Exemplo n.º 1
static void 
utest_normalization(ESL_GETOPTS *go)
  char         *msg     = "seqmodel normalization utest failed";
  ESL_ALPHABET *abc     = esl_alphabet_Create(eslAMINO);
  char         *seq     = "ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWYBJZOUX";
  int           L       = strlen(seq);
  ESL_DSQ      *dsq     = NULL;
  float         popen   = 0.1;
  float         pextend = 0.4;
  P7_BUILDER   *bld     = NULL;
  P7_BG        *bg      = p7_bg_Create(abc);
  P7_HMM       *hmm     = NULL;
  char          errbuf[eslERRBUFSIZE];

  if ( esl_abc_CreateDsq(abc, seq, &dsq)                                                 != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
  if ( (bld = p7_builder_Create(NULL, abc))                                              == NULL)  esl_fatal(msg);
  if ( p7_builder_LoadScoreSystem(bld, "BLOSUM62", popen, pextend, bg)                   != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); 
  if ( p7_Seqmodel(abc, dsq, L, "aatest", bld->Q, bg->f, bld->popen, bld->pextend, &hmm) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);

  if (p7_hmm_Validate(hmm, errbuf, 0.0001) != eslOK) esl_fatal("normalization utest failed\n%s\n", errbuf);

Exemplo n.º 2
static void 
search_thread(void *arg)
  int               i;
  int               count;
  int               seed;
  int               status;
  int               workeridx;
  WORKER_INFO      *info;
  ESL_THREADS      *obj;
  ESL_SQ            dbsq;
  ESL_STOPWATCH    *w        = NULL;         /* timing stopwatch               */
  P7_BUILDER       *bld      = NULL;         /* HMM construction configuration */
  P7_BG            *bg       = NULL;         /* null model                     */
  P7_PIPELINE      *pli      = NULL;         /* work pipeline                  */
  P7_TOPHITS       *th       = NULL;         /* top hit results                */
  P7_PROFILE       *gm       = NULL;         /* generic model                  */
  P7_OPROFILE      *om       = NULL;         /* optimized query profile        */

  obj = (ESL_THREADS *) arg;
  esl_threads_Started(obj, &workeridx);

  info = (WORKER_INFO *) esl_threads_GetData(obj, workeridx);
  w    = esl_stopwatch_Create();
  bg   = p7_bg_Create(info->abc);

  /* set up the dummy description and accession fields */
  dbsq.desc = "";
  dbsq.acc  = "";

  /* process a query sequence or hmm */
  if (info->seq != NULL) {
    bld = p7_builder_Create(NULL, info->abc);
    if ((seed = esl_opt_GetInteger(info->opts, "--seed")) > 0) {
      esl_randomness_Init(bld->r, seed);
      bld->do_reseeding = TRUE;
    bld->EmL = esl_opt_GetInteger(info->opts, "--EmL");
    bld->EmN = esl_opt_GetInteger(info->opts, "--EmN");
    bld->EvL = esl_opt_GetInteger(info->opts, "--EvL");
    bld->EvN = esl_opt_GetInteger(info->opts, "--EvN");
    bld->EfL = esl_opt_GetInteger(info->opts, "--EfL");
    bld->EfN = esl_opt_GetInteger(info->opts, "--EfN");
    bld->Eft = esl_opt_GetReal   (info->opts, "--Eft");

    if (esl_opt_IsOn(info->opts, "--mxfile")) status = p7_builder_SetScoreSystem (bld, esl_opt_GetString(info->opts, "--mxfile"), NULL, esl_opt_GetReal(info->opts, "--popen"), esl_opt_GetReal(info->opts, "--pextend"), bg);
    else                                      status = p7_builder_LoadScoreSystem(bld, esl_opt_GetString(info->opts, "--mx"),           esl_opt_GetReal(info->opts, "--popen"), esl_opt_GetReal(info->opts, "--pextend"), bg); 
    if (status != eslOK) {
      //client_error(info->sock, status, "hmmgpmd: failed to set single query sequence score system: %s", bld->errbuf);
      fprintf(stderr, "hmmpgmd: failed to set single query sequence score system: %s", bld->errbuf);
    p7_SingleBuilder(bld, info->seq, bg, NULL, NULL, NULL, &om); /* bypass HMM - only need model */
  } else {
    gm = p7_profile_Create (info->hmm->M, info->abc);
    om = p7_oprofile_Create(info->hmm->M, info->abc);
    p7_ProfileConfig(info->hmm, bg, gm, 100, p7_LOCAL);
    p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);

