Exemplo n.º 1
HTTPLiveStream::HTTPLiveStream(QString srcFile, uint16_t width, uint16_t height,
                               uint32_t bitrate, uint32_t abitrate,
                               uint16_t maxSegments, uint16_t segmentSize,
                               uint32_t aobitrate, int32_t srate)
  : m_writing(false),
    m_streamid(-1),              m_sourceFile(srcFile),
    m_sourceWidth(0),            m_sourceHeight(0),
    m_segmentSize(segmentSize),  m_maxSegments(maxSegments),
    m_segmentCount(0),           m_startSegment(0),
    m_height(height),            m_width(width),
    m_audioBitrate(abitrate),    m_audioOnlyBitrate(aobitrate),
    if ((m_width == 0) && (m_height == 0))
        m_width = 640;

    if (m_bitrate == 0)
        m_bitrate = 800000;

    if (m_audioBitrate == 0)
        m_audioBitrate = 64000;

    if (m_segmentSize == 0)
        m_segmentSize = 10;

    if (m_audioOnlyBitrate == 0)
        m_audioOnlyBitrate = 32000;

    m_sourceHost = gCoreContext->GetHostName();

    QFileInfo finfo(m_sourceFile);
    m_outBase = finfo.fileName() +


    m_fullURL     = m_httpPrefix + m_outBase + ".m3u8";
    m_relativeURL = m_httpPrefixRel + m_outBase + ".m3u8";

    StorageGroup sgroup("Streaming", gCoreContext->GetHostName());
    m_outDir = sgroup.GetFirstDir();
    QDir outDir(m_outDir);

    if (!outDir.exists() && !outDir.mkdir(m_outDir))
        LOG(VB_RECORD, LOG_ERR, "Unable to create HTTP Live Stream output "
            "directory, Live Stream will not be created");

void PhraseDictionaryTransliteration::GetTargetPhraseCollection(InputPath &inputPath) const
    const Phrase &sourcePhrase = inputPath.GetPhrase();
    size_t hash = hash_value(sourcePhrase);

    CacheColl &cache = GetCache();

    std::map<size_t, std::pair<const TargetPhraseCollection*, clock_t> >::iterator iter;
    iter = cache.find(hash);

    if (iter != cache.end()) {
    	// already in cache
    	const TargetPhraseCollection *tpColl = iter->second.first;
    	inputPath.SetTargetPhrases(*this, tpColl, NULL);
    else {
    	char *ptr = tmpnam(NULL);
    	string inFile(ptr);
    	ptr = tmpnam(NULL);
    	string outDir(ptr);

    	ofstream inStream(inFile.c_str());
    	inStream << sourcePhrase.ToString() << endl;

    	string cmd = m_scriptDir + "/Transliteration/prepare-transliteration-phrase-table.pl" +
    			" --transliteration-model-dir " + m_filePath +
    			" --moses-src-dir " + m_mosesDir +
    			" --external-bin-dir " + m_externalDir +
    			" --input-extension " + m_inputLang +
    			" --output-extension " + m_outputLang +
    			" --oov-file " + inFile +
    			" --out-dir " + outDir;

    	int ret = system(cmd.c_str());
    	UTIL_THROW_IF2(ret != 0, "Transliteration script error");

    	TargetPhraseCollection *tpColl = new TargetPhraseCollection();
    	vector<TargetPhrase*> targetPhrases = CreateTargetPhrases(sourcePhrase, outDir);
    	vector<TargetPhrase*>::const_iterator iter;
    	for (iter = targetPhrases.begin(); iter != targetPhrases.end(); ++iter) {
    		TargetPhrase *tp = *iter;

    	std::pair<const TargetPhraseCollection*, clock_t> value(tpColl, clock());
    	cache[hash] = value;

    	inputPath.SetTargetPhrases(*this, tpColl, NULL);

