Exemplo n.º 1
 Matrix<T>& Matrix<T>::operator*=( const qreal& Value )
   Q_ASSERT(constData() && size());
   int srcStride1(bytesPerLine());
   int srcStride2(bytesPerElement());
   if (type() == CV_64F)
     Ipp64f* pSrc(reinterpret_cast<Ipp64f*>(data()));
     const Ipp64f val(static_cast<const Ipp64f>(Value));
     IppStatus status(ippmMul_mc_64f(pSrc, srcStride1, srcStride2,
                                     pSrc, srcStride1, srcStride2, cols(), rows()));
     Q_ASSERT(status == ippStsNoErr);
     const T mulValue(static_cast<const T>(Value));
     for (int rowIndex(0); rowIndex < rows(); rowIndex++)
       T* rowPtr(row(rowIndex));
       for (int colIndex(0); colIndex < cols(); colIndex++, rowPtr++)
         *rowPtr *= mulValue;
   return *this;
Exemplo n.º 2
int AudioEngine::addSource(AudioMsgQueue& dataQ, AudioMsgQueue& statusQ)
    lock_guard lock(m_Mutex);
    static int nextID = -1;
    AudioSourcePtr pSrc(new AudioSource(dataQ, statusQ, m_AP.m_SampleRate));
    m_AudioSources[nextID] = pSrc;
    return nextID;
Exemplo n.º 3
void VisibilityLayout::layout(GraphAttributes &GA, const UpwardPlanRep &UPROrig)
	UpwardPlanRep UPR = UPROrig;

	//clear some data
	for(edge e : GA.constGraph().edges) {

	int minGridDist = 1;
	for(node v : GA.constGraph().nodes) {
		if (minGridDist < max(GA.height(v), GA.width(v)))
			minGridDist = (int) max(GA.height(v), GA.width(v));
	minGridDist = max(minGridDist*2+1, m_grid_dist);

	CombinatorialEmbedding &gamma = UPR.getEmbedding();
	//add edge (s,t)
	adjEntry adjSrc = nullptr;
	for(adjEntry adj : UPR.getSuperSource()->adjEntries) {
		if (gamma.rightFace(adj) == gamma.externalFace())
			adjSrc = adj;

	OGDF_ASSERT(adjSrc != nullptr);

	edge e_st = UPR.newEdge(adjSrc, UPR.getSuperSink()); // on the right


	// the preliminary postion
	NodeArray<int> xPos(UPR);
	NodeArray<int> yPos(UPR);

	// node Position
	for(node v : UPR.nodes) {
		NodeSegment vVis = nodeToVis[v];
		int x = (int) (vVis.x_l + vVis.x_r)/2 ; // median positioning
		xPos[v] = x;
		yPos[v] = vVis.y;

		if (UPR.original(v) != nullptr) {
			node vOrig = UPR.original(v);
			//final position
			GA.x(vOrig) = x * minGridDist;
			GA.y(vOrig)	= vVis.y * minGridDist;

	//compute bendpoints
	for(edge e : GA.constGraph().edges) {
		const List<edge> &chain = UPR.chain(e);
		for(edge eUPR : chain) {
			EdgeSegment eVis = edgeToVis[eUPR];
			if (chain.size() == 1) {
				if ((yPos[eUPR->target()] - yPos[eUPR->source()]) > 1) {
					DPoint p1(eVis.x*minGridDist, (yPos[eUPR->source()]+1)*minGridDist);
					DPoint p2(eVis.x*minGridDist, (yPos[eUPR->target()]-1)*minGridDist);
					if (yPos[eUPR->source()]+1 != yPos[eUPR->target()]-1)
			else {
				//short edge
				if ((yPos[eUPR->target()] - yPos[eUPR->source()]) == 1) {
					if (UPR.original(eUPR->target()) == nullptr) {
						node tgtUPR = eUPR->target();
						DPoint p(xPos[tgtUPR]*minGridDist, yPos[tgtUPR]*minGridDist);
				//long edge
				else {
					DPoint p1(eVis.x*minGridDist, (yPos[eUPR->source()]+1)*minGridDist);
					DPoint p2(eVis.x*minGridDist, (yPos[eUPR->target()]-1)*minGridDist);
					if (yPos[eUPR->source()]+1 != yPos[eUPR->target()]-1)
					if (UPR.original(eUPR->target()) == nullptr) {
						node tgtUPR = eUPR->target();
						DPoint p(xPos[tgtUPR]*minGridDist, yPos[tgtUPR]*minGridDist);

