opening, if the window was already open.
	orderForm->id = IDORDER_FORM;

	// Add the close button.
	W_BUTINIT sButInit;
	sButInit.formID = IDORDER_FORM;
	sButInit.id = IDORDER_CLOSE;
	sButInit.y = 0;
	sButInit.width = CLOSE_WIDTH;
	sButInit.height = CLOSE_HEIGHT;
	sButInit.pTip = _("Close");
	sButInit.pDisplay = intDisplayImageHilight;
	if (!widgAddButton(psWScreen, &sButInit))
		return false;

	sButInit = W_BUTINIT();
	sButInit.formID = IDORDER_FORM;
	sButInit.id = IDORDER_CLOSE + 1;
	sButInit.pDisplay = intDisplayButtonHilight;
	sButInit.y = ORDER_BUTY;

	Height = 0;
	NumDisplayedOrders = 0;

	for (unsigned j = 0; j < AvailableOrders.size() && NumDisplayedOrders < MAX_DISPLAYABLE_ORDERS; ++j)
		OrdIndex = AvailableOrders[j].OrderIndex;

		// Get current order state.
		State = GetSecondaryStates(OrderButtons[OrdIndex].Order);

		// Get number of buttons.
		NumButs = OrderButtons[OrdIndex].NumButs;
		// Set actual number of buttons.
		OrderButtons[OrdIndex].AcNumButs = NumButs;

		// Handle special case for factory -> command droid assignment buttons.
		switch (OrderButtons[OrdIndex].Class)
			NumButs = countAssignableFactories((UBYTE)selectedPlayer, FACTORY_FLAG);
			NumButs = countAssignableFactories((UBYTE)selectedPlayer, CYBORG_FLAG);
			NumButs = countAssignableFactories((UBYTE)selectedPlayer, VTOL_FLAG);

		sButInit.id = OrderButtons[OrdIndex].ButBaseID;

		NumJustifyButs = NumButs;
		bLastCombine = false;

		switch (OrderButtons[OrdIndex].ButJustify & ORD_JUSTIFY_MASK)
			sButInit.x = ORDER_BUTX;

			sButInit.x = orderForm->width() - ORDER_BUTX -
			             (NumJustifyButs * GetImageWidth(IntImages, OrderButtons[OrdIndex].ButImageID[0]) +
			              (NumJustifyButs - 1) * ORDER_BUTGAP);

			sButInit.x = (orderForm->width() -
			              (NumJustifyButs * GetImageWidth(IntImages, OrderButtons[OrdIndex].ButImageID[0]) +
			               (NumJustifyButs - 1) * ORDER_BUTGAP)) / 2;

			// see how many are on this line before the button
			NumCombineBefore = 0;
			for (unsigned i = 0; i < j; ++i)
				if ((OrderButtons[AvailableOrders[i].OrderIndex].ButJustify & ORD_JUSTIFY_MASK)
					NumCombineBefore += 1;
			NumCombineButs = (UWORD)(NumCombineBefore + 1);

			// now see how many in total
			for (unsigned i = j + 1; i < AvailableOrders.size(); ++i)
				if ((OrderButtons[AvailableOrders[i].OrderIndex].ButJustify & ORD_JUSTIFY_MASK)
					NumCombineButs += 1;

			// get position on line
			NumCombineButs = (UWORD)(NumCombineButs - (NumCombineBefore - (NumCombineBefore % ORD_MAX_COMBINE_BUTS)));

			if (NumCombineButs >= ORD_MAX_COMBINE_BUTS)
				// the buttons will fill the line
				sButInit.x = (SWORD)(ORDER_BUTX +
				                     (GetImageWidth(IntImages, OrderButtons[OrdIndex].ButImageID[0]) + ORDER_BUTGAP) * NumCombineBefore);
				// center the buttons
				sButInit.x = orderForm->width() / 2 -
				             (NumCombineButs * GetImageWidth(IntImages, OrderButtons[OrdIndex].ButImageID[0]) +
				              (NumCombineButs - 1) * ORDER_BUTGAP) / 2;
				sButInit.x = (SWORD)(sButInit.x +
				                     (GetImageWidth(IntImages, OrderButtons[OrdIndex].ButImageID[0]) + ORDER_BUTGAP) * NumCombineBefore);

