Exemplo n.º 1
void CImageTest::testCopy()
	shared_ptr<CImage> pImage(new CImage("Data/Images/Test.jpg"));
	shared_ptr<CImage> pOtherImage(new CImage("Data/Images/Test.jpg"));

	// Check
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(1 == pImage.use_count());
		//	test that the copy ctor increments use_count
		shared_ptr<CImage> pImageCopy(pImage);
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT(2 == pImage.use_count());
		//	test equality
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pImageCopy == pImage);
	//	test that the dtor decrements use_count
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(1 == pImage.use_count());

	shared_ptr<CImage> pImageCopy(pImage);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(2 == pImage.use_count());
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(1 == pOtherImage.use_count());
	pImageCopy = pOtherImage;
	//	test that the assignment operator decrements the old value and increments the new one
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(1 == pImage.use_count());
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(2 == pOtherImage.use_count());
	//	test equality
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pImageCopy == pOtherImage);
void Color2Grayscale::pushImage(const ImageMeasurement& m )
	IplImage* img = *m;
	if(img->nChannels == 1)
		LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "Got grayscale image: pushing unmodified" );
		m_outPort.send( m );
		// TODO: why should we clone the image instead of just pushing the measurement?
		//boost::shared_ptr< Image > pImage(new Image(cvCloneImage(img)));
		//m_outPort.send( ImageMeasurement( m.time(), pImage ) );
		LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "Got color image: pushing converted" );
		boost::shared_ptr< Image > pImage( new Image( img->width, img->height, 1 ) );
		pImage->origin = img->origin; //inserted by CW to have correct origin
		m_outPort.send( ImageMeasurement( m.time(), pImage ) );
Exemplo n.º 3
bool Object_content::Read(Environment &env,
									Stream &stream, Image::Format format)
	Signal &sig = env.GetSignal();
	int cntIcons = 0;
	do {
		IconDir iconDir;
		if (stream.Read(sig, &iconDir, IconDir::Size) < IconDir::Size) {
			sig.SetError(ERR_FormatError, "invalid ICO format");
			return false;
		cntIcons = Gura_UnpackUInt16(iconDir.idCount);
	} while (0);
	Int32List imageOffsets;
	for (int iIcon = 0; iIcon < cntIcons; iIcon++) {
		IconDirEntry iconDirEntry;
		if (stream.Read(sig, &iconDirEntry, IconDirEntry::Size) < IconDirEntry::Size) {
			sig.SetError(ERR_FormatError, "invalid ICO format");
			return false;
		long imageOffset = Gura_UnpackInt32(iconDirEntry.dwImageOffset);
	foreach (Int32List, pImageOffset, imageOffsets) {
		long imageOffset = *pImageOffset;
		if (!stream.Seek(sig, imageOffset, Stream::SeekSet)) return false;
		Image::BitmapInfoHeader bih;
		if (stream.Read(sig, &bih, Image::BitmapInfoHeader::Size) < Image::BitmapInfoHeader::Size) {
			sig.SetError(ERR_FormatError, "invalid ICO format");
			return false;
		int biWidth = Gura_UnpackInt32(bih.biWidth);
		int biHeight = Gura_UnpackInt32(bih.biHeight) / 2;
		UInt16 biBitCount = Gura_UnpackUInt16(bih.biBitCount);
		AutoPtr<Image> pImage(new Image(format));
		if (!pImage->ReadDIBPalette(env, stream, biBitCount)) return false;
		if (!pImage->ReadDIB(sig, stream, biWidth, biHeight, biBitCount, true)) {
			return false;
		_valList.push_back(Value(new Object_image(env, pImage.release())));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QImage PoleFigureImageUtilities::Create3ImagePoleFigure(UInt8ArrayType* i0, UInt8ArrayType* i1, UInt8ArrayType* i2,
                                                        PoleFigureConfiguration_t& config, int32_t layout)

  // Create a QImage that is the width of the first 2 images and the height of the first and third
  QImage img0 = PoleFigureImageUtilities::CreateQImageFromRgbaArray(i0, config.imageDim, true);
  QImage img1 = PoleFigureImageUtilities::CreateQImageFromRgbaArray(i1, config.imageDim, true);
  QImage img2 = PoleFigureImageUtilities::CreateQImageFromRgbaArray(i2, config.imageDim, true);
  // Create the Scalar Bar image
  QImage scalarBar = PoleFigureImageUtilities::GenerateScalarBar(img0.width(), img0.height(), config);

  int pImageWidth = 0;
  int pImageHeight = 0;