		DPolyline &poly = GA.bends(e);
		DPoint pSrc(GA.x(e->source()), GA.y(e->source()));
		DPoint pTgt(GA.x(e->target()), GA.y(e->target()));
		poly.normalize(pSrc, pTgt);
* Main function: runs plugin based on its ID
* @param plugin ID
* @param image to be processed
QSharedPointer<nmc::DkImageContainer> DkImageStitchingPlugin::runPlugin(const QString& /*runID*/, QSharedPointer<nmc::DkImageContainer> imgC) const
	QString dp = "";
		dp = imgC->fileInfo().absolutePath();

    QStringList files = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(DkPluginInterface::getMainWindow(), tr("Select photos"), dp);

    if (files.size() != 2)
        return imgC;

	// TODO: do NOT use highgui functions - nomacs is a image viewer, so we are much better in loading images than opencv
	// NOTE: imgC is the currently loaded image, so you could use it as 'reference' image
	// however, for the final plugin a nice UI has to be done anyhow
    //cv::Mat reference = cv::imread(files[0].toStdString());
    //cv::Mat target = cv::imread(files[1].toStdString());

	// loading images using nomacs
	nmc::DkBasicLoader loader;
	cv::Mat reference = DkImage::qImage2Mat(loader.image());

	cv::Mat target = DkImage::qImage2Mat(loader.image());

    cv::Mat grayRef, grayTarget;

	// updated for opencv 3
	cv::Ptr<cv::Feature2D> f2d = cv::xfeatures2d::SIFT::create();
    std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints1, keypoints2;
	//cv::SiftFeatureDetector detector;
	f2d->detect(grayRef, keypoints1);
	f2d->detect(grayTarget, keypoints2);

    cv::Mat descriptor1, descriptor2;
	//cv::SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor;
	f2d->compute(grayRef, keypoints1, descriptor1);
	f2d->compute(grayTarget, keypoints2, descriptor2);

	// TODO: this is pretty much spaghetti code https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaghetti_code
	// you should:
	// - split the code into different files (e.g. DkStitcher)
	// - make classes where appropriate
	// - split the code into functions

    cv::BFMatcher matcher(cv::NORM_L2);
    std::vector<cv::DMatch> matches;

    if (matches.empty())
        return imgC;

    double minDist = matches[0].distance;
    for (int i = 1; i < matches.size(); ++i)
        if (matches[i].distance < minDist)
            minDist = matches[i].distance;

	minDist += 0.1;

    std::vector<cv::Point2f> queryPts;
    std::vector<cv::Point2f> trainPts;
    for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); ++i)
        if (matches[i].distance < 3.0*minDist)
            int queryIdx = matches[i].queryIdx;
            int trainIdx = matches[i].trainIdx;

    ///Obtain the global homography and inliers
    std::vector<uchar> inliers_mask;
    cv::Mat globalH = cv::findHomography(queryPts,trainPts, inliers_mask, CV_RANSAC);

    std::vector<cv::Point2f> inliersTarget;
    std::vector<cv::Point2f> inliersReference;
    for (int i = 0; i < inliers_mask.size(); ++i)
        if (inliers_mask[i])

    ///Build the A matrix with the matching points
    cv::Mat A(2*inliersTarget.size(),9,CV_32F);
    for (int i = 0; i < inliersTarget.size(); ++i)
        const cv::Point2f &pTarget = inliersTarget[i];
        const cv::Point2f &pReference = inliersReference[i];

        A.at<float>(2*i,0) = 0.0;
        A.at<float>(2*i,1) = 0.0;
        A.at<float>(2*i,2) = 0.0;
        A.at<float>(2*i,3) = -pTarget.x;
        A.at<float>(2*i,4) = -pTarget.y;
        A.at<float>(2*i,5) = -1.0;
        A.at<float>(2*i,6) = pReference.y*pTarget.x;
        A.at<float>(2*i,7) = pReference.y*pTarget.y;
        A.at<float>(2*i,8) = pReference.y;

        A.at<float>(2*i+1,0) = pTarget.x;
        A.at<float>(2*i+1,1) = pTarget.y;
        A.at<float>(2*i+1,2) = 1.0;
        A.at<float>(2*i+1,3) = 0.0;
        A.at<float>(2*i+1,4) = 0.0;
        A.at<float>(2*i+1,5) = 0.0;
        A.at<float>(2*i+1,6) = -pReference.x*pTarget.x;
        A.at<float>(2*i+1,7) = -pReference.x*pTarget.y;
        A.at<float>(2*i+1,8) = -pReference.x;

