Exemplo n.º 1
static types::InternalType* import_macro(int dataset)
    int complex = 0;
    int dims = 0;
    int size = 0;
    std::vector<int> d(2);

    std::list<symbol::Variable*>* inputList = new std::list<symbol::Variable*>();
    std::list<symbol::Variable*>* outputList = new std::list<symbol::Variable*>();
    ast::Exp* body = nullptr;

    symbol::Context* ctx = symbol::Context::getInstance();

    int inputNode = getDataSetIdFromName(dataset, "inputs");
    size = getDatasetInfo(inputNode, &complex, &dims, d.data());
    if (size < 0)
        delete inputList;
        delete outputList;
        return nullptr;
    std::vector<char*> inputNames(size);

    if (size != 0)
        readStringMatrix(inputNode, inputNames.data());

        for (auto & input : inputNames)
            wchar_t* winput = to_wide_string(input);
            symbol::Variable* var = ctx->getOrCreate(symbol::Symbol(winput));

        freeStringMatrix(inputNode, inputNames.data());

    int outputNode = getDataSetIdFromName(dataset, "outputs");
    size = getDatasetInfo(outputNode, &complex, &dims, d.data());
    if (size < 0)
        delete inputList;
        delete outputList;
        return nullptr;
    std::vector<char*> outputNames(size);

    if (size != 0)
        readStringMatrix(outputNode, outputNames.data());

        for (auto & output : outputNames)
            wchar_t* woutput = to_wide_string(output);
            symbol::Variable* var = ctx->getOrCreate(symbol::Symbol(woutput));

        freeStringMatrix(outputNode, outputNames.data());

    int bodyNode = getDataSetIdFromName(dataset, "body");
    size = getDatasetInfo(bodyNode, &complex, &dims, d.data());
    if (size < 0)
        delete inputList;
        delete outputList;
        return nullptr;
    std::vector<unsigned char> bodybin(size);
    readUnsignedInteger8Matrix(bodyNode, bodybin.data());

    ast::DeserializeVisitor ds(bodybin.data());
    body = ds.deserialize();

    //wname+1 is to remove "/" at the start of the var name from HDF5
    types::Macro* macro = new types::Macro(L"", *inputList, *outputList, *body->getAs<ast::SeqExp>(), L"script");
    delete body;
    return macro;
void TestDDaceArraySampler::testDDaceSamplePoint() {

	    /* create a sampler                        */
            /* In this example, our sampler is storing */
            /* our data samples or measurments.        */
            std::vector < std::vector < double > > array(3,std::vector<double>(2));
            array[0][0] = 1.0; array[0][1] = 2.0;
            array[1][0] = 11.0; array[1][1] = 12.0;
            array[2][0] = 21.0; array[2][1] = 22.0;	
            DDaceSampler sampler = DDaceArraySampler(array);

            /* The input values should be 1, 2, 11, 12, 21, 22 */
            std::vector< DDaceSamplePoint > data;

            /* get the lower and upper bounds of each input variable */
            std::vector < double > lowerBounds;
            lowerBounds = sampler.lowerBounds();
            std::vector < double > upperBounds;
            upperBounds = sampler.upperBounds();

            /* The lower bound for the first variable should be 1.0 */
            /* The upper bound for the first variable should be 21.0 */

            /* The lower bound for the 2nd variable should be 2.0 */
            /* The upper bound for the 2nd variable should be 22.0 */
            /* Create a name for every input variable in our samples */
	    std::vector<std::string> variableNames(2);
	    variableNames[0] = "x1";
	    variableNames[1] = "x2";

            /* Create a name for every output variable in our samples */
	    std::vector<std::string> outputNames(1, "y(x1,x2)");

//            /* encapsulate everything into a DDace object */
//	    DDace ddace
//	        (sampler,      //contains (x,y) pair of input data
//	         variableNames, //names of all variables
//	         outputNames,  //name of all user-defined functions
//	         "userInputArchive.xml");  //name of output file
//            PMachine::synchronize(PWorld());
//            /* extract the input data */            
//            Array< DDaceSamplePoint > dataInput;
//            Array< Array < double > > dataOutput;
//            ddace.getResults(dataInput, dataOutput);
//            PMachine::synchronize(PWorld());
//            /* The input data should have 3 samples or runs */
//            if (PMachine::getRank()==0) {
//                int numberOfSamples = dataInput.length();
//                _test(numberOfSamples==3);
//            }
//            PMachine::synchronize(PWorld());
//            /* Each sample or run should contain values for 2 input variables */
//            if (PMachine::getRank()==0) {
//                int numberOfSamples = dataInput.length();
//                int numberOfInputVariables = 0;
//                if (numberOfSamples > 0)
//                    numberOfInputVariables = dataInput[0].length();
//                _test(numberOfInputVariables==2);
//                _test(dataInput[0][0]==1.0);
//                _test(dataInput[0][1]==2.0);
//                _test(dataInput[1][0]==11.0);
//                _test(dataInput[1][1]==12.0);
//                _test(dataInput[2][0]==21.0);
//                _test(dataInput[2][1]==22.0);
//            } 
            /* The name of the sampler should be a DDaceArraySampler */
//            PMachine::synchronize(PWorld());
//            /* Get the sampler from the ddace object */ 
//	    PMachine::synchronize(PWorld());
//            if (PMachine::getRank()==0) {
//                DDaceSampler ddaceSampler;
//                ddace.getSampler(ddaceSampler);
//                /* The input values should be 1, 2, 11, 12, 21, 22 */
//                ddaceSampler.getSamples(data); 
//                _test(data[0][0]==1.0);
//                _test(data[0][1]==2.0);
//                _test(data[1][0]==11.0);
//                _test(data[1][1]==12.0);
//                _test(data[2][0]==21.0);
//                _test(data[2][1]==22.0);
//            }

 //           PMachine::synchronize(PWorld());