			// see if need to start a new line of buttons
			if ((NumCombineBefore + 1) == (NumCombineButs % ORD_MAX_COMBINE_BUTS))
				bLastCombine = true;


		for (unsigned i = 0; i < OrderButtons[OrdIndex].AcNumButs; ++i)
			sButInit.pTip = getDORDDescription(OrderButtons[OrdIndex].ButTips[i]);
			sButInit.width = (UWORD)GetImageWidth(IntImages, OrderButtons[OrdIndex].ButImageID[i]);
			sButInit.height = (UWORD)GetImageHeight(IntImages, OrderButtons[OrdIndex].ButImageID[i]);
			sButInit.UserData = PACKDWORD_TRI(OrderButtons[OrdIndex].ButGreyID[i],
			if (!widgAddButton(psWScreen, &sButInit))
				return false;

			// Set the default state for the button.
			switch (OrderButtons[OrdIndex].ButType)
				if ((State & OrderButtons[OrdIndex].StateMask) == (UDWORD)OrderButtons[OrdIndex].States[i])
					widgSetButtonState(psWScreen, sButInit.id, WBUT_CLICKLOCK);
					widgSetButtonState(psWScreen, sButInit.id, 0);

				if ((State & OrderButtons[OrdIndex].StateMask) == (UDWORD)OrderButtons[OrdIndex].States[i])
					widgSetButtonState(psWScreen, sButInit.id, WBUT_CLICKLOCK);
					if (i == 0)
						widgSetButtonState(psWScreen, sButInit.id, 0);
						widgSetButtonState(psWScreen, sButInit.id, WBUT_DISABLE);
				if (State & (UDWORD)OrderButtons[OrdIndex].States[i])
					widgSetButtonState(psWScreen, sButInit.id, WBUT_CLICKLOCK);

			// may not add a button if the factory doesn't exist
			bHidden = false;
			switch (OrderButtons[OrdIndex].Class)
				if (!checkFactoryExists(selectedPlayer, FACTORY_FLAG, i))
					widgHide(psWScreen, sButInit.id);
					bHidden = true;
				if (!checkFactoryExists(selectedPlayer, CYBORG_FLAG, i))
					widgHide(psWScreen, sButInit.id);
					bHidden = true;
				if (!checkFactoryExists(selectedPlayer, VTOL_FLAG, i))
					widgHide(psWScreen, sButInit.id);
					bHidden = true;

			if (!bHidden)

				sButInit.x = (SWORD)(sButInit.x + sButInit.width + ORDER_BUTGAP);

		if (((OrderButtons[OrdIndex].ButJustify & ORD_JUSTIFY_MASK) != ORD_JUSTIFY_COMBINE) ||
			sButInit.y = (SWORD)(sButInit.y + sButInit.height + ORDER_BUTGAP);
			Height = (UWORD)(Height + sButInit.height + ORDER_BUTGAP);
		NumDisplayedOrders ++;

	// Now we know how many orders there are we can resize the form accordingly.
	int newHeight = Height + CLOSE_HEIGHT + ORDER_BUTGAP;
	orderForm->setGeometry(orderForm->x(), ORDER_BOTTOMY - newHeight, orderForm->width(), newHeight);

	OrderUp = true;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
/* Fire a weapon at something */
bool combFire(WEAPON *psWeap, BASE_OBJECT *psAttacker, BASE_OBJECT *psTarget, int weapon_slot)
	UDWORD			firePause;
	SDWORD			longRange;
	int				compIndex;

	ASSERT(psWeap != NULL, "Invalid weapon pointer");

	/* Watermelon:dont shoot if the weapon_slot of a vtol is empty */
	if (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID && isVtolDroid(((DROID *)psAttacker)))
		if (psWeap->usedAmmo >= getNumAttackRuns(((DROID *)psAttacker), weapon_slot))
			objTrace(psAttacker->id, "VTOL slot %d is empty", weapon_slot);
			return false;