    ///Divide the reference image into CX*CY cells and calculate their
    ///local homographies.
    const int CX = 100;
    const int CY = 100;

    const int cellWidth = (reference.cols+CX-1)/CX;
    const int cellHeight = (reference.rows+CY-1)/CY;
    const float sigmaSquared = 12.5*12.5;

    std::vector<int> cellsType(CX*CY,false); ///(1 is overlapped cell)
    for (int i = 0; i < inliersTarget.size(); ++i)
        const cv::Point2f &pt = inliersTarget[i];
        int cellX = (int)(pt.x/cellWidth);
        int cellY = (int)(pt.y/cellHeight);

        assert(cellX >= 0 && cellX < CX && cellY >= 0 && cellY < CY);
        cellsType[cellY*CY+cellX] = true;

    std::vector<cv::Mat> localHomographies(CX*CY);
    cv::Mat Wi(2*inliersTarget.size(),2*inliersTarget.size(),CV_32F,0.0);
    for (int i = 0; i < CX; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < CY; ++j)
            int centerX = i*cellHeight;
            int centerY = j*cellWidth;

            ///Build W matrix for each cell center
            for (int k = 0; k < inliersTarget.size(); ++k)
                cv::Point2f xk = inliersTarget[k];
                xk.x = centerX-xk.x;
                xk.y = centerY-xk.y;

                float w = exp(-1.0*sqrt(xk.x*xk.x+xk.y*xk.y)/sigmaSquared);
                Wi.at<float>(2*k,2*k) = w;
                Wi.at<float>(2*k+1,2*k+1) = w;

            ///Calculate local homography for each cell
            cv::Mat w,u,vt;

            float smallestSv = w.at<float>(0,0);
            int indexSmallestSv = 0;
            for (int k = 1; k < w.rows; ++k)
                if (w.at<float>(k,0) < smallestSv)
                    smallestSv = w.at<float>(k,0);
                    indexSmallestSv = k;

            ///Represent the homography as a 3x3 matrix
            cv::Mat localH(3,3,CV_64F,0.0);
            for (int k = 0; k < 9; ++k)
                localH.at<double>(k/3,k%3) = vt.row(indexSmallestSv).at<float>(k);

			// TODO: crashes here...
            if (localH.at<float>(2,2) < 0)
                localH *= -1;

            localHomographies[i*CY+j] = localH;

    ///Calculate canvas size using global homography
    cv::Point2f canvasCorners[4];
    canvasCorners[0] = cv::Point2f(0,0);
    canvasCorners[1] = cv::Point2f(reference.cols,0);
    canvasCorners[2] = cv::Point2f(0,reference.rows);
    canvasCorners[3] = cv::Point2f(reference.cols,reference.rows);

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        cv::Mat pSrc(3,1,CV_64F,1.0);
        pSrc.at<double>(0,0) = canvasCorners[i].x;
        pSrc.at<double>(1,0) = canvasCorners[i].y;

        cv::Mat pDst = globalH*pSrc;

        double w = pDst.at<double>(2,0);
        canvasCorners[i].x = 0.5+(pDst.at<double>(0,0)/w);
        canvasCorners[i].y = 0.5+(pDst.at<double>(1,0)/w);

    int minX = floor(canvasCorners[0].x);
    int minY = floor(canvasCorners[0].y);
    int maxX = minX;
    int maxY = minY;

    for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i)
        minX = std::min(minX,(int)floor(canvasCorners[i].x));
        minY = std::min(minY,(int)floor(canvasCorners[i].y));
        maxX = std::max(maxX,(int)floor(canvasCorners[i].x));
        maxY = std::max(maxY,(int)floor(canvasCorners[i].y));

    int canvasWidth = std::max(target.cols,maxX)-minX;
    int canvasHeight = std::max(target.rows,maxY)-minY;

    ///Calculate translation vector to properly position the
    ///reference image.
    cv::Mat T = cv::Mat::eye(3,3,CV_64F);

    if (minX < 0)
        T.at<double>(0,2) = -minX;
        canvasWidth += minX;

    if (minY < 0)
        T.at<double>(1,2) = -minY;
        canvasHeight += minY;

    cv::Mat globalTH = T*globalH;

    cv::Mat result(canvasHeight,canvasWidth,CV_8UC3,cv::Scalar(0,0,0));
    for (int i = 0; i < CX; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < CY; ++j)
            for (int k = 0; k < cellHeight; ++k)
                int pX = i*cellHeight+k;

                if (pX >= reference.rows)

                for (int l = 0; l < cellWidth; ++l)
                    int pY = j*cellWidth+l;

                    if (pY >= reference.cols)

                    cv::Mat ptSrc(3,1,CV_64F,1.0);
                    ptSrc.at<double>(0,0) = pY;
                    ptSrc.at<double>(1,0) = pX;

                    cv::Mat ptDst = (T*localHomographies[i*CY+j])*ptSrc;
                    ptDst /= ptDst.at<double>(2,0);

                    int hX = ptDst.at<double>(0,0);
                    int hY = ptDst.at<double>(1,0);

                    if (hX >= 0 && hX < canvasWidth && hY >= 0 && hY < canvasHeight)
                        result.at<cv::Vec3b>(hY,hX) = reference.at<cv::Vec3b>(pX,pY);

    cv::Mat half(result,cv::Rect(std::max(0,-minX),std::max(0,-minY),target.cols,target.rows));


    if (!imgC)
		// TODO: note, the constructor's input _should be_ the filepath not some name!
        imgC = QSharedPointer<nmc::DkImageContainer>(new nmc::DkImageContainer(QString("panoramic")));

