Exemplo n.º 1
void MT_UartProcessZToolData ( uint8 port, uint8 event )
  uint8 flag=0,i,j=0;   //flag是判断有没有收到数据,j记录数据长度
  uint8 buf[128];     //串口buffer最大缓冲默认是128,我们这里用128.
  (void)event;        // Intentionally unreferenced parameter  

  while (Hal_UART_RxBufLen(port)) //检测串口数据是否接收完成

    HalUARTRead (port,&buf[j], 1);  //把数据接收放到buf中
    j++;                           //记录字符数
    flag=1;                         //已经从串口接收到信息

  if(flag==1)       //已经从串口接收到信息

  {     /* Allocate memory for the data */
   pMsg = (mtOSALSerialData_t *)osal_msg_allocate( sizeof  
          ( mtOSALSerialData_t )+j+1);
  pMsg->hdr.event = CMD_SERIAL_MSG;
  pMsg->msg = (uint8*)(pMsg+1);  // 把数据定位到结构体数据部分
  pMsg->msg [0]= j;              //给上层的数据第一个是长度
  for(i=0;i<j;i++)                //从第二个开始记录数据 
  pMsg->msg [i+1]= buf[i];   
  osal_msg_send( App_TaskID, (byte *)pMsg );  //登记任务,发往上层
  /* deallocate the msg */
  osal_msg_deallocate ( (uint8 *)pMsg );      //释放内存
Exemplo n.º 2
 * @fn      debug_str
 * @brief
 *   This feature allows modules to display a debug text string as
 *   applications execute in real-time. This feature will output to
 *   the serial port for display in the Z-Test tool.
 *   This feature will most likely be compiled out in the production
 *   code in order to save code space.
 * @param   byte *str_ptr - pointer to null-terminated string
 * @return  void
void debug_str( byte *str_ptr )
  mtDebugStr_t *msg;
  byte mln;
  byte strLen;

  // Text string length
  strLen = (byte)osal_strlen( (void*)str_ptr );

  // Debug string message length
  mln = sizeof ( mtDebugStr_t ) + strLen;

  // Get a message buffer to build the debug message
  msg = (mtDebugStr_t *)osal_msg_allocate( mln );
  if ( msg )
    // Message type, length
    msg->hdr.event = CMD_DEBUG_STR;
    msg->strLen = strLen;

    // Append message, no terminator
    msg->pString = (uint8 *)(msg+1);
    osal_memcpy ( msg->pString, str_ptr, strLen );

    osal_msg_send( MT_TaskID, (uint8 *)msg );
} // debug_str()
Exemplo n.º 3
 * @fn          ZDO_SendMsgCBs
 * @brief       De-mux the ZDO_CB_MSG from the ZNP.
 * @param       inMsg - pointer to the incoming message buffer.
 * @return      none
static void ZDO_SendMsgCBs(zdoIncomingMsg_t *inMsg)
  ZDO_MsgCB_t *pList = zdoMsgCBs;

  while ( pList )
    if ( pList->clusterID == inMsg->clusterID )
      zdoIncomingMsg_t *msgPtr;

      // Send the address to the task
      msgPtr = (zdoIncomingMsg_t *)osal_msg_allocate( sizeof( zdoIncomingMsg_t ) + inMsg->asduLen );
      if ( msgPtr )
        // copy struct
        osal_memcpy( msgPtr, inMsg, sizeof( zdoIncomingMsg_t ));

        if ( inMsg->asduLen )
          msgPtr->asdu = (byte*)(((byte*)msgPtr) + sizeof( zdoIncomingMsg_t ));
          osal_memcpy( msgPtr->asdu, inMsg->asdu, inMsg->asduLen );

        msgPtr->hdr.event = ZDO_CB_MSG;
        osal_msg_send( pList->taskID, (uint8 *)msgPtr );
    pList = (ZDO_MsgCB_t *)pList->next;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * @fn      MT_OtaCommandProcessing
 * @brief   Process all the MT OTA commands that are issued by the OTA Console tool
 * @param   pBuf - pointer to the msg buffer
 *          | LEN  | CMD0  | CMD1  |  DATA  |
 *          |  1   |   1   |   1   |  0-255 |
 * @return  status
uint8 MT_OtaCommandProcessing(uint8* pBuf)
  uint8 status = MT_RPC_SUCCESS;
  uint8 len;
  OTA_MtMsg_t *pMsg;
  uint8 cmd = pBuf[MT_RPC_POS_CMD1];

  if (cmd == MT_OTA_FILE_READ_RSP || cmd == MT_OTA_NEXT_IMG_RSP)
    // Forward the message to the task
    if (OTA_Task != 0xff)
      len = pBuf[MT_RPC_POS_LEN];
      pMsg = (OTA_MtMsg_t*) osal_msg_allocate(len + sizeof(OTA_MtMsg_t));
      if (pMsg)
        pMsg->hdr.event = MT_SYS_OTA_MSG;
        pMsg->cmd = cmd;
        osal_memcpy(pMsg->data, &pBuf[MT_RPC_POS_DAT0], len);        
        osal_msg_send(OTA_Task, (uint8*) pMsg);
    status = MT_RPC_ERR_COMMAND_ID;