    	// clean up temporary files

    	cmd = "rm -rf " + outDir;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	po::options_description desc("Options");
		 "Print help messages")
      	("indir", po::value<std::string>()->required(),
		 "input directory")
		("outdir", po::value<std::string>()->required(),
		 "output directory");
	po::positional_options_description posOpt;
	posOpt.add("indir", 1);
	posOpt.add("outdir", 1);
    po::variables_map vm;

	try {
		po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv)
		if (vm.count("help") ) {
			std::cout << "Usage: stacktr INDIR OUTDIR" << std::endl;
			std::cout << std::endl;
			std::cout << "  INDIR is the input directory" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "  OUTDIR is the output directory" << std::endl;
		    return 0;
		po::notify(vm); //
	} catch (po::required_option &e) {
		std::cerr << "Missing a required option" << std::endl;
		return 1;
	} catch (po::error &e) {
		std::cerr << "Something wrong during the parsing" << std::endl;
		return 2;

	std::cout << std::endl;

    fs::path inDir(vm["indir"].as<std::string>());
	fs::path outDir(vm["outdir"].as<std::string>());

	std::vector<fs::path> fileList;
	retrieveFileList(fileList, inDir);

	// Create folder if not exist.
	boost::system::error_code retErr;
	fs::create_directories(outDir, retErr);
	if (!retErr) {
		std::cout << "Output directory created" << std::endl;

	// Transposed stack will contain as much layer as the amount of stacks.
 	size_t nLayer = fileList.size();
	processFileList(fileList, outDir, static_cast<uint16_t>(nLayer));


	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
void AddImageWidget::checkFiles()
    QString imagePath = imageWgt->text();
    if ( ! QFile::exists(imagePath))
        qCritical() << QString("File %1 not found!").arg(imagePath);
        imageLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color : red; }");

    QString kmlPath = kmlWgt->text();
    if ( ! QFile::exists(kmlPath))
        qCritical() << QString("File %1 not found!").arg(kmlPath);
        kmlLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color : red; }");

    qint32 lowZoomValue = lowZoom->value();
    qint32 topZoomValue = topZoom->value();
    if (lowZoomValue > topZoomValue)
        lowZoomValue = topZoomValue;
        topZoomValue = lowZoom->value();
    QString zoomStr = (lowZoomValue == topZoomValue) ? QString::number(lowZoomValue)
                              : QString("%1-%2").arg(lowZoomValue).arg(topZoomValue);

    QFileInfo fi(imagePath);
    granuleName = fi.fileName();

    QDir outDir(_configData->cacheDir);
    if (QDir(_configData->cacheDir+"/"+granuleName).exists())

    QString cmd = QString("python slbtiles.py --image %1 --kml %2 --zoom %3 -o %4")

    qDebug() << "==> " << cmd;

    tileProc = new QProcess(this);
    connect(tileProc, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(tileCreatedSlot(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)));


Exemplo n.º 5
void ElastixManager::preprocessExecuter()
	QStringList parameterFiles = mParameters->getActiveParameterFiles();
	QString timestamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(timestampSecondsFormat());
	QDir outDir(mServices->patient()->getActivePatientFolder()+"/"+mParameters->getConfigUid()+"/"+timestamp);


	if (mDisableRendering->getValue())
void HbSplashGenerator::regenerate()
    QString themeName = hbInstance->theme()->name();
    qDebug() << PRE << "regenerate() theme:" << themeName;
    if (!themeName.isEmpty()) {
        try {
            emit regenerateStarted();
            QTime queuePrepTime;
            // Delete existing splash screens. This is important because apps
            // should never pick up a screen with the previous theme or
            // language. If the generation of the new screens (at least the
            // empty view) has not finished when a new app is started then it is
            // better to show no splash screen at all.
            QDir outDir(hbsplash_output_dir());
            if (outDir.exists()) {
                QStringList names = outDir.entryList(QStringList() << "*", QDir::Files);
                foreach(const QString & name, names) {
            // Clear the queue, generating screens with a non-current theme is
            // not possible anyway.
            // If this is the first invocation then put some requests for
            // screens we won't use. On certain platforms the very first
            // rendering (with a newly created mainwindow) may lead to
            // mysteriously scaled down output.
            if (mFirstRegenerate) {
                mFirstRegenerate = false;
                mQueue.enqueue(QueueItem(themeName, Qt::Vertical));
                mQueue.enqueue(QueueItem(themeName, Qt::Horizontal));
            // Queue the screenshot request for both orientations.
            mQueue.enqueue(QueueItem(themeName, Qt::Vertical));
            mQueue.enqueue(QueueItem(themeName, Qt::Horizontal));
            queueAppSpecificItems(themeName, Qt::Vertical);
            queueAppSpecificItems(themeName, Qt::Horizontal);
            qDebug() << PRE << "queue preparation time (ms):" << queuePrepTime.elapsed();
            QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "processQueue", Qt::QueuedConnection);
        } catch (const std::bad_alloc &) {
TskModule::Status TskExecutableModule::execute(TskFile * fileToAnalyze){
        // Perform macro expansion on command line args.
        std::string arguments = expandArgumentMacros(m_arguments, fileToAnalyze);