  QPoint pos1;
  QPoint pos2;
  QPoint pos3;
  QPoint pos4;

  if(layout == SIMPL::Layout::Horizontal)
    pImageWidth = img0.width() * 4;
    pImageHeight = img0.height();
    pos1 = QPoint(0, 0);
    pos2 = QPoint(img0.width(), 0);
    pos3 = QPoint(img0.width() * 2, 0);
    pos4 = QPoint(img0.width() * 3, 0);
  else if(layout == SIMPL::Layout::Vertical)
    pImageWidth = img0.width();
    pImageHeight = img0.height() * 4;
    pos1 = QPoint(0, 0);
    pos2 = QPoint(0, img0.height());
    pos3 = QPoint(0, img0.height() * 2);
    pos4 = QPoint(0, img0.height() * 3);
  else if(layout == SIMPL::Layout::Square)
    pImageWidth = img0.width() + img1.width();
    pImageHeight = img0.height() + img2.height();
    pos1 = QPoint(0, 0);
    pos2 = QPoint(pImageWidth / 2, 0);
    pos3 = QPoint(0, pImageHeight / 2);
    pos4 = QPoint(pImageWidth / 2, pImageHeight / 2);

  QImage pImage(pImageWidth, pImageHeight, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
  pImage.fill(0xFFFFFFFF); // All white background

  // Create a Painter backed by a QImage to draw into
  QPainter painter;
  painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);

  painter.drawImage(pos1, img0); // Draw the first image in the upper Left
  painter.drawImage(pos2, img1); // Draw the second image in the upper right
  painter.drawImage(pos3, img2); // Draw the third image in the lower Left
  painter.drawImage(pos4, scalarBar); // Draw the Scalar Bar

  // Scale the image down to 225 pixels
  return pImage;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QImage PoleFigureImageUtilities::PaintPoleFigureOverlay(int imageWidth, int imageHeight, QString label, QImage image)
  int pxHigh = 0;
  int pxWide = 0;

  // Scale the Font Point size to something reasonable to the size of the image. Here our standard was 14Pt Font when the
  // Pole figure was 512 Pixels square.
  int fontPtSize = imageHeight / 32;

  QFont font("Ariel", fontPtSize, QFont::Bold);
  QFontMetrics metrics(font);
  pxHigh = metrics.height();
  pxWide = metrics.width(QString("Y"));

  int pxOffset = 2 * pxWide;
  int pyOffset = 2 * pxHigh;

  int pImageWidth = imageWidth + pxOffset * 2;
  int pImageHeight = imageHeight + pyOffset * 2;

  QImage pImage(pImageWidth, pImageHeight, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
  pImage.fill(0xFFFFFFFF); // All white background

  // Create a Painter backed by a QImage to draw into
  QPainter painter;
  painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
  qint32 penWidth = 1;

#if 0
  QColor c(RgbColor::dRgb(255, 0, 0, 255));
  painter.setPen(QPen(c, penWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap, Qt::RoundJoin));

  painter.drawLine(0, 0, pImageWidth, 0); // Top
  painter.drawLine(0, 0, 0, pImageHeight); // Left
  painter.drawLine(pImageWidth, 0, pImageWidth, pImageHeight); // Right
  painter.drawLine(0, pImageHeight, pImageWidth, pImageHeight); // Bottom

//  metrics = painter.fontMetrics();
//  pxHigh = metrics.height();
//  pxWide = metrics.width(QString("Y"));

  // Draw the Pole Figure into the center of the canvas
  QPoint point(pxOffset, pyOffset);
  painter.drawImage(point, image);

  // Scale pen width based on the size of the image
  penWidth = imageHeight / 256;
  painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 255), penWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin));

  // Draw the Outer circular border around the pole figure
  QPainterPath circle;
  QPointF center(pImageWidth / 2, pImageHeight / 2);
  circle.addEllipse(center, imageWidth / 2, imageHeight / 2);

  // Label the X Axis
  painter.drawText(pImageWidth - (pxWide * 1.5), pImageHeight / 2 + pxHigh / 3, "X");
  // Label the Y Axis
  pxWide = metrics.width(QString("Y"));
  painter.drawText(pImageWidth / 2 - pxWide / 2, pyOffset - penWidth - 1, "Y");

