std::string PyAxesArray_ToString(const AxesArray *atts, const char *prefix) { std::string str; char tmpStr[1000]; if(atts->GetVisible()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%svisible = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%svisible = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; if(atts->GetTicksVisible()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sticksVisible = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sticksVisible = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; if(atts->GetAutoSetTicks()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sautoSetTicks = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sautoSetTicks = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; if(atts->GetAutoSetScaling()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sautoSetScaling = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sautoSetScaling = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%slineWidth = %d\n", prefix, atts->GetLineWidth()); str += tmpStr; { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "axes."; str += PyAxisAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetAxes(), objPrefix.c_str()); } return str; }
std::string PyAxisTitles_ToString(const AxisTitles *atts, const char *prefix) { std::string str; char tmpStr[1000]; if(atts->GetVisible()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%svisible = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%svisible = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "font."; str += PyFontAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetFont(), objPrefix.c_str()); } if(atts->GetUserTitle()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%suserTitle = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%suserTitle = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; if(atts->GetUserUnits()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%suserUnits = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%suserUnits = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%stitle = \"%s\"\n", prefix, atts->GetTitle().c_str()); str += tmpStr; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sunits = \"%s\"\n", prefix, atts->GetUnits().c_str()); str += tmpStr; return str; }
std::string PyColorControlPointList_ToString(const ColorControlPointList *atts, const char *prefix) { std::string str; char tmpStr[1000]; { // new scope int index = 0; // Create string representation of controlPoints from atts. for(AttributeGroupVector::const_iterator pos = atts->GetControlPoints().begin(); pos != atts->GetControlPoints().end(); ++pos, ++index) { const ColorControlPoint *current = (const ColorControlPoint *)(*pos); SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "GetControlPoints(%d).", index); std::string objPrefix(prefix + std::string(tmpStr)); str += PyColorControlPoint_ToString(current, objPrefix.c_str()); } if(index == 0) str += "#controlPoints does not contain any ColorControlPoint objects.\n"; } const char *smoothing_names = "None, Linear, CubicSpline"; switch (atts->GetSmoothing()) { case ColorControlPointList::None: SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%ssmoothing = %sNone # %s\n", prefix, prefix, smoothing_names); str += tmpStr; break; case ColorControlPointList::Linear: SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%ssmoothing = %sLinear # %s\n", prefix, prefix, smoothing_names); str += tmpStr; break; case ColorControlPointList::CubicSpline: SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%ssmoothing = %sCubicSpline # %s\n", prefix, prefix, smoothing_names); str += tmpStr; break; default: break; } if(atts->GetEqualSpacingFlag()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sequalSpacingFlag = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sequalSpacingFlag = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; if(atts->GetDiscreteFlag()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sdiscreteFlag = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sdiscreteFlag = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%scategoryName = \"%s\"\n", prefix, atts->GetCategoryName().c_str()); str += tmpStr; return str; }
std::string PySelectionList_ToString(const SelectionList *atts, const char *prefix) { std::string str; char tmpStr[1000]; if(atts->GetAutoApplyUpdates()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sautoApplyUpdates = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sautoApplyUpdates = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; { // new scope int index = 0; // Create string representation of selections from atts. for(AttributeGroupVector::const_iterator pos = atts->GetSelections().begin(); pos != atts->GetSelections().end(); ++pos, ++index) { const SelectionProperties *current = (const SelectionProperties *)(*pos); SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "GetSelections(%d).", index); std::string objPrefix(prefix + std::string(tmpStr)); str += PySelectionProperties_ToString(current, objPrefix.c_str()); } if(index == 0) str += "#selections does not contain any SelectionProperties objects.\n"; } { // new scope int index = 0; // Create string representation of selectionSummary from atts. for(AttributeGroupVector::const_iterator pos = atts->GetSelectionSummary().begin(); pos != atts->GetSelectionSummary().end(); ++pos, ++index) { const SelectionSummary *current = (const SelectionSummary *)(*pos); SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "GetSelectionSummary(%d).", index); std::string objPrefix(prefix + std::string(tmpStr)); str += PySelectionSummary_ToString(current, objPrefix.c_str()); } if(index == 0) str += "#selectionSummary does not contain any SelectionSummary objects.\n"; } return str; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { Ice::ObjectPtr viewerPtr; //signal(SIGINT,signalHandler); Ice::CommunicatorPtr ic; try{ ic = EasyIce::initialize(argc, argv); Ice::PropertiesPtr prop = ic->getProperties(); std::string Endpoints = prop->getProperty("Visualization.Endpoints"); // Naming Service int nsActive = prop->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("NamingService.Enabled", 0); if (nsActive) { std::string ns_proxy = prop->getProperty("NamingService.Proxy"); try { namingService = new jderobot::ns(ic, ns_proxy); } catch (Ice::ConnectionRefusedException& ex) { jderobot::Logger::getInstance()->error("Impossible to connect with NameService!"); exit(-1); } } Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter =ic->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("Visualization", Endpoints); std::string objPrefix("Visualization."); std::string viewerName = prop->getProperty(objPrefix + "Name"); Ice::ObjectPtr object = new visualization::VisualizationI(objPrefix, ic); adapter->add(object, ic->stringToIdentity(viewerName)); if (namingService) namingService->bind(viewerName, Endpoints, object->ice_staticId()); adapter->activate(); ic->waitForShutdown(); }catch (const Ice::Exception& ex) { std::cerr << ex<<" 1 " << std::endl; exit(-1); } catch (const char* msg) { std::cerr << msg<< " 2 " << std::endl; exit(-1); } }
