Exemplo n.º 1
// Open a BMP stream
static int openbmp(char *filename, char *packfilename){
	if((handle=openpackfile(filename,packfilename))==-1) return 0;
		return 0;
	if(bmp_header.bm!=0x4D42 || bmp_header.bpp!=8 || bmp_header.compression){
		return 0;
	current_res[0] = bmp_header.xsize;
	current_res[1] = bmp_header.ysize;
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Open a BMP stream
static int openbmp(char *filename, char *packfilename)

#if DC || GP2X || SYMBIAN
    unsigned char mybmpheader[0x36];

    if((handle = openpackfile(filename, packfilename)) == -1)
        return 0;
#if DC || GP2X || SYMBIAN
    if(readpackfile(handle, &mybmpheader, 0x36) != 0x36)
    if(readpackfile(handle, &bmp_header, sizeof(s_bmpheader)) != sizeof(s_bmpheader))
        return 0;

#if DC || GP2X || SYMBIAN
    build_bmp_header(&bmp_header, mybmpheader);
    bmp_header.bm = SwapLSB16(bmp_header.bm);
    bmp_header.numplanes = SwapLSB16(bmp_header.numplanes);
    bmp_header.bpp = SwapLSB16(bmp_header.bpp);

    bmp_header.filesize = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.filesize);
    bmp_header.reserved = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.reserved);
    bmp_header.picstart = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.picstart);
    bmp_header.headersize = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.headersize);
    bmp_header.xsize = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.xsize);
    bmp_header.ysize = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.ysize);
    bmp_header.filesize = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.filesize);

    bmp_header.compression = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.compression);
    bmp_header.picsize = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.picsize);
    bmp_header.hres = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.hres);
    bmp_header.vres = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.vres);
    bmp_header.numcolors_used = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.numcolors_used);
    bmp_header.numcolors_important = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.numcolors_important);

    if(bmp_header.bm != 0x4D42 || bmp_header.bpp != 8 || bmp_header.compression)
        return 0;
    res[0] = bmp_header.xsize;
    res[1] = bmp_header.ysize;
    return 1;

// Read data from the bitmap file
static int readbmp(unsigned char *buf, unsigned char *pal, int maxwidth, int maxheight)

    unsigned char *linebuffer;
    int y, s, d;
    int pb = PAL_BYTES;

        y = 0;
        while(y < maxheight && y < bmp_header.ysize)
            linebuffer = buf + y * maxwidth;
            seekpackfile(handle, bmp_header.picstart + ((bmp_header.ysize - y - 1)*bmp_header.xsize), SEEK_SET);
            readpackfile(handle, linebuffer, bmp_header.xsize);

    if(pal && (linebuffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(1024)))
        seekpackfile(handle, bmp_header.picstart - 1024, SEEK_SET);
        readpackfile(handle, linebuffer, 1024);
        if(pb == 512) // 16bit 565
            for(s = 0, d = 0; s < 1024; s += 4, d += 2)
                *(unsigned short *)(pal + d) = colour16(linebuffer[s + 2], linebuffer[s + 1], linebuffer[s]);
        else if(pb == 768) // 24bit palette, RGBA-BGR
            for(s = 0, d = 0; s < 1024; s += 4, d += 3)
                pal[d] = linebuffer[s + 2];
                pal[d + 1] = linebuffer[s + 1];
                pal[d + 2] = linebuffer[s];
        else if(pb == 1024)
            for(s = 0, d = 0; s < 1024; s += 4, d += 4)
                *(unsigned *)(pal + d) = colour32(linebuffer[s + 2], linebuffer[s + 1], linebuffer[s]);
        linebuffer = NULL;

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
// return 1 on success, 0 on error
static int openpng(const char *filename, const char *packfilename)
    static int warned_about_interlacing = 0;

    if ((handle = openpackfile(filename, packfilename)) == -1)
        goto openpng_abort;

    uint64_t magic;
    if (readpackfile(handle, &magic, 8) != 8)
        goto openpng_abort;

    if (magic != SwapMSB64(PNG_MAGIC))
        goto openpng_abort;

    struct png_chunk_header chunk_header;
    if (readpackfile(handle, &chunk_header, sizeof(chunk_header)) != sizeof(chunk_header))
        goto openpng_abort;
    if (SwapMSB32(chunk_header.chunk_size) != 13 || chunk_header.chunk_name != SwapMSB32(PNG_CHUNK_IHDR))
        goto openpng_abort;

    char ihdr_data[13];
    uint32_t *ihdr_data32 = (uint32_t *)ihdr_data;
    if (readpackfile(handle, &ihdr_data, sizeof(ihdr_data)) != sizeof(ihdr_data))
        goto openpng_abort;
    uint32_t width = SwapMSB32(ihdr_data32[0]);
    uint32_t height = SwapMSB32(ihdr_data32[1]);
    res[0] = width;
    res[1] = height;

    // Bit depth must be 8 for our purposes. Compression and filter method must be 0 in all PNGs.
    if (ihdr_data[8] != 8 || ihdr_data[10] != 0 || ihdr_data[11] != 0)
        goto openpng_abort;
    // Color type must be grayscale or indexed.
    else if (ihdr_data[9] != 0 && ihdr_data[9] != 3)
        goto openpng_abort;

    if (ihdr_data[12] == 1)
        if (!warned_about_interlacing)
            // Only print this warning once
            printf("Warning: The image %s is interlaced. For faster load times, use non-interlaced images.\n", filename);
            warned_about_interlacing = 1;
    // Interlacing mode must be either 0 (disabled) or 1 (Adam7).
    else if (ihdr_data[12] != 0)
        goto openpng_abort;

    png_is_interlaced = ihdr_data[12];

    return 1;

    handle = -1;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
static int openpng(char *filename, char *packfilename)
    unsigned char header[8];    // 8 is the maximum size that can be checked
    int y;

    if((handle = openpackfile(filename, packfilename)) == -1)
        goto openpng_abort;

    if(readpackfile(handle, header, 8) != 8)
        goto openpng_abort;

    if (png_sig_cmp(header, 0, 8))
        goto openpng_abort;

    png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if (!png_ptr)
        goto openpng_abort;