  return status;
static struct UsbISR * createMsgForBind(void) {
	uint8 * data;
	uint8  i;
	struct BindRequestMsg * msgBind = (struct BindRequestMsg *)osal_msg_allocate(sizeof(struct BindRequestMsg) );
	msgBind->isr.msg.event = EVENT_USB_ISR;
	msgBind->destAddr.addrMode = Addr16Bit;
	data = (uint8 *)msgBind->destAddr.addr.shortAddr;
	*data = USBF2;
	*data = USBF2;
	data = (uint8 *)msgBind->outClusterAddr;
	for (i=0; i < Z_EXTADDR_LEN+3; i++){
		*data = USBF2;

	msgBind->inCluster.addrMode = Addr64Bit;
	data = (uint8 *)msgBind->inCluster.addr.extAddr;
	for(i=0; i< Z_EXTADDR_LEN; i++){
		*data = USBF2;
	msgBind->inClusterEP = USBF2;
	return 	&(msgBind->isr);			
Exemplo n.º 6
 * @fn      debug_msg
 * @brief
 *   This feature allows modules to display debug information as
 *   applications execute in real-time.  This feature will work similar
 *   to "printf()" but will output to the serial port for display in
 *   the Z-Test tool.
 *   This feature will most likely be compiled out in the production code
 *   to save code space.
 * @param   byte compID - Component ID
 * @param   byte severity - CRITICAL(0x01), ERROR(0x02), INFORMATION(0x03)
 *                          or TRACE(0x04)
 * @param   byte numParams - number of parameter fields (param1-3)
 * @param   UINT16 param1 - user defined data
 * @param   UINT16 param2 - user defined data
 * @param   UINT16 param3 - user defined data
 * @return  void
void debug_msg( byte compID, byte severity, byte numParams, UINT16 param1, UINT16 param2, UINT16 param3 )

  mtDebugMsg_t *mtDebugMsg;
  UINT16 timestamp;

  if ( debugThreshold == 0 || debugCompId != compID )

  // Fill in the timestamp
  timestamp = 0;

  // Get a message buffer to build the debug message
  mtDebugMsg = (mtDebugMsg_t *)osal_msg_allocate( sizeof( mtDebugMsg_t ) );
  if ( mtDebugMsg )
      mtDebugMsg->hdr.event = CMD_DEBUG_MSG;
      mtDebugMsg->compID = compID;
      mtDebugMsg->severity = severity;
      mtDebugMsg->numParams = numParams;

      mtDebugMsg->param1 = param1;
      mtDebugMsg->param2 = param2;
      mtDebugMsg->param3 = param3;
      mtDebugMsg->timestamp = timestamp;

      osal_msg_send( MT_TaskID, (uint8 *)mtDebugMsg );

} /* debug_msg() */
Exemplo n.º 7
 * @fn          afBuildMSGIncoming
 * @brief       Build the message for the app
 * @param
 * @return      pointer to next in data buffer
static void afBuildMSGIncoming( aps_FrameFormat_t *aff, endPointDesc_t *epDesc,
                 zAddrType_t *SrcAddress, uint16 SrcPanId, NLDE_Signal_t *sig,
                 uint8 nwkSeqNum, uint8 SecurityUse, uint32 timestamp, uint8 radius )
  afIncomingMSGPacket_t *MSGpkt;
  const uint8 len = sizeof( afIncomingMSGPacket_t ) + aff->asduLength;
  uint8 *asdu = aff->asdu;
  MSGpkt = (afIncomingMSGPacket_t *)osal_msg_allocate( len );

  if ( MSGpkt == NULL )

  MSGpkt->hdr.event = AF_INCOMING_MSG_CMD;
  MSGpkt->groupId = aff->GroupID;
  MSGpkt->clusterId = aff->ClusterID;
  afCopyAddress( &MSGpkt->srcAddr, SrcAddress );
  MSGpkt->srcAddr.endPoint = aff->SrcEndPoint;
  MSGpkt->endPoint = epDesc->endPoint;
  MSGpkt->wasBroadcast = aff->wasBroadcast;
  MSGpkt->LinkQuality = sig->LinkQuality;
  MSGpkt->correlation = sig->correlation;
  MSGpkt->rssi = sig->rssi;
  MSGpkt->SecurityUse = SecurityUse;
  MSGpkt->timestamp = timestamp;
  MSGpkt->nwkSeqNum = nwkSeqNum;
  MSGpkt->macSrcAddr = aff->macSrcAddr;
  MSGpkt->macDestAddr = aff->macDestAddr;
  MSGpkt->srcAddr.panId = SrcPanId;
  MSGpkt->cmd.TransSeqNumber = 0;
  MSGpkt->cmd.DataLength = aff->asduLength;
  MSGpkt->radius = radius;

  if ( MSGpkt->cmd.DataLength )
    MSGpkt->cmd.Data = (uint8 *)(MSGpkt + 1);
    osal_memcpy( MSGpkt->cmd.Data, asdu, MSGpkt->cmd.DataLength );
    MSGpkt->cmd.Data = NULL;