std::string PyExportDBAttributes_ToString(const ExportDBAttributes *atts, const char *prefix) { std::string str; char tmpStr[1000]; if(atts->GetAllTimes()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sallTimes = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sallTimes = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sdb_type = \"%s\"\n", prefix, atts->GetDb_type().c_str()); str += tmpStr; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sdb_type_fullname = \"%s\"\n", prefix, atts->GetDb_type_fullname().c_str()); str += tmpStr; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sfilename = \"%s\"\n", prefix, atts->GetFilename().c_str()); str += tmpStr; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sdirname = \"%s\"\n", prefix, atts->GetDirname().c_str()); str += tmpStr; { const stringVector &variables = atts->GetVariables(); SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%svariables = (", prefix); str += tmpStr; for(size_t i = 0; i < variables.size(); ++i) { SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "\"%s\"", variables[i].c_str()); str += tmpStr; if(i < variables.size() - 1) { SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, ", "); str += tmpStr; } } SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, ")\n"); str += tmpStr; } if(atts->GetWriteUsingGroups()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%swriteUsingGroups = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%swriteUsingGroups = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sgroupSize = %d\n", prefix, atts->GetGroupSize()); str += tmpStr; { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "opts."; str += PyDBOptionsAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetOpts(), objPrefix.c_str()); } return str; }
std::string PyColorTableAttributes_ToString(const ColorTableAttributes *atts, const char *prefix) { std::string str; char tmpStr[1000]; { const stringVector &names = atts->GetNames(); SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%snames = (", prefix); str += tmpStr; for(size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) { SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "\"%s\"", names[i].c_str()); str += tmpStr; if(i < names.size() - 1) { SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, ", "); str += tmpStr; } } SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, ")\n"); str += tmpStr; } { // new scope int index = 0; // Create string representation of colorTables from atts. for(AttributeGroupVector::const_iterator pos = atts->GetColorTables().begin(); pos != atts->GetColorTables().end(); ++pos, ++index) { const ColorControlPointList *current = (const ColorControlPointList *)(*pos); SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "GetColorTables(%d).", index); std::string objPrefix(prefix + std::string(tmpStr)); str += PyColorControlPointList_ToString(current, objPrefix.c_str()); } if(index == 0) str += "#colorTables does not contain any ColorControlPointList objects.\n"; } SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sactiveContinuous = \"%s\"\n", prefix, atts->GetActiveContinuous().c_str()); str += tmpStr; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sactiveDiscrete = \"%s\"\n", prefix, atts->GetActiveDiscrete().c_str()); str += tmpStr; if(atts->GetGroupingFlag()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sgroupingFlag = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sgroupingFlag = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; return str; }
std::string PyExpressionList_ToString(const ExpressionList *atts, const char *prefix) { std::string str; char tmpStr[1000]; { // new scope int index = 0; // Create string representation of expressions from atts. for(AttributeGroupVector::const_iterator pos = atts->GetExpressions().begin(); pos != atts->GetExpressions().end(); ++pos, ++index) { const Expression *current = (const Expression *)(*pos); SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "GetExpressions(%d).", index); std::string objPrefix(prefix + std::string(tmpStr)); str += PyExpression_ToString(current, objPrefix.c_str()); } if(index == 0) str += "#expressions does not contain any Expression objects.\n"; } return str; }
std::string PySaveSubWindowsAttributes_ToString(const SaveSubWindowsAttributes *atts, const char *prefix) { std::string str; char tmpStr[1000]; // To squelch a warning (void)tmpStr; { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "win1."; str += PySaveSubWindowAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetWin1(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "win2."; str += PySaveSubWindowAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetWin2(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "win3."; str += PySaveSubWindowAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetWin3(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "win4."; str += PySaveSubWindowAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetWin4(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "win5."; str += PySaveSubWindowAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetWin5(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "win6."; str += PySaveSubWindowAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetWin6(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "win7."; str += PySaveSubWindowAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetWin7(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "win8."; str += PySaveSubWindowAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetWin8(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "win9."; str += PySaveSubWindowAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetWin9(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "win10."; str += PySaveSubWindowAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetWin10(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "win11."; str += PySaveSubWindowAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetWin11(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "win12."; str += PySaveSubWindowAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetWin12(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "win13."; str += PySaveSubWindowAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetWin13(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "win14."; str += PySaveSubWindowAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetWin14(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "win15."; str += PySaveSubWindowAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetWin15(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "win16."; str += PySaveSubWindowAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetWin16(), objPrefix.c_str()); } return str; }
std::string PyAxes3D_ToString(const Axes3D *atts, const char *prefix) { std::string str; char tmpStr[1000]; if(atts->GetVisible()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%svisible = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%svisible = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; if(atts->GetAutoSetTicks()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sautoSetTicks = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sautoSetTicks = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; if(atts->GetAutoSetScaling()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sautoSetScaling = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sautoSetScaling = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%slineWidth = %d\n", prefix, atts->GetLineWidth()); str += tmpStr; const char *tickLocation_names = "Inside, Outside, Both"; switch (atts->GetTickLocation()) { case Axes3D::Inside: SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%stickLocation = %sInside # %s\n", prefix, prefix, tickLocation_names); str += tmpStr; break; case Axes3D::Outside: SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%stickLocation = %sOutside # %s\n", prefix, prefix, tickLocation_names); str += tmpStr; break; case Axes3D::Both: SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%stickLocation = %sBoth # %s\n", prefix, prefix, tickLocation_names); str += tmpStr; break; default: break; } const char *axesType_names = "ClosestTriad, FurthestTriad, OutsideEdges, StaticTriad, StaticEdges"; switch (atts->GetAxesType()) { case Axes3D::ClosestTriad: SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%saxesType = %sClosestTriad # %s\n", prefix, prefix, axesType_names); str += tmpStr; break; case Axes3D::FurthestTriad: SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%saxesType = %sFurthestTriad # %s\n", prefix, prefix, axesType_names); str += tmpStr; break; case Axes3D::OutsideEdges: SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%saxesType = %sOutsideEdges # %s\n", prefix, prefix, axesType_names); str += tmpStr; break; case Axes3D::StaticTriad: SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%saxesType = %sStaticTriad # %s\n", prefix, prefix, axesType_names); str += tmpStr; break; case Axes3D::StaticEdges: SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%saxesType = %sStaticEdges # %s\n", prefix, prefix, axesType_names); str += tmpStr; break; default: break; } if(atts->GetTriadFlag()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%striadFlag = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%striadFlag = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; if(atts->GetBboxFlag()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sbboxFlag = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sbboxFlag = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "xAxis."; str += PyAxisAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetXAxis(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "yAxis."; str += PyAxisAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetYAxis(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "zAxis."; str += PyAxisAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetZAxis(), objPrefix.c_str()); } if(atts->GetSetBBoxLocation()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%ssetBBoxLocation = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%ssetBBoxLocation = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; { const double *bboxLocation = atts->GetBboxLocation(); SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sbboxLocation = (", prefix); str += tmpStr; for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%g", bboxLocation[i]); str += tmpStr; if(i < 5) { SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, ", "); str += tmpStr; } } SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, ")\n"); str += tmpStr; } return str; }
std::string PyavtSubsetsMetaData_ToString(const avtSubsetsMetaData *atts, const char *prefix) { std::string str; char tmpStr[1000]; str = PyavtVarMetaData_ToString(atts, prefix); SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%scatName = \"%s\"\n", prefix, atts->GetCatName().c_str()); str += tmpStr; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%scatCount = %d\n", prefix, atts->GetCatCount()); str += tmpStr; { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "nameScheme."; str += PyNameschemeAttributes_ToString(&atts->GetNameScheme(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { const stringVector &colorScheme = atts->colorScheme; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%scolorScheme = (", prefix); str += tmpStr; for(size_t i = 0; i < colorScheme.size(); ++i) { SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "\"%s\"", colorScheme[i].c_str()); str += tmpStr; if(i < colorScheme.size() - 1) { SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, ", "); str += tmpStr; } } SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, ")\n"); str += tmpStr; } { const intVector &setsToChunksMaps = atts->GetSetsToChunksMaps(); SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%ssetsToChunksMaps = (", prefix); str += tmpStr; for(size_t i = 0; i < setsToChunksMaps.size(); ++i) { SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%d", setsToChunksMaps[i]); str += tmpStr; if(i < setsToChunksMaps.size() - 1) { SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, ", "); str += tmpStr; } } SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, ")\n"); str += tmpStr; } { const intVector &graphEdges = atts->GetGraphEdges(); SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sgraphEdges = (", prefix); str += tmpStr; for(size_t i = 0; i < graphEdges.size(); ++i) { SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%d", graphEdges[i]); str += tmpStr; if(i < graphEdges.size() - 1) { SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, ", "); str += tmpStr; } } SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, ")\n"); str += tmpStr; } if(atts->isChunkCat) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sisChunkCat = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sisChunkCat = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; if(atts->isMaterialCat) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sisMaterialCat = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sisMaterialCat = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; if(atts->isUnionOfChunks) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sisUnionOfChunks = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sisUnionOfChunks = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; if(atts->hasPartialCells) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%shasPartialCells = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%shasPartialCells = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; const char *decompMode_names = "None, Cover, Partition"; switch (atts->decompMode) { case avtSubsetsMetaData::None: SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sdecompMode = %sNone # %s\n", prefix, prefix, decompMode_names); str += tmpStr; break; case avtSubsetsMetaData::Cover: SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sdecompMode = %sCover # %s\n", prefix, prefix, decompMode_names); str += tmpStr; break; case avtSubsetsMetaData::Partition: SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sdecompMode = %sPartition # %s\n", prefix, prefix, decompMode_names); str += tmpStr; break; default: break; } SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%smaxTopoDim = %d\n", prefix, atts->maxTopoDim); str += tmpStr; return str; }
std::string PyMultiCurveAttributes_ToString(const MultiCurveAttributes *atts, const char *prefix) { std::string str; char tmpStr[1000]; { // new scope std::string objPrefix(prefix); objPrefix += "defaultPalette."; str += PyColorControlPointList_ToString(&atts->GetDefaultPalette(), objPrefix.c_str()); } { const unsignedCharVector &changedColors = atts->GetChangedColors(); SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%schangedColors = (", prefix); str += tmpStr; for(size_t i = 0; i < changedColors.size(); ++i) { SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%d", int(changedColors[i])); str += tmpStr; if(i < changedColors.size() - 1) { SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, ", "); str += tmpStr; } } SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, ")\n"); str += tmpStr; } const char *colorType_names = "ColorBySingleColor, ColorByMultipleColors"; switch (atts->GetColorType()) { case MultiCurveAttributes::ColorBySingleColor: SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%scolorType = %sColorBySingleColor # %s\n", prefix, prefix, colorType_names); str += tmpStr; break; case MultiCurveAttributes::ColorByMultipleColors: SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%scolorType = %sColorByMultipleColors # %s\n", prefix, prefix, colorType_names); str += tmpStr; break; default: break; } const unsigned char *singleColor = atts->GetSingleColor().GetColor(); SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%ssingleColor = (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", prefix, int(singleColor[0]), int(singleColor[1]), int(singleColor[2]), int(singleColor[3])); str += tmpStr; { const ColorAttributeList &cL = atts->GetMultiColor(); const char *comment = (prefix==0 || strcmp(prefix,"")==0) ? "# " : ""; for(int i = 0; i < cL.GetNumColors(); ++i) { const unsigned char *c = cL[i].GetColor(); SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%s%sSetMultiColor(%d, (%d, %d, %d, %d))\n", comment, prefix, i, int(c[0]), int(c[1]), int(c[2]), int(c[3])); str += tmpStr; } } const char *lineStyle_values[] = {"SOLID", "DASH", "DOT", "DOTDASH"}; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%slineStyle = %s%s # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH\n", prefix, prefix, lineStyle_values[atts->GetLineStyle()]); str += tmpStr; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%slineWidth = %d\n", prefix, atts->GetLineWidth()); str += tmpStr; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%syAxisTitleFormat = \"%s\"\n", prefix, atts->GetYAxisTitleFormat().c_str()); str += tmpStr; if(atts->GetUseYAxisTickSpacing()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%suseYAxisTickSpacing = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%suseYAxisTickSpacing = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%syAxisTickSpacing = %g\n", prefix, atts->GetYAxisTickSpacing()); str += tmpStr; if(atts->GetDisplayMarkers()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sdisplayMarkers = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sdisplayMarkers = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%smarkerVariable = \"%s\"\n", prefix, atts->GetMarkerVariable().c_str()); str += tmpStr; if(atts->GetDisplayIds()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sdisplayIds = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sdisplayIds = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%sidVariable = \"%s\"\n", prefix, atts->GetIdVariable().c_str()); str += tmpStr; if(atts->GetLegendFlag()) SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%slegendFlag = 1\n", prefix); else SNPRINTF(tmpStr, 1000, "%slegendFlag = 0\n", prefix); str += tmpStr; return str; }