Exemplo n.º 1
static gboolean
traverse_func (const char *path,
               const char *filename,
               gpointer data)
    ol_test_expect (GPOINTER_TO_INT (data) == 123);
    gchar *fullpath = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, path, filename, NULL);
    ol_test_expect (g_file_test (fullpath, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS));
    g_free (fullpath);
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 2
test_string ()
  char *string = g_strdup ("Tiger Soldier");
  char *strold = string;
  gboolean ret = ol_cmd_get_string ("echo Cmd test", &string);
  ol_test_expect (ret == TRUE);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (string, "Cmd test\n") == 0);
  if (string)
    g_free (string);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (strold, "Tiger Soldier") == 0);
  g_free (strold);
Exemplo n.º 3
escape_test ()
  unlink (DB_FILE);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_init (DB_FILE));
  char *path = NULL;
  char *ESCAPE_PATH = "p'a't'h";
  OlMusicInfo *info = ol_music_info_new ();
  ol_music_info_set_uri (info, "U'R'I");
  ol_music_info_set_title (info, "t'i't'l'e");
  ol_music_info_set_artist (info, "a'r't'i's't");
  ol_music_info_set_album (info, "a'l'b'u'm");
  /* Music info with URI */
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_assign_lyric (info, ESCAPE_PATH) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, ESCAPE_PATH) == 0);
  g_free (path);

  ol_music_info_set_uri (info, NULL);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) == 0);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_assign_lyric (info, ESCAPE_PATH) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, ESCAPE_PATH) == 0);
  g_free (path);

  ol_lrclib_unload ();
  unlink (DB_FILE);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void
search_complete_cb (OlLyricSourceSearchTask *task,
                    enum OlLyricSourceStatus status,
                    GList *results,
                    gpointer userdata)
  printf ("search complete: ");
  print_status (status);
  ol_test_expect (status == (gsize)userdata);
    if (results)
      test_download (OL_LYRIC_SOURCE_CANDIDATE (results->data));
      test_download_cancel (OL_LYRIC_SOURCE_CANDIDATE (results->data));
    for (; results; results = results->next)
      OlLyricSourceCandidate *candidate;
      candidate = OL_LYRIC_SOURCE_CANDIDATE (results->data);
      printf ("(%s)%s - %s - %s\n",
              ol_lyric_source_candidate_get_sourceid (candidate),
              ol_lyric_source_candidate_get_title (candidate),
              ol_lyric_source_candidate_get_artist (candidate),
              ol_lyric_source_candidate_get_album (candidate));
  check_quit ();
Exemplo n.º 5
create_db_test ()
  unlink (DB_FILE);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_init (DB_FILE));
  ol_lrclib_unload ();
  unlink (DB_FILE);
Exemplo n.º 6
query_by_info_test ()
  unlink (DB_FILE);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_init (DB_FILE));
  char *path = NULL;
  OlMusicInfo *info = prepare_music ();
  ol_music_info_set_uri (info, NULL);
  /* Music info with URI */
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_assign_lyric (info, PATH_NOURI) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, PATH_NOURI) == 0);
  g_free (path);

  ol_music_info_set_uri (info, URI);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, PATH_NOURI) == 0);
  g_free (path);

  ol_music_info_set_artist (info, "no artist");
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) == 0);
  ol_lrclib_unload ();
  unlink (DB_FILE);
Exemplo n.º 7
test_hashtable (void)
    static const int INT_VALUE = 23840;
    static const char *STR_VALUE = "String Value";
    static char *STRV_VALUE[] = {
    GHashTable *ht = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
                                            g_free, (GDestroyNotify)g_value_free);
    GValue *value = g_new0 (GValue, 1);
    g_value_init (value, G_TYPE_INT);
    g_value_set_int (value, INT_VALUE);
    g_hash_table_insert (ht, g_strdup ("int"), value);

    value = g_new0 (GValue, 1);
    g_value_init (value, G_TYPE_STRING);
    g_value_set_string (value, STR_VALUE);
    g_hash_table_insert (ht, g_strdup ("str"), value);

    value = g_new0 (GValue, 1);
    g_value_init (value, G_TYPE_STRV);
    g_value_set_boxed (value, STRV_VALUE);
    g_hash_table_insert (ht, g_strdup ("strv"), value);

    ol_test_expect (ol_get_int_from_hash_table (ht, "int") == INT_VALUE);

    ol_test_expect (strcmp (ol_get_string_from_hash_table (ht, "str"), STR_VALUE) == 0);

    ol_test_expect (g_strv_length (ol_get_str_list_from_hash_table (ht, "strv")) ==
                    g_strv_length (STRV_VALUE));

    ol_test_expect (ol_get_int_from_hash_table (ht, "str") == -1);
    ol_test_expect (ol_get_int_from_hash_table (ht, "not_exists") == -1);

    ol_test_expect (ol_get_string_from_hash_table (ht, "int") == NULL);
    ol_test_expect (ol_get_string_from_hash_table (ht, "not_exists") == NULL);

    ol_test_expect (ol_get_str_list_from_hash_table (ht, "str") == NULL);
    ol_test_expect (ol_get_str_list_from_hash_table (ht, "not_exists") == NULL);

