Exemplo n.º 1
void ofxFBXScene::parseScene(FbxNode* pNode, FbxAnimLayer * pAnimLayer, ofxFBXNode * parentNode){
	ofLogVerbose("ofxFBXScene") << "found node " << pNode->GetName() << " of type " << pNode->GetTypeName() << endl;
    if( pNode->GetCamera() ){
    	ofxFBXNode * node = parseCameraInfo(pNode,pAnimLayer);
    	if(parentNode) node->getNode().setParent(parentNode->getNode());
    	parentNode = node;
    }else if(pNode->GetMesh()){
    	ofxFBXNode * node = parseMeshInfo(pNode, pAnimLayer);
    	if(parentNode) node->getNode().setParent(parentNode->getNode());
    	parentNode = node;
    }else if(pNode->GetLight()){
    	ofxFBXNode * node = parseLightInfo(pNode, pAnimLayer);
    	if(parentNode) node->getNode().setParent(parentNode->getNode());
    	parentNode = node;
    	ofxFBXNode node;
    	node.nodeName = pNode->GetName();
		if(parentNode) nullsList.back().getNode().setParent(parentNode->getNode());
    	parentNode = &nullsList.back();

    //recursively traverse each node in the scene
    int i, lCount = pNode->GetChildCount();
    for (i = 0; i < lCount; i++)
    	parseScene(pNode->GetChild(i), pAnimLayer, parentNode);
void SuperFrameParser::fillNarrowMsg (const std::string &params_file)
    narrow_msgs_->header.frame_id = "/" + name_space_ + "/" + narrow_name_;

    // big image has apperently some offset, adding the offset here
//    big_img_msgs_->header.stamp.fromSec (timestamp_map_.find (file_name_)->second +
//                                         (convertTicksToSeconds (super_frame_->header.frame.sf_version, super_frame_->header.frame.big.timestamp) -
//                                          convertTicksToSeconds (super_frame_->header.frame.sf_version, super_frame_->header.frame.small.timestamp)));

    std::map<std::string, double>::iterator it;
    if ((it = timestamp_map_.find (file_name_)) == timestamp_map_.end ())
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SuperFrame " << file_name_ << " not found in " << timestamp_name_;
        throw std::runtime_error (ss.str ());

    narrow_msgs_->header.stamp.fromSec (it->second);
    narrow_msgs_->height = BIG_RGB_HEIGHT;
    narrow_msgs_->width = BIG_RGB_WIDTH;
    narrow_msgs_->step = narrow_msgs_->width/* * 2*/;
    narrow_msgs_->encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO8;
    narrow_msgs_->data.resize (narrow_msgs_->width * narrow_msgs_->height/* * 2*/);
    memcpy (&narrow_msgs_->data[0], super_frame_->big_rgb, narrow_msgs_->data.size ());

    ///// fill in the camera infos ////////
    std::vector<std::string> params;
    parseCameraInfo (params_file, params);

    narrow_info_->header.frame_id = narrow_msgs_->header.frame_id;
    narrow_info_->header.stamp = narrow_msgs_->header.stamp;
    narrow_info_->width = atoi (params[0].c_str ());
    narrow_info_->height = atoi (params[1].c_str ());
    narrow_info_->distortion_model = "devernay";
    narrow_info_->D.resize (2);
    narrow_info_->D[0] = atof (params[6].c_str ()); // omega
    narrow_info_->D[1] = atof (params[7].c_str ()); // max_angle

    /* Intrinsic camera matrix for the raw (distorted) images.
       #     [fx  0 cx]
       # K = [ 0 fy cy]
       #     [ 0  0  1] */
    boost::array<double, 9> K = { atof (params[2].c_str ()), 0.0,                       atof (params[4].c_str ()),
                                  0.0,                       atof (params[3].c_str ()), atof (params[5].c_str ()),
                                  0.0,                       0.0,                       1.0  } ;
    narrow_info_->K = K;

    /* # Projection/camera matrix
       #     [fx'  0  cx' Tx]
       # P = [ 0  fy' cy' Ty]
       #     [ 0   0   1   0] */

    boost::array<double, 12> P = { atof (params[2].c_str ()), 0.0,                       atof (params[4].c_str ()), 0.,
                                   0.0,                       atof (params[3].c_str ()), atof (params[5].c_str ()), 0.,
                                   0.0,                       0.0,                       1.0,                       0. } ;
    narrow_info_->P = P;
void SuperFrameParser::fillDepthMsg (const std::string &params_file)
    depth_msgs_->header.frame_id = "/" + name_space_ + "/" + depth_name_;

    std::map<std::string, double>::iterator it;
    if ((it = timestamp_map_.find (file_name_)) == timestamp_map_.end ())
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SuperFrame " << file_name_ << " not found in " << timestamp_name_;
        throw std::runtime_error (ss.str ());