#if defined ( MT_AF_CB_FUNC )
  // If ZDO or SAPI have registered for this endpoint, dont intercept it here
  if (AFCB_CHECK(CB_ID_AF_DATA_IND, *(epDesc->task_id)))
    MT_AfIncomingMsg( (void *)MSGpkt );
    // Release the memory.
    osal_msg_deallocate( (void *)MSGpkt );
    // Send message through task message.
    osal_msg_send( *(epDesc->task_id), (uint8 *)MSGpkt );
Exemplo n.º 8
 * @fn      MT_UartProcessZAppData
 * @brief   | SOP | CMD  |   Data Length   | FSC  |
 *          |  1  |  2   |       1         |  1   |
 *          Parses the data and determine either is SPI or just simply serial data
 *          then send the data to correct place (MT or APP)
 * @param   port    - UART port
 *          event   - Event that causes the callback
 * @return  None
void MT_UartProcessZAppData ( uint8 port, uint8 event )

  osal_event_hdr_t  *msg_ptr;
  uint16 length = 0;
  uint16 rxBufLen  = Hal_UART_RxBufLen(MT_UART_DEFAULT_PORT);

     If maxZAppBufferLength is 0 or larger than current length
     the entire length of the current buffer is returned.
  if ((MT_UartMaxZAppBufLen != 0) && (MT_UartMaxZAppBufLen <= rxBufLen))
    length = MT_UartMaxZAppBufLen;
    length = rxBufLen;

  /* Verify events */
  if (event == HAL_UART_TX_FULL)
    // Do something when TX if full

    if ( App_TaskID )
         If Application is ready to receive and there is something
         in the Rx buffer then send it up
      if ((MT_UartZAppRxStatus == MT_UART_ZAPP_RX_READY ) && (length != 0))
        /* Disable App flow control until it processes the current data */
         MT_UartAppFlowControl (MT_UART_ZAPP_RX_NOT_READY);

        /* 2 more bytes are added, 1 for CMD type, other for length */
        msg_ptr = (osal_event_hdr_t *)osal_msg_allocate( length + sizeof(osal_event_hdr_t) );
        if ( msg_ptr )
          msg_ptr->event = SPI_INCOMING_ZAPP_DATA;
          msg_ptr->status = length;

          /* Read the data of Rx buffer */
          HalUARTRead( MT_UART_DEFAULT_PORT, (uint8 *)(msg_ptr + 1), length );

          /* Send the raw data to application...or where ever */
          osal_msg_send( App_TaskID, (uint8 *)msg_ptr );
void zapPhySpiPoll(uint8 port)
  extern uint8 zapSBL_Active;
  uint8 pPoll[MT_RPC_FRAME_HDR_SZ];
  if (!HAL_ZNP_SRDY_SET() || zapSBL_Active)
  if (!HAL_ZNP_SRDY_SET())
  HAL_ZNP_MRDY_SET();  // MRDY must be set before talking to the slave.
  osal_memset(pPoll, 0, MT_RPC_FRAME_HDR_SZ);
  HalSpiWrite(port, pPoll, MT_RPC_FRAME_HDR_SZ);

  if (getSRDY2(port))
    osal_memset(pPoll, 0, MT_RPC_FRAME_HDR_SZ);
    HalSpiWrite(port, pPoll, MT_RPC_FRAME_HDR_SZ);

      mtOSALSerialData_t *pMsg = (mtOSALSerialData_t *)osal_msg_allocate(sizeof(mtOSALSerialData_t)
                                                                    + MT_RPC_FRAME_HDR_SZ + *pPoll);
      if (NULL != pMsg)
        pMsg->hdr.event = CMD_SERIAL_MSG;
        pMsg->hdr.status = port;
        pMsg->msg = (uint8 *)(pMsg + 1);

        osal_memcpy(pMsg->msg, pPoll, MT_RPC_FRAME_HDR_SZ);
        if (*pPoll)
          HalSpiWrite(port, pMsg->msg+MT_RPC_POS_DAT0, *pPoll);
        HAL_ZNP_MRDY_CLR();  // Faster release of ZNP with redundant mrdy clear here.

        osal_msg_send(zapTaskId, (uint8 *)pMsg);
      else  // Cannot leave the slave hanging in its "ready-to-send" state.
        HalSpiFlush(port, *pPoll);

Exemplo n.º 10
 * @fn          HalUARTCBack
 * @brief       This routine handles events of UART
 * @param       port - serial port that has the event
 *              event - Event that cause the callback
 * @return
void HalUARTCBack (uint8 port, uint8 event){
	/*only idle timeout on rx buffer is handled*/
	//printvalue("UART callback evt",event);
	if ((port == HAL_UART_PORT) && (event == HAL_UART_RX_TIMEOUT)){
		mymessage = (uint8*) osal_msg_allocate(sizeof (uint8));
		if (mymessage!= NULL){
			*mymessage = MSA_UART_RX_TIMEOUT;

