Exemplo n.º 1
/** Creates a camera from config
 * @param[in]   _zConfigID    Config ID
 * @ return orxCAMERA / orxNULL
orxCAMERA *orxFASTCALL orxCamera_CreateFromConfig(const orxSTRING _zConfigID)
  orxCAMERA *pstResult;

  /* Checks */
  orxASSERT(sstCamera.u32Flags & orxCAMERA_KU32_STATIC_FLAG_READY);

  /* Search for camera */
  pstResult = orxCamera_Get(_zConfigID);

  /* Not already created? */
  if(pstResult == orxNULL)
    /* Pushes section */
    if((orxConfig_HasSection(_zConfigID) != orxFALSE)
    && (orxConfig_PushSection(_zConfigID) != orxSTATUS_FAILURE))
      /* Creates 2D default camera */
      pstResult = orxCamera_Create(orxCAMERA_KU32_FLAG_2D);

      /* Valid? */
      if(pstResult != orxNULL)
        orxVECTOR vPosition;
        orxFLOAT  fNear, fFar, fWidth, fHeight;

        /* Gets frustum info */
        fNear   = orxConfig_GetFloat(orxCAMERA_KZ_CONFIG_FRUSTUM_NEAR);
        fFar    = orxConfig_GetFloat(orxCAMERA_KZ_CONFIG_FRUSTUM_FAR);
        fWidth  = orxConfig_GetFloat(orxCAMERA_KZ_CONFIG_FRUSTUM_WIDTH);
        fHeight = orxConfig_GetFloat(orxCAMERA_KZ_CONFIG_FRUSTUM_HEIGHT);

        /* Applies it */
        orxCamera_SetFrustum(pstResult, fWidth, fHeight, fNear, fFar);

        /* Has zoom? */
        if(orxConfig_HasValue(orxCAMERA_KZ_CONFIG_ZOOM) != orxFALSE)
          orxFLOAT fZoom;

          /* Gets config zoom */
          fZoom = orxConfig_GetFloat(orxCAMERA_KZ_CONFIG_ZOOM);

          /* Valid? */
          if(fZoom > orxFLOAT_0)
            /* Applies it */
            orxCamera_SetZoom(pstResult, fZoom);

        /* Has a position? */
        if(orxConfig_GetVector(orxCAMERA_KZ_CONFIG_POSITION, &vPosition) != orxNULL)
          /* Updates camera position */
          orxCamera_SetPosition(pstResult, &vPosition);

        /* Updates object rotation */
        orxCamera_SetRotation(pstResult, orxMATH_KF_DEG_TO_RAD * orxConfig_GetFloat(orxCAMERA_KZ_CONFIG_ROTATION));

        /* Stores its reference key */
        pstResult->zReference = orxConfig_GetCurrentSection();

        /* Protects it */
        orxConfig_ProtectSection(pstResult->zReference, orxTRUE);

        /* Adds it to reference table */
        orxHashTable_Add(sstCamera.pstReferenceTable, orxString_ToCRC(pstResult->zReference), pstResult);

        /* Updates status flags */
        orxStructure_SetFlags(pstResult, orxCAMERA_KU32_FLAG_REFERENCED, orxCAMERA_KU32_FLAG_NONE);

      /* Pops previous section */
      /* Logs message */
      orxDEBUG_PRINT(orxDEBUG_LEVEL_RENDER, "Cannot find config section named (%s).", _zConfigID);

      /* Updates result */
      pstResult = orxNULL;

  /* Done! */
  return pstResult;
Exemplo n.º 2
static orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL ParseTextFile(const orxSTRING _zFileName)
  orxFILE  *pstFile;
  orxSTATUS eResult;

  // Opens file
  pstFile = orxFile_Open(_zFileName, orxFILE_KU32_FLAG_OPEN_READ | orxFILE_KU32_FLAG_OPEN_BINARY);

  // Success?
    orxCHAR acBuffer[orxFONTGEN_KU32_BUFFER_SIZE];
    orxU32  u32Size, u32Offset, u32Counter;
    orxBOOL bFirst;

    // While file isn't empty
    for(u32Size = (orxU32)orxFile_Read(acBuffer, sizeof(orxCHAR), orxFONTGEN_KU32_BUFFER_SIZE, pstFile), u32Offset = 0, u32Counter = 0, bFirst = orxTRUE;
        u32Size > 0;
        u32Size = (orxU32)orxFile_Read(acBuffer + u32Offset, sizeof(orxCHAR), orxFONTGEN_KU32_BUFFER_SIZE - u32Offset, pstFile) + u32Offset, bFirst = orxFALSE)
      orxCHAR *pc, *pcNext;