        // Split the arguments into a vector of strings.
        Poco::StringTokenizer tokenizer(arguments, " ");

        std::vector<std::string> vectorArgs(tokenizer.begin(), tokenizer.end());

        // Perform macro expansion on our output location
        std::string outFilePath = expandArgumentMacros(m_output, fileToAnalyze);

        // If an output file has been specified we need to ensure that anything
        // written to stdout gets put in the file. This is accomplished by passing
        // a pipe to Poco::Process::launch and reading its contents once the process
        // has terminated.
        if (!outFilePath.empty())
            // Create directories that may be missing along the path.
            std::string outFilePathNoQuote(TskUtilities::stripQuotes(outFilePath));
            Poco::Path outPath(outFilePathNoQuote);
            Poco::File outDir(outPath.parent());

            // Create the output file if it does not exist.
            Poco::File outFile(outFilePathNoQuote);

            if (!outFile.exists())

            // Create process redirecting its output to a Pipe.
            Poco::Pipe outPipe;

            Poco::ProcessHandle handle = Poco::Process::launch(m_modulePath, vectorArgs, NULL, &outPipe, NULL);
            // Copy output from Pipe to the output file.
            Poco::PipeInputStream istr(outPipe);
            Poco::FileOutputStream ostr(outFile.path(), std::ios::out|std::ios::app);

            while (istr)
                Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(istr, ostr);

            // The process should be finished. Check its exit code.
            int exitCode = Poco::Process::wait(handle);

            if (exitCode != 0)
                // If a module fails we log a warning message and continue.
                std::wstringstream msg;
                msg << L"TskExecutableModule::execute - Module (" << m_modulePath.c_str()
                    << L") failed with exit code: " << exitCode << std::endl;
            // No output file was specified.
            Poco::ProcessHandle handle = Poco::Process::launch(m_modulePath, vectorArgs);

            // Wait for the process to complete
            int exitCode = Poco::Process::wait(handle);

            if (exitCode != 0)
                // If a module fails we log a warning message and continue.
                std::wstringstream msg;
                msg << L"TskExecutableModule::execute - Module (" << m_modulePath.c_str()
                    << L") failed with exit code: " << exitCode << std::endl;
    catch (Poco::Exception& ex)
        std::wstringstream errorMsg;
        errorMsg << L"TskExecutableModule::execute - Error: " << ex.displayText().c_str() << std::endl;
        throw TskException("Module execution failed.");

    return TskModule::OK;
Exemplo n.º 8
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  cerr << "Starte mit einlesen\n";
  if(argc <= 4)
      cerr << "Usage: vpf_importer <DataBase> <Library> <Coverage(id)> <Feature(id)> [<first Element(id)>]\n";
      return 1;

  // Zielverzeichnis der Kartendateien ...
  string outDir((string)"/data/KartenDaten/VPF-Daten/heiner/" + argv[2] + "/");

  VpfRectangle bounds;
  bounds.minX = -180.0;
  bounds.maxX = 180.0;

  bounds.minY = -90.0;
  bounds.maxY = 90.0;

  VpfDataBase db( argv[1] );

  cout << "Number of libraries: " << db.getLibraryCount() << endl;

  VpfLibrary lib( db.getLibrary(argv[2]) );

  cout << "Number of coverages: " << lib.getCoverageCount() << endl;

  int coverCount = lib.getCoverageCount();

  cout << "<->\n";

  int cID(0), fID(0), idStart(0);

  sscanf(argv[3], "%d", &cID);
  sscanf(argv[4], "%d", &fID);

  if(argc > 5)
      sscanf(argv[5], "%d", &idStart);

