Exemplo n.º 1
void DebugTools::sendPacket()
    if(ui->packetLineEdit->text().length() == 0)

    QString packet = ui->packetLineEdit->text();

    emit packetSent( packet.toLatin1() );

    if(ui->historyListWidget->count() > 0)
        if(ui->historyListWidget->item( ui->historyListWidget->count()-1 )->text() != ui->packetLineEdit->text())
            ui->historyListWidget->addItem( ui->packetLineEdit->text() );
        ui->historyListWidget->addItem( ui->packetLineEdit->text() );

    ui->historyListWidget->setCurrentRow( ui->historyListWidget->count()-1 );


void PersistentConnection::init() {

    setWindowTitle("TCP://"+sendPacket.toIP + ":" + QString::number(sendPacket.port));

    thread = new TCPThread(sendPacket, this);

    QDEBUG() << ": thread Connection attempt " <<
             connect ( this , SIGNAL ( persistentPacketSend(Packet) ) , thread, SLOT ( sendPersistant(Packet) ) )
             << connect ( this , SIGNAL ( closeConnection() ) , thread, SLOT ( closeConnection() ) )
             << connect ( thread , SIGNAL ( connectStatus(QString) ) , this, SLOT ( statusReceiver(QString) ) )
             << connect ( thread , SIGNAL ( packetSent(Packet)), this, SLOT(packetSentSlot(Packet)));




Exemplo n.º 3
void OctreeQueryNode::packetSent(unsigned char* packet, int packetLength) {
    packetSent(QByteArray((char*)packet, packetLength));
Exemplo n.º 4
void OctreeQueryNode::octreePacketSent() {
    packetSent(_octreePacket, getPacketLength());
Exemplo n.º 5
// We may be called more frequently than we get packets or need to send packets, we may also get called less frequently.
// If we're called more often then out target PPS then we will space out our actual sends to be a single packet for multiple
// calls to process. Those calls to proces in which we do not need to send a packet to keep up with our target PPS we will
// just track our call rate (in order to predict our sends per call) but we won't actually send any packets.
// When we are called less frequently than we have packets to send, we will send enough packets per call to keep up with our
// target PPS.
// We also keep a running total of packets sent over multiple calls to process() so that we can adjust up or down for
// possible rounding error that would occur if we only considered whole integer packet counts per call to process
bool PacketSender::nonThreadedProcess() {
    quint64 now = usecTimestampNow();

    if (_lastProcessCallTime == 0) {
        _lastProcessCallTime = now - _usecsPerProcessCallHint;

    const quint64 MINIMUM_POSSIBLE_CALL_TIME = 10; // in usecs
    const quint64 USECS_PER_SECOND = 1000 * 1000;
    const float ZERO_RESET_CALLS_PER_SECOND = 1; // used in guard against divide by zero

    // keep track of our process call times, so we have a reliable account of how often our caller calls us
    quint64 elapsedSinceLastCall = now - _lastProcessCallTime;
    _lastProcessCallTime = now;

    float averageCallTime = 0;
    if (_usecsPerProcessCallHint == 0 || _averageProcessCallTime.getSampleCount() > TRUST_AVERAGE_AFTER) {
        averageCallTime = _averageProcessCallTime.getAverage();
    } else {
        averageCallTime = _usecsPerProcessCallHint;

    if (_packets.size() == 0) {
        // in non-threaded mode, if there's nothing to do, just return, keep running till they terminate us
        return isStillRunning();

    // This only happens once, the first time we get this far... so we can use it as an accurate initialization
    // point for these important timing variables
    if (_lastPPSCheck == 0) {
        _lastPPSCheck = now;
        // pretend like our lifetime began once call cycle for now, this makes our lifetime PPS start out most accurately
        _started = now - (quint64)averageCallTime;

    float averagePacketsPerCall = 0;  // might be less than 1, if our caller calls us more frequently than the target PPS
    int packetsSentThisCall = 0;
    int packetsToSendThisCall = 0;

    // Since we're in non-threaded mode, we need to determine how many packets to send per call to process
    // based on how often we get called... We do this by keeping a running average of our call times, and we determine
    // how many packets to send per call

    // We assume you can't possibly call us less than MINIMUM_POSSIBLE_CALL_TIME apart
    if (averageCallTime <= 0) {
        averageCallTime = MINIMUM_POSSIBLE_CALL_TIME;