Exemplo n.º 11
 * @fn          afRecv
 * @brief       This function de-muxes an incoming AF data message.
 * input parameters
 * @param       pBuf - Pointer to the RPC message buffer.
 * output parameters
 * None.
 * @return      None.
static void afRecv(uint8 *pBuf)
  #define ZAP_AF_INC_MSG_HDR  27

  afIncomingMSGPacket_t *pMsg;
  epList_t *pEP;
  uint16 tmp;
  uint8 cmd1 = pBuf[MT_RPC_POS_CMD1];

  if (cmd1 == MT_AF_INCOMING_MSG)
    pEP = afFindEndPointDescList(pBuf[7]);
    tmp = pBuf[16];
    pEP = afFindEndPointDescList(pBuf[16]);
    tmp = BUILD_UINT16(pBuf[25], pBuf[26]);

  if ((pEP == NULL) || (NULL ==
      (pMsg = (afIncomingMSGPacket_t *)osal_msg_allocate(sizeof(afIncomingMSGPacket_t) + tmp))))

  pMsg->hdr.event = AF_INCOMING_MSG_CMD;
  pBuf = afIncMsgPktParse(cmd1, pBuf, pMsg);

  if (pMsg->cmd.DataLength > ZAP_AF_INC_DAT_MAX)
    afRetrieve(*(pEP->epDesc->task_id), pMsg);
    if (pMsg->cmd.DataLength)
      (void)osal_memcpy(pMsg->cmd.Data, pBuf, pMsg->cmd.DataLength);
      pMsg->cmd.Data = NULL;

    (void)osal_msg_send(*(pEP->epDesc->task_id), (uint8 *)pMsg);
Exemplo n.º 12
 * @fn          zapUtilParseKeyInd
 * @brief       This function parses a packed keyEstablishmentInd_t.
 * input parameters
 * @param       pBuf - A buffer containing a packed keyEstablishmentInd_t.
 * output parameters
 * None.
 * @return      None.
static void zapUtilParseKeyInd(uint8 *pBuf)
    keyEstablishmentInd_t *pInd;

    // Send osal message to the application.
    if (NULL != (pInd = (keyEstablishmentInd_t *)osal_msg_allocate(sizeof(keyEstablishmentInd_t))))
        pInd->hdr.event = pBuf[1];
        pInd->hdr.status = pBuf[2];
        pInd->waitTime = pBuf[3];
        pInd->keyEstablishmentSuite = BUILD_UINT16(pBuf[4], pBuf[5]);
        osal_msg_send(pBuf[0], (uint8 *)pInd);
Exemplo n.º 13
 * @fn      MT_ProcessDebugMsg
 * @brief   Build and send a debug message.
 * @param   byte *data - pointer to the data portion of the debug message
 * @return  void
void MT_ProcessDebugMsg( mtDebugMsg_t *msg )
  byte *msg_ptr;
  byte dataLen;
  uint8 buf[11];
  uint8 *pBuf;

  /* Calculate the data length based */
  dataLen = 5 + (msg->numParams * sizeof ( uint16 ));

  /* Get a message buffer to build the debug message */
  msg_ptr = osal_msg_allocate( (byte)(SPI_0DATA_MSG_LEN + dataLen + 1) );
  if ( msg_ptr )
    /* Build the message */
    pBuf = buf;
    *pBuf++ = msg->compID;
    *pBuf++ = msg->severity;
    *pBuf++ = msg->numParams;

    if ( msg->numParams >= 1 )
      *pBuf++ = LO_UINT16( msg->param1 );
      *pBuf++ = HI_UINT16( msg->param1 );

    if ( msg->numParams >= 2 )
      *pBuf++ = LO_UINT16( msg->param2 );
      *pBuf++ = HI_UINT16( msg->param2 );

    if ( msg->numParams == 3 )
      *pBuf++ = LO_UINT16( msg->param3 );
      *pBuf++ = HI_UINT16( msg->param3 );

    *pBuf++ = LO_UINT16( msg->timestamp );
    *pBuf = HI_UINT16( msg->timestamp );

    /* Debug message is set to AREQ CMD 0x80 for now */
    /* Build and send back the response */
    MT_BuildAndSendZToolResponse(((uint8)MT_RPC_CMD_AREQ | (uint8)MT_RPC_SYS_DBG), 0x80, dataLen, buf);
    osal_msg_deallocate( msg_ptr );
 * @fn      SAPI_SendCback
 * @brief   Sends a message to the sapi task ( itself ) so that a
 *           callback can be generated later.
 * @return  none
void SAPI_SendCback( uint8 event, uint8 status, uint16 data )
  sapi_CbackEvent_t *pMsg;

  pMsg = (sapi_CbackEvent_t *)osal_msg_allocate( sizeof(sapi_CbackEvent_t) );
  if( pMsg )
    pMsg->hdr.event = event;
    pMsg->hdr.status = status;
    pMsg->data = data;

    osal_msg_send( sapi_TaskID, (uint8 *)pMsg );