  VpfCoverage cover(lib.getCoverage(cID));
  int featureCount = cover.getFeatureCount();

  cout << "Coverage: " << cover.getName() << " (" << cID << ") Features: "
       << cover.getFeatureCount() << endl;

  VpfFeature feature(cover.getFeature(fID));
  string fileName((string)argv[1] + "/" + (string)argv[2] + "/" +
      (string)cover.getName() + "/" + (string)feature.getName());

  // Ausgabe-Datei öffnen:
  string outFileName((string)cover.getName() + "_" + (string)feature.getName());
  string idFileName = outDir + "/IDS/" + outFileName + ".id";
  outFileName = outDir + outFileName;

  ofstream outFile;
  ifstream idFile;

  cout << "\n";
  cout << "  Öffne Ausgabedatei: " << outFileName << " ...";
  idFile.open(idFileName.c_str(), ios::in);
      cerr << "FEHLER! bei ID File\n" << idFileName.c_str() << endl;
      return 0;
  outFile.open(outFileName.c_str(), ios::out | ios::app );
      cerr << "FEHLER!\n";
      return 1;
      cout << "fertig\n";

  cout << endl;
  cout << "  Bearbeite " << cover.getName() << " (" << cID << ") "
       << feature.getName() << " (" << fID << ")\n";

      case VpfFeature::POINT:
        fileName += ".pft";
      case VpfFeature::LINE:
        fileName += ".lft";
      case VpfFeature::POLYGON:
        fileName += ".aft";
      case VpfFeature::LABEL:
        fileName += ".tft";
      throw VpfException("Unsupported topology type");

  VpfTable table(fileName);

  dump_table_header(table, outFile);

  char p[20];
  int id(-1), oldID(-1), rowLoop;

  int rowCount = table.getRowCount();
  int colCount = table.getColumnCount();
  int topologyType = feature.getTopologyType();

  for(int rowLoop = idStart; rowLoop < table.getRowCount(); rowLoop++)
      outFile << "[NEW]\n";

      std::string header = "";
      for(int colLoop = 0; colLoop < colCount; colLoop++)
          outFile << table.getColumnDecl(colLoop).getName() << "="
                  << table.getValue(rowLoop, colLoop) << endl;


          //cout << "\r";
          cout << "id: ";
          cout << rowLoop << "  von ";
          cout << rowCount << " ( ";
          cout << (float)((float)rowLoop / (float)rowCount * 100) << "% )\n";

              case VpfFeature::POINT:
                dump_point(feature.getPoint(rowLoop), outFile);
              case VpfFeature::LINE:
                dump_line(feature.getLine(rowLoop), outFile);
              case VpfFeature::POLYGON:
                dump_polygon(feature.getPolygon(rowLoop), outFile, table, rowLoop);
              case VpfFeature::LABEL:
                dump_label(feature.getLabel(rowLoop), outFile);
                throw VpfException("Unsupported topology type");
      catch(VpfException &e)
          cerr << "Fehler: " << e.getMessage() << endl;

      outFile << "[END]\n";



  cout << endl;
  return 0;

Exemplo n.º 9
void MergeFastqWorkerFactory::init() {
    Descriptor desc( ACTOR_ID, MergeFastqWorker::tr("FASTQ Merger"),
        MergeFastqWorker::tr("Merges input sequences to one output file") );

    QList<PortDescriptor*> p;
        Descriptor inD(BaseNGSWorker::INPUT_PORT, MergeFastqWorker::tr("Input File"),
            MergeFastqWorker::tr("Set of FASTQ reads files"));
        Descriptor outD(BaseNGSWorker::OUTPUT_PORT, MergeFastqWorker::tr("Output File"),
            MergeFastqWorker::tr("Output FASTQ file"));

        QMap<Descriptor, DataTypePtr> inM;
        inM[BaseSlots::URL_SLOT()] = BaseTypes::STRING_TYPE();
        p << new PortDescriptor(inD, DataTypePtr(new MapDataType("cf.input-url", inM)), true);

        QMap<Descriptor, DataTypePtr> outM;
        outM[BaseSlots::URL_SLOT()] = BaseTypes::STRING_TYPE();
        p << new PortDescriptor(outD, DataTypePtr(new MapDataType("cf.output-url", outM)), false, true);

