Exemplo n.º 1
QgsPgNewConnection::QgsPgNewConnection( QWidget *parent, const QString& connName, Qt::WindowFlags fl )
    : QDialog( parent, fl )
    , mOriginalConnName( connName )
    , mAuthConfigSelect( nullptr )
  setupUi( this );

  cbxSSLmode->addItem( tr( "disable" ), QgsDataSourceUri::SslDisable );
  cbxSSLmode->addItem( tr( "allow" ), QgsDataSourceUri::SslAllow );
  cbxSSLmode->addItem( tr( "prefer" ), QgsDataSourceUri::SslPrefer );
  cbxSSLmode->addItem( tr( "require" ), QgsDataSourceUri::SslRequire );
  cbxSSLmode->addItem( tr( "verify-ca" ), QgsDataSourceUri::SslVerifyCa );
  cbxSSLmode->addItem( tr( "verify-full" ), QgsDataSourceUri::SslVerifyFull );

  mAuthConfigSelect = new QgsAuthConfigSelect( this, QStringLiteral( "postgres" ) );
  tabAuthentication->insertTab( 1, mAuthConfigSelect, tr( "Configurations" ) );

  if ( !connName.isEmpty() )
    // populate the dialog with the information stored for the connection
    // populate the fields with the stored setting parameters
    QSettings settings;

    QString key = "/PostgreSQL/connections/" + connName;
    txtService->setText( settings.value( key + "/service" ).toString() );
    txtHost->setText( settings.value( key + "/host" ).toString() );
    QString port = settings.value( key + "/port" ).toString();
    if ( port.length() == 0 )
      port = QStringLiteral( "5432" );
    txtPort->setText( port );
    txtDatabase->setText( settings.value( key + "/database" ).toString() );
    cb_publicSchemaOnly->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/publicOnly", false ).toBool() );
    cb_geometryColumnsOnly->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/geometryColumnsOnly", true ).toBool() );
    cb_dontResolveType->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/dontResolveType", false ).toBool() );
    cb_allowGeometrylessTables->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/allowGeometrylessTables", false ).toBool() );
    // Ensure that cb_publicSchemaOnly is set correctly

    cb_useEstimatedMetadata->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/estimatedMetadata", false ).toBool() );

    cbxSSLmode->setCurrentIndex( cbxSSLmode->findData( settings.value( key + "/sslmode", QgsDataSourceUri::SslPrefer ).toInt() ) );

    if ( settings.value( key + "/saveUsername" ).toString() == QLatin1String( "true" ) )
      txtUsername->setText( settings.value( key + "/username" ).toString() );
      chkStoreUsername->setChecked( true );

    if ( settings.value( key + "/savePassword" ).toString() == QLatin1String( "true" ) )
      txtPassword->setText( settings.value( key + "/password" ).toString() );
      chkStorePassword->setChecked( true );

    // Old save setting
    if ( settings.contains( key + "/save" ) )
      txtUsername->setText( settings.value( key + "/username" ).toString() );
      chkStoreUsername->setChecked( !txtUsername->text().isEmpty() );

      if ( settings.value( key + "/save" ).toString() == QLatin1String( "true" ) )
        txtPassword->setText( settings.value( key + "/password" ).toString() );

      chkStorePassword->setChecked( true );

    QString authcfg = settings.value( key + "/authcfg" ).toString();
    mAuthConfigSelect->setConfigId( authcfg );
    if ( !authcfg.isEmpty() )
      tabAuthentication->setCurrentIndex( tabAuthentication->indexOf( mAuthConfigSelect ) );

    txtName->setText( connName );
Exemplo n.º 2
QgsPgNewConnection::QgsPgNewConnection( QWidget *parent, const QString& connName, Qt::WindowFlags fl )
    : QDialog( parent, fl ), mOriginalConnName( connName )
  setupUi( this );

  cbxSSLmode->addItem( tr( "disable" ), QgsDataSourceURI::SSLdisable );
  cbxSSLmode->addItem( tr( "allow" ), QgsDataSourceURI::SSLallow );
  cbxSSLmode->addItem( tr( "prefer" ), QgsDataSourceURI::SSLprefer );
  cbxSSLmode->addItem( tr( "require" ), QgsDataSourceURI::SSLrequire );

  if ( !connName.isEmpty() )
    // populate the dialog with the information stored for the connection
    // populate the fields with the stored setting parameters
    QSettings settings;

    QString key = "/PostgreSQL/connections/" + connName;
    txtService->setText( settings.value( key + "/service" ).toString() );
    txtHost->setText( settings.value( key + "/host" ).toString() );
    QString port = settings.value( key + "/port" ).toString();
    if ( port.length() == 0 )
      port = "5432";
    txtPort->setText( port );
    txtDatabase->setText( settings.value( key + "/database" ).toString() );
    cb_publicSchemaOnly->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/publicOnly", false ).toBool() );
    cb_geometryColumnsOnly->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/geometryColumnsOnly", true ).toBool() );
    cb_dontResolveType->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/dontResolveType", false ).toBool() );
    cb_allowGeometrylessTables->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/allowGeometrylessTables", false ).toBool() );
    // Ensure that cb_publicSchemaOnly is set correctly

    cb_useEstimatedMetadata->setChecked( settings.value( key + "/estimatedMetadata", false ).toBool() );

    cbxSSLmode->setCurrentIndex( cbxSSLmode->findData( settings.value( key + "/sslmode", QgsDataSourceURI::SSLprefer ).toInt() ) );

    if ( settings.value( key + "/saveUsername" ).toString() == "true" )
      txtUsername->setText( settings.value( key + "/username" ).toString() );
      chkStoreUsername->setChecked( true );

    if ( settings.value( key + "/savePassword" ).toString() == "true" )
      txtPassword->setText( settings.value( key + "/password" ).toString() );
      chkStorePassword->setChecked( true );

    // Old save setting
    if ( settings.contains( key + "/save" ) )
      txtUsername->setText( settings.value( key + "/username" ).toString() );
      chkStoreUsername->setChecked( !txtUsername->text().isEmpty() );

      if ( settings.value( key + "/save" ).toString() == "true" )
        txtPassword->setText( settings.value( key + "/password" ).toString() );

      chkStorePassword->setChecked( true );

    txtName->setText( connName );