Exemplo n.º 1
static GError *
__notify_services(struct meta1_backend_s *m1, struct sqlx_sqlite3_s *sq3,
                  struct oio_url_s *url)
    if (!m1->notifier)
        return NULL;

    struct meta1_service_url_s **services = NULL;
    GError *err = __get_container_all_services(sq3, url, NULL, &services);
    if (!err) {
        struct meta1_service_url_s **services2 = expand_urlv(services);
        GString *notif = g_string_sized_new(128);
        g_string_append (notif, "{\"event\":\""NAME_SRVTYPE_META1".account.services\"");
        g_string_append_printf (notif, ",\"when\":%"G_GINT64_FORMAT, oio_ext_real_time());
        g_string_append (notif, ",\"data\":{");
        g_string_append_printf (notif, "\"url\":\"%s\"", oio_url_get(url, OIOURL_WHOLE));
        g_string_append (notif, ",\"services\":[");
        if (services2) {
            for (struct meta1_service_url_s **svc = services2; *svc ; svc++) {
                if (svc != services2) // not at the beginning
                    g_string_append(notif, ",");
                meta1_service_url_encode_json(notif, *svc);
        g_string_append(notif, "]}}");

        oio_events_queue__send (m1->notifier, g_string_free(notif, FALSE));

    return err;
Exemplo n.º 2
static GError *
_create_container_init_phase(struct sqlx_sqlite3_s *sq3,
		struct oio_url_s *url, struct m2v2_create_params_s *params)
	GError *err = NULL;
	struct sqlx_repctx_s *repctx = NULL;

	if (!params->local && (err = _transaction_begin(sq3, url, &repctx)))
		return err;

	if (!err && params->storage_policy)
		err = m2db_set_storage_policy(sq3, params->storage_policy, 0);
	if (!err && params->version_policy) {
		gint64 max = g_ascii_strtoll(params->version_policy, NULL, 10);
		m2db_set_max_versions(sq3, max);
	if (!err) {
		m2db_set_ctime (sq3, oio_ext_real_time());
		sqlx_admin_init_i64(sq3, META2_INIT_FLAG, 1);
	if (!err && params->properties) {
		for (gchar **p=params->properties; *p && *(p+1) ;p+=2)
			sqlx_admin_set_str (sq3, *p, *(p+1));
	if (!params->local)
		err = sqlx_transaction_end(repctx, err);
	return err;
Exemplo n.º 3
static gboolean
hook_increment(gpointer k, gpointer v, gpointer u)
	(void) k; (void) u;
	OV(v)->version ++;
	OV(v)->when = oio_ext_real_time() / G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND;
	return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 4
GError *
meta2_backend_create_container(struct meta2_backend_s *m2,
		struct oio_url_s *url, struct m2v2_create_params_s *params)
	GError *err = NULL;
	enum m2v2_open_type_e open_mode = 0;
	struct sqlx_sqlite3_s *sq3 = NULL;

	GRID_DEBUG("CREATE(%s,%s,%s)%s", oio_url_get(url, OIOURL_WHOLE),
			(params && params->local)? " (local)" : "");

	/* We must check storage policy BEFORE opening the base if we don't
	 * want to have an empty base in case of invalid policy */
	if (params->storage_policy) {
		if (NULL != (err = _check_policy(m2, params->storage_policy)))
			return err;

	if (params->local) // NOREFCHECK: do not call get_peers()
		open_mode = M2V2_OPEN_MASTERONLY;
	open_mode |= M2V2_OPEN_AUTOCREATE;

	err = m2b_open(m2, url, open_mode, &sq3);
	if (sq3 && !err) {
		if (sqlx_admin_has(sq3, META2_INIT_FLAG))
			err = NEWERROR(CODE_CONTAINER_EXISTS, "Container already initiated");
		else {
			err = _create_container_init_phase(sq3, url, params);
			if (err) {
				return err;
			if (!params->local && sq3->election == ELECTION_LEADER && m2->notify.hook) {
				GString *gs = g_string_new ("{");
				g_string_append (gs, "\"event\":\""NAME_SRVTYPE_META2".container.create\"");
				g_string_append_printf (gs, ",\"when\":%"G_GINT64_FORMAT, oio_ext_real_time());
				g_string_append (gs, ",\"data\":{");
				g_string_append (gs, "\"url\":{");
				_append_url (gs, url);
				g_string_append (gs, "}}}");
				m2->notify.hook (m2->notify.udata, g_string_free (gs, FALSE));
	return err;
m2v2_json_load_single_chunk (struct json_object *j, gpointer *pbean)
	GError *err = NULL;
	GByteArray *hid = NULL, *hash = NULL;
	struct bean_CHUNKS_s *chunk = NULL;
	struct json_object *jid, *jcontent, *jhash, *jsize, *jctime, *jpos;
	struct oio_ext_json_mapping_s mapping[] = {
		{"id",      &jid,      json_type_string, 1},
		{"hash",    &jhash,    json_type_string, 1},
		{"size",    &jsize,    json_type_int, 1},
		{"ctime",   &jctime,   json_type_int, 0},
		{"content", &jcontent, json_type_string, 1},
		{"pos",     &jpos,     json_type_string, 1},
		{NULL, NULL, 0, 0}

