Exemplo n.º 1
// All messages being returned from the module should be funneled through this function!
void hub_outlet_return(t_hub *x, t_symbol *msg, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	outlet_anything(x->outlets[k_outlet_return], msg, argc, argv);

	if(x->osc_name == NULL)					// it's possible for this method to be called before osc_name is valid
		return;								//	...
		char		mess[256];
		t_symbol	*osc;
		strcpy(mess, x->osc_name->s_name);
		strcat(mess, msg->s_name);
		osc = gensym(mess);
		object_method_typed(x->jcom_send, osc, argc, argv, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 2
void update_meters(t_out *x)
	short	i;
	t_atom	a[2];
	x->clock_is_set = 0;
	for(i=0; i < x->num_meter_objects; i++){
		if(x->meter_object[i] && x->peakamp[i] != x->lastPeakamp[i]){
			atom_setsym(&a[0], _sym_float);
			atom_setfloat(&a[1], x->peakamp[i]);
			object_method_typed(x->meter_object[i], jps_dispatched, 2, a, NULL);
			x->lastPeakamp[i] = x->peakamp[i];
			x->peakamp[i] = 0;
	clock_delay(x->clock, kPollIntervalDefault); 			// restart the clock
Exemplo n.º 3
// FREEZE UI for all parameters
void hub_ui_freeze(t_hub *x, t_symbol*, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	subscriberList *subscriber = x->subscriber;	// head of the linked list
	t_max_err err = MAX_ERR_NONE;

	// Change freeze status for all messages and parameters
	subscriberIterator i;
	t_subscriber* t;

	// Change freeze attribute for the gui
	// FIXME: This call is not working!!!!
	// this means that the ui menu does not always reflect the state correctly
	err = object_attr_setlong(x->gui_object, gensym("ui_is_frozen"), atom_getlong(argv));

 	for(i = subscriber->begin(); i != subscriber->end(); ++i) {
		t = *i;
		if(t->type == jps_subscribe_parameter)
			object_method_typed(t->object, jps_ui_slash_freeze, 1, argv, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 4
void hub_free(t_hub *x)
	subscriberIterator i;
	subscriberList *subscriber = x->subscriber;
	t_atom a[2];


	atom_setsym(a, x->attr_name);
	atom_setsym(a+1, x->osc_name);
	object_method_typed(g_jcom_send_notifications, gensym("module.removed"), 2, a, NULL);

	for(i = subscriber->begin(); i != subscriber->end(); ++i) {
		// notify the subscriber that the hub is going away
			object_method((*i)->object, jps_release);