      // Has UTF-8 BOM?
      if((bFirst != orxFALSE) && (orxString_NCompare(acBuffer, orxFONTGEN_KZ_UTF8_BOM, orxFONTGEN_KU32_UTF8_BOM_LENGTH) == 0))
        // Skips it
        pc = acBuffer + orxFONTGEN_KU32_UTF8_BOM_LENGTH;
        // Starts at the beginning of the buffer
        pc = acBuffer;

      // For all characters
      for(pcNext = orxNULL; pc < acBuffer + u32Size; pc = pcNext)
        orxU32 u32CharacterCodePoint;

        // Reads it
        u32CharacterCodePoint = orxString_GetFirstCharacterCodePoint(pc, (const orxSTRING *)&pcNext);

        // Non EOL?
        if((u32CharacterCodePoint != orxCHAR_CR)
        && (u32CharacterCodePoint != orxCHAR_LF))
          // Valid?
          if(u32CharacterCodePoint != orxU32_UNDEFINED)
            // Not already in table?
            if(orxHashTable_Get(sstFontGen.pstCharacterTable, u32CharacterCodePoint) == orxNULL)
              orxU32 u32GlyphIndex;

              // Gets character's glyph index
              u32GlyphIndex = (orxU32)FT_Get_Char_Index(sstFontGen.pstFontFace, (FT_ULong)u32CharacterCodePoint);

              // Valid?
                orxFONTGEN_GLYPH *pstGlyph;

                // Allocates glyph
                pstGlyph = (orxFONTGEN_GLYPH *)orxBank_Allocate(sstFontGen.pstGlyphBank);

                // Checks

                // Inits it
                pstGlyph->u32Index      = u32GlyphIndex;
                pstGlyph->u32CodePoint  = u32CharacterCodePoint;

                // Adds it
                if(orxHashTable_Add(sstFontGen.pstCharacterTable, u32CharacterCodePoint, (void *)pstGlyph) != orxSTATUS_FAILURE)
                  orxFONTGEN_GLYPH *pstSearchGlyph;

                  // Finds position
                  for(pstSearchGlyph = (orxFONTGEN_GLYPH *)orxLinkList_GetFirst(&sstFontGen.stGlyphList);
                      pstSearchGlyph && (u32CharacterCodePoint > pstSearchGlyph->u32CodePoint);
                      pstSearchGlyph = (orxFONTGEN_GLYPH *)orxLinkList_GetNext(&pstSearchGlyph->stNode));

                  // Valid?
                    // Adds it before
                    orxLinkList_AddBefore(&pstSearchGlyph->stNode, &pstGlyph->stNode);
                    // Adds it at the end
                    orxLinkList_AddEnd(&sstFontGen.stGlyphList, &pstGlyph->stNode);

                  // Updates counter
                  // Logs message
                  orxFONTGEN_LOG(LOAD, "Character '0x%X': couldn't add to table, skipping.", u32CharacterCodePoint);
                // Adds it
                orxHashTable_Add(sstFontGen.pstCharacterTable, u32CharacterCodePoint, (void *)sstFontGen.pstCharacterTable);

                // Logs message
                orxFONTGEN_LOG(LOAD, "Character '0x%X': glyph not found in font, skipping.", u32CharacterCodePoint);
            // End of buffer?
            if(pcNext >= acBuffer + u32Size)
              // Stops
              // Logs message
              orxFONTGEN_LOG(LOAD, "Invalid character code point '0x%X', skipping.", u32CharacterCodePoint);

      // Has remaining buffer?
      if((pc != acBuffer) && (pcNext > pc))
        // Updates offset
        u32Offset = (orxU32)(orxMIN(pcNext, acBuffer + u32Size) - pc);

        // Copies it at the beginning of the buffer
        orxMemory_Copy(acBuffer, pc, u32Offset);
        // Clears offset
        u32Offset = 0;

    // Logs message
    orxFONTGEN_LOG(LOAD, "'%s': added %d characters.", _zFileName, u32Counter);

    // Updates result
    eResult = orxSTATUS_SUCCESS;
    // Updates result
    eResult = orxSTATUS_FAILURE;

  // Done!
  return eResult;
Exemplo n.º 3
/** Adds an event handler with user-defined context
 * @param[in] _eEventType           Concerned type of event
 * @param[in] _pfnHandler           Event handler to add
 * @param[in] _pContext             Context that will be stored in events sent to this handler
orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxEvent_AddHandlerWithContext(orxEVENT_TYPE _eEventType, orxEVENT_HANDLER _pfnEventHandler, void *_pContext)
  orxSTATUS                 eResult = orxSTATUS_FAILURE;

  /* Checks */
  orxASSERT(orxFLAG_TEST(sstEvent.u32Flags, orxEVENT_KU32_STATIC_FLAG_READY));
  orxASSERT(_pfnEventHandler != orxNULL);

