Exemplo n.º 1
// Function:    FloatType::decode
///\brief       Returns an FloatType object via DataType* by decoding the
///             binary object description of this type.
///\exception   H5::DataTypeIException
// Programmer   Binh-Minh Ribler - Aug 2017
DataType* FloatType::decode() const
    hid_t encoded_flttype_id = H5I_INVALID_HID;
    try {
        encoded_flttype_id = p_decode();
    catch (DataTypeIException &err) {
    FloatType *encoded_flttype = new FloatType;
Exemplo n.º 2
int XP3SaveResource (
        const HANDLE hFile,
        std::vector<file_entry>& Entry,
        const char *game,
        const wchar_t *cur_dir
    _XOR_DECODE p_decode = (_XOR_DECODE)0x80000000;
    DWORD R, game_idx, offset_hi, cnt_savefile = 0;

    if (!strcmp(game, unencry_game))    // 决定解密使用的函数
        p_decode = 0;
    else for (int i=0; i<sizeof(simple_xor_game)/sizeof(simple_xor_game[0]); ++i)
        if (!strcmp(game, simple_xor_game[i].name))
            p_decode = simple_xor_game[i].p_decode;
            game_idx = i;

    for each(file_entry fe in Entry)
        DWORD file_pkg_len = 0;
        DWORD file_org_len = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<fe.part; ++i)
            file_pkg_len += (DWORD)fe.info[i].pkg_length;
            file_org_len += (DWORD)fe.info[i].orig_length;

        DWORD file_read = 0;
        PBYTE cipher = (PBYTE)VirtualAlloc(NULL, file_pkg_len, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);

        for (int i=0; i<fe.part; ++i)
            offset_hi = (DWORD)(fe.info[i].offset >> 32);
            SetFilePointer(hFile, (DWORD)fe.info[i].offset, (PLONG)&offset_hi, FILE_BEGIN);
            ReadFile(hFile, cipher + file_read, (DWORD)fe.info[i].pkg_length, &R, NULL);
            file_read += (DWORD)fe.info[i].pkg_length;

        PBYTE unpack = (PBYTE)VirtualAlloc(NULL, file_org_len, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
        DWORD unpack_len = (DWORD)file_org_len;
        DWORD unpack_offset = 0;

        if (fe.info[0].compress_flag)
            unCom(unpack, &unpack_len, cipher, file_pkg_len);
            memcpy(unpack, cipher, file_org_len);

        do {
            if (!p_decode) break;
            else if (p_decode == (_XOR_DECODE)0x80000000)
                xp3filter_decode(const_cast<char*>(game), fe.file_name, unpack, file_org_len, unpack_offset, file_org_len, fe.checksum);
                p_decode(fe.checksum, simple_xor_game[game_idx].extend_key, simple_xor_game[game_idx].offset, unpack, file_org_len);


        if (!SplitFileNameAndSave(cur_dir, fe.file_name, unpack, file_org_len))

        VirtualFree(unpack, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
        VirtualFree(cipher, 0, MEM_RELEASE);