    QList<Attribute*> a;
        Descriptor outDir(BaseNGSWorker::OUT_MODE_ID, MergeFastqWorker::tr("Output directory"),
            MergeFastqWorker::tr("Select an output directory. <b>Custom</b> - specify the output directory in the 'Custom directory' parameter. "
            "<b>Workflow</b> - internal workflow directory. "
            "<b>Input file</b> - the directory of the input file."));

        Descriptor customDir(BaseNGSWorker::CUSTOM_DIR_ID, MergeFastqWorker::tr("Custom directory"),
            MergeFastqWorker::tr("Select the custom output directory."));

        Descriptor outName(BaseNGSWorker::OUT_NAME_ID, MergeFastqWorker::tr("Output file name"),
            MergeFastqWorker::tr("A name of an output file. If default of empty value is provided the output name is the name of the first file with additional extention."));

        a << new Attribute(outDir, BaseTypes::NUM_TYPE(), false, QVariant(FileAndDirectoryUtils::WORKFLOW_INTERNAL));
        Attribute* customDirAttr = new Attribute(customDir, BaseTypes::STRING_TYPE(), false, QVariant(""));
        customDirAttr->addRelation(new VisibilityRelation(BaseNGSWorker::OUT_MODE_ID, FileAndDirectoryUtils::CUSTOM));
        a << customDirAttr;
        a << new Attribute( outName, BaseTypes::STRING_TYPE(), false, QVariant(BaseNGSWorker::DEFAULT_NAME));

    QMap<QString, PropertyDelegate*> delegates;
        QVariantMap directoryMap;
        QString fileDir = MergeFastqWorker::tr("Input file");
        QString workflowDir = MergeFastqWorker::tr("Workflow");
        QString customD = MergeFastqWorker::tr("Custom");
        directoryMap[fileDir] = FileAndDirectoryUtils::FILE_DIRECTORY;
        directoryMap[workflowDir] = FileAndDirectoryUtils::WORKFLOW_INTERNAL;
        directoryMap[customD] = FileAndDirectoryUtils::CUSTOM;
        delegates[BaseNGSWorker::OUT_MODE_ID] = new ComboBoxDelegate(directoryMap);

        delegates[BaseNGSWorker::CUSTOM_DIR_ID] = new URLDelegate("", "", false, true);


    ActorPrototype* proto = new IntegralBusActorPrototype(desc, p, a);
    proto->setEditor(new DelegateEditor(delegates));
    proto->setPrompter(new MergeFastqPrompter());

    WorkflowEnv::getProtoRegistry()->registerProto(BaseActorCategories::CATEGORY_NGS_BASIC(), proto);
    DomainFactory *localDomain = WorkflowEnv::getDomainRegistry()->getById(LocalDomainFactory::ID);
    localDomain->registerEntry(new MergeFastqWorkerFactory());
Exemplo n.º 10
void QualityTrimWorkerFactory::init() {
    Descriptor desc( ACTOR_ID, QualityTrimWorker::tr("FASTQ Quality Trimmer"),
        QualityTrimWorker::tr("The workflow scans each input sequence from the end to find the first position where the quality is greater or equal to the minimum quality threshold. "
                              "Then it trims the sequence to that position. If a the whole sequence has quality less than the threshold or the length of the output sequence less than "
                              "the minimum length threshold then the sequence is skipped.") );

    QList<PortDescriptor*> p;
        Descriptor inD(BaseNGSWorker::INPUT_PORT, QualityTrimWorker::tr("Input File"),
            QualityTrimWorker::tr("Set of FASTQ reads files"));
        Descriptor outD(BaseNGSWorker::OUTPUT_PORT, QualityTrimWorker::tr("Output File"),
            QualityTrimWorker::tr("Output FASTQ files"));

        QMap<Descriptor, DataTypePtr> inM;
        inM[BaseSlots::URL_SLOT()] = BaseTypes::STRING_TYPE();
        p << new PortDescriptor(inD, DataTypePtr(new MapDataType("cf.input-url", inM)), true);

