Exemplo n.º 1
void parseCmdlineOpts (int argc, char **argv, struct args_info *args_info)

  char *string_ptr = NULL;
  char *args_ptr = NULL;

  /* Clear out the argument structure */
  memset (args_info, 0, sizeof (struct args_info));

  while (argc > 1) {

    /* If we don't have a proper argument leading with '-' */
    if (argv[1][0] != '-') {

      printHelp ();
      exit (1);


    /* Deal with arguments of type '--', else deal with switches of
     * type '-'.
    if (argv[1][1] == '-') {

      string_ptr = &(argv[1][2]);

      /* Find the '=' if it exists, otherwise argv_ptr is '\0' */
      for (args_ptr = string_ptr; *args_ptr != '\0'; args_ptr++) {

        if (*args_ptr == '=') {

          *args_ptr = '\0';



      if (!strcmp (string_ptr, "help")) {

        args_info->help_given = 1;
        printHelp ();
        exit (0);


      if (!strcmp (string_ptr, "version")) {

        args_info->version_given = 1;
        printVersion ();
        exit (0);


      if (!strcmp (string_ptr, "port")) {

        if (args_info->port_given) {
          optError ("`--port' (`-p') option given more than once");
        if (!*args_ptr) {
          optError ("Must specify argument: --port=INT");

        args_info->port_given = 1;
        GET_INT_FROM_STRING_ARG (args_ptr, args_info->port_arg,
                                 "Must specify argument: --port=INT")


      if (!strcmp (string_ptr, "config")) {

        if (args_info->config_given) {
          optError ("`--config' (`-c') option given more than once");
        if (!*args_ptr) {
          optError ("Must specify argument: --config=STRING");

        args_info->config_given = 1;
        args_info->config_arg = args_ptr;


      if (!strcmp (string_ptr, "voices")) {

        if (args_info->voices_given) {
          optError ("`--voices' (`-v') option given more than once");
        if (!*args_ptr) {
          optError ("Must specify argument: --voices=INT");

        args_info->voices_given = 1;
        GET_INT_FROM_STRING_ARG (args_ptr, args_info->voices_arg,
                                 "Must specify argument: --voices=INT")


      if (!strcmp (string_ptr, "logfile")) {

        if (args_info->logfile_given) {
          optError ("`--logfile' (`-l') option given more than once");
        if (!*args_ptr) {
          optError ("Must specify argument: --logfile=STRING");

        args_info->logfile_given = 1;
        args_info->logfile_arg = args_ptr;


      if (!strcmp (string_ptr, "pidfile")) {

        if (args_info->pidfile_given) {
          optError ("`--pidfile' option given more than once");
        if (!*args_ptr) {
          optError ("Must specify argument: --pidfile=STRING");

        args_info->pidfile_given = 1;
        args_info->pidfile_arg = args_ptr;


      if (!strcmp (string_ptr, "record-file")) {

        if (args_info->record_file_given) {
          optError ("`--record-file' option given more than once");
        if (!*args_ptr) {
          optError ("Must specify argument: --record-file=STRING");

        args_info->record_file_given = 1;
        args_info->record_file_arg = args_ptr;


      if (!strcmp (string_ptr, "start-time")) {

        if (args_info->start_time_given) {
          optError ("`--start-time' option given more than once");
        if (!*args_ptr) {
          optError ("Must specify argument: --start_time=STRING");

        args_info->start_time_given = 1;
        args_info->start_time_arg = args_ptr;


      if (!strcmp (string_ptr, "end-time")) {

        if (args_info->end_time_given) {
          optError ("`--end-time' option given more than once");
        if (!*args_ptr) {
          optError ("Must specify argument: --end-time=STRING");

        args_info->end_time_given = 1;
        args_info->end_time_arg = args_ptr;


      if (!strcmp (string_ptr, "snd-device")) {

        if (args_info->snd_device_given) {
          optError ("`--snd-device' option given more than once");
        if (!*args_ptr) {
          optError ("Must specify argument: --snd-device=STRING");

        args_info->snd_device_given = 1;
        args_info->snd_device_arg = args_ptr;


      if (!strcmp (string_ptr, "snd-port")) {

        if (args_info->snd_port_given) {
          optError ("`--snd-port' option given more than once");
        if (!*args_ptr) {
          optError ("Must specify argument: --snd-port=INT");

        args_info->snd_port_given = 1;
        GET_INT_FROM_STRING_ARG (args_ptr, args_info->snd_port_arg,
                                 "Must specify argument: --snd-port=INT")


      if (!strcmp (string_ptr, "playback-mode")) {

        if (args_info->playback_mode_given) {
          optError ("`--playback-mode' option given more than once");

        args_info->playback_mode_given = 1;


      if (!strcmp (string_ptr, "record-mode")) {

        if (args_info->record_mode_given) {
          optError ("`--record-mode' option given more than once");

        args_info->record_mode_given = 1;


      if (!strcmp (string_ptr, "nodaemon")) {

        if (args_info->nodaemon_given) {
          optError ("`--nodaemon' option given more than once");

        args_info->nodaemon_given = 1;


