Exemplo n.º 1
void ByteViewText::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
    QPainter painter(viewport());
    painter.translate(-horizontalScrollBar()->value() * font_width_, 0);

    // Pixel offset of this row
    int row_y = 0;

    // Starting byte offset
    guint offset = (guint) verticalScrollBar()->value() * row_width_;

    // Clear the area
    painter.fillRect(viewport()->rect(), palette().base());

    // Offset background
    offset_normal_fg_.setColor(ColorUtils::alphaBlend(palette().windowText(), palette().window(), 0.35));
    offset_field_fg_.setColor(ColorUtils::alphaBlend(palette().windowText(), palette().window(), 0.65));
    if (show_offset_) {
        QRect offset_rect = QRect(viewport()->rect());
        painter.fillRect(offset_rect, palette().window());

    if (!tvb_) {

    // Map window coordinates to byte offsets
    for (guint i = 0; i < row_width_; i++) {
        int sep_width = (i / separator_interval_) * font_width_;
        if (show_hex_) {
            // Hittable pixels extend 1/2 space on either side of the hex digits
            int pixels_per_byte = (recent.gui_bytes_view == BYTES_HEX ? 3 : 9) * font_width_;
            int hex_x = offsetPixels() + margin_ + sep_width + (i * pixels_per_byte) - (font_width_ / 2);
            for (int j = 0; j <= pixels_per_byte; j++) {
                x_pos_to_column_[hex_x + j] = i;
        if (show_ascii_) {
            int ascii_x = offsetPixels() + hexPixels() + margin_ + sep_width + (i * font_width_);
            for (int j = 0; j <= font_width_; j++) {
                x_pos_to_column_[ascii_x + j] = i;

    // Data rows
    int widget_height = height();
    while(row_y + line_spacing_ < widget_height && offset < tvb_captured_length(tvb_)) {
        drawOffsetLine(painter, offset, row_y);
        offset += row_width_;
        row_y += line_spacing_;
Exemplo n.º 2
void tAt5toTextAdapter::getAttributes( At5::tPointStyle &pointStyle,
                                        const At5::tShapeRec& /*shapeRec*/,
                                        const tMap2dCamera& camera, 
                                        tTextStyleAttributes& tsa,
                                        const tVector2l& /*pixelCoords*/,
                                        const bool rotateText,
                                        const bool m_DrawIcon, 
                                        const unsigned short at5Version)
    //initialize all local variables to safe values
    tVector2l offsetMeters(0,0);
    tVector2l textOffsetMeters(0,0);
    tVector2l offsetPixels(0,0);
    tVector2l textOffsetPixels(0,0);
    //bool dispOffsetRotate = false;

        Treat all At5 text as halo-ed text. This is possible because the tTextRender class
        ignores transparent halos.  Per the At5 specification on page 26, background color
        must be specified for the point feature to be valid.
    tsa.m_halo = true;

        Map rotations from the camera are in radians, plus At5 rotation assumes positive 
        angles = counter-clockwise rotation.  Qt rotation is in degrees (as well as the 
        fast lookup for FloatSin and FloatCos), and works with positive angles = 
        clockwise rotation.  The angle is converted to degrees then negated.
    if (rotateText)
        //tsa.m_rotationDegrees = -1 * shapeRec.Rotation.m_Val;
        /*zAxisRotation = -1 * (int) RadiansToDegrees(camera.TargetRotationZ());
        tsa.m_rotationDegrees = -1 * camera.ConvertRotationAngle(
            shapeRec.Rotation.m_Val, -zAxisRotation,
            tVector2l(shapeRec.Point.m_Val * (long)shapeRec.DataRes.m_Val));*/

    tsa.m_fontSize = GetFontSize( pointStyle.styleAttributes.fontSize, at5Version );

        Per page 41 of the At5 specification, rotation angles for the shapeRec are in degrees.
        Experimental results show that the rotation is positive for counter-clockwise rotation.
        Because Qt (and the TextRender library) work with positive angles = clockwise rotation,
        the angle is negated.

        If the rotation is set, we must add the rotation of the map to
        the rotation of the text to get the effective rotation of the text.
    if (!rotateText)
        tsa.m_rotationDegrees = 0; //sanity check
    //  Set the bold flag
    if (pointStyle.styleAttributes.bold == 1)
        tsa.m_bold = true;
        tsa.m_bold = false;

        if( pointStyle.styleAttributes.defaultFlag & At5::Attribute( At5::tPointStyleAttributes::eM_ColorRGBA ) )
            tsa.m_color = tAt5Utils::RGBAToColor( pointStyle.styleAttributes.colorRGBA );
            // Get the text color from the At5 Feat Def and convert to a QColor
            tsa.m_color = tAt5Utils::At5GetColor(pointStyle.styleAttributes.color);
        if( pointStyle.styleAttributes.defaultFlag & At5::Attribute( At5::tPointStyleAttributes::eM_BackgroundColorRGBA ) )
            tsa.m_bkgColor = tAt5Utils::RGBAToColor( pointStyle.styleAttributes.backgroundColorRGBA );
            // Get the background color
            tsa.m_bkgColor = tAt5Utils::At5GetColor(pointStyle.styleAttributes.backgroundColor);
        // Get the text color from the At5 Feat Def and convert to a QColor
        tsa.m_color = QColor(Qt::black);
        // Get the background color
        tsa.m_bkgColor = QColor(Qt::white);