	/* Get the stats for the weapon */
	compIndex = psWeap->nStat;
	ASSERT_OR_RETURN( false , compIndex < numWeaponStats, "Invalid range referenced for numWeaponStats, %d > %d", compIndex, numWeaponStats);
	psStats = asWeaponStats + compIndex;

	// check valid weapon/prop combination
	if (!validTarget(psAttacker, psTarget, weapon_slot))
		return false;

	unsigned fireTime = gameTime - deltaGameTime + 1;  // Can fire earliest at the start of the tick.

	// See if reloadable weapon.
	if (psStats->reloadTime)
		unsigned reloadTime = psWeap->lastFired + weaponReloadTime(psStats, psAttacker->player);
		if (psWeap->ammo == 0)  // Out of ammo?
			fireTime = std::max(fireTime, reloadTime);  // Have to wait for weapon to reload before firing.
			if (gameTime < fireTime)
				return false;

		if (reloadTime <= fireTime)
			//reset the ammo level
			psWeap->ammo = psStats->numRounds;

	/* See when the weapon last fired to control it's rate of fire */
	firePause = weaponFirePause(psStats, psAttacker->player);
	firePause = std::max(firePause, 1u);  // Don't shoot infinitely many shots at once.
	fireTime = std::max(fireTime, psWeap->lastFired + firePause);

	if (gameTime < fireTime)
		/* Too soon to fire again */
		return false;

	if (psTarget->visible[psAttacker->player] != UBYTE_MAX)
		// Can't see it - can't hit it
		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire(%u[%s]->%u): Object has no indirect sight of target", psAttacker->id, psStats->pName, psTarget->id);
		return false;

	/* Check we can hit the target */
	bool tall = (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID && isVtolDroid((DROID *)psAttacker))
		    || (psAttacker->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE && ((STRUCTURE *)psAttacker)->pStructureType->height > 1);
	if (proj_Direct(psStats) && !lineOfFire(psAttacker, psTarget, weapon_slot, tall))
		// Can't see the target - can't hit it with direct fire
		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire(%u[%s]->%u): No direct line of sight to target",
		         psAttacker->id, objInfo(psAttacker), psTarget->id);
		return false;

	Vector3i deltaPos = psTarget->pos - psAttacker->pos;

	// if the turret doesn't turn, check if the attacker is in alignment with the target
	if (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID && !psStats->rotate)
		uint16_t targetDir = iAtan2(removeZ(deltaPos));
		int dirDiff = abs(angleDelta(targetDir - psAttacker->rot.direction));
		if (dirDiff > FIXED_TURRET_DIR)
			return false;

	/* Now see if the target is in range  - also check not too near */
	int dist = iHypot(removeZ(deltaPos));
	longRange = proj_GetLongRange(psStats);

	int min_angle = 0;
	// Calculate angle for indirect shots
	if (!proj_Direct(psStats) && dist > 0)
		min_angle = arcOfFire(psAttacker,psTarget,weapon_slot,true);

		// prevent extremely steep shots
		min_angle = std::min(min_angle, DEG(PROJ_ULTIMATE_PITCH));

		// adjust maximum range of unit if forced to shoot very steep
		if (min_angle > DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH))
			//do not allow increase of max range though
			if (iSin(2*min_angle) < iSin(2*DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH)))  // If PROJ_MAX_PITCH == 45, then always iSin(2*min_angle) <= iSin(2*DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH)), and the test is redundant.
				longRange = longRange * iSin(2*min_angle) / iSin(2*DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH));

	int baseHitChance = 0;
	if (dist <= longRange && dist >= psStats->minRange)
		// get weapon chance to hit in the long range
		baseHitChance = weaponLongHit(psStats,psAttacker->player);

		// adapt for height adjusted artillery shots
		if (min_angle > DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH))
			baseHitChance = baseHitChance * iCos(min_angle) / iCos(DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH));
		/* Out of range */
		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire(%u[%s]->%u): Out of range", psAttacker->id, psStats->pName, psTarget->id);
		return false;

