Exemplo n.º 1
void CHexViewView::OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar *pScrollBar) {
  m_shift = shiftKeyPressed();
  switch(nSBCode) {
  case SB_TOP           :
    setLineOffset(0, false).setCaretX(0);
  case SB_BOTTOM        :
    setLineOffset(m_maxLineOffset, false).setCaretX(m_maxCaret.x);
  case SB_ENDSCROLL     :                     break;
  case SB_LINELEFT      : scrollHorz(-1);     break;
  case SB_LINERIGHT     : scrollHorz( 1);     break;
  case SB_PAGELEFT      : pageLeft(m_shift);  break;
  case SB_PAGERIGHT     : pageRight(m_shift); break;
  case SB_THUMBPOSITION :                     break;
  case SB_THUMBTRACK    :
    { // Dont use parameter nPos as it is only 16-bits int
      SCROLLINFO scrollInfo;
      if(scrollInfo.nTrackPos >= 0 && scrollInfo.nTrackPos <= m_maxLineOffset) {
Exemplo n.º 2
void Desktopwidget::pageLeft (void)
   QModelIndex ind = _view->getSelectedItem ();

   if (ind.isValid ())
      pageLeft (ind);
      _view->scrollTo (ind);
Exemplo n.º 3
void Desktopwidget::slotItemClicked (const QModelIndex &index, int which)
   QAbstractItemModel *model = (QAbstractItemModel *)index.model ();
   bool changed = false;

   if (index != QModelIndex ())
      switch (which)
         case Desktopdelegate::Point_left : // left
            pageLeft (index);
            changed = true;

         case Desktopdelegate::Point_right : // right
            pageRight (index);
            changed = true;

         case Desktopdelegate::Point_page : // page button
            int pagenum = model->data (index, Desktopmodel::Role_pagenum).toInt ();
            int pagecount = model->data (index, Desktopmodel::Role_pagecount).toInt ();
            int num;
            bool ok;

            num = QInputDialog::getInt (this, "Select page number", "Page",
                       pagenum + 1, 1, pagecount, 1, &ok);
            if (ok)
               QVariant v = num - 1;

               model->setData (index, v, Desktopmodel::Role_pagenum);
               changed = true;

         default :

      if (changed)
         QString str = index.model ()->data (index, Desktopmodel::Role_message).toString ();
         emit newContents (str);
Exemplo n.º 4
QWidget *Desktopwidget::createToolbar(void)
   QWidget *group = new QWidget (this);

   //TODO: Move this to use the designer
   /* create the desktop toolbar. We are doing this manually since we can't
      seem to get Qt to insert a QLineEdit into a toolbar */
   _toolbar = new QToolBar (group);
//   _toolbar = new QWidget (group);
//   _toolbar = group;
   addAction (_actionPprev, "Previous page", SLOT(pageLeft ()), "", _toolbar, "pprev.xpm");
   addAction (_actionPprev, "Next page", SLOT(pageRight ()), "", _toolbar, "pnext.xpm");
   addAction (_actionPprev, "Previous stack", SLOT(stackLeft ()), "", _toolbar, "prev.xpm");
   addAction (_actionPprev, "Next stack", SLOT(stackRight ()), "", _toolbar, "next.xpm");

   QWidget *findgroup = new QWidget (_toolbar);

   QHBoxLayout *hboxLayout2 = new QHBoxLayout();
   hboxLayout2->setContentsMargins (0, 0, 0, 0);
   findgroup->setLayout (hboxLayout2);

   QLabel *label = new QLabel (findgroup);
   label->setText(QApplication::translate("Mainwindow", "Filter:", 0));