  // Draw the name of the Pole Figure
  int labelWidth = 0;
  int maxWidth = pImageWidth / 5; // No more than a Quarter of the width of the image
  while(labelWidth < maxWidth)
    font = QFont("Ariel", fontPtSize, QFont::Bold);
    metrics = QFontMetrics(font);
    labelWidth = metrics.width(label); // Figure out which string is longer (pixel wise)
  pxHigh = metrics.height() + 2;
// pxWide = metrics.width(label);
  painter.drawText(pxOffset, pxHigh, label);

  // Draw slightly transparent lines
  //penWidth = 1;
  painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 180), penWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin));
  // Draw the X Axis
  painter.drawLine(pxOffset, pImageHeight / 2, pImageWidth - pxOffset, pImageHeight / 2);
  // Draw the Y Axis
  painter.drawLine(pImageWidth / 2, pyOffset, pImageWidth / 2, pImageHeight - pyOffset);

  return pImage;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QImage PoleFigureImageUtilities::GenerateScalarBar(int imageWidth, int imageHeight, PoleFigureConfiguration_t& config)
  int numColors = config.numColors;
  QImage pImage(imageWidth, imageHeight, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
  pImage.fill(0xFFFFFFFF); // All white background

  // Create a Painter backed by a QImage to draw into
  QPainter painter;
  painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);

  int penWidth = 1;

#if 0
  QColor c(RgbColor::dRgb(255, 0, 0, 255));
  painter.setPen(QPen(c, penWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap, Qt::RoundJoin));

  painter.drawLine(0, 0, imageWidth, 0); // Top
  painter.drawLine(0, 0, 0, imageHeight); // Left
  painter.drawLine(imageWidth, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight); // Right
  painter.drawLine(0, imageHeight, imageWidth, imageHeight); // Bottom

  //Get all the colors that we will need
  QVector<SIMPL::Rgb> colorTable(numColors);
  QVector<float> colors(3 * numColors, 0.0);
  SIMPLColorTable::GetColorTable(numColors, colors); // Generate the color table values
  float r = 0.0, g = 0.0, b = 0.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < numColors; i++) // Convert them to QRgbColor values
    r = colors[3 * i];
    g = colors[3 * i + 1];
    b = colors[3 * i + 2];
    colorTable[i] = RgbColor::dRgb(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, 255);

  // Now start from the bottom and draw colored lines up the scale bar
  // A Slight Indentation for the scalar bar
  float margin = 0.05f;
  float scaleBarRelativeWidth = 0.10f;
  float scaleBarRelativeHeight = 1.0f - (margin * 2);

  int colorHeight = int( (imageHeight * scaleBarRelativeHeight) / numColors);

  QPointF topLeft(imageWidth * margin, imageHeight * margin);
  QSizeF size(imageWidth * scaleBarRelativeWidth, imageHeight * scaleBarRelativeHeight);

  int yLinePos = topLeft.y();

  QPointF start = topLeft;
  QPointF end = topLeft;

  for(int i = numColors - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    QColor c(colorTable[i]);
    painter.setPen(QPen(c, penWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap, Qt::RoundJoin));
    for(int j = 0; j < colorHeight; j++)
      end.setX(topLeft.x() + (imageWidth * scaleBarRelativeWidth));
      painter.drawLine(start, end);

  // Draw the border of the scale bar
  size = QSizeF(imageWidth * scaleBarRelativeWidth, numColors * colorHeight); // Add two pixel to the height so we don't over write part of the scale bar
  QRectF scaleBorder(topLeft, size);
  penWidth = 2;
  painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 255), penWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin));

  // Draw the Text Labels of the Scale Bar
  int startFontPtSize = 10;
  QFont font("Ariel", startFontPtSize, QFont::Bold);

  QFontMetrics metrics(font);
  int fontPixelsHeight = metrics.height();
  while(fontPixelsHeight < colorHeight * 2)
    font = QFont("Ariel", startFontPtSize, QFont::Bold);
    metrics = QFontMetrics(font);
    fontPixelsHeight = metrics.height();

  // Draw some more information to the right of the Scale Bar
  QString maxStr = QString::number(config.maxScale, 'f', 3);
  painter.drawText(topLeft.x() + (imageWidth * scaleBarRelativeWidth) + 10, topLeft.y() + fontPixelsHeight, maxStr);

  QString minStr = QString::number(config.minScale, 'f', 3);
  painter.drawText(topLeft.x() + (imageWidth * scaleBarRelativeWidth) + 10, topLeft.y() + size.height(), minStr);

  // Draw some statistics for the pole figures
  startFontPtSize = 8; // Set it to a rather large point size so we can fit the text perfectly. Only an insanely large Polefigure would go past this size
  int labelWidth = 0;