  /* Create processing pipeline and hit list */
  th  = p7_tophits_Create(); 
  pli = p7_pipeline_Create(info->opts, om->M, 100, FALSE, p7_SEARCH_SEQS);
  p7_pli_NewModel(pli, om, bg);

  if (pli->Z_setby == p7_ZSETBY_NTARGETS) pli->Z = info->db_Z;

  /* loop until all sequences have been processed */
  count = 1;
  while (count > 0) {
    int          inx;
    int          blksz;
    HMMER_SEQ  **sq;

    /* grab the next block of sequences */
    if (pthread_mutex_lock(info->inx_mutex) != 0) p7_Fail("mutex lock failed");
    inx = *info->inx;
    blksz = *info->blk_size;
    if (inx > *info->limit) {
      blksz /= 5;
      if (blksz < 1000) {
        *info->limit = info->sq_cnt * 2;
      } else {
        *info->limit = inx + (info->sq_cnt - inx) * 2 / 3; 
    *info->blk_size = blksz;
    *info->inx += blksz;
    if (pthread_mutex_unlock(info->inx_mutex) != 0) p7_Fail("mutex unlock failed");

    sq = info->sq_list + inx;

    count = info->sq_cnt - inx;
    if (count > blksz) count = blksz;

    /* Main loop: */
    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++sq) {
      if ( !(info->range_list) || hmmpgmd_IsWithinRanges ((*sq)->idx, info->range_list)) {
        dbsq.name  = (*sq)->name;
        dbsq.dsq   = (*sq)->dsq;
        dbsq.n     = (*sq)->n;
        dbsq.idx   = (*sq)->idx;
        if((*sq)->desc != NULL) dbsq.desc  = (*sq)->desc;

        p7_bg_SetLength(bg, dbsq.n);
        p7_oprofile_ReconfigLength(om, dbsq.n);

        p7_Pipeline(pli, om, bg, &dbsq, th);


  /* make available the pipeline objects to the main thread */
  info->th = th;
  info->pli = pli;

  /* clean up */

  if (gm != NULL)  p7_profile_Destroy(gm);

  info->elapsed = w->elapsed;


  esl_threads_Finished(obj, workeridx);

Exemplo n.º 3
static void
mpi_worker(const ESL_GETOPTS *go, struct cfg_s *cfg)
  int           xstatus = eslOK;
  int           status;
  int           type;
  P7_BUILDER   *bld         = NULL;
  ESL_MSA      *msa         = NULL;
  ESL_MSA      *postmsa     = NULL;
  ESL_MSA     **postmsa_ptr = (cfg->postmsafile != NULL) ? &postmsa : NULL;
  P7_HMM       *hmm         = NULL;
  P7_BG        *bg          = NULL;
  char         *wbuf        = NULL;	/* packed send/recv buffer  */
  void         *tmp;			/* for reallocation of wbuf */
  int           wn          = 0;	/* allocation size for wbuf */
  int           sz, n;		        /* size of a packed message */
  int           pos;
  char          errmsg[eslERRBUFSIZE];

  /* After master initialization: master broadcasts its status.
  MPI_Bcast(&xstatus, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  if (xstatus != eslOK) return; /* master saw an error code; workers do an immediate normal shutdown. */
  ESL_DPRINTF2(("worker %d: sees that master has initialized\n", cfg->my_rank));
  /* Master now broadcasts worker initialization information (alphabet type) 
   * Workers returns their status post-initialization.
   * Initial allocation of wbuf must be large enough to guarantee that
   * we can pack an error result into it, because after initialization,
   * errors will be returned as packed (code, errmsg) messages.
  MPI_Bcast(&type, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  if (xstatus == eslOK) { if ((cfg->abc = esl_alphabet_Create(type))      == NULL)    xstatus = eslEMEM; }
  if (xstatus == eslOK) { wn = 4096;  if ((wbuf = malloc(wn * sizeof(char))) == NULL) xstatus = eslEMEM; }
  if (xstatus == eslOK) { if ((bld = p7_builder_Create(go, cfg->abc))     == NULL)    xstatus = eslEMEM; }
  MPI_Reduce(&xstatus, &status, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* everyone sends xstatus back to master */
  if (xstatus != eslOK) {
    if (wbuf != NULL) free(wbuf);
    if (bld  != NULL) p7_builder_Destroy(bld);
    return; /* shutdown; we passed the error back for the master to deal with. */

  bg = p7_bg_Create(cfg->abc);

  ESL_DPRINTF2(("worker %d: initialized\n", cfg->my_rank));

