Exemplo n.º 1
void SprayBrush::paint(KisPaintDeviceSP dab, KisPaintDeviceSP source,
                       const KisPaintInformation& info, qreal rotation, qreal scale,
                       const KoColor &color, const KoColor &bgColor)
    // initializing painter
    if (!m_painter) {
        m_painter = new KisPainter(dab);
        m_painter->setMaskImageSize(m_shapeProperties->width, m_shapeProperties->height);
        m_dabPixelSize = dab->colorSpace()->pixelSize();
        if (m_colorProperties->useRandomHSV) {
            m_transfo = dab->colorSpace()->createColorTransformation("hsv_adjustment", QHash<QString, QVariant>());

        m_brushQImage = m_shapeProperties->image;
        if (!m_brushQImage.isNull()) {
            m_brushQImage = m_brushQImage.scaled(m_shapeProperties->width, m_shapeProperties->height);
        m_imageDevice = new KisPaintDevice(dab->colorSpace());

    qreal x = info.pos().x();
    qreal y = info.pos().y();
    KisRandomAccessorSP accessor = dab->createRandomAccessorNG(qRound(x), qRound(y));

    Q_ASSERT(color.colorSpace()->pixelSize() == dab->pixelSize());
    m_inkColor = color;
    KisCrossDeviceColorPicker colorPicker(source, m_inkColor);

    // apply size sensor
    m_radius = m_properties->radius * scale;

    // jitter movement
    if (m_properties->jitterMovement) {
        x = x + ((2 * m_radius * drand48()) - m_radius) * m_properties->amount;
        y = y + ((2 * m_radius * drand48()) - m_radius) * m_properties->amount;

    // this is wrong for every shape except pixel and anti-aliased pixel

    if (m_properties->useDensity) {
        m_particlesCount = (m_properties->coverage * (M_PI * m_radius * m_radius));
    else {
        m_particlesCount = m_properties->particleCount;

    QHash<QString, QVariant> params;
    qreal nx, ny;
    int ix, iy;

    qreal angle;
    qreal length;
    qreal rotationZ = 0.0;
    qreal particleScale = 1.0;

    bool shouldColor = true;
    if (m_colorProperties->fillBackground) {
        paintCircle(m_painter, x, y, m_radius);

    QTransform m;
    m.rotateRadians(-rotation + deg2rad(m_properties->brushRotation));
    m.scale(m_properties->scale, m_properties->scale);

    for (quint32 i = 0; i < m_particlesCount; i++) {
        // generate random angle
        angle = drand48() * M_PI * 2;

        // generate random length
        if (m_properties->gaussian) {
            length = qBound<qreal>(0.0, m_rand->nextGaussian(0.0, 0.50) , 1.0);
        else {
            length = drand48();

        if (m_shapeDynamicsProperties->enabled) {
            // rotation
            rotationZ = rotationAngle();

            if (m_shapeDynamicsProperties->followCursor) {

                rotationZ = linearInterpolation(rotationZ, angle, m_shapeDynamicsProperties->followCursorWeigth);

            if (m_shapeDynamicsProperties->followDrawingAngle) {

                rotationZ = linearInterpolation(rotationZ, info.drawingAngle(), m_shapeDynamicsProperties->followDrawingAngleWeight);

            // random size - scale
            if (m_shapeDynamicsProperties->randomSize) {
                particleScale = drand48();
        // generate polar coordinate
        nx = (m_radius * cos(angle)  * length);
        ny = (m_radius * sin(angle)  * length);

        // compute the height of the ellipse
        ny *= m_properties->aspect;

        // transform
        m.map(nx, ny, &nx, &ny);

        // color transformation

        if (shouldColor) {
            if (m_colorProperties->sampleInputColor) {
                colorPicker.pickOldColor(nx + x, ny + y, m_inkColor.data());