        QMap<Descriptor, DataTypePtr> outM;
        outM[BaseSlots::URL_SLOT()] = BaseTypes::STRING_TYPE();
        p << new PortDescriptor(outD, DataTypePtr(new MapDataType("cf.output-url", outM)), false, true);

    QList<Attribute*> a;
        Descriptor outDir(BaseNGSWorker::OUT_MODE_ID, QualityTrimWorker::tr("Output directory"),
            QualityTrimWorker::tr("Select an output directory. <b>Custom</b> - specify the output directory in the 'Custom directory' parameter. "
            "<b>Workflow</b> - internal workflow directory. "
            "<b>Input file</b> - the directory of the input file."));

        Descriptor customDir(BaseNGSWorker::CUSTOM_DIR_ID, QualityTrimWorker::tr("Custom directory"),
            QualityTrimWorker::tr("Select the custom output directory."));

        Descriptor outName(BaseNGSWorker::OUT_NAME_ID, QualityTrimWorker::tr("Output file name"),
            QualityTrimWorker::tr("A name of an output file. If default of empty value is provided the output name is the name of the first file with additional extention."));

        Descriptor qualT(QUALITY_ID, QualityTrimWorker::tr("Quality threshold"),
            QualityTrimWorker::tr("Quality threshold for trimming."));

        Descriptor lenT(LEN_ID, QualityTrimWorker::tr("Min Length"),
            QualityTrimWorker::tr("Too short reads are discarded by the filter."));

        Descriptor bothD(BOTH_ID, QualityTrimWorker::tr("Trim both ends"),
            QualityTrimWorker::tr("Trim the both ends of a read or not. Usually, you need to set <b>True</b> for <b>Sanger</b> sequencing and <b>False</b> for <b>NGS</b>"));

        a << new Attribute(outDir, BaseTypes::NUM_TYPE(), false, QVariant(FileAndDirectoryUtils::WORKFLOW_INTERNAL));
        Attribute* customDirAttr = new Attribute(customDir, BaseTypes::STRING_TYPE(), false, QVariant(""));
        customDirAttr->addRelation(new VisibilityRelation(BaseNGSWorker::OUT_MODE_ID, FileAndDirectoryUtils::CUSTOM));
        a << customDirAttr;
        a << new Attribute( outName, BaseTypes::STRING_TYPE(), false, QVariant(BaseNGSWorker::DEFAULT_NAME));
        a << new Attribute( qualT, BaseTypes:: NUM_TYPE(), false, QVariant(30));
        a << new Attribute( lenT, BaseTypes::NUM_TYPE(), false, QVariant(0));
        a << new Attribute( bothD, BaseTypes::BOOL_TYPE(), false, true);

    QMap<QString, PropertyDelegate*> delegates;
        QVariantMap directoryMap;
        QString fileDir = QualityTrimWorker::tr("Input file");
        QString workflowDir = QualityTrimWorker::tr("Workflow");
        QString customD = QualityTrimWorker::tr("Custom");
        directoryMap[fileDir] = FileAndDirectoryUtils::FILE_DIRECTORY;
        directoryMap[workflowDir] = FileAndDirectoryUtils::WORKFLOW_INTERNAL;
        directoryMap[customD] = FileAndDirectoryUtils::CUSTOM;
        delegates[BaseNGSWorker::OUT_MODE_ID] = new ComboBoxDelegate(directoryMap);

        delegates[BaseNGSWorker::CUSTOM_DIR_ID] = new URLDelegate("", "", false, true);

        QVariantMap len; len["minimum"] = 0; len["maximum"] = INT_MAX;
        delegates[QUALITY_ID] = new SpinBoxDelegate(len);
        delegates[LEN_ID] = new SpinBoxDelegate(len);

    ActorPrototype* proto = new IntegralBusActorPrototype(desc, p, a);
    proto->setEditor(new DelegateEditor(delegates));
    proto->setPrompter(new QualityTrimPrompter());

    WorkflowEnv::getProtoRegistry()->registerProto(BaseActorCategories::CATEGORY_NGS_BASIC(), proto);
    DomainFactory *localDomain = WorkflowEnv::getDomainRegistry()->getById(LocalDomainFactory::ID);
    localDomain->registerEntry(new QualityTrimWorkerFactory());