Exemplo n.º 1
result_t Url::parse(exlib::string url, bool parseQueryString, bool slashesDenoteHost)
    bool bHost;
    m_slashes = false;

    trimUrl(url, url);
    const char* c_str = url.c_str();
    bool hasHash = qstrchr(c_str, '#') != NULL;

    if (!slashesDenoteHost && !hasHash && isUrlSlash(*c_str)) {

        if (parseQueryString) {
            m_queryParsed = new HttpCollection();

        return 0;


    bHost = checkHost(c_str);

    if (slashesDenoteHost || m_protocol.length() > 0 || bHost)
        m_slashes = ((isUrlSlash(*c_str) && isUrlSlash(c_str[1])) && (m_protocol.length() <= 0 || m_protocol.compare("javascript:")));

    if (m_protocol.compare("javascript:") && m_slashes) {
        c_str += 2;


    if (parseQueryString) {
        m_queryParsed = new HttpCollection();

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Defined by the WebCrypto spec as:
//    dictionary RsaHashedImportParams {
//      AlgorithmIdentifier hash;
//    };
bool parseRsaHashedImportParams(const Dictionary& raw, OwnPtr<blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmParams>& params, const ErrorContext& context, String& errorDetails)
    blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm hash;
    if (!parseHash(raw, hash, context, errorDetails))
        return false;

    params = adoptPtr(new blink::WebCryptoRsaHashedImportParams(hash));
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
// Defined by the WebCrypto spec as:
//    dictionary RsaHashedKeyGenParams : RsaKeyGenParams {
//      AlgorithmIdentifier hash;
//    };
bool parseRsaHashedKeyGenParams(const Dictionary& raw, OwnPtr<blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmParams>& params, const ErrorContext& context, String& errorDetails)
    uint32_t modulusLength;
    RefPtr<Uint8Array> publicExponent;
    if (!parseRsaKeyGenParams(raw, modulusLength, publicExponent, context, errorDetails))
        return false;

    blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm hash;
    if (!parseHash(raw, hash, context, errorDetails))
        return false;

    params = adoptPtr(new blink::WebCryptoRsaHashedKeyGenParams(hash, modulusLength, static_cast<const unsigned char*>(publicExponent->baseAddress()), publicExponent->byteLength()));
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Defined by the WebCrypto spec as:
//    dictionary HmacKeyGenParams : Algorithm {
//      AlgorithmIdentifier hash;
//      // The length (in bits) of the key to generate. If unspecified, the
//      // recommended length will be used, which is the size of the associated hash function's block
//      // size.
//      unsigned long length;
//    };
bool parseHmacKeyGenParams(const Dictionary& raw, OwnPtr<blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmParams>& params, const ErrorContext& context, String& errorDetails)
    blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm hash;
    if (!parseHash(raw, hash, context, errorDetails))
        return false;

    bool hasLength;
    uint32_t length = 0;
    if (!getOptionalUint32(raw, "length", hasLength, length, context, errorDetails))
        return false;

    params = adoptPtr(new blink::WebCryptoHmacKeyGenParams(hash, hasLength, length));
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
Object Parser::parse(const std::string & str)
   if(str == "null")
      return Object(Object::Null);

   if(str == "true" || str == "false")
      return Object(Object::Bool, str);

   if(str[0] == '"')
      return Object(Object::String, str.substr(1, str.length() - 2));

   if((str[0] >= 48 && str[0] <= 57) || str[0] == '-')
      return Object(Object::Number, str);

   if(str[0] == '[')
      return parseArray(str);

   if(str[0] == '{')
      return parseHash(str);

   throw Error((boost::format("Не удалось распознать тип: `%1%'") % str).str());
   return Object();
Exemplo n.º 6
// source            = scheme ":"
//                   / ( [ scheme "://" ] host [ port ] [ path ] )
//                   / "'self'"
bool CSPSourceList::parseSource(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, String& scheme, String& host, int& port, String& path, CSPSource::WildcardDisposition& hostWildcard, CSPSource::WildcardDisposition& portWildcard)
    if (begin == end)
        return false;

    if (equalIgnoringCase("'none'", begin, end - begin))
        return false;

    if (end - begin == 1 && *begin == '*') {
        return true;

    if (equalIgnoringCase("'self'", begin, end - begin)) {
        return true;

    if (equalIgnoringCase("'unsafe-inline'", begin, end - begin)) {
        return true;

    if (equalIgnoringCase("'unsafe-eval'", begin, end - begin)) {
        return true;

    String nonce;
    if (!parseNonce(begin, end, nonce))
        return false;

    if (!nonce.isNull()) {
        return true;

    DigestValue hash;
    ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithm algorithm = ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmNone;
    if (!parseHash(begin, end, hash, algorithm))
        return false;

    if (hash.size() > 0) {
        addSourceHash(algorithm, hash);
        return true;

    const UChar* position = begin;
    const UChar* beginHost = begin;
    const UChar* beginPath = end;
    const UChar* beginPort = 0;

    skipWhile<UChar, isNotColonOrSlash>(position, end);

    if (position == end) {
        // host
        //     ^
        return parseHost(beginHost, position, host, hostWildcard);

    if (position < end && *position == '/') {
        // host/path || host/ || /
        //     ^            ^    ^
        return parseHost(beginHost, position, host, hostWildcard) && parsePath(position, end, path);

    if (position < end && *position == ':') {
        if (end - position == 1) {
            // scheme:
            //       ^
            return parseScheme(begin, position, scheme);

        if (position[1] == '/') {
            // scheme://host || scheme://
            //       ^                ^
            if (!parseScheme(begin, position, scheme)
                || !skipExactly<UChar>(position, end, ':')
                || !skipExactly<UChar>(position, end, '/')
                || !skipExactly<UChar>(position, end, '/'))
                return false;
            if (position == end)
                return false;
            beginHost = position;
            skipWhile<UChar, isNotColonOrSlash>(position, end);

        if (position < end && *position == ':') {
            // host:port || scheme://host:port
            //     ^                     ^
            beginPort = position;
            skipUntil<UChar>(position, end, '/');

    if (position < end && *position == '/') {
        // scheme://host/path || scheme://host:port/path
        //              ^                          ^
        if (position == beginHost)
            return false;
        beginPath = position;

    if (!parseHost(beginHost, beginPort ? beginPort : beginPath, host, hostWildcard))
        return false;

    if (beginPort) {
        if (!parsePort(beginPort, beginPath, port, portWildcard))
            return false;
    } else {
        port = 0;

    if (beginPath != end) {
        if (!parsePath(beginPath, end, path))
            return false;

    return true;