            // mix the color with background color
            if (m_colorProperties->mixBgColor) {
                KoMixColorsOp * mixOp = dab->colorSpace()->mixColorsOp();

                const quint8 *colors[2];
                colors[0] = m_inkColor.data();
                colors[1] = bgColor.data();

                qint16 colorWeights[2];
                int MAX_16BIT = 255;
                qreal blend = info.pressure();

                colorWeights[0] = static_cast<quint16>(blend * MAX_16BIT);
                colorWeights[1] = static_cast<quint16>((1.0 - blend) * MAX_16BIT);
                mixOp->mixColors(colors, colorWeights, 2, m_inkColor.data());

            if (m_colorProperties->useRandomHSV && m_transfo) {
                params["h"] = (m_colorProperties->hue / 180.0) * drand48();
                params["s"] = (m_colorProperties->saturation / 100.0) * drand48();
                params["v"] = (m_colorProperties->value / 100.0) * drand48();
                m_transfo->transform(m_inkColor.data(), m_inkColor.data() , 1);

            if (m_colorProperties->useRandomOpacity) {
                quint8 alpha = qRound(drand48() * OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8);

            if (!m_colorProperties->colorPerParticle) {
                shouldColor = false;

        qreal jitteredWidth = qMax(qreal(1.0), m_shapeProperties->width * particleScale);
        qreal jitteredHeight = qMax(qreal(1.0), m_shapeProperties->height * particleScale);

        if (m_shapeProperties->enabled){
        switch (m_shapeProperties->shape){
            // ellipse
            case 0:
                if (m_shapeProperties->width == m_shapeProperties->height){
                    paintCircle(m_painter, nx + x, ny + y, qRound(jitteredWidth * 0.5));
                else {
                    paintEllipse(m_painter, nx + x, ny + y, qRound(jitteredWidth * 0.5) , qRound(jitteredHeight * 0.5), rotationZ);
            // rectangle
            case 1:
                paintRectangle(m_painter, nx + x, ny + y, qRound(jitteredWidth) , qRound(jitteredHeight), rotationZ);
            // wu-particle
            case 2: {
                paintParticle(accessor, m_inkColor, nx + x, ny + y);
            // pixel
            case 3: {
                ix = qRound(nx + x);
                iy = qRound(ny + y);
                accessor->moveTo(ix, iy);
                memcpy(accessor->rawData(), m_inkColor.data(), m_dabPixelSize);
            case 4: {
                if (!m_brushQImage.isNull()) {

                    QTransform m;

                    if (m_shapeDynamicsProperties->randomSize) {
                        m.scale(particleScale, particleScale);
                    m_transformed = m_brushQImage.transformed(m, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
                    m_imageDevice->convertFromQImage(m_transformed, 0);
                    KisRandomAccessorSP ac = m_imageDevice->createRandomAccessorNG(0, 0);
                    QRect rc = m_transformed.rect();

                    if (m_colorProperties->useRandomHSV && m_transfo) {

                        for (int y = rc.y(); y < rc.y() + rc.height(); y++) {
                            for (int x = rc.x(); x < rc.x() + rc.width(); x++) {
                                ac->moveTo(x, y);
                                m_transfo->transform(ac->rawData(), ac->rawData() , 1);

                    ix = qRound(nx + x - rc.width() * 0.5);
                    iy = qRound(ny + y - rc.height() * 0.5);
                    m_painter->bitBlt(QPoint(ix, iy), m_imageDevice, rc);
            // Auto-brush
        else {
            QPointF hotSpot = m_brush->hotSpot(particleScale, particleScale, -rotationZ, info);
            QPointF pos(nx + x, ny + y);
            QPointF pt = pos - hotSpot;

            qint32 ix;
            qreal xFraction;
            qint32 iy;
            qreal yFraction;

            KisPaintOp::splitCoordinate(pt.x(), &ix, &xFraction);
            KisPaintOp::splitCoordinate(pt.y(), &iy, &yFraction);

            //KisFixedPaintDeviceSP dab;
            if (m_brush->brushType() == IMAGE ||
                    m_brush->brushType() == PIPE_IMAGE) {
                m_fixedDab = m_brush->paintDevice(m_fixedDab->colorSpace(), particleScale, -rotationZ, info, xFraction, yFraction);

                if (m_colorProperties->useRandomHSV && m_transfo) {
                    quint8 * dabPointer = m_fixedDab->data();
                    int pixelCount = m_fixedDab->bounds().width() * m_fixedDab->bounds().height();
                    m_transfo->transform(dabPointer, dabPointer, pixelCount);

            else {
                m_brush->mask(m_fixedDab, m_inkColor, particleScale, particleScale, -rotationZ, info, xFraction, yFraction);
            m_painter->bltFixed(QPoint(ix, iy), m_fixedDab, m_fixedDab->bounds());
    // recover from jittering of color,
    // m_inkColor.opacity is recovered with every paint
Exemplo n.º 2
void t_libraryEditor::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
    QPainter painter(this);
    QBrush polyBrush;
    QPen dotPen;
    uint8_t minThickness = 4;
    painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
    painter.scale(scale, scale);