    // Figure out the alignment
    At5::tPointStyleAttributes::eAlignCode tempAlign = pointStyle.styleAttributes.align;
    if ( tempAlign & 128 )// Special case of not rotating the anchor point
        tsa.m_anchorPointNoRotate = true;
        //dispOffsetRotate = false;
        tsa.m_anchorPointNoRotate = false;
        //dispOffsetRotate = true;
    // Next two lines are debug

    tsa.m_align = At5ToFontTextAlign(tempAlign);

    offsetPixels.x = 0;
    offsetPixels.y = 0;
    assert(!(pointStyle.styleAttributes.defaultFlag & At5::Attribute(At5::tPointStyleAttributes::eM_TextOffset) && pointStyle.styleAttributes.defaultFlag & At5::Attribute(At5::tPointStyleAttributes::eM_TextOffsetMeters)));
    if(pointStyle.styleAttributes.defaultFlag & At5::Attribute(At5::tPointStyleAttributes::eM_TextOffset))
        textOffsetPixels.x = (long) pointStyle.styleAttributes.textOffset.x;
        textOffsetPixels.y = (long) pointStyle.styleAttributes.textOffset.y;
        textOffsetPixels.x = 0;
        textOffsetPixels.y = 0;

    offsetMeters.x = 0;
    offsetMeters.y = 0;
    if(pointStyle.styleAttributes.defaultFlag & At5::Attribute(At5::tPointStyleAttributes::eM_TextOffsetMeters))
        textOffsetMeters = tVector2l(pointStyle.styleAttributes.textOffsetMeters.x, pointStyle.styleAttributes.textOffsetMeters.y);
        if (textOffsetMeters != tVector2l::ZERO)
            //only do the math if you have to
            textOffsetMeters =  tVector2l( qRound(textOffsetMeters.x / camera.RangeMMPixelAtTarget()), qRound(textOffsetMeters.y / camera.RangeMMPixelAtTarget()) ) ;
        textOffsetMeters.x = 0;
        textOffsetMeters.y = 0;

    //the text offset can only be in meters or pixels.  If both are non-zero, something went wrong
    assert(!(( (textOffsetPixels.x != 0) || (textOffsetPixels.y != 0) ) && 
        ( (textOffsetMeters.x != 0) || (textOffsetMeters.y != 0))));

    assert(offsetMeters == tVector2l::ZERO);
    assert(offsetPixels == tVector2l::ZERO);
    if ((textOffsetMeters.x == 0) && (textOffsetMeters.y == 0))
        tsa.m_effectiveTextOffset = textOffsetPixels;
    else if ((textOffsetMeters.x !=0) || (textOffsetMeters.y != 0))
        tsa.m_effectiveTextOffset = textOffsetMeters;

    if (pointStyle.styleAttributes.miscCtrl & 1)
        tsa.m_rotationLimited = false;
        tsa.m_rotationLimited = true;

Exemplo n.º 3
int ByteViewText::totalPixels()
    return offsetPixels() + hexPixels() + asciiPixels();
Exemplo n.º 4
// Draw a line of byte view text for a given offset.
// Text with different styles are split into fragments and passed to
// flushOffsetFragment. Font character widths aren't necessarily whole
// numbers so we track our X coordinate position using using floats.
void ByteViewText::drawOffsetLine(QPainter &painter, const guint offset, const int row_y)
    if (!tvb_) {
    guint tvb_len = tvb_captured_length(tvb_);
    guint max_pos = qMin(offset + row_width_, tvb_len);
    const guint8 *pd = tvb_get_ptr(tvb_, 0, -1);

    static const guchar hexchars[16] = {
        '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
        '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };

    QString text;
    highlight_state state = StateNormal, offset_state = StateOffsetNormal;
    qreal hex_x = offsetPixels() + margin_;
    qreal ascii_x = offsetPixels() + hexPixels() + margin_;