	*pbean = NULL;
	if (NULL != (err = oio_ext_extract_json (j, mapping)))
		return err;

	hid = metautils_gba_from_hexstring(json_object_get_string(jcontent));
	if (!hid) {
		err = NEWERROR(CODE_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid header, not hexa id");
		goto exit;
	hash = metautils_gba_from_hexstring(json_object_get_string(jhash));
	if (!hash) {
		err = NEWERROR(CODE_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid chunk, not hexa header id");
		goto exit;

	chunk = _bean_create (&descr_struct_CHUNKS);
	CHUNKS_set2_id (chunk, json_object_get_string(jid));
	CHUNKS_set_hash (chunk, hash);
	CHUNKS_set_size (chunk, json_object_get_int64(jsize));
	CHUNKS_set_ctime (chunk, !jctime ? oio_ext_real_time() / G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND : json_object_get_int64(jctime));
	CHUNKS_set_content (chunk, hid);
	CHUNKS_set2_position (chunk, json_object_get_string (jpos));
	*pbean = chunk;
	chunk = NULL;

	metautils_gba_unref (hid);
	metautils_gba_unref (hash);
	_bean_clean (chunk);
	return err;
Exemplo n.º 6
static enum http_rc_e
_registration (struct req_args_s *args, enum reg_op_e op, struct json_object *jsrv)
    GError *err;

    if (!jsrv || !json_object_is_type (jsrv, json_type_object))
        return _reply_common_error (args, BADREQ("Expected: json object"));

    if (!push_queue)
        return _reply_bad_gateway(args, NEWERROR(CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR,
        "Service upstream disabled"));

    if (NULL != (err = _cs_check_tokens(args)))
        return _reply_notfound_error (args, err);

    struct service_info_s *si = NULL;
    err = service_info_load_json_object (jsrv, &si, TRUE);

    if (err) {
        if (err->code == CODE_BAD_REQUEST)
            return _reply_format_error (args, err);
            return _reply_system_error (args, err);

    if (!si->type[0]) {
        service_info_clean (si);
        return _reply_format_error (args, BADREQ("Service type not specified"));

    if (!si->ns_name[0]) {
        g_strlcpy (si->ns_name, nsname, sizeof(si->ns_name));
    } else if (!validate_namespace (si->ns_name)) {
        service_info_clean (si);
        return _reply_format_error (args, NEWERROR (CODE_NAMESPACE_NOTMANAGED,
        "Unexpected NS"));

    si->score.timestamp = oio_ext_real_time () / G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND;

    if (op == REGOP_PUSH)
        si->score.value = SCORE_UNSET;
    else if (op == REGOP_UNLOCK)
        si->score.value = SCORE_UNLOCK;
    else /* if (op == REGOP_LOCK) */
        si->score.value = CLAMP(si->score.value, SCORE_DOWN, SCORE_MAX);

    // TODO follow the DRY principle and factorize this!
    if (flag_cache_enabled) {
        GString *gstr = g_string_new ("");
        service_info_encode_json (gstr, si, TRUE);
        PUSH_DO(lru_tree_insert(push_queue, service_info_key(si), si));
        return _reply_success_json (args, gstr);
    } else {
        GSList l = {.data = si, .next = NULL};
        if (NULL != (err = conscience_remote_push_services (cs, &l))) {
            service_info_clean (si);
            return _reply_common_error (args, err);
        } else {
            GString *gstr = g_string_new ("");
            service_info_encode_json (gstr, si, TRUE);
            service_info_clean (si);
            return _reply_success_json (args, gstr);
Exemplo n.º 7
static struct oio_error_s *
_roundtrip_common (struct oio_sds_s *client, struct oio_url_s *url,
		const char *path)
	struct file_info_s fi, fi0;
	struct oio_error_s *err = NULL;
	int has = 0;

	err = (struct oio_error_s*) _checksum_file (path, &fi0);
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Checksum error (original): ");

	gchar tmppath[256] = "";
	g_snprintf (tmppath, sizeof(tmppath),
			getpid(), oio_ext_real_time());
	_append_random_chars (tmppath, random_chars, 16);
	gchar content_id[17] = "";
	_append_random_chars (content_id, hex_chars, 16);