    for(int16_t x = -2000; x != 2000; x += 50)

        for(uint16_t t = 0; t != currentComponent->items.size(); ++t)
            if(currentComponent->items.at(t)->thickness < minThickness)
                currentComponent->items.at(t)->thickness = minThickness;
            if(currentComponent->items.at(t)->type == 'P')
                t_PolylineObject *ob = static_cast<t_PolylineObject*>(currentComponent->items.at(t));
                paintPolygon(painter, *ob);
            else if(currentComponent->items.at(t)->type == 'C')
                t_CircleObject *ob = static_cast<t_CircleObject*>(currentComponent->items.at(t));
                paintCircle(painter, *ob);
            else if(currentComponent->items.at(t)->type == 'X')
                t_PinObject *ob = static_cast<t_PinObject*>(currentComponent->items.at(t));
                paintPin(painter, *ob);
            else if(currentComponent->items.at(t)->type == 'S')
                t_RectangleObject *ob = static_cast<t_RectangleObject*>(currentComponent->items.at(t));
                paintRectangle(painter, *ob);
            else if(currentComponent->items.at(t)->type == 'A')
                t_ArcObject *ob = static_cast<t_ArcObject*>(currentComponent->items.at(t));
                paintArc(painter, *ob);
        for(uint8_t t = 0; t != currentComponent->fields.size(); ++t)
            t_component_field tF = currentComponent->fields.at(t);
            if(tF.flags & (1 << VISIBLE))
                paintText(painter, tF);

/*    if(incompleteStage)
    else if(pinPlacement)
        painter.drawEllipse(incompleteLine.p2(), 10, 10);
Exemplo n.º 3
int run(const char *serverAddress, const int serverPort, char headless)
	int i, sockfd, show = ~0;
	int frames = 0;
	int returnValue = EXIT_SUCCESS;
	CvCapture *capture;
	CvMemStorage *storage;
	IplImage *grabbedImage;
	IplImage *imgThreshold;
	CvSeq *seq;
	CvFont font;
	SendQueue *queue;
	char strbuf[255];
	struct timeval oldTime, time, diff;
	float lastKnownFPS = 0;

	sockfd = initNetwork(serverAddress, serverPort);
	if (sockfd == -1) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: initNetwork returned -1\n");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	queue = initSendQueue();

	capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(CV_CAP_ANY);
	if (capture == NULL) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: capture is NULL \n" );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	// Create a window in which the captured images will be presented
	cvNamedWindow("mywindow", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

	storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);

	// void cvInitFont(font, font_face, hscale, vscale, shear=0, thickness=1, line_type=8 )
	cvInitFont(&font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, 1, 0, 1, 8);

	gettimeofday(&oldTime, NULL);
	// Show the image captured from the camera in the window and repeat
	while (1) {

		grabbedImage = cvQueryFrame(capture);
		if (grabbedImage == NULL) {
			fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: frame is null...\n" );
			returnValue = EXIT_FAILURE;

		//Create detection image
		imgThreshold = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(grabbedImage), 8, 1);
		cvInRangeS(grabbedImage, min, max, imgThreshold);

		//Flip images to act as a mirror. 
		//TODO remove when camera faces screen
		if (show) {
			cvFlip(grabbedImage, grabbedImage, 1);
			cvFlip(imgThreshold, imgThreshold, 1);

		//Find all dots in the image. This is where any calibration of dot detection is done, if needed, though it
		//should be fine as it is right now.
		 * image, circleStorage, method, double dp,	double minDist,	double param1, double param2, int minRadius, int maxRadius
		seq = cvHoughCircles(imgThreshold, storage, CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 2, 20, 20, 2, 0, 10);

		for (i = 0; i < seq->total; i++){
			// Get point
			float *p = (float*)cvGetSeqElem(seq, i);

			//Draw current circle to the original image
			if (show) paintCircle(p, grabbedImage);

			//Buffer current circle to be sent to the server
			addPointToSendQueue(p, queue);
		//Print some statistics to the image
		if (show) {
			snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf), "Dots: %i", seq->total);
			cvPutText(grabbedImage, strbuf, cvPoint(10, 20), &font, cvScalar(WHITE));
			snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf), "FPS: %.1f", lastKnownFPS);
			cvPutText(grabbedImage, strbuf, cvPoint(10, 200), &font, cvScalar(WHITE));

