Exemplo n.º 1
 * Move player in the given direction, with the given "pickup" flag.
 * This routine should only be called when energy has been expended.
 * Note that this routine handles monsters in the destination grid,
 * and also handles attempting to move into walls/doors/etc.
void move_player(int dir)
    int py = p_ptr->py;
    int px = p_ptr->px;

    byte str_escape, dex_escape;

    /* Permit the player to move? */
    bool can_move = FALSE;

    /* Player is jumping off a cliff */
    bool falling = FALSE;

    /* Player hits a trap (always unless flying) */
    bool trapped = TRUE;

    int temp;
    int y, x;

    /* Find the result of moving */
    y = py + ddy[dir];
    x = px + ddx[dir];

    /* Hack -- attack monsters */
    if (cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0) {
	/* Attack */
	if (py_attack(y, x, TRUE))

    /* It takes some dexterity, or failing that strength, to get out of pits */
    if (cave_feat[p_ptr->py][p_ptr->px] == (FEAT_TRAP_HEAD + 0x01)) {
	str_escape = adj_dex_dis[p_ptr->state.stat_ind[A_STR]];
	dex_escape = adj_dex_dis[p_ptr->state.stat_ind[A_DEX]];

	/* First attempt to leap out of the pit, */
	if ((dex_escape + 1) * 2 < randint1(16)) {
	    /* then attempt to climb out of the pit. */
	    if (str_escape + 3 < randint1(16)) {
		/* Failure costs a turn. */
		msg_print("You remain stuck in the pit.");
	    } else
		msg_print("You clamber out of the pit.");
	} else
	    msg_print("You leap out of the pit.");

    /* Option to disarm a visible trap. -TNB- */
    /* Hack - Rogues can walk over their own trap - BR */
    if (OPT(easy_alter) && (cave_feat[y][x] >= FEAT_TRAP_HEAD)
	&& (cave_feat[y][x] <= FEAT_TRAP_TAIL)) 
	bool more = FALSE;
	/* Auto-repeat if not already repeating */
	if (cmd_get_nrepeats() == 0)
	more = do_cmd_disarm_aux(y, x);

	/* Cancel repeat unless we may continue */
	if (!more)
	    disturb(0, 0);

    /* Some terrain is impassable for the player, such as stone walls. */
    else if (!cave_passable_bold(y, x)) {
	/* Disturb the player */
	disturb(0, 0);

	/* Notice unknown obstacles */
	if (!(cave_info[y][x] & (CAVE_MARK))) {
	    /* Closed door */
	    if (cave_feat[y][x] < FEAT_SECRET) {
		message(MSG_HITWALL, 0, "You feel a door blocking your way.");
		cave_info[y][x] |= (CAVE_MARK);
		light_spot(y, x);

	    /* Wall (or secret door) */
	    else {
		message(MSG_HITWALL, 0, "You feel a wall blocking your way.");
		cave_info[y][x] |= (CAVE_MARK);
		light_spot(y, x);

	/* Mention known obstacles */
	else {
	    /* Closed door */
	    if (cave_feat[y][x] < FEAT_SECRET) {
		/* Option to automatically open doors. -TNB- */
		if (OPT(easy_alter)) {
		    bool more = FALSE;

		    /* Auto-repeat if not already repeating */
		    if (cmd_get_nrepeats() == 0)
		    /* Open the door */
		    more = do_cmd_open_aux(y, x);
		    /* Cancel repeat unless we may continue */
		    if (!more)
			disturb(0, 0);
		/* Otherwise, a message. */
		message(MSG_HITWALL, 0, "There is a door blocking your way.");

	    /* Wall (or secret door) */
	    else {
		message(MSG_HITWALL, 0, "There is a wall blocking your way.");

	/* Sound */

    /* Normal movement */
	/*** Handle traversable terrain.  ***/
	switch (cave_feat[y][x]) {
		/* Dwarves move easily through rubble */
		if (player_has(PF_DWARVEN))
		    can_move = TRUE;

		/* Bats, dragons can fly */
		else if ((p_ptr->schange == SHAPE_BAT)
			 || (p_ptr->schange == SHAPE_WYRM))
		    can_move = TRUE;

		else if (player_is_crossing == dir)
		    can_move = TRUE;
		    player_is_crossing = 0;
		    player_is_crossing = dir;

	case FEAT_TREE:
	case FEAT_TREE2:
		/* Druids, rangers, elves and ents (SJGU) slip easily under
		 * trees */
		if (((player_has(PF_WOODSMAN)) || (player_has(PF_ELVEN)))
		    || (player_has(PF_WOODEN)))
		    can_move = TRUE;