	// apply experience accuracy modifiers to the base
	//hit chance, not to the final hit chance
	int resultHitChance = baseHitChance;

	// add the attacker's experience
	if (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID)
		SDWORD	level = getDroidEffectiveLevel((DROID *) psAttacker);

		// increase total accuracy by EXP_ACCURACY_BONUS % for each experience level
		resultHitChance += EXP_ACCURACY_BONUS * level * baseHitChance / 100;

	// subtract the defender's experience
	if (psTarget->type == OBJ_DROID)
		SDWORD	level = getDroidEffectiveLevel((DROID *) psTarget);

		// decrease weapon accuracy by EXP_ACCURACY_BONUS % for each experience level
		resultHitChance -= EXP_ACCURACY_BONUS * level * baseHitChance / 100;


	// fire while moving modifiers
	if (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID &&
		((DROID *)psAttacker)->sMove.Status != MOVEINACTIVE)
		switch (psStats->fireOnMove)
		case FOM_NO:
			// Can't fire while moving
			return false;
			resultHitChance = FOM_PARTIAL_ACCURACY_PENALTY * resultHitChance / 100;
		case FOM_YES:
			// can fire while moving

	/* -------!!! From that point we are sure that we are firing !!!------- */

	// Add a random delay to the next shot.
	// TODO Add deltaFireTime to the time it takes to fire next. If just adding to psWeap->lastFired, it might put it in the future, causing assertions. And if not sometimes putting it in the future, the fire rate would be lower than advertised.
	//int fireJitter = firePause/100;  // ±1% variation in fire rate.
	//int deltaFireTime = gameRand(fireJitter*2 + 1) - fireJitter;

	/* note when the weapon fired */
	psWeap->lastFired = fireTime;

	/* reduce ammo if salvo */
	if (psStats->reloadTime)

	// increment the shots counter

	// predicted X,Y offset per sec
	Vector3i predict = psTarget->pos;

	//Watermelon:Target prediction
	if (isDroid(psTarget) && castDroid(psTarget)->sMove.bumpTime == 0)
		DROID *psDroid = castDroid(psTarget);

		int32_t flightTime;
		if (proj_Direct(psStats) || dist <= psStats->minRange)
			flightTime = dist * GAME_TICKS_PER_SEC / psStats->flightSpeed;
			int32_t vXY, vZ;  // Unused, we just want the flight time.
			flightTime = projCalcIndirectVelocities(dist, deltaPos.z, psStats->flightSpeed, &vXY, &vZ, min_angle);

		if (psTarget->lastHitWeapon == WSC_EMP)
			int playerEmpTime = getEmpDisableTime(psTarget->player);
			int empTime = playerEmpTime - (gameTime - psTarget->timeLastHit);
			CLIP(empTime, 0, playerEmpTime);
			if (empTime >= playerEmpTime * 9/10)
				flightTime = 0;  /* Just hit.  Assume they'll get hit again */
				flightTime = MAX(0, flightTime - empTime);

		predict += Vector3i(iSinCosR(psDroid->sMove.moveDir, psDroid->sMove.speed*flightTime / GAME_TICKS_PER_SEC), 0);
		if (!isFlying(psDroid))
			predict.z = map_Height(removeZ(predict));  // Predict that the object will be on the ground.

	/* Fire off the bullet to the miss location. The miss is only visible if the player owns the target. (Why? - Per) */
	// What bVisible really does is to make the projectile audible even if it misses you. Since the target is NULL, proj_SendProjectile can't check if it was fired at you.
	bool bVisibleAnyway = psTarget->player == selectedPlayer;

	// see if we were lucky to hit the target
	bool isHit = gameRand(100) <= resultHitChance;
	if (isHit)
		/* Kerrrbaaang !!!!! a hit */
		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire: [%s]->%u: resultHitChance=%d, visibility=%d", psStats->pName, psTarget->id, resultHitChance, (int)psTarget->visible[psAttacker->player]);
		syncDebug("hit=(%d,%d,%d)", predict.x, predict.y, predict.z);
	else /* Deal with a missed shot */
		const int minOffset = 5;

		int missDist = 2 * (100 - resultHitChance) + minOffset;
		Vector3i miss = Vector3i(iSinCosR(gameRand(DEG(360)), missDist), 0);
		predict += miss;

		psTarget = NULL;  // Missed the target, so don't expect to hit it.