    // Hex
    if (show_hex_) {
        for (guint tvb_pos = offset; tvb_pos < max_pos; tvb_pos++) {
            highlight_state hex_state = StateNormal;
            bool add_space = tvb_pos != offset;

            if ((tvb_pos >= f_bound_.first && tvb_pos < f_bound_.second) || (tvb_pos >= fa_bound_.first && tvb_pos < fa_bound_.second)) {
                hex_state = StateField;
                offset_state = StateOffsetField;
            } else if (tvb_pos >= p_bound_.first && tvb_pos < p_bound_.second) {
                hex_state = StateProtocol;

            if (hex_state != state) {
                if ((state == StateNormal || (state == StateProtocol && hex_state == StateField)) && add_space) {
                    add_space = false;
                    text += ' ';
                    /* insert a space every separator_interval_ bytes */
                    if ((tvb_pos % separator_interval_) == 0)
                        text += ' ';
                hex_x += flushOffsetFragment(painter, hex_x, row_y, state, text);
                state = hex_state;

            if (add_space) {
                text += ' ';
                /* insert a space every separator_interval_ bytes */
                if ((tvb_pos % separator_interval_) == 0)
                    text += ' ';

            switch (recent.gui_bytes_view) {
            case BYTES_HEX:
                text += hexchars[(pd[tvb_pos] & 0xf0) >> 4];
                text += hexchars[pd[tvb_pos] & 0x0f];
            case BYTES_BITS:
                /* XXX, bitmask */
                for (int j = 7; j >= 0; j--)
                    text += (pd[tvb_pos] & (1 << j)) ? '1' : '0';
    if (text.length() > 0) {
        flushOffsetFragment(painter, hex_x, row_y, state, text);
    state = StateNormal;

    // ASCII
    if (show_ascii_) {
        for (guint tvb_pos = offset; tvb_pos < max_pos; tvb_pos++) {
            highlight_state ascii_state = StateNormal;
            bool add_space = tvb_pos != offset;

            if ((tvb_pos >= f_bound_.first && tvb_pos < f_bound_.second) || (tvb_pos >= fa_bound_.first && tvb_pos < fa_bound_.second)) {
                ascii_state = StateField;
                offset_state = StateOffsetField;
            } else if (tvb_pos >= p_bound_.first && tvb_pos < p_bound_.second) {
                ascii_state = StateProtocol;

            if (ascii_state != state) {
                if ((state == StateNormal || (state == StateProtocol && ascii_state == StateField)) && add_space) {
                    add_space = false;
                    /* insert a space every separator_interval_ bytes */
                    if ((tvb_pos % separator_interval_) == 0)
                        text += ' ';
                ascii_x += flushOffsetFragment(painter, ascii_x, row_y, state, text);
                state = ascii_state;

            if (add_space) {
                /* insert a space every separator_interval_ bytes */
                if ((tvb_pos % separator_interval_) == 0)
                    text += ' ';

            guchar c = (encoding_ == PACKET_CHAR_ENC_CHAR_EBCDIC) ?
                        EBCDIC_to_ASCII1(pd[tvb_pos]) :

            text += g_ascii_isprint(c) ? c : '.';
    if (text.length() > 0) {
        flushOffsetFragment(painter, ascii_x, row_y, state, text);

    // Offset. Must be drawn last in order for offset_state to be set.
    if (show_offset_) {
        text = QString("%1").arg(offset, offsetChars(), 16, QChar('0'));
        flushOffsetFragment(painter, margin_, row_y, offset_state, text);
Exemplo n.º 5
void ByteViewText::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
    QPainter painter(viewport());
    painter.translate(-horizontalScrollBar()->value() * font_width_, 0);

    // Pixel offset of this row
    int row_y = 0;

    // Starting byte offset
    int offset = verticalScrollBar()->value() * row_width_;

    // Clear the area
    painter.fillRect(viewport()->rect(), palette().base());

    // Offset background. We want the entire height to be filled.
    if (show_offset_) {
        QRect offset_rect = QRect(viewport()->rect());
        painter.fillRect(offset_rect, palette().window());

    if ( data_.isEmpty() ) {

    // Data rows
    int widget_height = height();
    int leading = fontMetrics().leading();

    while( (int) (row_y + line_height_) < widget_height && offset < (int) data_.count()) {
        drawLine(&painter, offset, row_y);
        offset += row_width_;
        row_y += line_height_ + leading;


    // We can't do this in drawLine since the next line might draw over our rect.
    if (!hover_outlines_.isEmpty()) {
        qreal pen_width = 1.0;
        QPen ho_pen;
        QColor ho_color = palette().text().color();
        if (devicePixelRatio() > 1) {
            pen_width = 0.5;

        foreach (QRect ho_rect, hover_outlines_) {
            // These look good on retina and non-retina displays on macOS.
            // We might want to use fontMetrics numbers instead.
            ho_rect.adjust(-1, 0, -1, -1);