 	hub_presets_clear(x, NULL, 0, NULL);
	delete x->subscriber;
	delete x->preset;
Exemplo n.º 5
void HoaDecode_reconnect_outlet(t_HoaDecode *x)
	t_object *patcher;
	t_object *decoder;
    t_object *object;
    t_object *line;
	t_max_err err;
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), (t_object **)&patcher);
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), (t_object **)&decoder);
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
    for (line = jpatcher_get_firstline(patcher); line; line = jpatchline_get_nextline(line))
        if (jpatchline_get_box1(line) == decoder)
            object = jpatchline_get_box2(line);
            for(int i = 0; jbox_getinlet((t_jbox *)object, i) != NULL && i < x->f_AmbisonicsDecoder->getNumberOfOutputs(); i++)
                t_atom msg[4];
                t_atom rv;
                atom_setobj(msg, decoder);
                atom_setlong(msg + 1, i);
                atom_setobj(msg + 2, object);
                atom_setlong(msg + 3, i);
                object_method_typed(patcher , gensym("connect"), 4, msg, &rv);
Exemplo n.º 6
void HoaDecode_disconnect_outlet(t_HoaDecode *x)
	t_object *patcher;
	t_object *decoder;
    t_object *object;
    t_object *line;
	t_max_err err;
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), (t_object **)&patcher);
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), (t_object **)&decoder);
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
    for (line = jpatcher_get_firstline(patcher); line; line = jpatchline_get_nextline(line))
        if (jpatchline_get_box1(line) == decoder)
            object = jpatchline_get_box2(line);
            if(jpatchline_get_inletnum(line) != 0 && jpatchline_get_outletnum(line) != 0)
                t_atom msg[4];
                t_atom rv;
                atom_setobj(msg, decoder);
                atom_setlong(msg + 1, jpatchline_get_outletnum(line));
                atom_setobj(msg + 2, object);
                atom_setlong(msg + 3, jpatchline_get_inletnum(line));
                object_method_typed(patcher , gensym("disconnect"), 4, msg, &rv);
Exemplo n.º 7
void HoaDecode_send_angles(t_HoaDecode *x)
	t_object *patcher;
	t_object *decoder;
    t_object *object;
    t_object *line;
	t_max_err err;
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), (t_object **)&patcher);
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
	err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), (t_object **)&decoder);
	if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
    for (line = jpatcher_get_firstline(patcher); line; line = jpatchline_get_nextline(line))
        if (jpatchline_get_box1(line) == decoder)
            object = jpatchline_get_box2(line);
            t_symbol* classname = object_classname(jbox_get_object(object));
            if(classname == gensym("hoa.meter~") || classname == gensym("hoa.gain~") || classname == gensym("hoa.vector~"))
                long    argc = x->f_AmbisonicsDecoder->getNumberOfOutputs();
                t_atom *argv = new t_atom[argc];
                for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
                    atom_setfloat(argv+i, x->f_AmbisonicsDecoder->getLoudspeakerAngle(i));
                object_method_typed(jbox_get_object(object), gensym("angles"), argc, argv, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 8
void hub_script(t_hub* x, SymbolPtr s, AtomCount ac, AtomPtr av)
	object_method_typed(x->container, _sym_script, ac, av, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 9
// TODO: need a custom setter so that we can update the display of the module name in the ui
t_max_err hub_attr_setname(t_hub* x, t_object* attr, long argc, t_atom* argv)
	if(argc && argv){
		char			name[256];
		unsigned short	i;
		t_max_err		err = MAX_ERR_NONE;
		char*			nametest;
		t_atom			a[2];
		int				instance = 0;
		TTBoolean		nameConflict = false;
		t_symbol*		nameOriginal;
		x->osc_name = atom_getsym(argv);

		// No arg is present -- try to invent something intelligent for a name
		if(x->osc_name == _sym_nothing){
			// it's annoting when doing fast demos and such to have to see this, so it is now silent when doing this:
			// object_post((t_object*)x, "%s: this module was not given an osc name as an argument!  making up something that will hopefully work.", x->attr_name->s_name);