Exemplo n.º 15
 * @fn          StubAPS_NotifyApp
 * @brief       This function sends an OSAL message to the Application task.
 * @param       status - command status
 * @return      none
static void StubAPS_NotifyApp( uint8 status )
  osal_event_hdr_t *msgPtr;

  // Notify the application task
  msgPtr = (osal_event_hdr_t *)osal_msg_allocate( sizeof(osal_event_hdr_t) );
  if ( msgPtr )
    msgPtr->event = SAPS_CHANNEL_CHANGE;
    msgPtr->status = status;

    osal_msg_send( appTaskID, (uint8 *)msgPtr );

} /* StubAPS_NotifyApp */
Exemplo n.º 16
uint8 OnBoard_SendHall( void )
	uint8 *msgPtr;
	if (registeredHallTaskID != NO_TASK_ID)
		msgPtr = (uint8 *)osal_msg_allocate(1);
		if (msgPtr)
			osal_msg_send(registeredHallTaskID, msgPtr);
                        //HalLedBlink(HAL_LED_2, 5, HAL_LED_DEFAULT_DUTY_CYCLE, HAL_LED_DEFAULT_FLASH_TIME);
		return (SUCCESS);
		return (FAILURE);	
Exemplo n.º 17
 * @fn      gapCentralRole_timerCB
 * @brief   OSAL timer callback function
 * @param   pData - Data pointer
 * @return  none
static void gapCentralRole_timerCB( uint8 *pData )
  gapCentralRoleRssiEvent_t *pMsg;

  // Timer has expired so clear timer ID
  ((gapCentralRoleRssi_t *) pData)->timerId = INVALID_TIMER_ID;

  // Send OSAL message
  pMsg = (gapCentralRoleRssiEvent_t *) osal_msg_allocate( sizeof(gapCentralRoleRssiEvent_t) );
  if ( pMsg )
    pMsg->hdr.event = GAPCENTRALROLE_RSSI_MSG_EVT;
    pMsg->pRssi = (gapCentralRoleRssi_t *) pData;

    osal_msg_send ( gapCentralRoleTaskId, (uint8 *) pMsg );
Exemplo n.º 18
 * @fn      MT_AppPB_ZCLCfg
 * @brief   Process MT_APP_PB_ZCL_CFG command
 * @param   pBuf - pointer to the received buffer
 * @return  void
static void MT_AppPB_ZCLCfg( uint8 *pBuf )
  uint8 retValue = ZFailure;
  uint8 appEP;
  endPointDesc_t *epDesc;
  mtAppPB_ZCLCfg_t *cmd;
  uint8 cmdId;

  /* Parse the RPC header */
  cmdId = pBuf[MT_RPC_POS_CMD1];

  /* Application End Point */
  appEP = *pBuf++;

  /* Look up the endpoint */
  epDesc = afFindEndPointDesc( appEP );

  if ( epDesc )
    /* Build and send the message to the APP */
    cmd = (mtAppPB_ZCLCfg_t *)osal_msg_allocate( sizeof( mtAppPB_ZCLCfg_t ) );

    if ( cmd )
      /* Build and send message to the app */
      cmd->hdr.event = MT_SYS_APP_PB_ZCL_CMD;

      /* PB ZCL command type*/
      cmd->type = MT_APP_PB_ZCL_CMD_CFG;

      /* PB ZCL Config Mode */
      cmd->mode = *pBuf++;

      /* Send the message */
      osal_msg_send( *(epDesc->task_id), (uint8 *)cmd );

      /* Info for response */
      retValue = ZSuccess;

  /* Build and send back the response */
  MT_BuildAndSendZToolResponse( ( (uint8)MT_RPC_CMD_SRSP | (uint8)MT_RPC_SYS_APP ),
                                cmdId, 1, &retValue );
Exemplo n.º 19
 * @fn      MT_TransportAlloc
 * @brief   Allocate memory for transport msg
 * @param   uint8 cmd0 - The first byte of the MT command id containing the command type and subsystem.
 *          uint8 len - length
 * @return  pointer the allocated memory or NULL if fail to allocate the memory
uint8 *MT_TransportAlloc(uint8 cmd0, uint8 len)
  uint8 *p;

  (void)cmd0;  // Intentionally unreferenced parameter
  /* Allocate a buffer of data length + SOP+CMD+FCS (5bytes) */
  p = osal_msg_allocate(len + SPI_0DATA_MSG_LEN);