    //UT: use customized file read function here, because we use pak file methods instead of stdio
    png_set_read_fn(png_ptr, &handle, png_read_fn);

    info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
    if (!info_ptr)
        goto openpng_abort;

    png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr, 8);
    png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);

    //UT: not formal here, but just read what we need since we use only 8bit png for now
    res[0] = png_get_image_width(png_ptr, info_ptr);
    png_height = res[1] = png_get_image_height(png_ptr, info_ptr);
    // should only be a 8bit image by now
    if (png_get_bit_depth(png_ptr, info_ptr) != 8)
        goto openpng_abort;

    png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);

    row_pointers = (png_bytep *) malloc(sizeof(png_bytep) * png_height);
    for (y = 0; y < png_height; y++)
        row_pointers[y] = (png_byte *) malloc(png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr, info_ptr));

    png_read_image(png_ptr, row_pointers);
    return 1;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Reads a script file into an allocated buffer.  Be sure to call free() on the
 * returned buffer when you are done with it!
 * Returns the buffer on success, NULL on failure.
static char *readScript(const char *path)
#if 1 // stdio version
    char *scriptText = NULL;
    int fileSize;
    FILE *fp = fopen(path, "rb");
    if(!fp) goto error;
    if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END) < 0) goto error;
    fileSize = ftell(fp);
    scriptText = (char*) malloc(fileSize + 1);
    if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) goto error;
    if ((int)fread(scriptText, 1, fileSize, fp) != fileSize) goto error;
    scriptText[fileSize] = 0;
    return scriptText;

    // ideally, this error message would include the name of the file that tried to import this file
    printf("Script error: unable to open file '%s' for importing\n", path);
    if (scriptText)
    if (fp)
    return NULL;
#else // packfile I/O version
    int handle = openpackfile(path, packfile);
    int size;
    char *buffer = NULL;

    if(handle < 0)
        goto error;
    size = seekpackfile(handle, 0, SEEK_END);
    if(size < 0)
        goto error;
    buffer = malloc(size + 1);
    if(buffer == NULL)
        goto error;

    if(seekpackfile(handle, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0)
        goto error;
    if(readpackfile(handle, buffer, size) < 0)
        goto error;
    buffer[size] = '\0';
    return buffer;

    // ideally, this error message would include the name of the file that tried to import this file
    printf("Script error: unable to open file '%s' for importing\n", path);
    if(handle >= 0)
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 6
webm_context *webm_start_playback(const char *path, int volume)
    webm_context *ctx;
    nestegg_io io;
    int video_track = -1, audio_track = -1;

    quit_video = 0;
    ctx = malloc(sizeof(*ctx));
    if(!ctx) return NULL;
    memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));

    // set up I/O callbacks
    io.read = webm_read;
    io.seek = webm_seek;
    io.tell = webm_tell;

    // open video file
    ctx->packhandle = openpackfile(path, packfile);
    if(ctx->packhandle < 0)
        printf("Error: Unable to open file %s for playback\n", path);
        goto error1;
    io.userdata = (void*)ctx->packhandle;
    if(nestegg_init(&(ctx->nestegg_ctx), io, NULL, -1) < 0) goto error2;

    // get number of tracks
    unsigned int num_tracks, i;
    if(nestegg_track_count(ctx->nestegg_ctx, &num_tracks) < 0) goto error3;

    // find the first video and audio tracks
    for (i = 0; i < num_tracks; i++)
        int track_type = nestegg_track_type(ctx->nestegg_ctx, i);
        int codec = nestegg_track_codec_id(ctx->nestegg_ctx, i);
        if (track_type == NESTEGG_TRACK_VIDEO)
            if(codec != NESTEGG_CODEC_VP8)
                printf("Error: unsupported video codec; only VP8 is supported\n");
                goto error3;
            video_track = i;
        else if (track_type == NESTEGG_TRACK_AUDIO)
            if(codec != NESTEGG_CODEC_VORBIS)
                printf("Error: unsupported audio codec; only Vorbis is supported\n");
                goto error3;
            audio_track = i;

    // set up video
    ctx->video_track = video_track;
    init_video(ctx->nestegg_ctx, ctx->video_track, &(ctx->video_ctx));
    ctx->the_video_thread = thread_create(video_thread, "video", &(ctx->video_ctx));

    // set up audio, if applicable
    ctx->audio_track = audio_track;
    if (audio_track >= 0)
        // use the audio track of this file
        init_audio(ctx->nestegg_ctx, ctx->audio_track, &(ctx->audio_ctx), volume);
        ctx->the_audio_thread = thread_create(audio_thread, "audio", &(ctx->audio_ctx));
    else if (sound_query_music(NULL, NULL))
        // continue to play the BGM that's already playing
        ctx->the_audio_thread = thread_create(bgm_update_thread, "bgm", NULL);

    // finally, start the demuxing thread
    ctx->the_demux_thread = thread_create(demux_thread, "demux", ctx);
    return ctx;

    return NULL;