		/* Bats, dragons can fly */
		else if ((p_ptr->schange == SHAPE_BAT)
			 || (p_ptr->schange == SHAPE_WYRM))
		    can_move = TRUE;

		/* Allow movement only if partway through already. */
		else if (player_is_crossing == dir)
		    can_move = TRUE;
		    player_is_crossing = 0;
		    player_is_crossing = dir;
	case FEAT_WATER:	/* Water now slows rather than stopping -NRM- */
		/* Stop any run. */
		disturb(0, 0);

		can_move = TRUE;

		/* Speed will need updating */
		p_ptr->update |= PU_BONUS;

	case FEAT_LAVA:
		/* Assume player will continue. */
		temp = TRUE;

		/* Smart enough to stop running. */
		if (p_ptr->running) {
		    if (!get_check("Lava blocks your path.  Step into it? ")) {
			temp = FALSE;
			p_ptr->running = 0;

		/* Smart enough to sense trouble. */
		else if ((!p_resist_pos(P_RES_FIRE))
			 || (!p_resist_strong(P_RES_FIRE)
			     && (p_ptr->chp <= 100))
			 || (!p_immune(P_RES_FIRE) && (p_ptr->chp <= 30))) {
		    if (!get_check
			("The heat of the lava scalds you! Really enter? ")) {
			temp = FALSE;

		/* Enter if OK or confirmed. */
		if (temp) {
		    /* Can always cross. */
		    can_move = TRUE;

		    /* Feather fall makes one lightfooted. */
		    if (p_ptr->state.ffall) {
			notice_obj(OF_FEATHER, 0);
			temp = 49 + randint1(51);
		    } else
			temp = 124 + randint1(126);

		    /* Will take serious fire damage. */
		    fire_dam(temp, "burnt to a cinder in molten lava");
	case FEAT_VOID:
		/* Bats, dragons can fly */
		if ((p_ptr->schange == SHAPE_BAT)
		    || (p_ptr->schange == SHAPE_WYRM))
		    can_move = TRUE;
		else {
		    /* Assume player will continue. */
		    temp = TRUE;

		    /* Smart enough to stop running. */
		    if (p_ptr->running) {
			if (!get_check
			    ("You have come to a cliff.  Step off it? ")) {
			    temp = FALSE;
			    p_ptr->running = 0;

		    /* Smart enough to sense trouble. */
		    else if (!p_ptr->timed[TMD_BLIND]) {
			if (!get_check("It's a cliff! Really step off it? ")) {
			    temp = FALSE;

		    /* Step off if confirmed. */
		    if (temp) {
			/* Can always jump. */
			can_move = TRUE;

			/* Will take serious damage. */
			falling = TRUE;
		/* All other terrain can be traversed normally. */
		can_move = TRUE;

	/* If the player can move, handle various things. */
	if (can_move) {
	    /* Move player */
	    monster_swap(py, px, y, x);

	    /* Update speed if stepping out of water */
	    if (cave_feat[py][px] == FEAT_WATER)
		p_ptr->update |= PU_BONUS;

	    /* Update stealth for Unlight */
	    if (player_has(PF_UNLIGHT))
		p_ptr->update |= PU_BONUS;

	    /* Superstealth for ents in trees SJGU */
	    if ((player_has(PF_WOODEN))
		 (f_info[cave_feat[p_ptr->py][p_ptr->px]].flags, TF_TREE))) {
		if (!(tf_has(f_info[cave_feat[py][px]].flags, TF_TREE))
		    || !(p_ptr->timed[TMD_SSTEALTH])) {
		    (void) inc_timed(TMD_SSTEALTH, 1, FALSE);
		    p_ptr->update |= (PU_BONUS);
	    } else if ((player_has(PF_WOODEN))
		       && (tf_has(f_info[cave_feat[py][px]].flags, TF_TREE))) {
		if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_SSTEALTH]) {
		    (void) dec_timed(TMD_SSTEALTH, 1, FALSE);
		    p_ptr->update |= (PU_BONUS);