	GRID_INFO ("Roundtrip on local(%s) distant(%s) content_id(%s)", tmppath,
			oio_url_get (url, OIOURL_WHOLE), content_id);

	/* Check the content is not present yet */
	err = oio_sds_has (client, url, &has);
	if (!err && has) err = (struct oio_error_s*) NEWERROR(0,"content already present");
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Check error");
	GRID_INFO("Content absent as expected");

	/* Then upload it */
	struct oio_sds_ul_dst_s ul_dst = {
		.url = url, .autocreate = 1, .out_size = 0, .content_id = content_id,
	err = oio_sds_upload_from_file (client, &ul_dst, path, 0, 0);
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Upload error");
	GRID_INFO("Content uploaded");

	/* Check it is now present */
	has = 0;
	err = oio_sds_has (client, url, &has);
	if (!err && !has) err = (struct oio_error_s*) NEWERROR(0, "content not found");
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Check error");
	GRID_INFO("Content present as expected");

	/* Get it to validate the content is accessible */
	err = oio_sds_download_to_file (client, url, tmppath);
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Download error");
	GRID_INFO("Content downloaded to a file");

	/* Validate the original and the copy match */
	err = (struct oio_error_s*) _checksum_file (tmppath, &fi);
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Checksum error (copy): ");
	if (fi.fs != fi0.fs)
		MAYBERETURN(NEWERROR(0, "Copy sizes mismatch (expected %zu, got %zu)",
					fi0.fs, fi.fs), "Validation error");
	if (0 != memcmp(fi.h, fi0.h, fi.hs))
		MAYBERETURN(NEWERROR(0, "Copy hash mismatch"), "Validation error");
	GRID_INFO("The original file and its copy match");

	/* Get it an other way in a buffer. */
	guint8 buf[1024];
	struct oio_sds_dl_dst_s dl_dst = {
		.type = OIO_DL_DST_BUFFER,
		.data = {.buffer = {.ptr = buf, .length=1024}}
	struct oio_sds_dl_src_s dl_src = {
		.url = url,
		.ranges = NULL,
	err = oio_sds_download (client, &dl_src, &dl_dst);
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Download error");
	GRID_INFO("Content downloaded to a buffer");

	/* link the container */
	struct oio_url_s *url1 = oio_url_dup (url);
	oio_url_set (url1, OIOURL_PATH, tmppath);
	err = oio_sds_link (client, url1, content_id);
	oio_url_pclean (&url1);
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Link error: ");

	/* List the container, the content must appear */
	struct oio_sds_list_param_s list_in = {
		.url = url,
		.prefix = NULL, .marker = NULL, .end = NULL, .delimiter = 0,
		.flag_allversions = 0, .flag_nodeleted = 0,
	struct oio_sds_list_listener_s list_out = {
		.ctx = NULL,
		.on_item = _on_item, .on_prefix = NULL, .on_bound = NULL,
	err = oio_sds_list (client, &list_in, &list_out);
	MAYBERETURN(err, "List error");

	/* Remove the content from the content */
	err = oio_sds_delete (client, url);
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Delete error");
	GRID_INFO("Content removed");

	/* Check the content is not preset anymore */
	has = 0;
	err = oio_sds_has (client, url, &has);
	if (!err && has) err = (struct oio_error_s*) NEWERROR(0, "content still present");
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Check error");
	GRID_INFO("Content absent as expected");

	g_remove (tmppath);
	oio_error_pfree (&err);
	return NULL;

static struct oio_error_s *
_roundtrip_autocontainer (struct oio_sds_s *client, struct oio_url_s *url,
		const char *path)
	struct file_info_s fi;
	GError *err = _checksum_file (path, &fi);

	/* compute the autocontainer with the SHA1, consider only the first 17 bits */
	struct oio_str_autocontainer_config_s cfg = {
		.src_offset = 0, .src_size = 0,
		.dst_bits = 17,
	char tmp[65];
	const char *auto_container = oio_str_autocontainer_hash (fi.h, fi.hs, tmp, &cfg);