  // Make sure the size of font we just picked will allow the string to NOT be clipped because the rendered
  // pixel width is past the right side of the image
  int endOfStringYPos = topLeft.x() + (imageWidth * scaleBarRelativeWidth) + 10 + labelWidth;
  while(endOfStringYPos < imageWidth)
    font = QFont("Ariel", startFontPtSize, QFont::Bold);
    metrics = QFontMetrics(font);
    QString label("Upper & Lower");
    QString label2 = QString("Samples: ") + QString::number(config.eulers->getNumberOfTuples());
    fontPixelsHeight = metrics.height(); // Update the font height
    int labelWidth = metrics.width(label); // Figure out which string is longer (pixel wise)
    if (labelWidth < metrics.width(label2))
      labelWidth = metrics.width(label2);
    endOfStringYPos = topLeft.x() + (imageWidth * scaleBarRelativeWidth) + 10 + labelWidth;
  font = QFont("Ariel", startFontPtSize, QFont::Bold);
  metrics = QFontMetrics(font);
  QString label("Upper & Lower");
  QString label2 = QString("Samples: ") + QString::number(config.eulers->getNumberOfTuples());

  labelWidth = metrics.width(label);
  if (labelWidth < metrics.width(label2))
    labelWidth = metrics.width(label2);

  // Set the font into the Painter

  QPointF statsPoint(topLeft.x() + (imageWidth * scaleBarRelativeWidth) + 10, imageHeight * .5);

  // Draw some more Statistics Text
  painter.drawText(statsPoint, label);
  statsPoint.setY(imageHeight * .5 + fontPixelsHeight);
  painter.drawText(statsPoint, label2);

  // Scale the image down to 225 pixels
  return pImage;

Exemplo n.º 7
void CImageTest::testFileNotFoundThrows()
	shared_ptr<CImage> pImage(new CImage("NotAFile"));
Exemplo n.º 8
void CImageTest::testConstructor()
	shared_ptr<CImage> pImage(new CImage("Data/Images/Test.jpg"));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QImage PoleFigureMaker::paintImage(int imageWidth, int imageHeight, QString label, QImage image)
  int pxHigh = 0;
  int pxWide = 0;

  QFont font("Ariel", 16, QFont::Bold);
    QPainter painter;
    QImage pImage(100, 100, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
    pImage.fill(0xFFFFFFFF); // All white background

    QFontMetrics metrics = painter.fontMetrics();
    pxHigh = metrics.height();
    pxWide = metrics.width(QString("TD"));

  int pxOffset = 2 * pxWide;
  int pyOffset = 2 * pxHigh;
  // Get a QPainter object to add some more details to the image

  int pImageWidth = imageWidth + pxOffset * 2;
  int pImageHeight = imageHeight + pyOffset * 2;

  QImage pImage(pImageWidth, pImageHeight, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
  pImage.fill(0xFFFFFFFF); // All white background

  // Create a Painter backed by a QImage to draw into
  QPainter painter;
  painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);

  QFontMetrics metrics = painter.fontMetrics();
  pxHigh = metrics.height();
  pxWide = metrics.width(QString("TD"));

  QPoint point(pxOffset, pyOffset);
  painter.drawImage(point, image); // Draw the image we just generated into the QPainter's canvas

  qint32 penWidth = 2;
  painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 255), penWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin));

  QPainterPath circle;
  QPointF center(pImageWidth / 2, pImageHeight / 2);
  circle.addEllipse(center, imageWidth / 2, imageHeight / 2);

  painter.drawText(pImageWidth - 2 * pxWide + 4, pImageHeight / 2 + pxHigh / 3, "TD");

  pxWide = metrics.width(QString("RD"));
  painter.drawText(pImageWidth / 2 - pxWide / 2, pImageHeight - pyOffset + pxHigh + 2, "RD");

  pxWide = metrics.width(label);
  painter.drawText(2, pxHigh, label);

  // Draw slightly transparent lines
  penWidth = 1;
  painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 180), penWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin));
  painter.drawLine(pxOffset, pImageHeight / 2, pImageWidth - pxOffset, pImageHeight / 2);
  painter.drawLine(pImageWidth / 2, pyOffset, pImageWidth / 2, pImageHeight - pyOffset);