  if (p)
    p++; /* Save space for SOP_VALUE, msg structure */
    return p;
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 20
void Send_DisplayTask_Msg(dis_event_t event, uint8 value)
	   uint8 result = 0;
	   gDisplay = (Dis_Msg_t *)osal_msg_allocate(sizeof(Dis_Msg_t));
		 if(NULL == gDisplay)
			 SYS_TRACE("no memory for dispaly msg\r\n");
		 gDisplay->hdr.event = (uint8)event;	
		 gDisplay->value = value;
		 result = osal_msg_send(gDisTaskID,(uint8 *)gDisplay);
		 if(result != SUCCESS)
			  SYS_TRACE("send display msg fail\r\n");
Exemplo n.º 21
void Send_MdcTask_Msg(Mdc_event_t event, uint8 value)
	   uint8 result = 0;
	   gMdcMsg_t = (Mdc_Task_Msg_t *)osal_msg_allocate(sizeof(Mdc_Task_Msg_t));
		 if(NULL == gMdcMsg_t)
			 SYS_TRACE("no memory for mdc msg\r\n");
		 gMdcMsg_t->hdr.event = (uint8)event;	
		 gMdcMsg_t->value = value;
		 result = osal_msg_send(gMdcTaskID,(uint8 *)gMdcMsg_t);
		 if(result != SUCCESS)
			  SYS_TRACE("send mdc msg fail\r\n");
Exemplo n.º 22
 * @fn          afCnf
 * @brief       This function de-muxes an incoming AF data confirm message.
 * input parameters
 * @param       pBuf - Pointer to the RPC message buffer.
 * output parameters
 * None.
 * @return      None.
static void afCnf(uint8 *pBuf)
  epList_t *pEP = afFindEndPointDescList(pBuf[1]);

  if (NULL != pEP)
    afDataConfirm_t *pMsg = (afDataConfirm_t *)osal_msg_allocate(sizeof(afDataConfirm_t));

    if (NULL != pMsg)
      pMsg->hdr.event = AF_DATA_CONFIRM_CMD;
      pMsg->hdr.status = *pBuf++;
      pMsg->endpoint = *pBuf++;
      pMsg->transID = *pBuf;
      osal_msg_send(*(pEP->epDesc->task_id), (uint8 *)pMsg);
Exemplo n.º 23
 * @fn      MT_AppMsg
 * @brief   Process APP_MSG command
 * @param   pBuf - pointer to the received buffer
 * @return  void
static void MT_AppMsg(uint8 *pBuf)
  uint8 retValue = ZFailure;
  uint8 endpoint;
  endPointDesc_t *epDesc;
  mtSysAppMsg_t *msg;
  uint8 cmdId, dataLen;

  /* parse header */
  dataLen = pBuf[MT_RPC_POS_LEN];
  cmdId = pBuf[MT_RPC_POS_CMD1];

  /* Get the endpoint and skip past it.*/
  endpoint = *pBuf++;

  /* Look up the endpoint */
  epDesc = afFindEndPointDesc( endpoint );

  if (epDesc)
    /* Build and send the message to the APP */
    msg = (mtSysAppMsg_t *)osal_msg_allocate(sizeof(mtSysAppMsg_t) + (dataLen));
    if ( msg )
      /* Build and send message up the app */
      msg->hdr.event = MT_SYS_APP_MSG;
      msg->endpoint = endpoint;
      msg->appDataLen = dataLen;
      msg->appData = (uint8*)(msg+1);
      osal_memcpy( msg->appData, pBuf, dataLen);
      osal_msg_send( *(epDesc->task_id), (uint8 *)msg );

      /* Info for response */
      retValue = ZSuccess;

  /* Build and send back the response */
  MT_BuildAndSendZToolResponse(((uint8)MT_RPC_CMD_SRSP | (uint8)MT_RPC_SYS_APP), cmdId, 1, &retValue);
Exemplo n.º 24
 * @fn      OnBoard_SendKeys
 * @brief   Send "Key Pressed" message to application.
 * @param   keys  - keys that were pressed
 *          state - shifted
 * @return  status
uint8 OnBoard_SendKeys( uint8 keys, uint8 state )
  keyChange_t *msgPtr;

  if ( registeredKeysTaskID != NO_TASK_ID )
    // Send the address to the task
    msgPtr = (keyChange_t *)osal_msg_allocate( sizeof(keyChange_t) );
    if ( msgPtr )
      msgPtr->hdr.event = KEY_CHANGE;
      msgPtr->state = state;
      msgPtr->keys = keys;

      osal_msg_send( registeredKeysTaskID, (uint8 *)msgPtr );
    return ( ZSuccess );
    return ( ZFailure );
Exemplo n.º 25
Arquivo: AF.c Projeto: LILCMU/WRATIOT
 * @fn          afReflectError
 * @brief       This function will generate the Reflect Error message to
 *              the application.
 * @param       srcEP - Source Endpoint
 * @param       dstAddrMode - mode of dstAdd - 0 - normal short addr, 1 - group Address
 * @param       dstAddr - intended destination
 * @param       dstEP - Destination Endpoint
 * @param       transID - transaction ID from APSDE_DATA_REQUEST
 * @param       status - status of APSDE_DATA_REQUEST
 * @return      none
void afReflectError( uint8 srcEP, uint8 dstAddrMode, uint16 dstAddr, uint8 dstEP,
                     uint8 transID, ZStatus_t status )
  endPointDesc_t *epDesc;
  afReflectError_t *msgPtr;

  // Find the endpoint description
  epDesc = afFindEndPointDesc( srcEP );
  if ( epDesc == NULL )

