Exemplo n.º 1
MongoDBBridge::MongoDBBridge(const boost::property_tree::ptree &pt) : CamInterface(pt)


  storage = rs::Storage(host, db);

  actualFrame = 0;


    actualFrame = frames.size();
      outError("No frames in database found!");
      throw_exception_message("no frames found.")
    outInfo("found " << frames.size() << " frames in database.");
    lastTimestamp = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
Exemplo n.º 2
void RSPipelineManager::setPipelineOrdering(std::vector<std::string> annotators)
  // Create empty list of
  //  typedef std::vector < EngineEntry > TyAnnotatorEntries;
  //  called 'new_annotators'
  // For each given annotator:
  //  1) Look up the index of the desired annotator
  //  2) Add a copy of the respectie EngineEntry from the original_annotators to the new list
  uima::internal::AnnotatorManager::TyAnnotatorEntries new_annotators;
  for(int i = 0; i < annotators.size(); i++)
    //  1) Look up the index of the desired annotator
    int idx = getIndexOfAnnotator(annotators.at(i));
    if(idx >= 0)
      //  2) Add a copy of the respectie EngineEntry from the original_annotators to the new list
      uima::internal::AnnotatorManager::EngineEntry ee = original_annotators.at(idx);

    // Right now, we just skip this annotator if it can't be found.
    outInfo("Warning in RSPipelineManager::setPipelineOrdering : " << annotators.at(i) <<
            " can't be found in your loaded AnalysisEngine. Maybe it has not been "
            "defined in your given AnalysisEngine XML file? - Skipping it....");
    // return;
  // Pass the new pipeline to uima's annotator manager
  aengine->iv_annotatorMgr.iv_vecEntries = new_annotators;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool DkBatchProcess::deleteOrRestoreExisting() {

    QFileInfo outInfo(mFilePathOut);
    if (outInfo.exists() && !mBackupFilePath.isEmpty() && QFileInfo(mBackupFilePath).exists()) {
        QFile file(mBackupFilePath);

        if (!file.remove()) {
            mLogStrings.append(QObject::tr("Error: could not delete existing file"));
            return false;
    // fall-back
    else if (!outInfo.exists()) {

        QFile file(mBackupFilePath);

        if (!file.rename(mFilePathOut)) {
            mLogStrings.append(QObject::tr("Ui - a lot of things went wrong sorry, your original file can be found here: %1").arg(mBackupFilePath));
            return false;
        else {
            mLogStrings.append(QObject::tr("I could not save to %1 so I restored the original file.").arg(mFilePathOut));

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
void ROSKinectBridge::readConfig(const boost::property_tree::ptree &pt)
  std::string depth_topic = pt.get<std::string>("camera_topics.depth");
  std::string color_topic = pt.get<std::string>("camera_topics.color");
  boost::optional<std::string> depth_hints = pt.get_optional<std::string>("camera_topics.depthHints");
  boost::optional<std::string> color_hints = pt.get_optional<std::string>("camera_topics.colorHints");
  std::string cam_info_topic = pt.get<std::string>("camera_topics.camInfo");
  filterBlurredImages = pt.get<bool>("camera.filterBlurredImages");

  depthOffset = pt.get<int>("camera.depthOffset");

  image_transport::TransportHints hintsColor(color_hints ? color_hints.get() : "raw");
  image_transport::TransportHints hintsDepth(depth_hints ? depth_hints.get() : "raw");

  depthImageSubscriber = new image_transport::SubscriberFilter(it, depth_topic, 5, hintsDepth);
  rgbImageSubscriber = new image_transport::SubscriberFilter(it, color_topic, 5, hintsColor);
  cameraInfoSubscriber = new message_filters::Subscriber<sensor_msgs::CameraInfo>(nodeHandle, cam_info_topic, 5);

  outInfo("Depth topic:   " FG_BLUE << depth_topic);
  outInfo("Color topic:   " FG_BLUE << color_topic);
  outInfo("CamInfo topic: " FG_BLUE << cam_info_topic);
  if(depth_hints && color_hints)
    outInfo("Depth Hints:   " FG_BLUE << depth_hints.get());
    outInfo("Color Hints:   " FG_BLUE << color_hints.get());
  outInfo("DepthOffset:   " FG_BLUE << depthOffset);
  outInfo("Blur filter:   " FG_BLUE << (filterBlurredImages ? "ON" : "OFF"));
Exemplo n.º 5
void ROSKinectBridge::lookupTransform(uima::CAS &tcas, const ros::Time &timestamp)

  tf::StampedTransform transform;
    outInfo("TIME Before lookup:" << ros::Time::now());
    listener->waitForTransform(tfTo, tfFrom, timestamp, ros::Duration(10));
    listener->lookupTransform(tfTo, tfFrom, timestamp, transform);
    rs::Scene scene = rs::SceneCas(tcas).getScene();
    rs::StampedTransform vp(rs::conversion::to(tcas, transform));
    outInfo("added viewpoint to scene");
  catch(tf::TransformException &ex)
Exemplo n.º 6
\brief Do periodical checks for weather change
\author Xanatar
void check_region_weatherchange ()
	int r,sn=0, rn=0, dr=0, sm, i;

	outInfo("performing weather change...");