	// TODO: add a useful edit name (e.g. Stitching) and remove the empty quote of filepath
    return  imgC;
Exemplo n.º 5
void DominanceLayout::layout(GraphAttributes &GA, const UpwardPlanRep &UPROrig)

	UpwardPlanRep UPR = UPROrig;

	//clear some data
	for(edge e : GA.constGraph().edges) {

	//compute and splite transitiv edges
	List<edge> splitMe;
	findTransitiveEdges(UPR, splitMe);

	for(edge eSplit : splitMe) {

	// set up first-/lastout, first-/lastin
	firstout.init(UPR, nullptr);
	lastout.init(UPR, nullptr);
	firstin.init(UPR, nullptr);
	lastin.init(UPR, nullptr);

	node s = UPR.getSuperSource();
	node t = UPR.getSuperSink();

	firstout[t] = lastout[t] = nullptr;
	firstin[s] = lastin[s] = nullptr;
	firstin[t] = lastin[t] =t->firstAdj()->theEdge();
	adjEntry adjRun = s->firstAdj();
	while (UPR.getEmbedding().rightFace(adjRun) != UPR.getEmbedding().externalFace()) {
		adjRun = adjRun->cyclicSucc();
	lastout[s] = adjRun->theEdge();
	firstout[s] = adjRun->cyclicSucc()->theEdge();

	for(node v : UPR.nodes) {
		if (v == t || v == s) continue;

		adjEntry adj = UPR.leftInEdge(v);
		firstin[v] = adj->theEdge();
		firstout[v] = adj->cyclicSucc()->theEdge();

		adjEntry adjRightIn = adj;
		while (adjRightIn->cyclicPred()->theEdge()->source() != v)
			adjRightIn = adjRightIn->cyclicPred();

		lastin[v] = adjRightIn->theEdge();
		lastout[v] = adjRightIn->cyclicPred()->theEdge();

	//compute m_L and m_R for min. area drawing
	m_L = 0;
	m_R = 0;
	for(edge e : UPR.edges) {
		node src = e->source();
		node tgt = e->target();
		if (lastin[tgt] == e && firstout[src] == e)
		if (firstin[tgt] == e && lastout[src] == e)

	// compute preleminary coordinate
	int count = 0;
	labelX(UPR, s, count);
	count = 0;
	labelY(UPR, s, count);

	// compaction
	compact(UPR, GA);

	// map coordinate to GA
	for(node v : GA.constGraph().nodes) {
		node vUPR = UPR.copy(v);
		GA.x(v) = xCoord[vUPR];
		GA.y(v) = yCoord[vUPR];
	// add bends to original edges
	for(edge e : GA.constGraph().edges) {
		const List<edge> &chain = UPR.chain(e);
		for(edge eChain : chain) {
			node tgtUPR = eChain->target();
			if (tgtUPR != chain.back()->target()) {
				DPoint p(xCoord[tgtUPR], yCoord[tgtUPR]);

	//rotate the drawing
	for(node v : GA.constGraph().nodes) {
		double r = sqrt(GA.x(v)*GA.x(v) + GA.y(v)*GA.y(v));
		if (r == 0)
		double alpha = asin(GA.y(v)/r);
		double yNew = sin(alpha + m_angle)*r;
		double xNew = cos(alpha + m_angle)*r;
		GA.x(v) = xNew;
		GA.y(v) = yNew;

	for(edge e : GA.constGraph().edges) {
		DPolyline &poly = GA.bends(e);
		DPoint pSrc(GA.x(e->source()), GA.y(e->source()));
		DPoint pTgt(GA.x(e->target()), GA.y(e->target()));
		poly.normalize(pSrc, pTgt);

		for(DPoint &p : poly) {
			double r = p.distance(DPoint(0,0));

			if (r == 0)

			double alpha = asin( p.m_y/r);
			double yNew = sin(alpha + m_angle)*r;
			double xNew = cos(alpha + m_angle)*r;
			p.m_x = xNew;
			p.m_y = yNew;