	    /* New location */
	    y = py = p_ptr->py;
	    x = px = p_ptr->px;

	    /* No longer traversing. */
	    player_is_crossing = 0;

	    /* Fall off a cliff */
	    if (falling)

	    /* Spontaneous Searching */
	    if (p_ptr->state.skills[SKILL_SEARCH_FREQUENCY] > 49) {
		(void) search(FALSE);
	    } else if (0 == randint0(50 - p_ptr->state.skills[SKILL_SEARCH_FREQUENCY])) 
		(void) search(FALSE);

	    /* Continuous Searching */
	    if (p_ptr->searching) {
		(void) search(FALSE);

	    /* Handle "store doors" */
	    if ((cave_feat[y][x] >= FEAT_SHOP_HEAD)
		&& (cave_feat[y][x] <= FEAT_SHOP_TAIL)) {
		/* Disturb */
		disturb(0, 0);

	    /* All other grids (including traps) */
		/* Handle objects (later) */
		p_ptr->notice |= (PN_PICKUP);

	    /* Flying players have a chance to miss traps */
	    if ((p_ptr->schange == SHAPE_BAT) || (p_ptr->schange == SHAPE_WYRM)) {
		if (((cave_feat[y][x] == FEAT_INVIS)
		     || (cave_feat[y][x] == FEAT_GRASS_INVIS))
		    && (randint0(3) != 0))
		    trapped = FALSE;
		else if ((cave_feat[y][x] >= FEAT_TRAP_HEAD)
			 && (cave_feat[y][x] <= FEAT_TRAP_TAIL)
			 && (randint0(10) != 0))
		    trapped = FALSE;

	    /* Discover invisible traps */
	    else if (((cave_feat[y][x] == FEAT_INVIS)
		      || (cave_feat[y][x] == FEAT_GRASS_INVIS)
		      || (cave_feat[y][x] == FEAT_TREE_INVIS)
		      || (cave_feat[y][x] == FEAT_TREE2_INVIS)) && trapped) {
		/* Disturb */
		disturb(0, 0);

		/* Message */
		msg_print("You stumble upon a trap!");

		/* Pick a trap */
		pick_trap(y, x);

		/* Hit the floor trap. */
		hit_trap(y, x);

	    /* Set off a visible trap */
	    else if ((cave_feat[y][x] >= FEAT_TRAP_HEAD)
		     && (cave_feat[y][x] <= FEAT_TRAP_TAIL) && trapped) {
		/* Disturb */
		disturb(0, 0);

		/* Hit the floor trap. */
		hit_trap(y, x);

	    /* Walk on a monster trap */
	    else if ((cave_feat[y][x] >= FEAT_MTRAP_HEAD)
		     && (cave_feat[y][x] <= FEAT_MTRAP_TAIL)) {
		msg_print("You inspect your cunning trap.");
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Move player in the given direction, with the given "pickup" flag.
 * This routine should only be called when energy has been expended.
 * Note that this routine handles monsters in the destination grid,
 * and also handles attempting to move into walls/doors/etc.
void move_player(int dir, bool no_options)
	unsigned int py = p_ptr->py;
	unsigned int px = p_ptr->px;

	byte str_escape, dex_escape;

	/* Permit the player to move? */
	bool can_move = FALSE;

	/* Player is jumping off a cliff */
	bool falling = FALSE;

	/* Player hits a trap (always unless flying) */
	bool trapped = TRUE;
	/* Sliding on the ice */
	bool icy_slide = FALSE;

	int temp;
	unsigned int y, x;

	feature_type *f_ptr;

	/* Find the result of moving */
	y = py + ddy[dir];
	x = px + ddx[dir];
	f_ptr = &f_info[cave_feat[y][x]];

	/* Hack -- attack monsters */
	if (cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0) {
		/* Attack */
		if (py_attack(y, x, TRUE))

	/* It takes some dexterity, or failing that strength, to get out of pits */
	if (cave_feat[py][px] == FEAT_PIT) {
		str_escape = adj_dex_dis[p_ptr->state.stat_ind[A_STR]];
		dex_escape = adj_dex_dis[p_ptr->state.stat_ind[A_DEX]];

