Exemplo n.º 1
void MainWindow::onLoad(bool pFinished)
			qDebug("Loading: %s",static_cast<const char *>(mFileName.toAscii()));
Exemplo n.º 2
void MainWindow::openFile(void)
	QString lOpenFileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,"Open ...");

Exemplo n.º 3
void SearchQueryView::contextMenu( const QPoint & pos )
    bool isNumeric;
    if( isNumeric )
        QMenu menu(this);
        menu.addAction(tr("Edit line"), this, SLOT(editLine()));
        menu.addAction(tr("Open text"), this, SLOT(openText()));
        menu.addAction(tr("Play sound"), this, SLOT(playSound()));
        menu.exec( mapToGlobal(pos) );
Exemplo n.º 4
void MainWindowImpl::setActions()
	connect(actionOpenFile, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openText()));
	connect(actionSave, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(save()));
	connect(actionSaveAs, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveAs()));
	connect(actionClose, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close()));

    connect(actionAlign_left, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(changeAlignment()));
    connect(actionAlign_center, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(changeAlignment()));
    connect(actionAlign_right, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(changeAlignment()));

	connect(actionConfigure, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showOptionsDialog()));

	connect(actionInfo, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showInfo()));
Exemplo n.º 5
Text* Project::text(const QString & name)
    if( mTexts.contains(name) )
        return mTexts[name];
        if( openText(name) == Project::Success )
            return mTexts[name];
            return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
void KDChartHiLoPainter::specificPaintData( QPainter* painter,
        const QRect& ourClipRect,
        KDChartTableDataBase* data,
        KDChartDataRegionList* /*regions*/,
        const KDChartAxisParams* axisPara,
        bool /*bNormalMode*/,
        uint /*chart*/,
        double logWidth,
        double areaWidthP1000,
        double logHeight,
        double axisYOffset,
        double /*minColumnValue*/,
        double /*maxColumnValue*/,
        double /*columnValueDistance*/,
        uint chartDatasetStart,
        uint chartDatasetEnd,
        uint datasetStart,
        uint datasetEnd )
    double areaHeightP1000 = logHeight / 1000.0;
    double averageValueP1000 = ( areaWidthP1000 + areaHeightP1000 ) / 2.0;
    int datasetNum=abs(static_cast<int>(chartDatasetEnd-chartDatasetStart))+1;

    painter->setPen( params()->outlineDataColor() );

    // Number of values: If -1, use all values, otherwise use the
    // specified number of values.
    int numValues = 0;
    if ( params()->numValues() != -1 )
        numValues = params()->numValues();
        numValues = data->usedCols();

    // We need to make sure that we have a certain number of
    // cells in the dataset(s), depending on the sub type to display.
    if( (numValues < 2) ||
        ((params()->hiLoChartSubType() == KDChartParams::HiLoClose)     && (numValues < 3)) ||
        ((params()->hiLoChartSubType() == KDChartParams::HiLoOpenClose) && (numValues < 4)) ){
        qDebug( "\nNot enough data to display a High/Low Chart!\n" );
        qDebug( "type                 requiring" );
        qDebug( "----                 ---------" );
        qDebug( "High/Low             2 data cells per series" );
        qDebug( "High/Low/Close       3 data cells per series" );
        qDebug( "High/Low/open/Close  4 data cells per series\n" );
        return; // PENDING(kalle) Throw exception?

    double pixelsPerUnit = 0.0;
    if( 0.0 != axisPara->trueAxisHigh() - axisPara->trueAxisLow() )
        pixelsPerUnit = logHeight / (axisPara->trueAxisHigh() - axisPara->trueAxisLow());
        pixelsPerUnit = logHeight / 10;

    // Distance between the individual "stocks"
    double pointDist = logWidth / (double)datasetNum;

    // compute the position of the 0 axis
    double zeroXAxisI = axisPara->axisZeroLineStartY() - _dataRect.y();

    const int nLineWidth = params()->lineWidth();