			// Strip jmod. from the beginning of patch names, this happens if you drag a module from browser to bpatcher
			if(strncmp(x->attr_name->s_name, "jmod.", 5) == 0)
				x->osc_name = gensym(x->attr_name->s_name + 5);
				x->osc_name = x->attr_name;
		strcpy(name, x->osc_name->s_name);
		// the name is autoprepended with a /
		if(name[0] != '/'){
			char newname[256];
			strcpy(newname, "/");
			strcat(newname, name);
			strcpy(name, newname);
		// search for illegal characters as specified by the OSC standard and replace them
		for(i=0; i<strlen(name); i++){
/*			TODO :This has to happen only when setting the OSC name from the module's file name
			if(name[i] == '.')
				name[i] = '_';
			else */
			if(name[i] == '[')
				name[i] = '.';
			else if(name[i] == ']')
				name[i] = 0;
		// if arg contains a slash then we must complain
		nametest = name + 1;
		if(strchr(nametest, '/'))
			object_error((t_object*)x, "%s: OSC NAME GIVEN TO MODULES MAY NOT CONTAIN A SLASH OTHER THAN THE LEADING SLASH!", x->attr_name->s_name);
		nameOriginal = gensym(name);
		x->osc_name = gensym(name);
		// update the ui object
			atom_setsym(&a[0], gensym("module_name"));
			atom_setsym(&a[1], x->osc_name);
			object_method_typed(x->gui_object, jps_dispatched, 2, a, NULL);			
		// Register with the framework, and making sure this name hasn't already been used...
		// TODO: is the framework making sure that this t_object is unique and hasn't already been registered?
		err = jamoma_hub_register(x->osc_name, (t_object *)x);
				nametest = strrchr(name, '.');
					*nametest = 0;
			nametest = name;
			snprintf(name, 256, "%s.%i", name, instance);
			nameConflict = true;
			err = MAX_ERR_NONE;
			goto again;
			object_post((t_object*)x, "Jamoma cannot create multiple modules with the same OSC identifier (%s).  Using %s instead.", nameOriginal->s_name, name);
		// And send a notification to the environment
		atom_setsym(a, x->attr_name);
		atom_setsym(a+1, x->osc_name);
		object_method_typed(g_jcom_send_notifications, gensym("module.new"), 2, a, NULL);
	return MAX_ERR_NONE;
Exemplo n.º 10
void hub_module_view_alg(t_hub *x, t_symbol*, long, t_atom*)
	if(x->in_object != NULL)
		object_method_typed(x->in_object, jps_open, 0, 0L, NULL);					// send "open" to jcom.in
	hub_outlet_return(x, jps_slash_module_view_internals, 0, 0L);					// return from jcom.hub left outlet
Exemplo n.º 11
void hub_symbol(t_hub *x, t_symbol *msg, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	bool			found = false;
	subscriberList	*subscriber = x->subscriber;
	char			input[MAX_STRING_LEN];	// our input string
	char			*input2 = input;		// pointer to our input string
	char			*split;
	t_symbol		*osc = NULL;
	t_symbol		*name = msg;			// default to the name being the message

	strcpy(input, msg->s_name);
	if(*input2 == '/')				// leading slash means it's OSC...
		input2++;					// remove the leading slash

	split = strchr(input2, ':');	// remove (and store) the param name
	if(split != NULL){
		*split = NULL;				// now input2 = param name; split = a message for the parameter object
		split += 2;					// this will jump the pointer past the :/ to the actual name
		osc = gensym(split);
	name = gensym(input2);

	subscriberIterator i;
	t_subscriber* t;
	if(name == jps_star){			// wildcard
		t_symbol* type;
		for(i = subscriber->begin(); i != subscriber->end(); ++i) {
			t = *i; type = t->type;
			if(type == jps_subscribe_parameter 
			  || type == jps_subscribe_message 
			  || type == jps_subscribe_return){
				if(osc == NULL){
					object_method_typed(t->object, jps_dispatched, argc, argv, NULL);
					object_method_typed(t->object, osc, argc, argv, NULL);
		// search the linked list of params to find the right one
		for(i = subscriber->begin(); (i != subscriber->end()) && (found == false); ++i) {
			t = *i; 
			if(t->name == name) {
				found = true;