  // Scale the image down to 225 pixels
  return pImage;//.scaled(225, 225, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
Exemplo n.º 10
	/// <summary>
	/// Get existing module or map it if absent
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="path">Image path</param>
	/// <param name="buffer">Image data buffer</param>
	/// <param name="size">Buffer size.</param>
	/// <param name="asImage">If set to true - buffer has image memory layout</param>
	/// <param name="flags">Mapping flags</param>
	/// <returns>Module info</returns>
	const ModuleData* MMap::FindOrMapModule(
		const std::wstring& path,
		void* buffer, size_t size, bool asImage,
		eLoadFlags flags /*= NoFlags*/
		) {
		std::unique_ptr<ImageContext> pImage(new ImageContext());
		pImage->FilePath = path;
		pImage->FileName = Utils::StripPath(pImage->FilePath);
		pImage->flags = flags;
		// Load and parse image
		status = buffer ? pImage->peImage.Load(buffer, size, !asImage) : pImage->peImage.Load(path, flags & NoSxS ? true : false);
		if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
			BLACBONE_TRACE(L"ManualMap: Failed to load image '%ls'/0x%p. Status 0x%X", path.c_str(), buffer, status);
			return nullptr;
		// Check if already loaded
		if(auto hMod = _process.Modules().GetModule(path, LdrList, pImage->peImage.ImageType())) {
			return hMod;
		BLACBONE_TRACE(L"ManualMap: Loading new image '%ls'", path.c_str());
		// Try to map image in high (>4GB) memory range
		if(flags & MapInHighMem) {
			AllocateInHighMem(pImage->imgMem, pImage->peImage.ImageSize());
		// Try to map image at it's original ASRL-aware base
		else if(flags & HideVAD) {
			ptr_t base = pImage->peImage.ImageBase();
			ptr_t isize = pImage->peImage.ImageSize();
			if(!NT_SUCCESS(Driver().EnsureLoaded())) {
				return nullptr;
			// Allocate as physical at desired base
			status = Driver().AllocateMem(_process.Id(), base, isize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, true);
			// Allocate at any base
			if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
				base = 0;
				size = pImage->peImage.ImageSize();
				status = Driver().AllocateMem(_process.Id(), base, isize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, true);
			// Store allocated region
			if(NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
				pImage->imgMem = MemBlock(&_process.Memory(), base, static_cast<size_t>(isize), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, true, true);
			// Stop mapping
			else {
				//flags &= ~HideVAD;
				BLACBONE_TRACE(L"ManualMap: Failed to allocate physical memory for image, status 0x%d", status);
				return nullptr;
		// Allocate normally if something went wrong
		if(pImage->imgMem == 0)
			pImage->imgMem = _process.Memory().Allocate(pImage->peImage.ImageSize(), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, pImage->peImage.ImageBase());
		BLACBONE_TRACE(L"ManualMap: Image base allocated at 0x%p", pImage->imgMem.Ptr<size_t>());
			return nullptr;
		// Create Activation context for SxS
		if(pImage->peImage.ManifestID() == 0)
			flags |= NoSxS;
		if(!(flags & NoSxS))
			CreateActx(pImage->peImage.ManifestFile(), pImage->peImage.ManifestID(), !pImage->peImage.NoPhysFile());
		// Core image mapping operations
		if(!CopyImage(pImage.get()) || !RelocateImage(pImage.get())) {
			return nullptr;
		auto mt = pImage->peImage.ImageType();
		auto pMod = _process.Modules().AddManualModule(pImage->FilePath, pImage->imgMem.Ptr<module_t>(), pImage->imgMem.Size(), mt);
		// Import tables
		if(!ResolveImport(pImage.get()) || (!(flags & NoDelayLoad) && !ResolveImport(pImage.get(), true))) {
			_process.Modules().RemoveManualModule(pImage->FileName, mt);
			return nullptr;
		// Apply proper memory protection for sections
		if(!(flags & HideVAD))
		// Make exception handling possible (C and C++)
		if(!(flags & NoExceptions)) {
			status = EnableExceptions(pImage.get());
			if(!NT_SUCCESS(status) && status != STATUS_NOT_FOUND) {
				BLACBONE_TRACE(L"ManualMap: Failed to enable exception handling for image %ls", pImage->FileName.c_str());
				_process.Modules().RemoveManualModule(pImage->FileName, mt);
				return nullptr;
		// Unlink image from VAD list
		if(flags & HideVAD && !NT_SUCCESS(ConcealVad(pImage->imgMem))) {
			_process.Modules().RemoveManualModule(pImage->FileName, mt);
			return nullptr;
		// Initialize security cookie
		if(!InitializeCookie(pImage.get())) {
			_process.Modules().RemoveManualModule(pImage->FileName, mt);
			return nullptr;
		// Get entry point
		pImage->EntryPoint = pImage->peImage.EntryPoint(pImage->imgMem.Ptr<ptr_t>());
		// Create reference for native loader functions
		LdrRefFlags ldrFlags = flags & CreateLdrRef ? Ldr_All : Ldr_None;
		if(_mapCallback != nullptr) {
			auto mapData = _mapCallback(PostCallback, _userContext, _process, *pMod);
			ldrFlags = mapData.ldrFlags;
		if(ldrFlags != Ldr_None) {
		// Static TLS data
		if(!(flags & NoTLS) && !InitStaticTLS(pImage.get())) {
			_process.Modules().RemoveManualModule(pImage->FileName, mt);
			return nullptr;
		// Fill TLS callbacks
		pImage->peImage.GetTLSCallbacks(pImage->imgMem.Ptr<ptr_t>(), pImage->tlsCallbacks);
		// Unload local copy
		// Release ownership of image memory block
		// Store image
		return pMod;
Exemplo n.º 11
/// <summary>
/// Get existing module or map it if absent
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">Image path</param>
/// <param name="flags">Mapping flags</param>
/// <returns>Module info</returns>
const ModuleData* MMap::FindOrMapModule( const std::wstring& path, int flags /*= NoFlags*/ )
    std::unique_ptr<ImageContext> pImage( new ImageContext() );