  /* Gets corresponding storage */
  pstStorage = (_eEventType < orxEVENT_TYPE_CORE_NUMBER) ? sstEvent.astCoreHandlerStorageList[_eEventType] : (orxEVENT_HANDLER_STORAGE *)orxHashTable_Get(sstEvent.pstHandlerStorageTable, _eEventType);

  /* No storage yet? */
  if(pstStorage == orxNULL)
    /* Allocates it */
    pstStorage = (orxEVENT_HANDLER_STORAGE *)orxBank_Allocate(sstEvent.pstHandlerStorageBank);

    /* Success? */
    if(pstStorage != orxNULL)
      /* Creates its bank */
      pstStorage->pstBank = orxBank_Create(orxEVENT_KU32_HANDLER_BANK_SIZE, sizeof(orxEVENT_HANDLER_INFO), orxBANK_KU32_FLAG_NONE, orxMEMORY_TYPE_MAIN);

      /* Success? */
      if(pstStorage->pstBank != orxNULL)
        /* Clears its list */
        orxMemory_Zero(&(pstStorage->stList), sizeof(orxLINKLIST));

        /* Is a core event handler? */
        if(_eEventType < orxEVENT_TYPE_CORE_NUMBER)
          /* Stores it */
          sstEvent.astCoreHandlerStorageList[_eEventType] = pstStorage;
          /* Tries to add it to the table */
          if(orxHashTable_Add(sstEvent.pstHandlerStorageTable, _eEventType, pstStorage) == orxSTATUS_FAILURE)
            /* Deletes its bank */

            /* Frees storage */
            orxBank_Free(sstEvent.pstHandlerStorageBank, pstStorage);
            pstStorage = orxNULL;
        /* Frees storage */
        orxBank_Free(sstEvent.pstHandlerStorageBank, pstStorage);
        pstStorage = orxNULL;

  /* Valid? */
  if(pstStorage != orxNULL)
    orxEVENT_HANDLER_INFO *pstInfo;

    /* Allocates a new handler info */
    pstInfo = (orxEVENT_HANDLER_INFO *)orxBank_Allocate(pstStorage->pstBank);

    /* Valid? */
    if(pstInfo != orxNULL)
      /* Clears its node */
      orxMemory_Zero(&(pstInfo->stNode), sizeof(orxLINKLIST_NODE));

      /* Stores its handler */
      pstInfo->pfnHandler = _pfnEventHandler;

      /* Stores context */
      pstInfo->pContext = _pContext;

      /* Adds it to the list */
      eResult = orxLinkList_AddEnd(&(pstStorage->stList), &(pstInfo->stNode));

  /* Done! */
  return eResult;
Exemplo n.º 4
/** Registers a plugin
 * @param[in] _pstSysPlugin           Concerned plugin
 * @param[in] _pstPluginInfo          Info of the plugin to register
static orxSTATUS orxPlugin_RegisterPlugin(orxPLUGIN_INFO *_pstPluginInfo)
  orxU32 u32UserFunctionNumber;
  orxPLUGIN_USER_FUNCTION_INFO *astUserFunctionInfo;
  orxSTATUS eResult = orxSTATUS_SUCCESS;

  /* Checks */
  orxASSERT(_pstPluginInfo != orxNULL);

  /* Gets init function */
  pfnInit = (orxPLUGIN_INIT_FUNCTION)orxPlugin_GetFunctionAddress(_pstPluginInfo->pstSysPlugin, orxPLUGIN_KZ_INIT_FUNCTION_NAME);

  /* Valid? */
  if(pfnInit != orxNULL)
    orxU32 i;

    /* Calls it */
    eResult = pfnInit(&u32UserFunctionNumber, &astUserFunctionInfo);

    /* Adds all functions to plugin info */
    for(i = 0; (eResult != orxSTATUS_FAILURE) && (i < u32UserFunctionNumber); i++)
      /* Is function valid? */
      if(astUserFunctionInfo[i].pfnFunction != orxNULL)
        orxPLUGIN_FUNCTION_INFO *pstFunctionInfo;

        /* Creates function info */
        pstFunctionInfo = orxPlugin_CreateFunctionInfo(_pstPluginInfo);

        /* Copies info */
        pstFunctionInfo->pfnFunction    = astUserFunctionInfo[i].pfnFunction;
        pstFunctionInfo->eFunctionID    = astUserFunctionInfo[i].eFunctionID;
        pstFunctionInfo->zFunctionArgs  = astUserFunctionInfo[i].zFunctionArgs;
        pstFunctionInfo->zFunctionName  = astUserFunctionInfo[i].zFunctionName;

        /* Adds function info in plugin info structure */
        orxHashTable_Add(_pstPluginInfo->pstFunctionTable, pstFunctionInfo->eFunctionID, pstFunctionInfo);