	//! \todo revisit this part
	for (i=0;i<256;i++)
		region_st &regionRef = region[i];
		if ((regionRef.keepchance==0)&&(regionRef.drychance==0)) continue;
		r = rand()%100;
		if ((r<=regionRef.keepchance)||(regionRef.keepchance==100)) continue;
		//we're here, let's change the weeeeather
		dr = (regionRef.wtype==0) ? 0 : regionRef.drychance;
		rn = (regionRef.wtype==1) ? 0 : regionRef.rainchance;
		sn = (regionRef.wtype==2) ? 0 : regionRef.snowchance;
		if (!regionRef.ignoreseason)
			//! \todo actually the calendar system for weather variation during the year wasn't a bad idea, but it should NOT involve 3 float multiplications + 3 float to int and 3 int to float conversions for each region every weathercheck
			dr = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(dr) * Calendar::g_fCurDryMod);
			rn = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(rn) * Calendar::g_fCurRainMod);
			sn = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(sn) * Calendar::g_fCurSnowMod);
		sm = dr+rn+sn;
		r = rand()%sm;
		if (r < dr) regionRef.wtype = 0;
		else if (r < (rn+dr)) regionRef.wtype = 1;
		else regionRef.wtype = 2;

	// Chronodt 17/8/04 - begun additional weathercode
		//! \todo sobstitute temporary region subnames with the true ones when regions redone
		//! \todo a for cycle with all the regions (cregion is the region currently esamined)

	//for (whatever will cycle all region, with cregion as index or iterator)
		Climates climate = region[cregion].climate;
		if (climate == clNone) continue;	//no weather change for a dungeon
		WeatherType current = region[cregion].weatherCurrent;
		sint16_t oldintensity = region[cregion].weatherIntensity;
		sint16_t newintensity = oldintensity;

		//Getting the 4 adiacent regions. getXXXXregion should return invalid if such region does not exist
		uint16_t nregion = getNorthRegion(cregion);
		uint16_t eregion = getEastRegion(cregion);
		uint16_t sregion = getSouthRegion(cregion);
		uint16_t wregion = getWestRegion(cregion);

		// modifying the intensity by surrounding squares (obiously the old status)
		newintensity += getIntensityModifier(cregion, nregion);
		newintensity += getIntensityModifier(cregion, eregion);
		newintensity += getIntensityModifier(cregion, sregion);
		newintensity += getIntensityModifier(cregion, wregion);

		// adding intensity by random raincheck (based on region configuration)
		//! \todo modify these with new region parameters
		uint8_t dry  = region[cregion].drychance;
		uint8_t rain = region[cregion].rainchance;
		uint8_t snow = region[cregion].snowchance;
		uint8_t r = rand()%100;
		if (r < dry) newintensity -= (dry - r) * 5;
		r = rand()%100;
		if (r < rain) newintensity += (rain - r) * 5;

		if (newintensity > 140) newintensity = 140;
		if (newintensity < 0) newintensity = 0;

		bool snow = false;
		string message = "";

		//! \todo insert a maxlight to limit light in bad beather (but nightvision should counter this)