		// dispatch to the correct jcom.param object
		if(found == true){
			if(osc == NULL){
				object_method_typed(t->object, jps_dispatched, argc, argv, NULL);
				object_method_typed(t->object, osc, argc, argv, NULL);
			// Check to see if it's a message we need to forward to jcom.out
			if(name == jps_slash_audio_meters_freeze || name == jps_audio_meters_freeze) {
				t_atom msg[2];
				atom_setsym(msg, name);
				jcom_core_atom_copy(msg+1, argv);
				if(x->out_object != NULL)
					object_method_typed(x->out_object, jps_algorithm_message, 2, msg, NULL);	
			} else if(!x->using_wildcard) {
				// if we got here through the use a remote message to modules named by a wildcard
				// then we need don't post annoying errors to the Max window
				if (x->editing)
					object_error((t_object*)x, "No message or parameter named %s (in %s module).", name->s_name, x->attr_name->s_name);
					object_error((t_object*)x, "No message or parameter named %s (in %s module).", name->s_name, x->osc_name->s_name);
void hoa_gain_tometer(t_hoa_gain *x, t_symbol *s, long ac, t_atom *av)
    if(ac && av)
        t_object *patcher;
        t_object *gain;
        t_object *line;
        t_max_err err;
        t_atom rv;
        t_atom msg[4];
        err = object_obex_lookup(x, hoa_sym_pound_P, (t_object **)&patcher);
        if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
        err = object_obex_lookup(x, hoa_sym_pound_B, (t_object **)&gain);
        if (err != MAX_ERR_NONE)
        vector<t_jbox *> boxes;
        for (line = jpatcher_get_firstline(patcher); line; line = jpatchline_get_nextline(line))
            if (jpatchline_get_box1(line) == gain)
                t_jbox *box = (t_jbox*)jpatchline_get_box2(line);
                t_object *obj = jbox_get_object((t_object*)box);
                t_symbol* classname = object_classname(obj);
                if (find(boxes.begin(), boxes.end(), box) == boxes.end())
                    if(classname == hoa_sym_hoa_2d_meter ||
                       classname == hoa_sym_hoa_2d_vector ||
                       classname == hoa_sym_hoa_gain)
                        object_method_typed(obj, s, ac, av, NULL);
                    else if(classname == hoa_sym_dac || (object_is_hoa(obj) && classname != hoa_sym_hoa_pi && classname != hoa_sym_hoa_pi_tilde))
        for(auto box : boxes)
            // re-connect patchlines
            for(int i = 0; jbox_getinlet(box, i) != NULL && i < x->f_number_of_channels; i++)
                atom_setobj(msg, gain);
                atom_setlong(msg + 1, i);
                atom_setobj(msg + 2, box);
                atom_setlong(msg + 3, i);
                object_method_typed(patcher , hoa_sym_connect, 4, msg, &rv);
Exemplo n.º 13
void jamoma_init(void)
    short		outvol = 0;
    t_fourcc	outtype, filetype = 'TEXT';
    char        name[MAX_PATH_CHARS], fullname[MAX_PATH_CHARS];
	if (!initialized) {
		t_object	*max = SymbolGen("max")->s_thing;
        TTString    JamomaConfigurationFilePath;
		t_atom		a[4];
		TTValue		v, out;
        TTErr       err;

		if (maxversion() < 1798)
			error("Jamoma  %s  |  build %s can't run under Max version ealier than 7.0.6", JAMOMA_MAX_VERSION, JAMOMA_MAX_REV);
		// Initialize the Modular library
        // Initialize the Score framework
        // Prepare a symbol for Max application
        kTTSym_Max = TTSymbol("Max");
        // Create an application manager
        MaxApplicationManager = TTObject("ApplicationManager");
        // Create a local application called "Max" and get it back
        err = MaxApplicationManager.send("ApplicationInstantiateLocal", kTTSym_Max, out);
        if (err) {
            TTLogError("Error : can't create Jamoma application \n");
            MaxApplication = out[0];

        // check if the JamomaConfiguration.xml file exists
        strncpy_zero(name, "JamomaConfiguration.xml", MAX_PATH_CHARS);
        if (locatefile_extended(name, &outvol, &outtype, &filetype, 1))
            return error("Jamoma not loaded : can't find %s", name);
        path_topathname(outvol, name, fullname);

        // MaxApplication have to read JamomaConfiguration.xml
        TTObject anXmlHandler(kTTSym_XmlHandler);
        anXmlHandler.set(kTTSym_object, MaxApplication);
        std::string path = fullname;
        #if ( __APPLE__ )
        // remove drive name prefix
        size_t pos = path.find(":/");
        path = path.substr(pos+1);
       	v = TTSymbol(path);
        v = TTSymbol(fullname);
        anXmlHandler.send(kTTSym_Read, v, out);