		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire: Missed shot by (%4d,%4d)", miss.x, miss.y);
		syncDebug("miss=(%d,%d,%d)", predict.x, predict.y, predict.z);

	// Make sure we don't pass any negative or out of bounds numbers to proj_SendProjectile
	CLIP(predict.x, 0, world_coord(mapWidth - 1));
	CLIP(predict.y, 0, world_coord(mapHeight - 1));

	proj_SendProjectileAngled(psWeap, psAttacker, psAttacker->player, predict, psTarget, bVisibleAnyway, weapon_slot, min_angle, fireTime);
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
/* Build a droid template in the specified factory */
static QScriptValue js_buildDroid(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *)
	QScriptValue structVal = context->argument(1);
	int id = structVal.property("id").toInt32();
	int player = structVal.property("player").toInt32();
	QScriptValue templName = context->argument(0);
	DROID_TEMPLATE *psTemplate = getTemplateFromTranslatedNameNoPlayer(templName.toString().toUtf8().constData());
	STRUCTURE *psStruct = IdToStruct(id, player);

	SCRIPT_ASSERT(context, psStruct != NULL, "No factory object found for id %d, player %d", id, player);
	SCRIPT_ASSERT(context, psTemplate != NULL, "No template object found for %s sent to %s", templName.toString().toUtf8().constData(), objInfo(psStruct));
	SCRIPT_ASSERT(context, (psStruct->pStructureType->type == REF_FACTORY || psStruct->pStructureType->type == REF_CYBORG_FACTORY
		       || psStruct->pStructureType->type == REF_VTOL_FACTORY), "Structure %s is not a factory", objInfo(psStruct));
	SCRIPT_ASSERT(context, validTemplateForFactory(psTemplate, psStruct), "Invalid template - %s for factory - %s",
			 psTemplate->aName, psStruct->pStructureType->pName);

	return QScriptValue(structSetManufacture(psStruct, psTemplate, ModeQueue));
Exemplo n.º 9
// Find the best nearest target for a droid.
// If extraRange is higher than zero, then this is the range it accepts for movement to target.
// Returns integer representing target priority, -1 if failed
int aiBestNearestTarget(DROID *psDroid, BASE_OBJECT **ppsObj, int weapon_slot, int extraRange)
	SDWORD				bestMod = 0, newMod, failure = -1;
	BASE_OBJECT                     *psTarget = NULL, *bestTarget = NULL, *tempTarget;
	bool				electronic = false;
	STRUCTURE			*targetStructure;
	WEAPON_EFFECT			weaponEffect;

	//don't bother looking if empty vtol droid
	if (vtolEmpty(psDroid))
		return failure;

	/* Return if have no weapons */
	// The ai orders a non-combat droid to patrol = crash without it...
	if ((psDroid->asWeaps[0].nStat == 0 || psDroid->numWeaps == 0) && psDroid->droidType != DROID_SENSOR)
		return failure;
	// Check if we have a CB target to begin with
	if (!proj_Direct(asWeaponStats + psDroid->asWeaps[weapon_slot].nStat))
		WEAPON_STATS *psWStats = psDroid->asWeaps[weapon_slot].nStat + asWeaponStats;

		bestTarget = aiSearchSensorTargets((BASE_OBJECT *)psDroid, weapon_slot, psWStats, &tmpOrigin);
		bestMod = targetAttackWeight(bestTarget, (BASE_OBJECT *)psDroid, weapon_slot);

	weaponEffect = (asWeaponStats + psDroid->asWeaps[weapon_slot].nStat)->weaponEffect;

	electronic = electronicDroid(psDroid);