		switch (current)	//select message type to send clients based on previous weather in region. Also checking if weather change is too sudden, and if so lessen the impact :D
		case wtSun:		// intensity 0 - 20
			if (newintensity > 40)
				newintensity = 40;	//If it was so clear, we need at least a few clouds in the sky before it can rain (or snow)
				message = "You see some clouds closing in";
		case wtCloud:		// intensity 21 - 40
			if (newintensity > 90)		// to have more than a light rain we need heavier clouds first
				newintensity = 70;
				message = "Cloud covering thickens visibly. You hear rumbling in the distance";
			else if (newintensity <= 20) message = "The sky clears off and the sun shines again";
			else if (newintensity > 70)
			{	//snow check
				r = rand()%100;
				if (r < snow) snow = true;
		case wtStormCloud:	// intensity 41 - 70
			//from this weather type, we can reach every other, since from here it can start raining with any intensity. Or it can snow or even clear up
			if (newintensity <= 40 && newintensity > 20) message = "The sky begins to clear off";
			else if (newintensity <= 20) message = "Strong winds clear away the thick clouds, until the sun shines again";
			else if (newintensity > 70)
			{	//snow check
				r = rand()%100;
				if (r < snow) snow = true;
		case wtLightRain:	// intensity 71 - 90
			if (newintensity < 71)
				if (newintensity > 20) message = "The rain is stopping";
				else message = "The rain is stopping and the sky clears up";
			else message = "The rain gets stronger";
			r = rand()%100;
			if (climate == clArtic && r < (snow/4)) snow = true;	//If artic climate and raining, check if rain becomes snow (at 1/4 of normal snow chance)
		case wtMediumRain:	// intensity 91 - 110
			if (newintensity <71)
				if (newintensity > 40) message = "The rain is stopping";
					newintensity = 41;
					message = "The rain is stopping and the sky begins to clear up";
			else message = "The rain gets stronger";
			r = rand()%100;
			if (climate == clArtic && r < (snow/4)) snow = true;	//If artic climate and raining, check if rain becomes snow (at 1/4 of normal snow chance)
		case wtHeavyRain:	// intensity 111 - 140
			if (newintensity <111)
				if (newintensity > 70) message = "The rain begins to slow down";
					newintensity = 71;
					message = "The rain has stopped falling, but the sky is still covered up";
			else message = "The rain gets stronger";
			r = rand()%100;
			if (climate == clArtic && r < (snow/4)) snow = true;	//If artic climate and raining, check if rain becomes snow (at 1/4 of normal snow chance)
		case wtLightSnow:	// intensity 71 - 90
			if (newintensity < 71)
				if (newintensity > 20) message = "The snow is stopping";
				else message = "The snow is stopping and the sky clears up";
			else message = "The snow gets stronger";
			r = rand()%100;
			if (climate != clNormal || r > ((100 - snow)/4)) snow = true;	//If normal climate and snowing, check if snow becomes rain (at 1/4 of normal snow_to_rain chance, the complementary of snow chance)
		case wtMediumSnow:	// intensity 91 - 110
			if (newintensity <71)
				if (newintensity > 40) message = "The snow is stopping";
					newintensity = 41;
					message = "The snow is stopping and the sky begins to clear up";
			else message = "The snow gets stronger";
			r = rand()%100;
			if (climate != clNormal || r > ((100 - snow)/4)) snow = true;	//If normal climate and snowing, check if snow becomes rain (at 1/4 of normal snow_to_rain chance, the complementary of snow chance)
		case wtHeavySnow:	// intensity 111 - 140
		snow = true;
		if (newintensity <111)
		if (newintensity > 70) message = "The snow begins to slow down";
				newintensity = 71;
				message = "The snow has stopped falling, but the sky is still covered up";
		else message = "The snow gets stronger";
			r = rand()%100;
			if (climate != clNormal || r > ((100 - snow)/4)) snow = true;	//If normal climate and snowing, check if snow becomes rain (at 1/4 of normal snow_to_rain chance, the complementary of snow chance)

		if (newintensity <= 20) region[cregion].weatherNew = wtSun;
		else if (newintensity <= 40) region[cregion].weatherNew = wtCloud;
		else if (newintensity <= 70) region[cregion].weatherNew = wtStormCloud;
		else if (newintensity <= 90 && !snow) region[cregion].weatherNew = wtLightRain;
		else if (newintensity <= 110 && !snow) region[cregion].weatherNew = wtMediumRain;
		else if (!snow) region[cregion].weatherNew = wtHeavyRain;
		else if (newintensity <= 90 && snow) region[cregion].weatherNew = wtLightSnow;
		else if (newintensity <= 110 && snow) region[cregion].weatherNew = wtMediumSnow;
		else region[cregion].weatherNew = wtHeavySnow;

		region[cregion].weatherIntensityNew = newintensity;

		uint8_t weather = 0;
		is (snow) weather = 0x02;		//snow effect
		if (newintensity <=70) weather = 0xff;	//No weather

		uint8_t intensity = (newintensity > 70) ? newintensity - 70 : newintensity;
		uint8_t intensity2 = intensity;
		bool mixedweather = false;

		if ( ((current == wtLightRain || current == wtMediumRain || current == wtHeavyRain) && snow) ||	   	// Rain has just become snow or...
		     ((current == wtLightSnow || current == wtMediumSnow || current == wtHeavySnow) && !snow))		// Snow has just become rain
			intensity = rand() % intensity; 	// randomize % of snow ...
			intensity2 -= intensity;		// ...and the remaining intensity goes to rain
			weather = 0x2;  	// snow
			weather2 = 0x0; 	// rain
			mixedweather = true;
		//! \todo the limit of light level by weather (it is best to modify existing code in timers.cpp)

		nPackets::Sent::Weather pk( weather, intensity);
		nPackets::Sent::Weather pk2( weather2, intensity2);