  // Determine the incoming command type
  msgPtr = (afReflectError_t *)osal_msg_allocate( sizeof(afReflectError_t) );
  if ( msgPtr )
    // Build the Data Confirm message
    msgPtr->hdr.event = AF_REFLECT_ERROR_CMD;
    msgPtr->hdr.status = status;
    msgPtr->endpoint = dstEP;
    msgPtr->transID = transID;
    msgPtr->dstAddrMode = dstAddrMode;
    msgPtr->dstAddr = dstAddr;

#if defined ( MT_AF_CB_FUNC )
    /* If MT has subscribed for this callback, don't send as a message. */
    if ( AFCB_CHECK( CB_ID_AF_REFLECT_ERROR, *(epDesc->task_id) ) )
      /* Send callback if it's subscribed */
      MT_AfReflectError( (void *)msgPtr );
      /* Release the memory. */
      osal_msg_deallocate( (void *)msgPtr );
      /* send message through task message */
      osal_msg_send( *(epDesc->task_id), (uint8 *)msgPtr );
Exemplo n.º 26
 * @fn      MT_ProcessSrngEvent
 * @brief
 *   Process SRNG Event Messages.
 * @param   None
 * @return  None
void MT_ProcessSrngEvent(void)
  uint8 * msg;
  osal_event_hdr_t * msg_ptr;
  msg_ptr = (osal_event_hdr_t *)osal_msg_allocate( MT_RPC_FRAME_HDR_SZ + 4 + sizeof(osal_event_hdr_t) );
  msg = msg_ptr + sizeof(osal_event_hdr_t) + 4;
  if ( msg_ptr )
    msg_ptr->event = CMD_SERIAL_MSG;
    msg_ptr->status = 4;
      msg[MT_RPC_POS_LEN] = 4 + MT_RPC_FRAME_HDR_SZ;
    osal_memcpy(msg_ptr + sizeof(osal_event_hdr_t), &msg, 4); 
  osal_msg_send( MT_TaskID, (uint8 *)msg_ptr );
Exemplo n.º 27
 * @fn          afDataConfirm
 * @brief       This function will generate the Data Confirm back to
 *              the application.
 * @param       endPoint - confirm end point
 * @param       transID - transaction ID from APSDE_DATA_REQUEST
 * @param       status - status of APSDE_DATA_REQUEST
 * @return      none
void afDataConfirm( uint8 endPoint, uint8 transID, ZStatus_t status )
  endPointDesc_t *epDesc;
  afDataConfirm_t *msgPtr;

  // Find the endpoint description
  epDesc = afFindEndPointDesc( endPoint );
  if ( epDesc == NULL )

  // Determine the incoming command type
  msgPtr = (afDataConfirm_t *)osal_msg_allocate( sizeof(afDataConfirm_t) );
  if ( msgPtr )
    // Build the Data Confirm message
    msgPtr->hdr.event = AF_DATA_CONFIRM_CMD;
    msgPtr->hdr.status = status;
    msgPtr->endpoint = endPoint;
    msgPtr->transID = transID;

#if defined ( MT_AF_CB_FUNC )
    /* If MT has subscribed for this callback, don't send as a message. */
    if ( AFCB_CHECK(CB_ID_AF_DATA_CNF,*(epDesc->task_id)) )
      /* Send callback if it's subscribed */
      MT_AfDataConfirm ((void *)msgPtr);
      /* Release the memory. */
      osal_msg_deallocate( (void *)msgPtr );
      /* send message through task message */
      osal_msg_send( *(epDesc->task_id), (byte *)msgPtr );
Exemplo n.º 28
 * @fn          ZDO_UpdateNwkStatus
 * @brief       This function sends a ZDO_STATE_CHANGE message to the task of every EndPoint
 *              registered with AF (except, of course, the ZDO_EP). Even if a single task has more
 *              than one registered EndPoint, it will only receive one notification per state
 *              change. Although the device may go through a sequence of state changes, the
 *              Application task may only receive notification of the final, steady-state state
 *              because it has the lowest priority and never even runs to receive the intermediate
 *              state change notifications.
 * input parameters
 * @param       state - The current device state.
 * output parameters
 * None.
 * @return      None.
void ZDO_UpdateNwkStatus(devStates_t state)
  epList_t *pItem = epList;

  while (pItem != NULL)
    if (pItem->epDesc->endPoint != ZDO_EP)
      osal_event_hdr_t *pMsg = (osal_event_hdr_t *)osal_msg_find(*(pItem->epDesc->task_id),

      if (NULL == pMsg)
        if (NULL == (pMsg = (osal_event_hdr_t *)osal_msg_allocate(sizeof(osal_event_hdr_t))))
          // Upon failure to notify any EndPoint of the state change, re-set the ZDO event to
          // try again later when more Heap may be available.
          osal_set_event(zapTaskId, ZAP_APP_ZDO_STATE_CHANGE_EVT);
          pMsg->event = ZDO_STATE_CHANGE;
          pMsg->status = (uint8)state;