	// Range was previously 9*TILE_UNITS. Increasing this doesn't seem to help much, though. Not sure why.
	int droidRange = std::min(aiDroidRange(psDroid, weapon_slot) + extraRange, objSensorRange(psDroid) + 6 * TILE_UNITS);

	static GridList gridList;  // static to avoid allocations.
	gridList = gridStartIterate(psDroid->pos.x, psDroid->pos.y, droidRange);
	for (GridIterator gi = gridList.begin(); gi != gridList.end(); ++gi)
		BASE_OBJECT *friendlyObj = NULL;
		BASE_OBJECT *targetInQuestion = *gi;

		/* This is a friendly unit, check if we can reuse its target */
		if (aiCheckAlliances(targetInQuestion->player, psDroid->player))
			friendlyObj = targetInQuestion;
			targetInQuestion = NULL;

			/* Can we see what it is doing? */
			if (friendlyObj->visible[psDroid->player] == UBYTE_MAX)
				if (friendlyObj->type == OBJ_DROID)
					DROID	*friendlyDroid = (DROID *)friendlyObj;

					/* See if friendly droid has a target */
					tempTarget = friendlyDroid->psActionTarget[0];
					if (tempTarget && !tempTarget->died)
						//make sure a weapon droid is targeting it
						if (friendlyDroid->numWeaps > 0)
							// make sure this target wasn't assigned explicitly to this droid
							if (friendlyDroid->order.type != DORDER_ATTACK)
								targetInQuestion = tempTarget;  //consider this target
				else if (friendlyObj->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE)
					tempTarget = ((STRUCTURE *)friendlyObj)->psTarget[0];
					if (tempTarget && !tempTarget->died)
						targetInQuestion = tempTarget;

		if (targetInQuestion != NULL
		    && targetInQuestion != psDroid  // in case friendly unit had me as target
		    && (targetInQuestion->type == OBJ_DROID || targetInQuestion->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE || targetInQuestion->type == OBJ_FEATURE)
		    && targetInQuestion->visible[psDroid->player] == UBYTE_MAX
		    && !aiCheckAlliances(targetInQuestion->player, psDroid->player)
		    && validTarget(psDroid, targetInQuestion, weapon_slot)
		    && objPosDiffSq(psDroid, targetInQuestion) < droidRange * droidRange)
			if (targetInQuestion->type == OBJ_DROID)
				// in multiPlayer - don't attack Transporters with EW
				if (bMultiPlayer)
					// if not electronic then valid target
					if (!electronic
					    || (electronic
					        && !isTransporter((DROID *)targetInQuestion)))
						//only a valid target if NOT a transporter
						psTarget = targetInQuestion;
					psTarget = targetInQuestion;
			else if (targetInQuestion->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE)
				STRUCTURE *psStruct = (STRUCTURE *)targetInQuestion;

				if (electronic)
					/* don't want to target structures with resistance of zero if using electronic warfare */
					if (validStructResistance((STRUCTURE *)targetInQuestion))
						psTarget = targetInQuestion;
				else if (psStruct->asWeaps[0].nStat > 0)
					// structure with weapons - go for this
					psTarget = targetInQuestion;
				else if ((psStruct->pStructureType->type != REF_WALL && psStruct->pStructureType->type != REF_WALLCORNER)
				         || driveModeActive() || (bMultiPlayer && !isHumanPlayer(psDroid->player)))
					psTarget = targetInQuestion;
			else if (targetInQuestion->type == OBJ_FEATURE
			         && psDroid->lastFrustratedTime > 0
			         && gameTime - psDroid->lastFrustratedTime < FRUSTRATED_TIME
			         && ((FEATURE *)targetInQuestion)->psStats->damageable
			         && psDroid->player != scavengerPlayer())  // hack to avoid scavs blowing up their nice feature walls
				psTarget = targetInQuestion;
				objTrace(psDroid->id, "considering shooting at %s in frustration", objInfo(targetInQuestion));