                      /* source = 0 (master); tag = 0 */
  while (esl_msa_MPIRecv(0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, cfg->abc, &wbuf, &wn, &msa) == eslOK) 
      /* Build the HMM */
      ESL_DPRINTF2(("worker %d: has received MSA %s (%d columns, %d seqs)\n", cfg->my_rank, msa->name, msa->alen, msa->nseq));
      if ((status = p7_Builder(bld, msa, bg, &hmm, NULL, NULL, NULL, postmsa_ptr)) != eslOK) { strcpy(errmsg, bld->errbuf); goto ERROR; }
      ESL_DPRINTF2(("worker %d: has produced an HMM %s\n", cfg->my_rank, hmm->name));

      /* Calculate upper bound on size of sending status, HMM, and optional postmsa; make sure wbuf can hold it. */
      n = 0;
      if (MPI_Pack_size(1,    MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &sz) != 0)     goto ERROR;   n += sz;
      if (p7_hmm_MPIPackSize( hmm,     MPI_COMM_WORLD, &sz) != eslOK) goto ERROR;   n += sz;
      if (esl_msa_MPIPackSize(postmsa, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &sz) != eslOK) goto ERROR;   n += sz;
      if (n > wn) { ESL_RALLOC(wbuf, tmp, sizeof(char) * n); wn = n; }
      ESL_DPRINTF2(("worker %d: has calculated that HMM will pack into %d bytes\n", cfg->my_rank, n));

      /* Send status, HMM, and optional postmsa back to the master */
      pos = 0;
      if (MPI_Pack       (&status, 1, MPI_INT, wbuf, wn, &pos, MPI_COMM_WORLD) != 0)     goto ERROR;
      if (p7_hmm_MPIPack (hmm,                 wbuf, wn, &pos, MPI_COMM_WORLD) != eslOK) goto ERROR;
      if (esl_msa_MPIPack(postmsa,             wbuf, wn, &pos, MPI_COMM_WORLD) != eslOK) goto ERROR;
      MPI_Send(wbuf, pos, MPI_PACKED, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      ESL_DPRINTF2(("worker %d: has sent HMM to master in message of %d bytes\n", cfg->my_rank, pos));

      esl_msa_Destroy(msa);     msa     = NULL;
      esl_msa_Destroy(postmsa); postmsa = NULL;
      p7_hmm_Destroy(hmm);      hmm     = NULL;

  if (wbuf != NULL) free(wbuf);

  ESL_DPRINTF2(("worker %d: fails, is sending an error message, as follows:\n%s\n", cfg->my_rank, errmsg));
  pos = 0;
  MPI_Pack(&status, 1,                MPI_INT,  wbuf, wn, &pos, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  MPI_Pack(errmsg,  eslERRBUFSIZE,    MPI_CHAR, wbuf, wn, &pos, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  MPI_Send(wbuf, pos, MPI_PACKED, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  if (wbuf != NULL) free(wbuf);
  if (msa  != NULL) esl_msa_Destroy(msa);
  if (hmm  != NULL) p7_hmm_Destroy(hmm);
  if (bld  != NULL) p7_builder_Destroy(bld);
Exemplo n.º 4
/* serial_master()
 * The serial version of hmmbuild.
 * For each MSA, build an HMM and save it.
 * A master can only return if it's successful. All errors are handled immediately and fatally with p7_Fail().
static int
serial_master(const ESL_GETOPTS *go, struct cfg_s *cfg)
  int              status;

  int              i;
  int              ncpus    = 0;

  int              infocnt  = 0;
  WORKER_INFO     *info     = NULL;
  WORK_ITEM       *item     = NULL;
  ESL_THREADS     *threadObj= NULL;
  ESL_WORK_QUEUE  *queue    = NULL;

  char             errmsg[eslERRBUFSIZE];

  if ((status = init_master_cfg(go, cfg, errmsg)) != eslOK) p7_Fail(errmsg);
  /* initialize thread data */
  if (esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--cpu")) ncpus = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--cpu");
  else                                   esl_threads_CPUCount(&ncpus);

  if (ncpus > 0)
      threadObj = esl_threads_Create(&pipeline_thread);
      queue = esl_workqueue_Create(ncpus * 2);

  infocnt = (ncpus == 0) ? 1 : ncpus;
  ESL_ALLOC(info, sizeof(*info) * infocnt);

  for (i = 0; i < infocnt; ++i)
      info[i].bg = p7_bg_Create(cfg->abc);
      info[i].bld = p7_builder_Create(go, cfg->abc);
      if (info[i].bld == NULL)  p7_Fail("p7_builder_Create failed");
      info[i].queue = queue;
      if (ncpus > 0) esl_threads_AddThread(threadObj, &info[i]);