		/* First attempt to leap out of the pit, */
		if ((dex_escape + 1) * 2 < randint1(16)) {
			/* then attempt to climb out of the pit. */
			if (str_escape + 3 < randint1(16)) {
				/* Failure costs a turn. */
				msg("You remain stuck in the pit.");
				/* Failure clears movement */
				p_ptr->previous_action[0] = ACTION_NOTHING;
			} else
				msg("You clamber out of the pit.");
		} else
			msg("You leap out of the pit.");

	/* Rooted players cannot move */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_ROOT])
		can_move = FALSE;
		msg("You are rooted to the ground and can't move.");
		/* Prevent repeated attempts */
		disturb(0, 0);
	/* Option to disarm a visible trap. -TNB- */
	/* Hack - Rogues can walk over their own trap - BR */
	else if (cave_visible_trap(y, x) && cave_player_trap(y, x)
			&& OPT(easy_alter)) {
		bool more = FALSE;
		/* Auto-repeat if not already repeating */
		if (cmd_get_nrepeats() == 0)

		more = do_cmd_disarm_aux(y, x);

		/* Cancel repeat unless we may continue */
		if (!more)
			disturb(0, 0);

	/* Some terrain is impassable for the player, such as stone walls. */
	else if (!tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_PASSABLE)) {
		/* Disturb the player */
		disturb(0, 0);

		/* Notice unknown obstacles */
		if (!sqinfo_has(cave_info[y][x], SQUARE_MARK)) {
			/* Closed door */
			if (tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_DOOR_CLOSED)) {
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "You feel a door blocking your way.");
				sqinfo_on(cave_info[y][x], SQUARE_MARK);
				light_spot(y, x);

			/* Wall (or secret door) */
			else {
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "You feel a wall blocking your way.");
				sqinfo_on(cave_info[y][x], SQUARE_MARK);
				light_spot(y, x);

		/* Mention known obstacles */
		else {
			/* Closed door */
			if (tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_DOOR_CLOSED)) {
				/* Option to automatically open doors. -TNB- */
				if (OPT(easy_alter)) {
					bool more = FALSE;

					/* Auto-repeat if not already repeating */
					if (cmd_get_nrepeats() == 0)

					/* Open the door */
					more = do_cmd_open_aux(y, x);

					/* Cancel repeat unless we may continue */
					if (!more)
						disturb(0, 0);
					/* Clear action list */
					p_ptr->previous_action[0] = ACTION_NOTHING;

				/* Otherwise, a message. */
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "There is a door blocking your way.");

			/* Wall (or secret door) */
			else {
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "There is a wall blocking your way.");

		/* Sound */

	/* Normal movement */
	else {
		/* Assume terrain can be traversed normally. */
		can_move = TRUE;

		/* Terrain blocked by a friendly monster */
		if (cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0)
		    monster_type *n_ptr = & m_list[cave_m_idx[y][x]];
		    /* Push monster if it doesn't have a target and hasn't been pushed.
			 * This allows the player to move into a corridor with a monster in
			 * front of him, and have the monster move ahead, if it is faster. If its
			 * not faster, the player will push over it on the second move, as the push
			 * flag below will have been set. */
			 if(((n_ptr->mflag & MFLAG_PUSH) == 0) && !(n_ptr->ty) && !(n_ptr->tx) && push_aside_player(p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, n_ptr))
			     int dy = n_ptr->fy - y;
			     int dx = n_ptr->fx - x;
			     unsigned int count = 0;
			     n_ptr->ty = n_ptr->fy;
			     n_ptr->tx = n_ptr->fx;
			     /* Hack -- get new target as far as the monster can move in the direction
				 * pushed. We do this with a walking stick approach to prevent us getting
				 * invalid target locations like (0,0) */
				while (in_bounds_fully(n_ptr->ty + dy, n_ptr->tx + dx)
						&& cave_exist_mon(&r_info[n_ptr->r_idx], n_ptr->ty + dy, n_ptr->tx + dx, TRUE)
						&& (count++ < (MAX_SIGHT / 2)))
					n_ptr->ty = n_ptr->ty + dy;
					n_ptr->tx = n_ptr->tx + dx;

				/* Clear target if none available */
				if ((n_ptr->ty == n_ptr->fy) && (n_ptr->tx == n_ptr->fx))
					n_ptr->ty = 0;
					n_ptr->tx = 0;