    // Loop over the datasets, draw one "stock" line for each series.
    for ( uint dataset  = chartDatasetStart;
            dataset <= chartDatasetEnd;
            ++dataset ) {
        // The first and the second col are always high and low; we sort them
        // accordingly.
        QVariant valueA;
        QVariant valueB;
        if( dataset >= datasetStart &&
            dataset <= datasetEnd &&
            data->cellCoord( dataset, 0, valueA, 1 ) &&
            data->cellCoord( dataset, 1, valueB, 1 ) &&
            QVariant::Double == valueA.type() &&
            QVariant::Double == valueB.type() ){
            const double cellValue1 = valueA.toDouble();
            const double cellValue2 = valueB.toDouble();
            const double lowValue  = QMIN( cellValue1, cellValue2 );
            const double highValue = QMAX( cellValue1, cellValue2 );
            const double lowDrawValue = lowValue * pixelsPerUnit;
            const double highDrawValue = highValue * pixelsPerUnit;

            painter->setPen( QPen( params()->dataColor( dataset ),
                             nLineWidth ) );
            // draw line from low to high
            int xpos = static_cast<int>(
                        pointDist * ( (double)(dataset-chartDatasetStart) + 0.5 ) );
            int lowYPos  = static_cast<int>( zeroXAxisI - lowDrawValue );
            int highYPos = static_cast<int>( zeroXAxisI - highDrawValue );

            painter->drawLine( xpos, lowYPos, xpos, highYPos );

            // Find out how long open/close lines need to be in case we
            // need them. We make them 1/10 of the space available for one
            // "stock".
            int openCloseTickLength = static_cast<int>( pointDist * 0.1 );
            // we need these here because we might need to consider these
            // later when drawing the low and high labels
            bool hasOpen = false, hasClose = false;
            double openValue = 0.0, openDrawValue = 0.0,
            closeValue = 0.0, closeDrawValue = 0.0;

            // if we have an open/close chart, show the open value
            if( params()->hiLoChartSubType() == KDChartParams::HiLoOpenClose ) {
                // Only do this if there is a value in the third col.
                if( data->cellCoord( dataset, 2, valueA, 1 ) &&
                    QVariant::Double == valueA.type() ) {
                    hasOpen = true;
                    openValue = valueA.toDouble();
                    openDrawValue = openValue * pixelsPerUnit;
                    painter->drawLine( xpos - openCloseTickLength,
                            static_cast<int>( zeroXAxisI - openDrawValue ),
                            static_cast<int>( zeroXAxisI - openDrawValue ) );

            // If we have an open/close chart or a close chart, show the
            // close value, but only if there is a value in the
            // corresponding column (2 for HiLoClose, 3 for
            // HiLoOpenClose).
            if( ( params()->hiLoChartSubType() == KDChartParams::HiLoClose &&
                  data->cellCoord( dataset, 2, valueA, 1 ) &&
                  QVariant::Double == valueA.type() ) ||
                ( params()->hiLoChartSubType() == KDChartParams::HiLoOpenClose &&
                  data->cellCoord( dataset, 3, valueB, 1 ) &&
                  QVariant::Double == valueB.type() ) ) {
                hasClose = true;
                closeValue = ( params()->hiLoChartSubType() == KDChartParams::HiLoClose )
                           ? valueA.toDouble() 
                           : valueB.toDouble();
                closeDrawValue = closeValue * pixelsPerUnit;
                painter->drawLine( xpos,
                        static_cast<int>( zeroXAxisI - closeDrawValue ),
                        xpos + openCloseTickLength,
                        static_cast<int>( zeroXAxisI - closeDrawValue ) );

            // Draw the low value, if requested.
            if( params()->hiLoChartPrintLowValues() ) {
                // PENDING(kalle) Number formatting?
                QFont theFont( params()->hiLoChartLowValuesFont() );
                if ( params()->hiLoChartLowValuesUseFontRelSize() ) {
                    int nTxtHeight =
                        static_cast < int > ( params()->hiLoChartLowValuesFontRelSize()
                                * averageValueP1000 );
                    theFont.setPointSizeFloat( nTxtHeight );
                KDChartTextPiece lowText( painter, QString::number( lowValue ),
                        theFont );
                int width = lowText.width();
                int height = lowText.height();

                // Check whether there is enough space below the data display
                int valX = 0, valY = 0;
                //qDebug("\nzeroXAxisI %f   lowDrawValue %f   height %i   logHeight %f   _dataRect.y() %i   axisYOffset %f",zeroXAxisI,highDrawValue,height,logHeight,_dataRect.y(),axisYOffset);
                //qDebug("zeroXAxisI - lowDrawValue + height %f    <   axisYOffset + logHeight %f",
                //zeroXAxisI - lowDrawValue + height, axisYOffset+logHeight);
                if( zeroXAxisI - lowDrawValue + height < axisYOffset+logHeight ) {
                    // enough space
                    valX = xpos - ( width / 2 );
                    valY = (int)lowDrawValue - lowText.fontLeading();
                } else {
                    // not enough space - move to left
                    if( !hasOpen || height < openDrawValue ) {
                        // Either there is no open value or it is high enough
                        // that we can put the low value to the left.
                        valX = xpos - width - nLineWidth;
                        valY = static_cast<int>(zeroXAxisI)
                                - lowYPos
                                + height/2
                                + nLineWidth/2;
                    }// else
                        ; // no way to draw it (really?)
                lowText.draw( painter,
                              valX, static_cast<int>( zeroXAxisI - valY ),
                              params()->hiLoChartLowValuesColor() );