    pImage->FilePath = path;
    pImage->FileName = Utils::StripPath( pImage->FilePath );
    pImage->flags = static_cast<eLoadFlags>(flags);

    // Load and parse image
    if (!pImage->FileImage.Project( path ) || !pImage->PEImage.Parse( pImage->FileImage, pImage->FileImage.isPlainData() ))
        return nullptr;

    // Check if already loaded
    if (auto hMod = _process.modules().GetModule( path, LdrList, pImage->PEImage.mType() ))
        return hMod;

    // Try to map image in high memory range
    if (flags & MapInHighMem)
        if (AllocateInHighMem( pImage->imgMem, pImage->PEImage.imageSize() ) == false)
            pImage->imgMem = _process.memory().Allocate( pImage->PEImage.imageSize( ), 
                                                         PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, pImage->PEImage.imageBase() );
    // Try to map image at it's original ASRL-aware base
        pImage->imgMem = _process.memory().Allocate( pImage->PEImage.imageSize(), 
                                                     PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, pImage->PEImage.imageBase() );

    if (!pImage->imgMem.valid())
        return nullptr;

    // Create Activation context for SxS
    // .exe files usually contain manifest under id of 1
    // .dll files have manifest under id of 2
    if (!(flags & NoSxS))
        CreateActx( path, pImage->FileImage.manifestID() );

    // Manual Debug tests only
    /*if (!(flags & NoExceptions))
        MExcept::pImageBase = pImage->image.ptr<void*>( );
        MExcept::imageSize = pImage->PEImage.imageSize( );

    // Core image mapping operations
    if (!CopyImage( pImage.get() ) || !RelocateImage( pImage.get() ))
        return nullptr;

    auto mt = pImage->PEImage.mType();
    auto pMod = _process.modules().AddManualModule( pImage->FilePath, 
                                                    pImage->imgMem.size(), mt );

    // Import tables
    if (!ResolveImport( pImage.get() ) || (!(flags & NoDelayLoad) && !ResolveImport( pImage.get(), true )))
        _process.modules().RemoveManualModule( pImage->FileName, mt );
        return nullptr;

    // Apply proper memory protection for sections
    ProtectImageMemory( pImage.get() );

    // Make exception handling possible (C and C++)
    if (!(flags & NoExceptions) && !EnableExceptions( pImage.get() ))
        _process.modules().RemoveManualModule( pImage->FileName, mt );
        return nullptr;

    // Unlink image from VAD list
    if (flags & UnlinkVAD)
        UnlinkVad( pImage->imgMem );

    // Initialize security cookie
    if (!InitializeCookie( pImage.get() ))
        _process.modules().RemoveManualModule( pImage->FileName, mt );
        return nullptr;

    // Create reference for native loader functions
    if (flags & CreateLdrRef)
        _process.nativeLdr().CreateNTReference( pImage->imgMem.ptr<HMODULE>(), pImage->PEImage.imageSize(), pImage->FilePath );