			/* The other monster cannot switch places */
			else if (!cave_exist_mon(&r_info[n_ptr->r_idx], p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, TRUE))
				/* Try to push it aside. Allow aborting of move if an ally */
				if ((!push_aside_player(p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, n_ptr)) && (get_reaction(F_PLAYER, n_ptr->faction) <= REACT_FRIEND))
					/* No warning if sliding */
					if (no_options)	{}
					/* Don't provide more warning */
					else if (!get_check("Are you sure?")) 
					    temp = FALSE;
					    p_ptr->running = 0;
					    can_move = FALSE;

			/* Hack -- we clear the target if we move over a monster */
				n_ptr->ty = 0;
				n_ptr->tx = 0;

			/* Mark monsters as pushed */
			n_ptr->mflag |= (MFLAG_PUSH);
        /*** Handle traversable terrain.  ***/
		if (tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_ROCK)) {
			/* Dwarves move easily through rubble */
			if (player_has(PF_DWARVEN))
				can_move = TRUE;

			/* Bats, dragons can fly */
			else if ((p_ptr->schange == SHAPE_BAT)
					 || (p_ptr->schange == SHAPE_WYRM))
				can_move = TRUE;

			/* Require more energy */
			else {
				can_move = TRUE;
				p_ptr->energy_use += 100;

		if (tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_TREE)) {
			/* Druids, rangers, Plant Cutie Marks slip easily under
			 * trees */
			if ((player_has(PF_WOODSMAN)) || (player_has(PF_PLANT_FRIEND)))
				can_move = TRUE;

			/* Bats, dragons can fly */
			else if ((p_ptr->schange == SHAPE_BAT)
					 || (p_ptr->schange == SHAPE_WYRM))
				can_move = TRUE;

			/* Require more energy */
			else {
				can_move = TRUE;
				p_ptr->energy_use += 100;

		/* Water now slows rather than stopping -NRM- */
		if (tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_WATERY)) {
			/* Stop any run. */
			disturb(0, 0);

			can_move = TRUE;

			/* Speed will need updating */
			p_ptr->update |= PU_BONUS;
		/* Walking on to ice can cause you to slide an additional square. */
		if (tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_ICY)) {
			/* Stop any run */
			disturb(0, 0);
			can_move = TRUE;
			/* Slide is less likely with Cold Resist. Never slide with Levitation */
			if (!p_ptr->state.ffall && ((!p_immune(P_RES_COLD)) && (randint1((p_resist_pos(P_RES_COLD) || p_resist_strong(P_RES_COLD)) ? 2 : 4) != 1)))
			    icy_slide = TRUE;
			/* Speed will need updating */
			p_ptr->update |= PU_BONUS;

		if (tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_FIERY)) {
			/* Assume player will continue. */
			temp = TRUE;

			/* Smart enough to stop running. */
			if (p_ptr->running) {
				/* Ice keeps sliding */
				if (no_options) {}
				else if (!get_check("Lava blocks your path.  Step into it? ")) {
					temp = FALSE;
					p_ptr->running = 0;

			/* Smart enough to sense trouble. */
			else if ((!p_resist_pos(P_RES_FIRE))
					 || (!p_resist_strong(P_RES_FIRE)
						 && (p_ptr->chp <= 100))
					 || (!p_immune(P_RES_FIRE) && (p_ptr->chp <= 30))) {
				/* Sliding continues regardless */
				if (no_options) {}
				else if (!get_check
					("The heat of the lava scalds you! Really enter? ")) {
					temp = FALSE;

			/* Enter if OK or confirmed. */
			if (temp) {
				/* Can always cross. */
				can_move = TRUE;

				/* Feather fall makes one lightfooted. */
				if (p_ptr->state.ffall) {
					notice_obj(OF_FEATHER, 0);
					temp = 49 + randint1(51);
				} else
					temp = 124 + randint1(126);

				/* Will take serious fire damage. */
				fire_dam(temp, "burnt to a cinder in molten lava", SOURCE_ENVIRONMENTAL);
				/* Player refuse to go. */
				can_move = FALSE;
		if (tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_BURNING))
            /* Assume player will continue */
            temp = TRUE;
            /* Smart enough to stop running */
            if (p_ptr->running)
            	if (no_options) {}
				else if (!get_check("Your path is block by a burning tree. Step into it? "))
            		temp = FALSE;
            		p_ptr->running = 9;
            /* Smart enough to sense trouble */
            else if ((!p_resist_pos(P_RES_FIRE))
					 || (!p_resist_strong(P_RES_FIRE)
						 && (p_ptr->chp <= 100))
					 || (!p_immune(P_RES_FIRE) && (p_ptr->chp <= 30))) {
				if (no_options) {}
				else if (!get_check
					("The heat of the fire burns you! Really enter? ")) {
					temp = FALSE;