  for (i = 0; i < ncpus * 2; ++i)
      ESL_ALLOC(item, sizeof(*item));

      item->nali      = 0;
      item->processed = FALSE;
      item->postmsa   = NULL;
      item->msa       = NULL;
      item->hmm       = NULL;
      item->entropy   = 0.0;

      status = esl_workqueue_Init(queue, item);
      if (status != eslOK) esl_fatal("Failed to add block to work queue");

  if (ncpus > 0)  status = thread_loop(threadObj, queue, cfg);
  else            status = serial_loop(info, cfg);
  status = serial_loop(info, cfg);

  if      (status == eslEFORMAT) esl_fatal("Alignment file parse error:\n%s\n", cfg->afp->errbuf);
  else if (status == eslEINVAL)  esl_fatal("Alignment file parse error:\n%s\n", cfg->afp->errbuf);
  else if (status != eslEOF)     esl_fatal("Alignment file read failed with error code %d\n", status);

  for (i = 0; i < infocnt; ++i)

  if (ncpus > 0)
      while (esl_workqueue_Remove(queue, (void **) &item) == eslOK)

  return eslOK;

  return eslFAIL;
Exemplo n.º 5
P7_HMM * constructHMM(ESL_MSA *msa, ESL_ALPHABET *abc, int ali_hmm, int frag, P7_HMM **ret_hmm, char *errbuf){
  int status;
  ESL_GETOPTS  *go          = esl_getopts_Create(options);
  P7_BUILDER      *bld      = NULL;
  P7_BG           *bg       = NULL;

  char            *args = NULL;

  esl_strcat(&args, -1, "X ", -1);

  status = esl_msa_SetName(msa, "Query", -1);
  /* Now take this alignment and make an HMM from it */
  if(status != eslOK){
    ESL_XFAIL(status, errbuf, "Easel MSA SetNAME returned an error %d\n", status);
  bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);
  if(bg == NULL){
    ESL_XFAIL(status, errbuf, "Error generating bg\n");

  if (frag == 1) {
    // add --fragthresh 0
    esl_strcat(&args, -1, "--fragthresh 0 ", -1);

  // if these flags are set, then we want a non standard hmm out. Used by the logo server.
  if (ali_hmm == 1) {
    // observed counts
    // arguments "X --pnone --wnone --enone"
    esl_strcat(&args, -1, "--pnone --wnone --enone --symfrac 0 ", -1);
  else if (ali_hmm == 2) {
    // weighted counts
    // arguments  "X --pnone");
    esl_strcat(&args, -1, "--pnone --symfrac 0 ", -1);
  else if (ali_hmm == 3) {
    // Create HMM - keep all columns
    esl_strcat(&args, -1, "--symfrac 0 ", -1);
  else {
    // no arguments ?

  // pass in arguments to hmm builder
  esl_opt_ProcessSpoof(go, args);

  if (args != NULL) free(args);

  bld = p7_builder_Create(go, abc);
  if(bld == NULL){
    ESL_XFAIL(eslEMEM, errbuf, "Error creating builder\n");

  status = p7_Builder(bld, msa, bg, ret_hmm, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

  if (status != eslOK) {
    strcpy( errbuf, bld->errbuf );
    goto ERROR;

  return status;

  if (bg != NULL) p7_bg_Destroy(bg);
  if (bld != NULL) p7_builder_Destroy(bld);
  if (go != NULL) esl_getopts_Destroy(go);
  return status;
Exemplo n.º 6
/* Function:  p7_builder_Create()
 * Synopsis:  Create a default HMM construction configuration.
 * Purpose:   Create a construction configuration for building
 *            HMMs in alphabet <abc>, and return a pointer to it.
 *            An application configuration <go> may optionally be
 *            provided. If <go> is <NULL>, default parameters are
 *            used. If <go> is non-<NULL>, it must include appropriate
 *            settings for all of the following ``standard build options'':
 *            Model construction:   --fast --hand --symfrac --fragthresh
 *            Relative weighting:   --wgsc --wblosum --wpb --wgiven --wid
 *            Effective seq #:      --eent --eclust --enone --eset --ere --esigma --eid
 *            Prior scheme:         --pnone --plaplace
 *            E-val calibration:    --EmL --EmN --EvL --EvN --EfL --EfN --Eft
 *            run-to-run variation: --seed
 *            See <hmmbuild.c> or other big users of the build
 *            pipeline for an example of appropriate <ESL_GETOPTS>
 *            initializations of these 24 options.
p7_builder_Create(const ESL_GETOPTS *go, const ESL_ALPHABET *abc)
  P7_BUILDER *bld = NULL;
  int         seed;
  int         status;