    // Static TLS data
    if (!(flags & NoTLS) &&! InitStaticTLS( pImage.get( ) ))
        _process.modules().RemoveManualModule( pImage->FileName, mt );
        return nullptr;
    // Fill TLS callbacks
    pImage->PEImage.GetTLSCallbacks( pImage->imgMem.ptr<ptr_t>(), pImage->tlsCallbacks );

    // Get entry point
    pImage->EntryPoint = pImage->PEImage.entryPoint( pImage->imgMem.ptr<ptr_t>() );

    // Unload local copy

    // Release image

    // Store image
    _images.emplace_back( std::move( pImage ) );
    return pMod;
Exemplo n.º 12
HBITMAP g_load_png_gdiplus_throw(HDC dc, const char * fn, unsigned target_cx, unsigned target_cy)
	//FIXME m_gdiplus_initialised = (Gdiplus::Ok == Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&m_gdiplus_instance, &Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput(), NULL));
	pfc::string8 canPath;
	HBITMAP bm = 0;

	abort_callback_dummy p_abort;
	file::ptr p_file;
	filesystem::g_get_canonical_path(fn, canPath);
	filesystem::g_open_read(p_file, canPath, p_abort);
	t_size fsize = pfc::downcast_guarded<t_size>(p_file->get_size_ex(p_abort));
	pfc::array_staticsize_t<t_uint8> buffer(fsize);
	p_file->read(buffer.get_ptr(), fsize, p_abort);

	IStream *pStream = NULL;
	HGLOBAL gd = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_MOVEABLE, buffer.get_size());
	if (gd == NULL)
		throw exception_win32(GetLastError());
	void * p_data = GlobalLock(gd);
	if (p_data == NULL)
		throw exception_win32(GetLastError());

	memcpy(p_data, buffer.get_ptr(), buffer.get_size());

	HRESULT hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(gd, TRUE, &pStream);
	if (FAILED(hr))
		throw exception_win32(hr);

	Gdiplus::Bitmap pImage(pStream);

	CheckGdiplusStatus() << pImage.GetLastStatus();
		Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapData;
		//Gdiplus::Bitmap * ppImage = &pImage;
		if (target_cx != pfc_infinite || target_cy != pfc_infinite)
			Gdiplus::Bitmap pBitmapResized(target_cx == pfc_infinite ? pImage.GetWidth() : target_cx, target_cy == pfc_infinite ? pImage.GetHeight() : target_cy, PixelFormat32bppARGB);
			CheckGdiplusStatus() << pBitmapResized.GetLastStatus();
			Gdiplus::Graphics pGraphics(&pBitmapResized);
			CheckGdiplusStatus() << pGraphics.GetLastStatus();
			CheckGdiplusStatus() << pGraphics.SetPixelOffsetMode(Gdiplus::PixelOffsetModeHighQuality);
			CheckGdiplusStatus() << pGraphics.SetInterpolationMode(Gdiplus::InterpolationModeBicubic);
			Gdiplus::ImageAttributes imageAttributes;
			CheckGdiplusStatus() << imageAttributes.SetWrapMode(Gdiplus::WrapModeTileFlipXY);
			CheckGdiplusStatus() << pGraphics.DrawImage(&pImage, Gdiplus::Rect(0, 0, pBitmapResized.GetWidth(), pBitmapResized.GetHeight()), 0, 0, pImage.GetWidth(), pImage.GetHeight(), Gdiplus::UnitPixel, &imageAttributes);

			CheckGdiplusStatus() << pBitmapResized.LockBits(&Gdiplus::Rect(0, 0, pBitmapResized.GetWidth(), pBitmapResized.GetHeight()), Gdiplus::ImageLockModeRead, PixelFormat32bppARGB, &bitmapData);
			bm = g_CreateHbitmapFromGdiplusBitmapData32bpp(bitmapData);
			CheckGdiplusStatus() << pBitmapResized.UnlockBits(&bitmapData);
			CheckGdiplusStatus() << pImage.LockBits(&Gdiplus::Rect(0, 0, pImage.GetWidth(), pImage.GetHeight()), Gdiplus::ImageLockModeRead, PixelFormat32bppARGB, &bitmapData);
			//assert bitmapData.Stride == bitmapData.Width
			bm = g_CreateHbitmapFromGdiplusBitmapData32bpp(bitmapData);
			CheckGdiplusStatus() << pImage.UnlockBits(&bitmapData);
	return bm;

Exemplo n.º 13
int ExtractRidges::Main (int, char**)
    std::string imageName = Environment::GetPathR("Head.im");
    ImageDouble2D image(imageName.c_str());