    // we can determine how many packets we need to send per call to achieve our desired
    // packets per second send rate.
    float callsPerSecond = USECS_PER_SECOND / averageCallTime;

    // theoretically we could get called less than 1 time per second... but since we're using floats, it really shouldn't be
    // possible to get 0 calls per second, but we will guard agains that here, just in case.
    if (callsPerSecond == 0) {
        callsPerSecond = ZERO_RESET_CALLS_PER_SECOND;

    // This is the average number of packets per call...
    averagePacketsPerCall = _packetsPerSecond / callsPerSecond;
    packetsToSendThisCall = averagePacketsPerCall;

    // if we get called more than 1 per second, we want to mostly divide the packets evenly across the calls...
    // but we want to track the remainder and make sure over the course of a second, we are sending the target PPS
    // e.g.
    //     200pps called 60 times per second...
    //     200/60 = 3.333... so really...
    //     each call we should send 3
    //     every 3rd call we should send 4...
    //     3,3,4,3,3,4...3,3,4 = 200...

    // if we get called less than 1 per second, then we want to send more than our PPS each time...
    // e.g.
    //     200pps called ever 1332.5ms
    //     200 / (1000/1332.5) = 200/(0.7505) = 266.5 packets per call
    //     so...
    //        every other call we should send 266 packets
    //        then on the next call we should send 267 packets

    // So no mater whether or not we're getting called more or less than once per second, we still need to do some bookkeeping
    // to make sure we send a few extra packets to even out our flow rate.
    quint64 elapsedSinceLastCheck = now - _lastPPSCheck;

    // we might want to tun this in the future and only check after a certain number of call intervals. for now we check
    // each time and adjust accordingly
    const float CALL_INTERVALS_TO_CHECK = 1;
    const float MIN_CALL_INTERVALS_PER_RESET = 5;

    // we will reset our check PPS and time each second (callsPerSecond) or at least 5 calls (if we get called less frequently
    // than 5 times per second) This gives us sufficient smoothing in our packet adjustments
    float callIntervalsPerReset = std::max(callsPerSecond, MIN_CALL_INTERVALS_PER_RESET);

    if  (elapsedSinceLastCheck > (averageCallTime * CALL_INTERVALS_TO_CHECK)) {
        float ppsOverCheckInterval = (float)_packetsOverCheckInterval;
        float ppsExpectedForCheckInterval = (float)_packetsPerSecond * ((float)elapsedSinceLastCheck / (float)USECS_PER_SECOND);

        if (ppsOverCheckInterval < ppsExpectedForCheckInterval) {
            int adjust = ppsExpectedForCheckInterval - ppsOverCheckInterval;
            packetsToSendThisCall += adjust;
        } else if (ppsOverCheckInterval > ppsExpectedForCheckInterval) {
            int adjust = ppsOverCheckInterval - ppsExpectedForCheckInterval;
            packetsToSendThisCall -= adjust;

        // now, do we want to reset the check interval? don't want to completely reset, because we would still have
        // a rounding error. instead, we check to see that we've passed the reset interval (which is much larger than
        // the check interval), and on those reset intervals we take the second half average and keep that for the next
        // interval window...
        if (elapsedSinceLastCheck > (averageCallTime * callIntervalsPerReset)) {
            // Keep average packets and time for "second half" of check interval
            _lastPPSCheck += (elapsedSinceLastCheck / 2);
            _packetsOverCheckInterval = (_packetsOverCheckInterval / 2);

            elapsedSinceLastCheck = now - _lastPPSCheck;

    auto packetsLeft = _packets.size();

    // Now that we know how many packets to send this call to process, just send them.
    while ((packetsSentThisCall < packetsToSendThisCall) && (packetsLeft > 0)) {

        NodePacketPair packetPair = std::move(_packets.front());
        packetsLeft = _packets.size();


        // send the packet through the NodeList...
        DependencyManager::get<NodeList>()->sendUnreliablePacket(*packetPair.second, *packetPair.first);


        int packetSize = packetPair.second->getDataSize();

        _totalBytesSent += packetSize;
        emit packetSent(packetSize);

        _lastSendTime = now;
    return isStillRunning();