Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int n = (1<<10);
    float* A = new float[n*n];
    float* B = new float[n*n];
    float* Y = new float[n*n];

    // init c1 to time the ticks.
    hwCounter_t c1;
    c1.init = false;

    // init c to count the instructions.
    hwCounter_t c;
    c.init = false;

    struct timeval tv1, tv2;

    // Get before time.
    // Get before ticks.
    uint64_t tick = getTicks(c1);
    // Get befor instructions.
    uint64_t count = getInsns(c);

    // #####################execution.##########################
    opt_simd_sgemm(Y, A, B, n);
    // Subtract before instructions from after instructions.
    uint64_t executed = getInsns(c) - count;
    // Subtract before time from after ticks.
    uint64_t elapsed = getTicks(c1) - tick;
    // Get after time.

    double time = (tv2.tv_sec + 1e-6 * tv2.tv_usec) - (tv1.tv_sec + 1e-6 *

    double Flops = (double)elapsed / (double)time;
    double IPC = (double)executed / (double)elapsed;
    double sum = (double)n*n*(2*n-1)/(double)time;
    printf("opt_simd_sgemm\ninstruction : %lu, cycles : %lu, time : %f\nFlops : %lf, IPC : %lf\n, total  = %lf\n",executed, elapsed, time, Flops, IPC, sum);

    delete [] A;
    delete [] B;
    delete [] Y;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int n = (1<<10);
	float* A = new float[n*n];
	float* B = new float[n*n];
	float* Y = new float[n*n];

	uint64_t t1;
	uint64_t t2;

	hwCounter_t c;
	c.init = false;

	hwCounter_t cI;
	cI.init = false;


	struct timeval tv1;
	struct timeval tv2;
	uint64_t count1;
	uint64_t count2;
	double time2;
	double time1;
	double delta;
	uint64_t cycles;
	double flops;
	double instrCycle;
	uint64_t executed;

	/// <----
	gettimeofday(&tv1, 0); //Begin
	t1 = getTicks(c);
	count1 = getInsns(cI);
	naive_sgemm(Y, A, B, n);
	count2 = getInsns(cI);
	t2 = getTicks(c);

	gettimeofday(&tv2, 0); //done

	executed = count2 - count1;

	cycles =  (t2 - t1);
	time1 = tv1.tv_sec + 1e-6 * tv1.tv_usec;
	time2 = tv2.tv_sec + 1e-6 * tv2.tv_usec;
	delta = time2 - time1;

	flops = FPOINT / delta;
	instrCycle = (double)  executed / (double) cycles;

	printf("naive_sgemm: FLOPS = %f, INST = %lu, Cycle = %lu IPC = %f\n" , flops , executed, cycles, instrCycle);
	/// --->

	/// <----
	gettimeofday(&tv1, 0); //Begin
	count1 = getInsns(cI);
	t1 = getTicks(c);

	opt_simd_sgemm(Y, A, B, n);
	t2 = getTicks(c);

	count2 = getInsns(cI);

	gettimeofday(&tv2, 0); //done

	executed = count2 - count1;

	cycles = (t2 - t1);
	time1 = tv1.tv_sec + 1e-6 * tv1.tv_usec;
	time2 = tv2.tv_sec + 1e-6 * tv2.tv_usec;
	delta = time2 - time1;

	flops = FPOINT / delta;
	instrCycle = (double)  executed / (double) cycles;

	printf("opt_simd_sgemm: FLOPS = %f, INST = %lu, Cycle = %lu IPC = %f\n" , flops , executed, cycles, instrCycle);
	/// --->

	/// <----
	gettimeofday(&tv1, 0); //Begin
	count1 = getInsns(cI);
	t1 = getTicks(c);

	opt_scalar1_sgemm(Y, A, B, n);
	t2 = getTicks(c);

	count2 = getInsns(cI);

	gettimeofday(&tv2, 0); //done

	executed = count2 - count1;

	cycles =  (t2 - t1);
	time1 = tv1.tv_sec + 1e-6 * tv1.tv_usec;
	time2 = tv2.tv_sec + 1e-6 * tv2.tv_usec;
	delta = time2 - time1;

	flops = FPOINT / delta;
	instrCycle = (double)  executed / (double) cycles;

	printf("opt_scalar1_sgemm: FLOPS = %f, INST = %lu, Cycle = %lu IPC = %f\n" , flops , executed, cycles, instrCycle);
	/// --->

	/// <----
	gettimeofday(&tv1, 0); //Begin
	count1 = getInsns(cI);
	t1 = getTicks(c);

	opt_scalar0_sgemm(Y, A, B, n);
	t2 = getTicks(c);

	count2 = getInsns(cI);

	gettimeofday(&tv2, 0); //done

	executed = count2 - count1;

	cycles =  (t2 - t1);
	time1 = tv1.tv_sec + 1e-6 * tv1.tv_usec;
	time2 = tv2.tv_sec + 1e-6 * tv2.tv_usec;
	delta = time2 - time1;

	flops = FPOINT / delta;
	instrCycle = (double)  executed / (double) cycles;

	printf("opt_scalar0_sgemm: FLOPS = %f, INST = %lu, Cycle = %lu IPC = %f\n" , flops , executed, cycles, instrCycle);
	/// --->

	delete [] A;
	delete [] B;
	delete [] Y;