		// Initialize common symbols
		// Initialize common regex
		ttRegexForJmod = new TTRegex("(jmod.)");
		ttRegexForJcom = new TTRegex("(j\\.)");
		ttRegexForModel = new TTRegex("(.model)");
		ttRegexForModule = new TTRegex("(.module)");
		ttRegexForView = new TTRegex("(.view)");
		ttRegexForMaxpat = new TTRegex("(.maxpat)");
		ttRegexForMaxhelp = new TTRegex("(.maxhelp)");
		ttRegexForBracket = new TTRegex("\\[(\\d|\\d\\d|\\d\\d\\d)\\]");	// parse until 999
		ModelPatcherFormat = new TTString("%s.model.maxpat");
		ModelPresetFormat = new TTString("%s.model.presets.txt");
		ViewPresetFormat = new TTString("%s.view.presets.txt");
		HelpPatcherFormat = new TTString("%s.model");
		RefpageFormat = new TTString("%s.model");
		DocumentationFormat = new TTString("%s.model.html");
		// Create Required Global Instances
		hash_modules = (t_hashtab*)hashtab_new(0);
		// TODO: Use quittask_install() to set up a destructor for this to free it before Max exits

		// Add Jamoma Key Commands
		// J -- Jamoma: a new object box with "j." in it
		atom_setsym(a+0, SymbolGen("k"));
		atom_setsym(a+1, SymbolGen("patcher"));
		atom_setsym(a+2, SymbolGen("inserttextobj"));
		atom_setsym(a+3, SymbolGen("j."));
		object_method_typed(max, SymbolGen("definecommand"), 4, a, NULL);
//		// M -- Module: a new object box with ".model" in it
//		atom_setsym(a+0, SymbolGen("M"));
//		atom_setsym(a+1, SymbolGen("patcher"));
//		atom_setsym(a+2, SymbolGen("inserttextobj"));
//		atom_setsym(a+3, SymbolGen(".model"));
//		object_method_typed(max, SymbolGen("definecommand"), 4, a, NULL);
//		// B -- BPatcher: a new module in a bpatcher
//		object_method_parse(max, SymbolGen("definecommand"), (char*)"B patcher inserttextobj \"bpatcher @name .module @args myModule\"", NULL);		

//		// D -- Demo: a new module in a bpatcher, but with the args reverse which is handy for super-fast demos when you don't care about the OSC name
//		object_method_parse(max, SymbolGen("definecommand"), (char*)"D patcher inserttextobj \"bpatcher @name .module\"", NULL);		

//		// X -- Continuous Mapper module
//		object_method_parse(max, SymbolGen("definecommand"), (char*)"X patcher insertobj bpatcher @name mapper.module.maxpat @args mapper", NULL);
		// now the jamoma object
			t_symbol *jamomaSymbol = SymbolGen("jamoma");
			jamomaSymbol->s_thing = jamoma_object_new();
		post("Jamoma  %s  |  build %s", JAMOMA_MAX_VERSION, JAMOMA_MAX_REV );