  ESL_ALLOC(bld, sizeof(P7_BUILDER));
  bld->prior        = NULL;
  bld->r            = NULL;
  bld->S            = NULL;
  bld->Q            = NULL;
  bld->eset         = -1.0;	/* -1.0 = unset; must be set if effn_strategy is p7_EFFN_SET */
  bld->re_target    = -1.0;

  if (go == NULL) 
      bld->arch_strategy = p7_ARCH_FAST;
      bld->wgt_strategy  = p7_WGT_PB;
      bld->effn_strategy = p7_EFFN_ENTROPY;
      seed               = 42;
      if      (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--fast"))    bld->arch_strategy = p7_ARCH_FAST;
      else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--hand"))    bld->arch_strategy = p7_ARCH_HAND;

      if      (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--wpb"))     bld->wgt_strategy = p7_WGT_PB;
      else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--wgsc"))    bld->wgt_strategy = p7_WGT_GSC;
      else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--wblosum")) bld->wgt_strategy = p7_WGT_BLOSUM;
      else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--wnone"))   bld->wgt_strategy = p7_WGT_NONE;
      else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--wgiven"))  bld->wgt_strategy = p7_WGT_GIVEN;

      if      (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--eent"))    bld->effn_strategy = p7_EFFN_ENTROPY;
      else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--eclust"))  bld->effn_strategy = p7_EFFN_CLUST;
      else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--enone"))   bld->effn_strategy = p7_EFFN_NONE;
      else if (esl_opt_IsOn      (go, "--eset"))  { bld->effn_strategy = p7_EFFN_SET;      bld->eset = esl_opt_GetReal(go, "--eset"); }

      seed = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--seed");

  bld->max_insert_len = 0;

  /* The default RE target is alphabet dependent. */
  if (go != NULL &&  esl_opt_IsOn (go, "--ere")) 
    bld->re_target = esl_opt_GetReal(go, "--ere");
  else {
    switch (abc->type) {
    case eslAMINO:  bld->re_target = p7_ETARGET_AMINO; break;
    case eslDNA:    bld->re_target = p7_ETARGET_DNA;   break;
    case eslRNA:    bld->re_target = p7_ETARGET_DNA;   break;
    default:        bld->re_target = p7_ETARGET_OTHER; break;

  bld->symfrac    = (go != NULL) ?  esl_opt_GetReal   (go, "--symfrac")    : 0.5; 
  bld->fragthresh = (go != NULL) ?  esl_opt_GetReal   (go, "--fragthresh") : 0.5; 
  bld->wid        = (go != NULL) ?  esl_opt_GetReal   (go, "--wid")        : 0.62;
  bld->esigma     = (go != NULL) ?  esl_opt_GetReal   (go, "--esigma")     : 45.0;
  bld->eid        = (go != NULL) ?  esl_opt_GetReal   (go, "--eid")        : 0.62;
  bld->EmL        = (go != NULL) ?  esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EmL")        : 200;
  bld->EmN        = (go != NULL) ?  esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EmN")        : 200;
  bld->EvL        = (go != NULL) ?  esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EvL")        : 200;
  bld->EvN        = (go != NULL) ?  esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EvN")        : 200;
  bld->EfL        = (go != NULL) ?  esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EfL")        : 100;
  bld->EfN        = (go != NULL) ?  esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EfN")        : 200;
  bld->Eft        = (go != NULL) ?  esl_opt_GetReal   (go, "--Eft")        : 0.04;

  /* Normally we reinitialize the RNG to original seed before calibrating each model.
   * This eliminates run-to-run variation.
   * As a special case, seed==0 means choose an arbitrary seed and shut off the
   * reinitialization; this allows run-to-run variation.

  bld->r            = esl_randomness_CreateFast(seed);
  bld->do_reseeding = (seed == 0) ? FALSE : TRUE;

  if      (go && esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--pnone") )     bld->prior = NULL;
  else if (go && esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--plaplace") )  bld->prior = p7_prior_CreateLaplace(abc);
      switch (abc->type) {
      case eslAMINO: bld->prior = p7_prior_CreateAmino();      break;
      case eslDNA:   bld->prior = p7_prior_CreateNucleic();    break;
      case eslRNA:   bld->prior = p7_prior_CreateNucleic();    break;
      default:       bld->prior = p7_prior_CreateLaplace(abc); break;
      if (bld->prior == NULL) goto ERROR;

  bld->abc       = abc;
  bld->errbuf[0] = '\0';

  bld->popen   = -1;
  bld->pextend = -1;

  return bld;
  return NULL;