    g_hash_table_destroy (ht);
Exemplo n.º 8
static void
download_complete_cb (OlLyricSourceDownloadTask *task,
                      enum OlLyricSourceStatus status,
                      const gchar *content,
                      guint len,
                      gpointer userdata)
  printf ("download #%d complete: ",
          ol_lyric_source_task_get_id (OL_LYRIC_SOURCE_TASK (task)));
  print_status (status);
  ol_test_expect (status == (gsize)userdata);
  printf ("len: %u\n", len);
  printf ("%s\n", content);
  check_quit ();
Exemplo n.º 9
db_exist_test ()
  OlMusicInfo *info = prepare_music ();
  char *path = NULL;
  /* Music info with URI */
  unlink (DB_FILE);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_init (DB_FILE));
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) == 0);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_assign_lyric (info, PATH) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, PATH) == 0);
  g_free (path);
  ol_lrclib_unload ();

  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_init (DB_FILE));
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, PATH) == 0);
  g_free (path);
  ol_lrclib_unload ();
  unlink (DB_FILE);
Exemplo n.º 10
basic_test ()
  int ret = ol_lrclib_init (DB_FILE);
  ol_test_expect (ret != 0);
  OlMusicInfo *info = prepare_music ();
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_assign_lyric (info, PATH) != 0);
  char *path;
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, PATH) == 0);
  g_free (path);
  ol_music_info_set_uri (info, "URI 2");
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) == 0);
  printf ("path is: %s\n", path);
  ol_music_info_set_uri (info, NULL);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_assign_lyric (info, PATH_NOURI) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, PATH_NOURI) == 0);
  g_free (path);
  ol_lrclib_unload ();
  unlink (DB_FILE);
Exemplo n.º 11
test_int ()
  int sum;
  const char *cmd = "expr 3 + 2";
  const int ans = 5;
  gboolean ret = ol_cmd_get_int ("expr 3 + 2", &sum);
  ol_test_expect (ret == TRUE);
  ol_test_expect (sum == ans);
  ret = ol_cmd_get_int ("/home/", &sum);
  ol_test_expect (ret == FALSE);
  ol_test_expect (sum == ans);
  ret = ol_cmd_get_int ("pgrep init", &sum);
  ol_test_expect (ret == TRUE);
  ret = ol_cmd_get_int ("pgrep /asdf/", &sum);
  ol_test_expect (ret == FALSE);
Exemplo n.º 12
test_null_string ()
  gboolean ret = ol_cmd_get_string ("ls", NULL);
  ol_test_expect (ret == TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 13
assign_lrc_test ()
  unlink (DB_FILE);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_init (DB_FILE));
  OlMusicInfo *info = prepare_music ();
  char *path = NULL;
  /* Music info with URI */
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) == 0);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_assign_lyric (info, PATH) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, PATH) == 0);
  g_free (path);

  ol_music_info_set_title (info, NULL);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, PATH) == 0);
  g_free (path);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_assign_lyric (info, PATH2) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, PATH2) == 0);
  g_free (path);
  /* Music info without URI */
  ol_music_info_destroy (info);
  info = prepare_music ();
  ol_music_info_set_uri (info, NULL);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_assign_lyric (info, PATH_NOURI) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, PATH_NOURI) == 0);
  g_free (path);

  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_assign_lyric (info, PATH_NOURI2) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, PATH_NOURI2) == 0);
  g_free (path);

  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_assign_lyric (info, NULL) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (path == NULL);
  /* Music info with part of members */
  ol_music_info_destroy (info);
  info = prepare_music ();
  ol_music_info_set_uri (info, NULL);
  ol_music_info_set_album (info, NULL);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_assign_lyric (info, PATH_NOALBUM) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, PATH_NOALBUM) == 0);
  g_free (path);

  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_assign_lyric (info, PATH_NOALBUM2) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, PATH_NOALBUM2) == 0);
  g_free (path);

  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_assign_lyric (info, NULL) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (path == NULL);
  /* Music info with out title and uri */
  ol_music_info_destroy (info);
  info = prepare_music ();
  ol_music_info_set_uri (info, NULL);
  ol_music_info_set_title (info, NULL);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_assign_lyric (info, NULL) == 0);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) == 0);
  ol_lrclib_unload ();
  unlink (DB_FILE);
Exemplo n.º 14
query_by_uri_test ()
  unlink (DB_FILE);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_init (DB_FILE));
  OlMusicInfo *info = prepare_music ();
  char *path = NULL;
  /* Music info with URI */
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_assign_lyric (info, PATH) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, PATH) == 0);
  g_free (path);
  ol_music_info_set_title (info, "");
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, PATH) == 0);
  g_free (path);
  ol_music_info_set_artist (info, "");
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, PATH) == 0);
  g_free (path);
  ol_music_info_set_album (info, "");
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) != 0);
  ol_test_expect (strcmp (path, PATH) == 0);
  g_free (path);

  ol_music_info_destroy (info);
  info = prepare_music ();
  ol_music_info_set_uri (info, URI2);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) == 0);

  ol_music_info_set_uri (info, NULL);
  ol_test_expect (ol_lrclib_find (info, &path) == 0);
  ol_lrclib_unload ();
  unlink (DB_FILE);