   _match = new QLineEdit (findgroup);
   _match->setObjectName ("match");
   QSizePolicy sizePolicy2(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
   _match->setMinimumSize(QSize(50, 0));

   connect (_match, SIGNAL (returnPressed()),
        this, SLOT (matchUpdate ()));
   connect (_match, SIGNAL (textChanged(const QString&)),
        this, SLOT (matchChange (const QString &)));
   //_reset_filter = new QAction (this);
   //_reset_filter->setShortcut (Qt::Key_Escape);
   //connect (_reset_filter, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SLOT (resetFilter()));
   //_match->addAction (_reset_filter);
   //_match->installEventFilter (this);

   // When ESC is pressed, clear the field
   QStateMachine *machine = new QStateMachine (this);
   QState *s1 = new QState (machine);

//   QSignalTransition *pressed_esc = new QSignalTransition(_match,
//                                       SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)));
   QKeyEventTransition *pressed_esc = new QKeyEventTransition(_match,
                           QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_Escape);
   s1->addTransition (pressed_esc);
   connect(pressed_esc, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(resetFilter()));
   machine->setInitialState (s1);
   machine->start ();
#if 0
  QPushButton *test = new QPushButton (findgroup);
  test->setText ("hello");
  hboxLayout2->addWidget (test);

   QStateMachine *test_machine = new QStateMachine (this);
   QState *test_s1 = new QState (test_machine);

   QSignalTransition *trans = new QSignalTransition(test, SIGNAL(clicked()));
   test_s1->addTransition (trans);
   connect(trans, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(resetFilter()));
   test_machine->setInitialState (test_s1);
   test_machine->start ();
    // and change the state

   hboxLayout2->addWidget (_match);

   addAction (_find, "Filter stacks", SLOT(findClicked ()), "", findgroup, "find.xpm");
   QToolButton *find = new QToolButton (findgroup);
   find->setDefaultAction (_find);
   hboxLayout2->addWidget (find);
//    connect (_find, SIGNAL (activated ()), this, SLOT (findClicked ()));

   QSpacerItem *spacerItem = new QSpacerItem(16, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum);

   hboxLayout2->addItem (spacerItem);

   _global = new QCheckBox("Subdirs", findgroup);


   addAction (_reset, "Reset", SLOT(resetFilter ()), "", findgroup);
   QToolButton *reset = new QToolButton (findgroup);
   reset->setDefaultAction (_reset);
   hboxLayout2->addWidget (reset);

   _toolbar->addWidget (findgroup);

   _match->setToolTip(QApplication::translate("Mainwindow", "Enter part of the name of the stack to search for", 0));
   _find->setToolTip(QApplication::translate("Mainwindow", "Search for the name", 0));
   _global->setToolTip(QApplication::translate("Mainwindow", "Enable this to search all subdirectories also", 0));
   _reset->setToolTip(QApplication::translate("Mainwindow", "Reset the search string", 0));
#endif // QT_NO_TOOLTIP
   _match->setWhatsThis(QApplication::translate("Mainwindow", "The filter feature can be used in two ways. To filter out unwanted stacks, type a few characters from the stack name that you are looking for. Everything that does not match will be removed from view. To go back, just delete characters from the filter.\n"
"There is also a 'global' mode which allows searching of all subdirectories. To use this, select the 'global' button, then type your filter string. Press return or click 'find' to perform the search. This might take a while.\n"
"To reset the filter, click the 'reset' button.", 0));
   _find->setWhatsThis(QApplication::translate("Mainwindow", "Click this button to perform a search when in global mode", 0));
   _global->setWhatsThis(QApplication::translate("Mainwindow", "The filter feature can be used in two ways. To filter out unwanted stacks, type a few characters from the stack name that you are looking for. Everything that does not match will be removed from view. To go back, just delete characters from the filter.\n"
"There is also a 'global' mode which allows searching of all subdirectories. To use this, select the 'global' button, then type your filter string. Press return or click 'find' to perform the search. This might take a while.\n"
"To reset the filter, click the 'reset' button.", 0));
   _reset->setWhatsThis(QApplication::translate("Mainwindow", "Press this button to reset the filter string and display stacks in the current directory", 0));
   return group;