		initialized = true;
Exemplo n.º 14
void hoa_dac_list(t_hoa_dac *x, t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	object_method_typed(x->f_dac, gensym("list"), argc, argv, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 15
void plug_setup_db(void)
	t_atom a[4];
	// This ugly hack not needed as of Max 5.1.7
	//	if (sDeferCount) {
	//		sDeferCount--;
	//		defer_low(sMaxObject, (method)plug_setup_db, NULL, 0, NULL);
	//		return;
	//	}
	plug_alias_register("adc≈",					"jcom.adc≈",				"Audio",			"Audio input");
	plug_alias_register("adsr≈",				"jcom.adsr≈",				"Audio",			"ADSR Envelope Generator");
	plug_alias_register("audiounit≈",			"jcom.audiounit≈",			"Audio",			"Host an AudioUnit plug-in");
	plug_alias_register("dac≈",					"jcom.dac≈",				"Audio",			"Audio output");
	plug_alias_register("dcblocker≈",			"jcom.dcblocker≈",			"Audio",			"Eliminate DC offsets");
	plug_alias_register("degrade≈",				"jcom.degrade≈",			"Audio",			"Distortion effect");
	plug_alias_register("delay≈",				"jcom.delay≈",				"Audio",			"Delay audio by a specified time");
	plug_alias_register("fft≈",					"jcom.fft≈",				"Audio",			"Convert a signal into the frequency domain");
	plug_alias_register("filter≈",				"jcom.filter≈",				"Audio",			"Swiss-Army knife of audio filters");
	plug_alias_register("gain≈",				"jcom.gain≈",				"Audio",			"Amplify or attenuate audio");
	plug_alias_register("hilbert≈",				"jcom.hilbert≈",			"Audio",			"Phase quadrature filter");
	plug_alias_register("info≈",				"jcom.info≈",				"Audio",			"Get properties of an audio signal");
	plug_alias_register("join≈",				"jcom.join≈",				"Audio",			"Join multiple signals together into a single signal");
	plug_alias_register("limiter≈",				"jcom.limiter≈",			"Audio",			"Lookahead dynamics processor");
	plug_alias_register("matrix≈",				"jcom.matrix≈",				"Audio",			"Mix and route channels within a signal");
	plug_alias_register("matrixmixer≈",			"jcom.matrixmixer≈",		"Audio",			"Mix and route multiple channels with each other");
	plug_alias_register("noise≈",				"jcom.noise≈",				"Audio",			"Generate various kinds of noise");
	plug_alias_register("op≈",					"jcom.op≈",					"Audio",			"Perform mathematical operations");
	plug_alias_register("overdrive≈",			"jcom.overdrive≈",			"Audio",			"Saturation effect");
	plug_alias_register("pack≈",				"jcom.pack≈",				"Audio",			"Bridge from MSP audio signals to Plugtastic");
	plug_alias_register("phasor≈",				"jcom.phasor≈",				"Audio",			"Oscillator ramping linearly from 0.0 to 1.0");
	plug_alias_register("pulsesub≈",			"jcom.pulsesub≈",			"Audio",			"Apply a cyclic ADSR envelope onto an input signal");
	plug_alias_register("resample≈",			"jcom.resample≈",			"Audio",			"Up/Downsample an audio signal");
	plug_alias_register("sig≈",					"jcom.sig≈",				"Audio",			"Create a signal from a constant value");
	plug_alias_register("soundfile.player≈",	"jcom.soundfile.player≈",	"Audio",			"Play a Soundfile");
	plug_alias_register("soundfile.recorder≈",	"jcom.soundfile.recorder≈",	"Audio",			"Record a Soundfile");
	plug_alias_register("split≈",				"jcom.split≈",				"Audio",			"Break a multichannel audio signal into smaller signals");
	plug_alias_register("unpack≈",				"jcom.unpack≈",				"Audio",			"Bridge from Plugtastic to MSP audio signals");
	plug_alias_register("wavetable≈",			"jcom.wavetable≈",			"Audio",			"Wavetable oscillator with several waveform options");
	plug_alias_register("window≈",				"jcom.window≈",				"Audio",			"Generate/Apply a window function for signal vector");

	plug_alias_register("in≈",					"plug.in≈",					"Environment",		"Audio input from the plug-in host environment");
	plug_alias_register("out≈",					"plug.out≈",				"Environment",		"Audio output to the plug-in host environment");
	plug_alias_register("parameter#",			"plug.parameter#",			"Environment",		"Define a parameter to be controlled in the host environment");

	plug_alias_register("append#",				"jcom.append#",				"Control",			"Add/Replace named data in a dictionary");
	plug_alias_register("dataspace#",			"jcom.dataspace#",			"Control",			"Convert values expressed in one unit into another unit.");
	plug_alias_register("iter#",				"jcom.iter#",				"Control",			"Output all key/value sets from a dictionary to Max messages.");
	plug_alias_register("log#",					"jcom.log#",				"Control",			"Print input to the Max window.");
	plug_alias_register("midi.in#",				"jcom.midi.in#",			"Control",			"MIDI Input from a device, or from the plug-in host environment");
	plug_alias_register("midi.out#",			"jcom.midi.out#",			"Control",			"MIDI Output to a device");
	plug_alias_register("midi.filter#",			"jcom.midi.filter#",		"Control",			"Parse raw MIDI events");
	plug_alias_register("midi.format#",			"jcom.midi.format#",		"Control",			"Format dictionaries into raw MIDI events");
	plug_alias_register("op#",					"jcom.op#",					"Control",			"Perform mathematical operations on a dictionary");
	plug_alias_register("pack#",				"jcom.pack#",				"Control",			"Convert native Max data into a Plugtastic dictionary");
	plug_alias_register("unpack#",				"jcom.unpack#",				"Control",			"Convert a Plugtastic dictionary into native Max data");