    // pre defined offset from depth to small image timestamp
//    point_cloud_msgs_->header.stamp.fromSec (timestamp_map_.find (file_name_)->second + DEPTH_TIMESTAMP_OFFSET);
    // calculate depth offset by getting the difference from the superframe timestamps
    depth_msgs_->header.stamp.fromSec (it->second +
                                       (convertTicksToSeconds (super_frame_->header.frame.sf_version, super_frame_->header.frame.depth.timestamp) -
                                        convertTicksToSeconds (super_frame_->header.frame.sf_version, super_frame_->header.frame.small.timestamp)));

    depth_msgs_->height = DEPTH_IMG_HEIGHT;
    depth_msgs_->width = DEPTH_IMG_WIDTH;
    depth_msgs_->step = depth_msgs_->width * 2;
    depth_msgs_->encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO16;
    depth_msgs_->data.resize (depth_msgs_->width * depth_msgs_->height * 2);
    memcpy (&depth_msgs_->data[0], super_frame_->depth_img, depth_msgs_->data.size ());

    ///// fill in the camera infos ////////
    std::vector<std::string> params;
    parseCameraInfo (params_file, params);

    depth_info_->header.frame_id = depth_msgs_->header.frame_id;
    depth_info_->header.stamp = depth_msgs_->header.stamp;
    depth_info_->width = atoi (params[0].c_str ());
    depth_info_->height = atoi (params[1].c_str ());
    depth_info_->distortion_model = "devernay";
    depth_info_->D.resize (2);
    depth_info_->D[0] = atof (params[6].c_str ()); // omega
    depth_info_->D[1] = atof (params[7].c_str ()); // max_angle

    /* Intrinsic camera matrix for the raw (distorted) images.
       #     [fx  0 cx]
       # K = [ 0 fy cy]
       #     [ 0  0  1] */
    boost::array<double, 9> K = { atof (params[2].c_str ()), 0.0,                       atof (params[4].c_str ()),
                                  0.0,                       atof (params[3].c_str ()), atof (params[5].c_str ()),
                                  0.0,                       0.0,                       1.0  } ;
    depth_info_->K = K;

    /* # Projection/camera matrix
       #     [fx'  0  cx' Tx]
       # P = [ 0  fy' cy' Ty]
       #     [ 0   0   1   0] */

    boost::array<double, 12> P = { atof (params[2].c_str ()), 0.0,                       atof (params[4].c_str ()), 0.,
                                   0.0,                       atof (params[3].c_str ()), atof (params[5].c_str ()), 0.,
                                   0.0,                       0.0,                       1.0,                       0. } ;
    depth_info_->P = P;
void SuperFrameParser::fillFisheyeMsg (const std::string &params_file)
    fisheye_msgs_->header.frame_id = "/" + name_space_ + "/" + fisheye_name_;
    std::map<std::string, double>::iterator it;
    if ((it = timestamp_map_.find (file_name_)) == timestamp_map_.end ())
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "SuperFrame " << file_name_ << " not found in " << timestamp_name_;
        throw std::runtime_error (ss.str ());

    fisheye_msgs_->header.stamp.fromSec (it->second);
    fisheye_msgs_->height = SMALL_IMG_HEIGHT;
    fisheye_msgs_->width = SMALL_IMG_WIDTH;
    fisheye_msgs_->step = fisheye_msgs_->width;
    fisheye_msgs_->encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO8;
    fisheye_msgs_->data.resize (fisheye_msgs_->width * fisheye_msgs_->height);
    memcpy (&fisheye_msgs_->data[0], super_frame_->small_img, fisheye_msgs_->data.size ());

    ///// fill in the camera infos ////////
    std::vector<std::string> params;
    parseCameraInfo (params_file, params);

    fisheye_info_->header.frame_id = fisheye_msgs_->header.frame_id;
    fisheye_info_->header.stamp = fisheye_msgs_->header.stamp;
    fisheye_info_->width = atoi (params[0].c_str ());
    fisheye_info_->height = atoi (params[1].c_str ());
    fisheye_info_->distortion_model = "devernay";
    fisheye_info_->D.resize (2);
    fisheye_info_->D[0] = atof (params[6].c_str ()); // omega
    fisheye_info_->D[1] = atof (params[7].c_str ()); // max_angle

    /* Intrinsic camera matrix for the raw (distorted) images.
       #     [fx  0 cx]
       # K = [ 0 fy cy]
       #     [ 0  0  1] */
    boost::array<double, 9> K = { atof (params[2].c_str ()), 0.0,                       atof (params[4].c_str ()),
                                  0.0,                       atof (params[3].c_str ()), atof (params[5].c_str ()),
                                  0.0,                       0.0,                       1.0  } ;
    fisheye_info_->K = K;

    /* # Projection/camera matrix
       #     [fx'  0  cx' Tx]
       # P = [ 0  fy' cy' Ty]
       #     [ 0   0   1   0] */

    boost::array<double, 12> P = { atof (params[2].c_str ()), 0.0,                       atof (params[4].c_str ()), 0.,
                                   0.0,                       atof (params[3].c_str ()), atof (params[5].c_str ()), 0.,
                                   0.0,                       0.0,                       1.0,                       0. } ;
    fisheye_info_->P = P;