        /* Is it a core function? */
        if(pstFunctionInfo->eFunctionID & orxPLUGIN_KU32_FLAG_CORE_ID)
          /* Registers core function */
          eResult = orxPlugin_RegisterCoreFunction(pstFunctionInfo->eFunctionID, pstFunctionInfo->pfnFunction, orxFALSE);
        /* Logs message */
        orxDEBUG_PRINT(orxDEBUG_LEVEL_PLUGIN, "Invalid function.");

        /* Updates result */
        eResult = orxSTATUS_FAILURE;
    /* Logs message */
    orxDEBUG_PRINT(orxDEBUG_LEVEL_PLUGIN, "Failed to get function address.");

    /* Can't load plugin */
    eResult = orxSTATUS_FAILURE;

  /* Done! */
  return eResult;
Exemplo n.º 5
/** Creates a clock from config
 * @param[in]   _zConfigID    Config ID
 * @ return orxCLOCK / orxNULL
orxCLOCK *orxFASTCALL orxClock_CreateFromConfig(const orxSTRING _zConfigID)
  orxCLOCK *pstResult;

  /* Checks */
  orxASSERT(sstClock.u32Flags & orxCLOCK_KU32_STATIC_FLAG_READY);

  /* Search for clock */
  pstResult = orxClock_Get(_zConfigID);

  /* Found? */
  if(pstResult != orxNULL)
    /* Increases counter */
    /* Pushes section */
    if((orxConfig_HasSection(_zConfigID) != orxFALSE)
    && (orxConfig_PushSection(_zConfigID) != orxSTATUS_FAILURE))
      orxFLOAT fFrequency;

      /* Gets its frequency */
      fFrequency = orxConfig_GetFloat(orxCLOCK_KZ_CONFIG_FREQUENCY);

      /* Creates clock */
      pstResult = orxClock_Create((fFrequency > orxFLOAT_0) ? orxFLOAT_1 / fFrequency : orxFLOAT_0, orxCLOCK_TYPE_USER);

      /* Valid? */
      if(pstResult != orxNULL)
        /* Has a modifier? */
        if(orxConfig_HasValue(orxCLOCK_KZ_CONFIG_MODIFIER_TYPE) != orxFALSE)
          orxFLOAT fModifierValue;

          /* Gets its value */
          fModifierValue = orxConfig_GetFloat(orxCLOCK_KZ_CONFIG_MODIFIER_VALUE);

          /* Valid? */
          if(fModifierValue > orxFLOAT_0)
            const orxSTRING   zModifierType;
            orxCLOCK_MOD_TYPE eModifierType;

            /* Gets modifier type */
            zModifierType = orxConfig_GetString(orxCLOCK_KZ_CONFIG_MODIFIER_TYPE);

            /* Capped? */
            if(orxString_ICompare(zModifierType, orxCLOCK_KZ_MODIFIER_CAPPED) == 0)
              /* Updates modifier value */
              fModifierValue = orxFLOAT_1 / fModifierValue;

              /* Updates modifier type */
              eModifierType = orxCLOCK_MOD_TYPE_MAXED;
            /* Fixed? */
            else if(orxString_ICompare(zModifierType, orxCLOCK_KZ_MODIFIER_FIXED) == 0)
              /* Updates modifier value */
              fModifierValue = orxFLOAT_1 / fModifierValue;

              /* Updates modifier type */
              eModifierType = orxCLOCK_MOD_TYPE_FIXED;
            /* Multiply? */
            else if(orxString_ICompare(zModifierType, orxCLOCK_KZ_MODIFIER_MULTIPLY) == 0)
              /* Updates modifier type */
              eModifierType = orxCLOCK_MOD_TYPE_MULTIPLY;
            /* None */
              /* Updates modifier type */
              eModifierType = orxCLOCK_MOD_TYPE_NONE;

            /* Updates clock */
            orxClock_SetModifier(pstResult, eModifierType, fModifierValue);

        /* Stores its reference key */
        pstResult->zReference = orxConfig_GetCurrentSection();

        /* Protects it */
        orxConfig_ProtectSection(pstResult->zReference, orxTRUE);

        /* Adds it to reference table */
        orxHashTable_Add(sstClock.pstReferenceTable, orxString_ToCRC(pstResult->zReference), pstResult);

        /* Updates status flags */
        orxStructure_SetFlags(pstResult, orxCLOCK_KU32_FLAG_REFERENCED, orxCLOCK_KU32_FLAG_NONE);

      /* Pops previous section */
      /* Logs message */
      orxDEBUG_PRINT(orxDEBUG_LEVEL_RENDER, "Cannot find config section named (%s).", _zConfigID);

      /* Updates result */
      pstResult = orxNULL;

  /* Done! */
  return pstResult;