	// backwards compatibility
	//plug_alias_register("parameter!",			"plug.parameter#",			"Environment",		"Define a parameter to be controlled in the host environment");
	//plug_alias_register("append!",				"jcom.append#",				"Control",			"Add/Replace named data in a dictionary");
	//plug_alias_register("op!",					"jcom.op#",					"Control",			"Perform mathematical operations on a dictionary");
	//plug_alias_register("pack!",				"jcom.pack#",				"Control",			"Convert native Max data into a Plugtastic dictionary");
	//plug_alias_register("unpack!",				"jcom.unpack#",				"Control",			"Convert a Plugtastic dictionary into native Max data");

	atom_setsym(a+1, _sym_clipping);
	atom_setsym(a+2, _sym_tag);

	atom_setsym(a+3, GENSYM("Plugtastic"));
	atom_setsym(a+0, GENSYM("plug.input"));
	object_method_typed(sMaxObject, ps_db_addmetadata, 4, a, NULL);
	atom_setsym(a+0, GENSYM("plug.output"));
	object_method_typed(sMaxObject, ps_db_addmetadata, 4, a, NULL);
	atom_setsym(a+0, GENSYM("plug.param"));
	object_method_typed(sMaxObject, ps_db_addmetadata, 4, a, NULL);
	atom_setsym(a+3, GENSYM("Environment"));	
	atom_setsym(a+0, GENSYM("plug.input"));
	object_method_typed(sMaxObject, ps_db_addmetadata, 4, a, NULL);
	atom_setsym(a+0, GENSYM("plug.output"));
	object_method_typed(sMaxObject, ps_db_addmetadata, 4, a, NULL);
	atom_setsym(a+0, GENSYM("plug.param"));
	object_method_typed(sMaxObject, ps_db_addmetadata, 4, a, NULL);
	atom_setsym(a+2, _sym_description);

	atom_setsym(a+0, GENSYM("plug.input"));
	atom_setsym(a+3, GENSYM("Input stage for developing a plug-in"));
	object_method_typed(sMaxObject, ps_db_addmetadata, 4, a, NULL);
	atom_setsym(a+0, GENSYM("plug.output"));
	atom_setsym(a+3, GENSYM("Output stage for developing a plug-in"));
	object_method_typed(sMaxObject, ps_db_addmetadata, 4, a, NULL);
	atom_setsym(a+0, GENSYM("plug.param"));
	atom_setsym(a+3, GENSYM("Expanded parameter with a number box"));
	object_method_typed(sMaxObject, ps_db_addmetadata, 4, a, NULL);
	atom_setsym(a+1, _sym_patcher);
	atom_setsym(a+2, _sym_tag);
	atom_setsym(a+3, GENSYM("Plugtastic"));
	atom_setsym(a+0, GENSYM("My Plugtastic Adventure"));
	object_method_typed(sMaxObject, ps_db_addmetadata, 4, a, NULL);
	atom_setsym(a+3, GENSYM("Example"));	
	atom_setsym(a+0, GENSYM("My Plugtastic Adventure"));
	object_method_typed(sMaxObject, ps_db_addmetadata, 4, a, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 16
void jamoma_init(void)
		t_object*	max = gensym("max")->s_thing;
		t_symbol*	meth = gensym("objectfile");
		t_atom		a[4];
		if(maxversion() >= 0x0500)
			max5 = true;