		NxwSocketWrapper sw;
		sw.fillOnline( pos );		//!< \todo change with something like fillOnlineInRegion
		for( sw.rewind(); !sw.isEmpty(); sw++ )
			pClient j =sw.getSocket();
			if( j )
				if (mixedweather) j->sendPacket(&pk2);

	// End region for cycle. Now we must build another one to update the weatherIntensity and weatherCurrent of all regions
	// if you ask why, think of what would happen if you changed them as you process them, since each region takes a little info
	// from each adiacent region.... :)  (yes, this is a system with a memory :D)

	//! \todo an online iteration of all online chars in region
	//for (whatever will cycle all regions)
		region[cregion].weatherCurrent = region[cregion].weatherNew;
		region[cregion].weatherIntensity = region[cregion].weatherIntensityNew;

	outPlain("[ OK ]\n");

Exemplo n.º 7
 * extract handles from a pointcloud
 * @param[pointCloudIn] input point cloud
 * @param[pointCloudNormals] normals for the input cloud
 * @param[handle_indices] vector of indices, each item being a set of indices representing a handle
 * @param[handle_coefficients] vector of cofficients, each item being the coefficients of the line representing the handle
void HandleExtractor::extractHandles(PointCloud::Ptr &cloudInput, PointCloudNormal::Ptr &pointCloudNormals,
                                     std::vector< pcl::PointIndices> &handle_indices, std::vector< pcl::ModelCoefficients> &handle_coefficients

  // setup handle cluster object
  pcl::EuclideanClusterExtraction<Point> handle_cluster_;
  KdTreePtr clusters_tree_(new KdTree);

  pcl::PointCloud<Point>::Ptr cloud_filtered(new pcl::PointCloud<Point>());
  pcl::VoxelGrid<Point> vg;
  vg.setLeafSize(0.01, 0.01, 0.01);

  // setup line ransac object
  pcl::SACSegmentation<Point> seg_line_;

  // setup Inlier projection object
  pcl::ProjectInliers<Point> proj_;

  // setup polygonal prism
  pcl::ExtractPolygonalPrismData<Point> prism_;
  prism_.setHeightLimits(min_handle_height, max_handle_height);

  //setup Plane Segmentation
  outInfo("Segmenting planes");
  pcl::SACSegmentation<Point> seg_plane_;
  pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr plane_coefficients(new pcl::ModelCoefficients());
  pcl::PointIndices::Ptr plane_inliers(new pcl::PointIndices());
  seg_plane_.segment(*plane_inliers, *plane_coefficients);

  if(plane_inliers->indices.size() != 0)
    outDebug("Plane model: "
             << plane_coefficients->values[0] << ","
             << plane_coefficients->values[1] << ","
             << plane_coefficients->values[2] << ","
             << plane_coefficients->values[3] << " with "
             << (int)plane_inliers->indices.size() << "inliers ");

    //Project inliers of the planes into a perfect plane
    PointCloud::Ptr cloud_projected(new PointCloud());

    // Create a Convex Hull representation using the projected inliers
    PointCloud::Ptr cloud_hull(new PointCloud());
    pcl::ConvexHull<Point> chull_;
    outInfo("Convex hull has: " << (int)cloud_hull->points.size() << " data points.");
    if((int) cloud_hull->points.size() == 0)
      outInfo("Convex hull has: no data points. Returning.");

    // Extract the handle clusters using a polygonal prism
    pcl::PointIndices::Ptr handlesIndicesPtr(new pcl::PointIndices());

    // cluster the points found in the prism
    std::vector< pcl::PointIndices> handle_clusters;
    for(size_t j = 0; j < handle_clusters.size(); j++)
      // for each cluster in the prism, attempt to fit a line using ransac
      pcl::PointIndices single_handle_indices;
      pcl::ModelCoefficients handle_line_coefficients;
      seg_line_.segment(single_handle_indices, handle_line_coefficients);
      if(single_handle_indices.indices.size() > 0)
        outInfo("Found a handle with " << single_handle_indices.indices.size() << " inliers.");
        outDebug("Handle Line coefficients: " << handle_line_coefficients);
    outInfo("no planes found");