			/* Enter if OK or confirmed. */
			if (temp) {
				/* Can always cross. */
				can_move = TRUE;

				/* Take light damage from the fire */
				temp = 49 + randint1(51);

				/* Will take serious fire damage. */
				fire_dam(temp, "burnt to death in a fire.", SOURCE_ENVIRONMENTAL);
				/* Player refuse to go. */
				can_move = FALSE;

		if (tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_FALL)) {
			/* Bats, dragons can fly */
			if (!(p_ptr->schange == SHAPE_BAT) &&
				!(p_ptr->schange == SHAPE_WYRM)) {
				/* Assume player will continue. */
				temp = TRUE;

				/* Smart enough to stop running. */
				if (p_ptr->running) {
					if (no_options) {}
					else if (!get_check
						("You have come to a cliff.  Step off it? ")) {
						can_move = FALSE;
						temp = FALSE;
						p_ptr->running = 0;

				/* Smart enough to sense trouble. */
				else if (!p_ptr->timed[TMD_BLIND]) {
					if (no_options) {}
					else if (!get_check("It's a cliff! Really step off it? ")) {
						can_move = FALSE;
						temp = FALSE;

				/* Step off if confirmed. */
				if (temp) {
					/* Will take serious damage. */
					falling = TRUE;

	/* If the player can move, handle various things. */
	if (can_move) {
		/* Move player */
		monster_swap(py, px, y, x);

		/* Update speed if stepping out of water */
		if (tf_has(f_info[cave_feat[py][px]].flags, TF_WATERY))
			p_ptr->update |= PU_BONUS;

		/* Update stealth for Unlight */
		if (player_has(PF_UNLIGHT))
			p_ptr->update |= PU_BONUS;

		/* Update speed for Plant cutie mark woodspersons */
		if (player_has(PF_WOODSMAN) && player_has(PF_PLANT_FRIEND))
			p_ptr->update |= PU_BONUS;

		/* New location */
		y = py = p_ptr->py;
		x = px = p_ptr->px;
		f_ptr = &f_info[cave_feat[y][x]];

		/* Fall off a cliff */
		if (falling)
        /* Sliding on ice prevents searching */
        if (!icy_slide)
			/* Spontaneous Searching */
			if (p_ptr->state.skills[SKILL_SEARCH_FREQUENCY] > 49) {
				(void) search(FALSE);
			} else if (0 ==
					   randint0(50 -
								p_ptr->state.skills[SKILL_SEARCH_FREQUENCY])) {
				(void) search(FALSE);
			/* Continuous Searching */
			if (p_ptr->searching) {
				(void) search(FALSE);

		/* Handle "store doors" */
		if (tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_SHOP)) {
			/* Disturb */
			disturb(0, 0);

		/* All other grids (including traps) */
		else {
			/* Handle objects (later) */
			p_ptr->notice |= (PN_PICKUP);

		/* Flying players have a chance to miss traps */
		if ((p_ptr->schange == SHAPE_BAT)
			|| (p_ptr->schange == SHAPE_WYRM)) {
			if (cave_invisible_trap(y, x) && cave_player_trap(y, x)
				&& (randint0(3) != 0))
				trapped = FALSE;
			else if (cave_visible_trap(y, x) && cave_player_trap(y, x) &&
					 (randint0(10) != 0))
				trapped = FALSE;

		/* Discover invisible traps */
		if (cave_invisible_trap(y, x) && trapped) {
			/* Disturb */
			disturb(0, 0);

			/* Hit the trap. */
			hit_trap(y, x);

		/* Set off a visible trap */
		else if (cave_visible_trap(y, x) && cave_player_trap(y, x) &&
				 trapped) {
			/* Disturb */
			disturb(0, 0);

			/* Hit the trap. */
			hit_trap(y, x);

		/* Walk on a monster trap */
		else if (cave_monster_trap(y, x)) {
			msg("You inspect your cunning trap.");
		/* Slide an additional square on the ice */
		if (icy_slide)
		    move_player(dir, TRUE);