	/* build a new URL with the computed container name */
	struct oio_url_s *url_auto = oio_url_dup (url);
	oio_url_set (url_auto, OIOURL_USER, auto_container);
	err = (GError*) _roundtrip_common (client, url_auto, path);
	oio_url_pclean (&url_auto);

	return (struct oio_error_s*) err;

main(int argc, char **argv)
	oio_sds_default_autocreate = 1;

	if (argc != 2) {
		g_printerr ("Usage: %s PATH\n", argv[0]);
		return 1;

	const char *path = argv[1];

	struct oio_url_s *url = oio_url_empty ();
	oio_url_set (url, OIOURL_NS, g_getenv("OIO_NS"));
	oio_url_set (url, OIOURL_ACCOUNT, g_getenv("OIO_ACCOUNT"));
	oio_url_set (url, OIOURL_USER, g_getenv("OIO_USER"));
	oio_url_set (url, OIOURL_TYPE, g_getenv("OIO_TYPE"));
	oio_url_set (url, OIOURL_PATH, g_getenv("OIO_PATH"));

	if (!oio_url_has_fq_path(url)) {
		g_printerr ("Partial URL [%s]: requires a NS (%s), an ACCOUNT (%s),"
				" an USER (%s) and a PATH (%s) (+ optional TYPE: %s)\n",
				oio_url_get (url, OIOURL_WHOLE),
				oio_url_has (url, OIOURL_NS)?"ok":"missing",
				oio_url_has (url, OIOURL_ACCOUNT)?"ok":"missing",
				oio_url_has (url, OIOURL_USER)?"ok":"missing",
				oio_url_has (url, OIOURL_PATH)?"ok":"missing",
				oio_url_has (url, OIOURL_TYPE)?"ok":"missing");
		return 3;
	GRID_INFO("URL valid [%s]", oio_url_get (url, OIOURL_WHOLE));

	struct oio_sds_s *client = NULL;
	struct oio_error_s *err = NULL;

	/* Initiate a client */
	err = oio_sds_init (&client, oio_url_get(url, OIOURL_NS));
	if (err) {
		g_printerr ("Client init error: (%d) %s\n", oio_error_code(err),
		return 4;
	GRID_INFO("Client ready to [%s]", oio_url_get (url, OIOURL_NS));

	err = _roundtrip_common (client, url, path);
	if (!err)
		err = _roundtrip_autocontainer (client, url, path);

	int rc = err != NULL;
	oio_error_pfree (&err);
	oio_sds_pfree (&client);
	oio_url_pclean (&url);
	return rc;
Exemplo n.º 8
oio_ext_real_seconds (void)
	return oio_ext_real_time () / G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND;
static gboolean
manage_service(struct service_info_s *si)
	GError *error_local;
	struct service_info_s *old_si = NULL;
	struct service_tag_s *tag_first = NULL;
	struct namespace_data_s *ns_data;
	gsize key_size;

	if (!si) {
		ERROR("Invalid parameter");
		return FALSE;

	key_size = agent_get_service_key(si, key, sizeof(key));
	grid_addrinfo_to_string(&(si->addr), str_addr, sizeof(str_addr));

	/*this service must refer to known namespace and service type*/
	error_local = NULL;
	if (!(ns_data = get_namespace(si->ns_name, &error_local))) {
		ERROR("Namespace unavailable for service [ns=%s type=%s addr=%s] : %s",
			si->ns_name, si->type, str_addr, gerror_get_message(error_local));
		if (error_local)
		return FALSE;

	/*Info trace when a service of a new type is used */
	if (error_local)
	if (!conscience_get_srvtype(ns_data->conscience, &error_local, si->type, MODE_STRICT)) {
		/*to avoid traces flooding, if the service already exists, no trace is sent */
		if (!g_hash_table_lookup(ns_data->local_services, key)
				&& !g_hash_table_lookup(ns_data->down_services, key)) {
			INFO("New service type discovered [ns=%s type=%s addr=%s]", ns_data->name, si->type, str_addr);

	/*replace MACRO tags by their true values */
	if (error_local)

	metautils_srvinfo_ensure_tags (si);

	si->score.value = SCORE_UNSET;
	si->score.timestamp = oio_ext_real_time() / G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND;

	/*then keep the score */
	g_hash_table_remove(ns_data->down_services, key);

	/* save first lauched tag if still in old si */
	old_si = g_hash_table_lookup(ns_data->local_services, key);
	if (old_si != NULL) {
		tag_first = service_info_get_tag(old_si->tags, NAME_TAGNAME_RAWX_FIRST);
		if (tag_first != NULL)
			service_tag_set_value_boolean(service_info_ensure_tag(si->tags, NAME_TAGNAME_RAWX_FIRST), tag_first->value.b);

	service_tag_set_value_boolean(service_info_ensure_tag(si->tags, "tag.up"), TRUE);
	g_hash_table_insert(ns_data->local_services, g_strndup(key, key_size), si);

	DEBUG("Service registration [ns=%s type=%s addr=%s]", ns_data->name, si->type, str_addr);

	if (error_local)
	return TRUE;