    } else {

      switch (argv[1][1]) {
Exemplo n.º 2
int parseCommonOpts(char *string, InitArgs *args, int is_jni) {
    int status = OPT_OK;

    if(strcmp(string, "-Xasyncgc") == 0)
        args->asyncgc = TRUE;

    else if(strncmp(string, "-Xms", 4) == 0 ||
            (!is_jni && strncmp(string, "-ms", 3) == 0)) {

        char *value = string + (string[1] == 'm' ? 3 : 4);
        args->min_heap = parseMemValue(value);

        if(args->min_heap < MIN_HEAP) {
            optError(args, "Invalid minimum heap size: %s (min %dK)\n",
                     string, MIN_HEAP/KB);
            status = OPT_ERROR;

    } else if(strncmp(string, "-Xmx", 4) == 0 ||
              (!is_jni && strncmp(string, "-mx", 3) == 0)) {

        char *value = string + (string[1] == 'm' ? 3 : 4);
        args->max_heap = parseMemValue(value);

        if(args->max_heap < MIN_HEAP) {
            optError(args, "Invalid maximum heap size: %s (min is %dK)\n",
                     string, MIN_HEAP/KB);
            status = OPT_ERROR;

    } else if(strncmp(string, "-Xss", 4) == 0 ||
              (!is_jni && strncmp(string, "-ss", 3) == 0)) {

        char *value = string + (string[1] == 'm' ? 3 : 4);
        args->java_stack = parseMemValue(value);

        if(args->java_stack < MIN_STACK) {
            optError(args, "Invalid Java stack size: %s (min is %dK)\n",
                     string, MIN_STACK/KB);
            status = OPT_ERROR;

    } else if(strncmp(string, "-D", 2) == 0) {
        char *key = strcpy(sysMalloc(strlen(string + 2) + 1), string + 2);
        char *pntr;

        for(pntr = key; *pntr && (*pntr != '='); pntr++);
            *pntr++ = '\0';
        args->commandline_props[args->props_count].key = key;
        args->commandline_props[args->props_count++].value = pntr;

    } else if(strncmp(string, "-Xbootclasspath:", 16) == 0) {
        args->bootpath = string + 16;
        args->bootpath_p = args->bootpath_a = NULL;

    } else if(strncmp(string, "-Xbootclasspath/a:", 18) == 0) {
        args->bootpath_a = string + 18;

    } else if(strncmp(string, "-Xbootclasspath/p:", 18) == 0) {
        args->bootpath_p = string + 18;

    } else if(strcmp(string, "-Xnocompact") == 0) {
        args->compact_specified = TRUE;
        args->do_compact = FALSE;

    } else if(strcmp(string, "-Xcompactalways") == 0) {
        args->compact_specified = args->do_compact = TRUE;

    } else if(strcmp(string, "-Xtracejnisigs") == 0) {
        args->trace_jni_sigs = TRUE;
    } else if(strcmp(string, "-Xnoinlining") == 0) {
        /* Turning inlining off is equivalent to setting
           code memory to zero */
        args->codemem = 0;

    } else if(strcmp(string, "-Xnoprofiling") == 0) {
        args->profiling = FALSE;

    } else if(strcmp(string, "-Xnopatching") == 0) {
        args->branch_patching = FALSE;

    } else if(strcmp(string, "-Xnopatchingdup") == 0) {
        args->branch_patching_dup = FALSE;

    } else if(strcmp(string, "-Xnojoinblocks") == 0) {
        args->join_blocks = FALSE;

    } else if(strcmp(string, "-Xcodestats") == 0) {
        args->print_codestats = TRUE;

    } else if(strncmp(string, "-Xprofiling:", 12) == 0) {
        args->profile_threshold = strtol(string + 12, NULL, 0);

    } else if(strncmp(string, "-Xreplication:", 14) == 0) {
        char *pntr = string + 14;

        if(strcmp(pntr, "none") == 0)
            args->replication_threshold = INT_MAX;
            if(strcmp(pntr, "always") == 0)
                args->replication_threshold = 0;
                args->replication_threshold = strtol(pntr, NULL, 0);

    } else if(strncmp(string, "-Xcodemem:", 10) == 0) {
        char *pntr = string + 10;

        args->codemem = strncmp(pntr, "unlimited", 10) == 0 ?
            INT_MAX : parseMemValue(pntr);

    } else if(strcmp(string, "-Xshowreloc") == 0) {

    } else if(strcmp(string, "-Xdumpstubsprofiles") == 0) {
        args->dump_stubs_profiles = TRUE;
    /* Compatibility options */
    } else {
        int i;

        for(i = 0; compat[i].option != NULL; i++) {
            int len = strlen(compat[i].option);

            if(strncmp(string, compat[i].option, len) == 0 &&
               (((compat[i].flags & OPT_ARG) && string[len] == ':') ||
                ((compat[i].flags & OPT_NOARG) && string[len] == '\0')))

        if(compat[i].option == NULL)
            status = OPT_UNREC;
    return status;