            // Draw the high value, if requested.
            if( params()->hiLoChartPrintHighValues() ) {
                // PENDING(kalle) Number formatting?
                QFont theFont( params()->hiLoChartHighValuesFont() );
                if ( params()->hiLoChartHighValuesUseFontRelSize() ) {
                    int nTxtHeight =
                        static_cast < int > ( params()->hiLoChartHighValuesFontRelSize()
                                * averageValueP1000 );
                    theFont.setPointSizeFloat( nTxtHeight );
                KDChartTextPiece highText( painter, QString::number( highValue ),
                        theFont );
                int width = highText.width();
                int height = highText.height();

                // Check whether there is enough space above the data display
                int valX = 0, valY = 0;
                if( zeroXAxisI - highDrawValue - height > axisYOffset ) {
                    // enough space
                    valX = xpos - ( width / 2 );
                    valY = (int)highDrawValue + highText.fontLeading() + height;
                } else {
                    // not enough space - move to right
                    if( !hasClose ||
                        height < ( _dataRect.height() - closeDrawValue ) ) {
                        // Either there is no close value or it is low enough
                        // that we can put the high value to the right.
                        valX = xpos + nLineWidth;
                        valY = static_cast<int>(zeroXAxisI)
                                - highYPos
                                + height/2
                                - nLineWidth/2;
                    } //else
                        ; // no way to draw it (really?)
                highText.draw( painter,
                               valX, static_cast<int>( zeroXAxisI - valY ),
                               params()->hiLoChartHighValuesColor() );

            // Draw the open value, if requested.
            if( params()->hiLoChartPrintOpenValues() &&
                    params()->hiLoChartSubType() == KDChartParams::HiLoOpenClose ) {
                // PENDING(kalle) Number formatting?
                QFont theFont( params()->hiLoChartOpenValuesFont() );
                if ( params()->hiLoChartOpenValuesUseFontRelSize() ) {
                    int nTxtHeight =
                        static_cast < int > ( params()->hiLoChartOpenValuesFontRelSize()
                                * averageValueP1000 );
                    theFont.setPointSizeFloat( nTxtHeight );
                KDChartTextPiece openText( painter, QString::number( openValue ),
                        theFont );
                int width = openText.width();
                int height = openText.height();

                // We can pretty safely assume that there is always enough
                // space to the left and right of the data display.
                int valX = 0, valY = 0;
                valX = xpos - openCloseTickLength - width;
                valY = (int)openDrawValue + ( height / 2 );
                openText.draw( painter,
                        valX, static_cast<int>( zeroXAxisI - valY ),
                        params()->hiLoChartOpenValuesColor() );

            // Draw the close value, if requested.
            if( params()->hiLoChartPrintCloseValues() &&
                    ( params()->hiLoChartSubType() == KDChartParams::HiLoOpenClose
                      params()->hiLoChartSubType() == KDChartParams::HiLoClose ) ) {
                // PENDING(kalle) Number formatting?
                QFont theFont( params()->hiLoChartCloseValuesFont() );
                if ( params()->hiLoChartCloseValuesUseFontRelSize() ) {
                    int nTxtHeight =
                        static_cast < int > ( params()->hiLoChartCloseValuesFontRelSize()
                                * averageValueP1000 );
                    theFont.setPointSizeFloat( nTxtHeight );
                KDChartTextPiece closeText( painter, QString::number( closeValue ),
                        theFont );
                //int width = closeText.width();
                int height = closeText.height();

                // We can pretty safely assume that there is always enough
                // space to the left and right of the data display.
                int valX = 0, valY = 0;
                valX = xpos + openCloseTickLength;
                valY = (int)closeDrawValue + ( height / 2 );
                closeText.draw( painter,
                        valX, static_cast<int>( zeroXAxisI - valY ),
                        params()->hiLoChartCloseValuesColor() );

        } else
            continue; // we cannot display this value