		//Show images 
		//TODO Comment these out will probably improve performance quite a bit
		if (show) {
			cvShowImage("mywindow", imgThreshold);
			cvShowImage("mywindow", grabbedImage);

		gettimeofday(&time, NULL);
		timeval_subtract(&diff, &time, &oldTime);
//		printf("Frames = %i\n", diff.tv_sec);
		if (diff.tv_sec >= 2) {
			lastKnownFPS = (float)frames / diff.tv_sec;
			oldTime = time;
			frames = 0;

		//Add one to the frame rate counter
		//Send to dots detected this frame to the server
		sendQueue(sockfd, queue);
		//If ESC key pressed, Key=0x10001B under OpenCV 0.9.7(linux version),
		//remove higher bits using AND operator
		i = (cvWaitKey(10) & 0xff);
		if (i == 'v') show = ~show;
		if (i == 27) break;

	// Release the capture device housekeeping
	cvReleaseCapture( &capture );
	cvDestroyWindow( "mywindow" );
	return returnValue;
Exemplo n.º 4
void SprayBrush::paint(KisPaintDeviceSP dev, const KisPaintInformation& info, const KoColor &color)
    qreal x = info.pos().x();
    qreal y = info.pos().y();

    // initializing painter
    KisPainter drawer(dev);

    // jitter radius
    int tmpRadius = m_radius;
    if (m_jitterSize){
        m_radius = m_radius * drand48();

    // jitter movement
    if (m_jitterMovement){
        x = x + (( 2 * m_radius * drand48() ) - m_radius) * m_amount;
        y = y + (( 2 * m_radius * drand48() ) - m_radius) * m_amount;

    KisRandomAccessor accessor = dev->createRandomAccessor( qRound(x), qRound(y) );
    m_pixelSize = dev->colorSpace()->pixelSize();
    m_inkColor = color;

    // coverage: adaptively select how many objects are sprayed per paint
    if (m_useDensity){
        m_particlesCount = (m_coverage * (M_PI * m_radius * m_radius) );

    // Metaballs are rendered little differently
    if (m_shape == 2 && m_object == 0){
        paintMetaballs(dev, info, color);

    qreal nx, ny;
    int ix, iy;

    qreal angle;
    qreal lengthX;
    qreal lengthY;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_particlesCount; i++){
        // generate random angle
        angle = drand48() * M_PI * 2;
        // different X and Y length??
        lengthY = lengthX = drand48();
        // I hope we live the era where sin and cos is not slow for spray
        nx = (sin(angle) * m_radius * lengthX);
        ny = (cos(angle) * m_radius * lengthY);

        // transform
        nx *= m_scale;
        ny *= m_scale;

        // it is some shape (circle, ellipse, rectangle)
        if (m_object == 0)
            // steps for single step in circle and ellipse
            int steps = 36;
            qreal random = drand48();       

            // it is ellipse
            if (m_shape == 0){
                qreal ellipseA = m_width / 2.0;
                qreal ellipseB = m_height / 2.0;

                if (m_width == m_height)
                    if (m_jitterShapeSize){
                        paintCircle(drawer, nx + x, ny + y, int((random * ellipseA) + 1.5) , steps);
                    } else{
                        paintCircle(drawer, nx + x, ny + y, qRound(ellipseA)  , steps);
                } else 
                    if (m_jitterShapeSize){
                        paintEllipse(drawer, nx + x, ny + y,int((random * ellipseA) + 1.5) ,int((random * ellipseB) + 1.5), angle , steps);
                    } else{
                        paintEllipse(drawer, nx + x, ny + y, qRound(ellipseA), qRound(ellipseB), angle , steps);
            } else if (m_shape == 1)
                if (m_jitterShapeSize){
                    paintRectangle(drawer, nx + x, ny + y,int((random * m_width) + 1.5) ,int((random * m_height) + 1.5), angle , steps);
                } else{
                    paintRectangle(drawer, nx + x, ny + y, qRound(m_width), qRound(m_height), angle , steps);
        // it is pixel particle
        }else if (m_object == 1){
            paintParticle(accessor,m_inkColor,nx + x, ny + y);
        // it is pixel
        else if (m_object == 2)
            ix = qRound(nx + x);
            iy = qRound(ny + y);
            accessor.moveTo(ix, iy);
            memcpy(accessor.rawData(), m_inkColor.data(), m_pixelSize);


    // hidden code for outline detection
    //paintOutline(dev,m_inkColor,x, y, m_radius * 2);

    // recover from jittering of color
    m_radius = tmpRadius;