		object_method(max, meth, gensym("jcom.receive"), gensym("jcom.loader"), gensym("jcom.receive"));
		object_method_sym(max, gensym("db.object_addinternal"), gensym("jcom.receive"), NULL);
		object_method(max, meth, gensym("jcom.send"), gensym("jcom.loader"), gensym("jcom.send"));
		object_method_sym(max, gensym("db.object_addinternal"), gensym("jcom.send"), NULL);

		object_method(max, meth, gensym("jcom.receive~"), gensym("jcom.loader"), gensym("jcom.receive~"));
		object_method_sym(max, gensym("db.object_addinternal"), gensym("jcom.receive~"), NULL);

		object_method(max, meth, gensym("jcom.send~"), gensym("jcom.loader"), gensym("jcom.send~"));
		object_method_sym(max, gensym("db.object_addinternal"), gensym("jcom.send~"), NULL);
		// Setup Class Aliases for TTBlue
		object_method(max, meth, gensym("jcom.limiter~"), gensym("tt.limiter~"), gensym("jcom.limiter~"));
		object_method(max, meth, gensym("jcom.saturation~"), gensym("tt.overdrive~"), gensym("jcom.saturation~"));
		// Create Required Global Instances
		// obj_jamoma_clock = (t_object*)object_new_typed(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("jamoma.clock"), 0, NULL);
		// obj_jamoma_scheduler = (t_object*)object_new_typed(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("jamoma.scheduler"), 0, NULL);
		hash_modules = (t_hashtab*)hashtab_new(0);
		// TODO: Use quittask_install() to set up a destructor for this to free it before Max exits

		// This tells Max 5.0.6 and higher that we want the patcher files to be saved such that they are sorted.
		// Having the saved this way makes our SVN diffs much more meaningful.
		object_method_long(max, gensym("sortpatcherdictonsave"), 1, NULL);
		// This tells Max 4.5.7 and higher to take any posts to the Max window and also make the
		// post to the system console, which greatly aids in debugging problems and crashes
		object_method_long(max, gensym("setmirrortoconsole"), 1, NULL);

		// Add Jamoma Key Commands:
		// J -- Jamoma: a new object box with "jcom." in it
		atom_setsym(a+0, gensym("J"));
		atom_setsym(a+1, gensym("patcher"));
		atom_setsym(a+2, gensym("inserttextobj"));
		atom_setsym(a+3, gensym("jcom."));
		object_method_typed(max, gensym("definecommand"), 4, a, NULL);
		// M -- Module: a new object box with "jmod." in it
		atom_setsym(a+0, gensym("M"));
		atom_setsym(a+1, gensym("patcher"));
		atom_setsym(a+2, gensym("inserttextobj"));
		atom_setsym(a+3, gensym("jmod."));
		object_method_typed(max, gensym("definecommand"), 4, a, NULL);

		// I -- Input: a new audio input module
		object_method_parse(max, gensym("definecommand"), "I patcher insertobj bpatcher @name jmod.input~.maxpat @args /input~", NULL);
		// O -- Output: a new audio output module	
		object_method_parse(max, gensym("definecommand"), "O patcher insertobj bpatcher @name jmod.output~.maxpat @args /output~", NULL);
		// B -- BPatcher: a new module in a bpatcher
		object_method_parse(max, gensym("definecommand"), "B patcher inserttextobj \"bpatcher @name jmod. @args myModule\"", NULL);		
		// D -- Demo: a new module in a bpatcher, but with the args reverse which is handy for super-fast demos when you don't care about the OSC name
		object_method_parse(max, gensym("definecommand"), "D patcher inserttextobj \"bpatcher @name jmod.\"", NULL);		

		// Here bind the TTBlue environment object to the symbol "TTBlue"
			t_symbol* TTBlueMaxSymbol = gensym("TTBlue");
			TTBlueMaxSymbol->s_thing = 0;
			// Before we can do this we have to have a ttblue max class to receive the messages, duh...
		// now the jamoma object
			t_symbol* jamomaSymbol = gensym("jamoma");
			jamomaSymbol->s_thing = jamoma_object_new();
		post("Jamoma %s - www.jamoma.org", JAMOMA_VERSION);
		initialized = true;