    // Normalize the image values to be in [0,1].
    int quantity = image.GetQuantity();
    double minValue = image[0], maxValue = minValue;
    int i;
    for (i = 1; i < quantity; ++i)
        if (image[i] < minValue)
            minValue = image[i];
        else if (image[i] > maxValue)
            maxValue = image[i];
    double invRange = 1.0/(maxValue - minValue);
    for (i = 0; i < quantity; ++i)
        image[i] = (image[i] - minValue)*invRange;

    // Use first-order centered finite differences to estimate the image
    // derivatives.  The gradient is DF = (df/dx, df/dy) and the Hessian
    // is D^2F = {{d^2f/dx^2, d^2f/dxdy}, {d^2f/dydx, d^2f/dy^2}}.
    int xBound = image.GetBound(0);
    int yBound = image.GetBound(1);
    int xBoundM1 = xBound - 1;
    int yBoundM1 = yBound - 1;
    ImageDouble2D dx(xBound, yBound);
    ImageDouble2D dy(xBound, yBound);
    ImageDouble2D dxx(xBound, yBound);
    ImageDouble2D dxy(xBound, yBound);
    ImageDouble2D dyy(xBound, yBound);
    int x, y;
    for (y = 1; y < yBoundM1; ++y)
        for (x = 1; x < xBoundM1; ++x)
            dx(x, y) = 0.5*(image(x+1, y) - image(x-1, y));
            dy(x, y) = 0.5*(image(x, y+1) - image(x, y-1));
            dxx(x, y) = image(x+1, y) - 2.0*image(x, y) + image(x-1, y);
            dxy(x, y) = 0.25*(image(x+1, y+1) + image(x-1, y-1)
                - image(x+1, y-1) - image(x-1, y+1));
            dyy(x, y) = image(x, y+1) - 2.0*image(x, y) + image(x, y+1);

    // The eigensolver produces eigenvalues a and b and corresponding
    // eigenvectors U and V:  D^2F*U = a*U, D^2F*V = b*V.  Define
    // P = Dot(U,DF) and Q = Dot(V,DF).  The classification is as follows.
    //   ridge:   P = 0 with a < 0
    //   valley:  Q = 0 with b > 0
    ImageDouble2D aImage(xBound, yBound);
    ImageDouble2D bImage(xBound, yBound);
    ImageDouble2D pImage(xBound, yBound);
    ImageDouble2D qImage(xBound, yBound);
    for (y = 1; y < yBoundM1; ++y)
        for (x = 1; x < xBoundM1; ++x)
            Vector2d gradient(dx(x, y), dy(x, y));
            Matrix2d hessian(dxx(x, y), dxy(x, y), dxy(x, y), dyy(x, y));
            EigenDecompositiond decomposer(hessian);
            aImage(x,y) = decomposer.GetEigenvalue(0);
            bImage(x,y) = decomposer.GetEigenvalue(1);
            Vector2d u = decomposer.GetEigenvector2(0);
            Vector2d v = decomposer.GetEigenvector2(1);
            pImage(x,y) = u.Dot(gradient);
            qImage(x,y) = v.Dot(gradient);

    // Use a cheap classification of the pixels by testing for sign changes
    // between neighboring pixels.
    ImageRGB82D result(xBound, yBound);
    for (y = 1; y < yBoundM1; ++y)
        for (x = 1; x < xBoundM1; ++x)
            unsigned char gray = (unsigned char)(255.0f*image(x, y));

            double pValue = pImage(x, y);
            bool isRidge = false;
            if (pValue*pImage(x-1 ,y) < 0.0
            ||  pValue*pImage(x+1, y) < 0.0
            ||  pValue*pImage(x, y-1) < 0.0
            ||  pValue*pImage(x, y+1) < 0.0)
                if (aImage(x, y) < 0.0)
                    isRidge = true;

            double qValue = qImage(x,y);
            bool isValley = false;
            if (qValue*qImage(x-1, y) < 0.0
            ||  qValue*qImage(x+1, y) < 0.0
            ||  qValue*qImage(x, y-1) < 0.0
            ||  qValue*qImage(x, y+1) < 0.0)
                if (bImage(x,y) > 0.0)
                    isValley = true;

            if (isRidge)
                if (isValley)
                    result(x, y) = GetColor24(gray, 0, gray);
                    result(x, y) = GetColor24(gray, 0, 0);
            else if (isValley)
                result(x, y) = GetColor24(0, 0, gray);
                result(x, y) = GetColor24(gray, gray, gray);

    return 0;