			/* Check if our weapon is most effective against this object */
			if (psTarget != NULL && psTarget == targetInQuestion)		//was assigned?
				newMod = targetAttackWeight(psTarget, (BASE_OBJECT *)psDroid, weapon_slot);

				/* Remember this one if it's our best target so far */
				if (newMod >= 0 && (newMod > bestMod || bestTarget == NULL))
					bestMod = newMod;
					tmpOrigin = ORIGIN_ALLY;
					bestTarget = psTarget;

	if (bestTarget)
		ASSERT(!bestTarget->died, "AI gave us a target that is already dead.");
		targetStructure = visGetBlockingWall((BASE_OBJECT *)psDroid, bestTarget);

		/* See if target is blocked by a wall; only affects direct weapons */
		if (proj_Direct(asWeaponStats + psDroid->asWeaps[weapon_slot].nStat)
		    && targetStructure)
			//are we any good against walls?
			if (asStructStrengthModifier[weaponEffect][targetStructure->pStructureType->strength] >= 100)		//can attack atleast with default strength
				bestTarget = (BASE_OBJECT *)targetStructure;			//attack wall

		*ppsObj = bestTarget;
		return bestMod;

	return failure;
Exemplo n.º 10
static inline void addObjectToFuncList(OBJECT *list[], OBJECT *object, int player)
	ASSERT(object != NULL, "Invalid pointer");
	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(, static_cast<OBJECT *>(object->psNextFunc) == NULL, "%s(%p) is already in a function list!", objInfo(object), object);

	// Prepend the object to the top of the list
	object->psNextFunc = list[player];
	list[player] = object;
Exemplo n.º 11
/*** qytInfo - Return the capabilities of the object.
qytInfo(void* inf_v, pObjectInfo info)
    pQytData inf = QYT(inf_v);
    pObjectInfo ll_info;
    pStructInf find_inf;
    int n_groups = 0;
    int is_recurse = 0;
    int is_leaf = 0;
    int i;
    pExpression exp;
    pParamObjects objlist;
    char* expstr;

    if (inf->LLObj) 
	/** Get basic character of object from underlying object **/
	ll_info = objInfo(inf->LLObj);
	if (ll_info)
	    memcpy(info, ll_info, sizeof(ObjectInfo));

	/** Now add what we know, structurally, from the querytree **/
	    find_inf = inf->NodeData->SubInf[i];
	    if (stStructType(find_inf) == ST_T_SUBGROUP)
	    else if (!strcmp(find_inf->Name,"recurse"))
		is_recurse = 1;
	    else if (!strcmp(find_inf->Name,"known_leaf"))
		objlist = expCreateParamList();
		if (objlist)
		    expstr = NULL;
		    stAttrValue(find_inf, NULL, &expstr, 0);
		    if (expstr)
			exp = (pExpression)expCompileExpression(expstr, objlist, MLX_F_ICASE | MLX_F_FILENAMES, 0);
			if (exp)
			    if (expEvalTree(exp, objlist) >= 0 && exp->Integer != 0 && !(exp->Flags & EXPR_F_NULL))
				is_leaf = 1;
	if ((is_recurse || n_groups > 0) && !is_leaf)
	    info->Flags |= ( OBJ_INFO_F_CAN_HAVE_SUBOBJ );

	if (inf->Flags & QYT_F_FLEAF)
	    info->Flags |= OBJ_INFO_F_FORCED_LEAF;

	return 0;
    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 12
// NOTICE: the packet is already set-up for decoding via recvGift()
static void recvGiftStruct(uint8_t from, uint8_t to, uint32_t structID)
	STRUCTURE *psStruct = IdToStruct(structID, from);
	if (psStruct)
		syncDebugStructure(psStruct, '<');
		giftSingleStructure(psStruct, to, false);
		syncDebugStructure(psStruct, '>');
		if (to == selectedPlayer)
			CONPRINTF(ConsoleString, (ConsoleString, _("%s Gives you a %s"), getPlayerName(from), objInfo(psStruct)));
		debug(LOG_ERROR, "Bad structure id %u, from %u to %u", structID, from, to);