          (void)osal_msg_send(*(pItem->epDesc->task_id), (uint8 *)pMsg);
        // Modify in place the status of an existing ZDO_STATE_CHANGE message to the EndPoint.
        pMsg->status = (uint8)state;

    pItem = pItem->nextDesc;
 * @fn      MT_UartProcessZToolData
 * @brief   | SOP | Data Length  |   CMD   |   Data   |  FCS  |
 *          |  1  |     1        |    2    |  0-Len   |   1   |
 *          Parses the data and determine either is SPI or just simply serial data
 *          then send the data to correct place (MT or APP)
 * @param   port     - UART port
 *          event    - Event that causes the callback
 * @return  None
void MT_UartProcessZToolData( uint8 port, uint8 event )
  uint8  ch;
  (void)event;  // Intentionally unreferenced parameter
  uint8 i,j,flag = 0;
  uint8 str[128];
  while (Hal_UART_RxBufLen(port))
    HalUARTRead (port, &ch, 1);
    str[j] = ch;
    flag = 1;
  if(flag == 1)
    pMsg = (mtOSALSerialData_t  *) osal_msg_allocate(sizeof(mtOSALSerialData_t)
                                                  + j +1);
    pMsg->hdr.event = CMD_SERIAL_MSG; 
    pMsg->msg = (uint8 *)(pMsg + 1);
    pMsg->msg[0] = j;
    for(i = 1; i <= j; i++)
      pMsg->msg[i] = str[i]; 
    osal_msg_send(App_TaskID,(byte *) pMsg);
    osal_msg_deallocate( (uint8 *)pMsg);
Exemplo n.º 30
u16 APP_ProcessEvent( u8 task_id, u16 events )
	loraMAC_msg_t* pMsgSend = NULL;
  loraMAC_msg_t* pMsgRecieve = NULL;

        u8 tmp_buf[64];
        u8 len = 0 ;

        //system event
        if(events & SYS_EVENT_MSG)
					//receive msg loop
					while(NULL != (pMsgRecieve = (loraMAC_msg_t*)osal_msg_receive(APP_taskID)))
							//pMsgRecieve[0] is system event type
							//tx done
							case TXDONE :
									HalLedSet (HAL_LED_1, HAL_LED_MODE_ON);
									if(Txpacket_count > 0)
										pMsgSend = (loraMAC_msg_t*)osal_msg_allocate(72);
										if(pMsgSend != NULL)
											pMsgSend->msgID = TXREQUEST;
											pMsgSend->msgLen = uart1_Rxcount+2;
										//send a packet to LoRaMac osal (then can be send by the radio)
										pMsgSend = (loraMAC_msg_t*)osal_msg_allocate(72);
										if(pMsgSend != NULL)
											pMsgSend->msgID = TXREQUEST;
											pMsgSend->msgLen = 70;
											for(u8 dataCount = 0; dataCount < 70; dataCount++)
												pMsgSend->msgData[dataCount] = dataCount;

											HAL_UART_SendBytes("app send\n", osal_strlen("app send\n"));
        							HalLedSet (HAL_LED_1, HAL_LED_MODE_OFF);
        					//rx done
        					case RXDONE:
                                HalLedSet (HAL_LED_2, HAL_LED_MODE_ON);
                                len = 0 ;
                                g_number++ ;
                                memset(Rx_buf , 0 ,sizeof(Rx_buf));                               
				    len = pMsgRecieve->msgLen;
				    Rx_buf[len] = 0;
                                OLED_ShowString( 0,36, (u8*)Rx_buf,12 );
                                HAL_UART_SendBytes((uint8_t *)Rx_buf,strlen(Rx_buf));
				     HalLedSet (HAL_LED_2, HAL_LED_MODE_OFF);


                             case TXERR_STATUS:
                                //TODO MOTE send packet error deal
                                memset( tmp_buf ,0 ,sizeof(tmp_buf) );
                                sprintf( (char *)tmp_buf,"send err ret=%d,no=%d",pMsgRecieve->msgData[0],
                                                                                 pMsgRecieve->msgData[1]+( pMsgRecieve->msgData[2]<<8 ) );
                                OLED_ShowString( 0,36,tmp_buf,12 );



		return (events ^ SYS_EVENT_MSG);


	//send a packet event
	if(events & APP_PERIOD_SEND)
		//send a packet to LoRaMac osal (then can be send by the radio)
		pMsgSend = (loraMAC_msg_t*)osal_msg_allocate(72);
		if(pMsgSend != NULL)
			pMsgSend->msgID = TXREQUEST;
			pMsgSend->msgLen = 70;
			for(u8 dataCount = 0; dataCount < 70; dataCount++)
				pMsgSend->msgData[dataCount] = dataCount;

	  //osal_start_timerEx(APP_taskID, APP_PERIOD_SEND,1000);//延时继续发送

		return (events ^ APP_PERIOD_SEND);

	//uart test event
	if(events & APP_TEST_UART)

		 Txpacket_count = 1;//串口收到一个数据包,就发一遍无线包出去add by hxz
		//HAL_UART_SendBytes("hello,world!", 10);
		//osal_start_timerEx(APP_taskID, APP_TEST_UART,1000);//延时继续发送
		return (events ^ APP_TEST_UART);

	return 0 ;