Exemplo n.º 1
	WidgetInfo ResourceLayout::parseWidget(xml::ElementEnumerator& _widget)
		WidgetInfo widgetInfo;

		std::string tmp;

		_widget->findAttribute("type", widgetInfo.type);
		_widget->findAttribute("skin", widgetInfo.skin);
		_widget->findAttribute("layer", widgetInfo.layer);

		if (_widget->findAttribute("align", tmp)) widgetInfo.align = Align::parse(tmp);

		_widget->findAttribute("name", widgetInfo.name);

		if (_widget->findAttribute("style", tmp)) widgetInfo.style = WidgetStyle::parse(tmp);

		IntCoord coord;
		if (_widget->findAttribute("position", tmp))
			widgetInfo.intCoord = IntCoord::parse(tmp);
			widgetInfo.positionType = WidgetInfo::Pixels;
		else if (_widget->findAttribute("position_real", tmp))
			widgetInfo.floatCoord = FloatCoord::parse(tmp);
			widgetInfo.positionType = WidgetInfo::Relative;

		// берем детей и крутимся
		xml::ElementEnumerator node = _widget->getElementEnumerator();
		while (node.next())
			if (node->getName() == "Widget")
			else if (node->getName() == "Property")
				widgetInfo.properties.push_back(PairString(node->findAttribute("key"), node->findAttribute("value")));
			else if (node->getName() == "UserString")
				widgetInfo.userStrings[node->findAttribute("key")] = node->findAttribute("value");
			else if (node->getName() == "Controller")
				ControllerInfo controllerInfo;
				controllerInfo.type = node->findAttribute("type");

				xml::ElementEnumerator prop = node->getElementEnumerator();
				while (prop.next("Property"))
					controllerInfo.properties[prop->findAttribute("key")] = prop->findAttribute("value");

		return widgetInfo;
Exemplo n.º 2
void parseWidget(vstdom *dom, widget *wid)
  std::string einrueckung;
  int a = 0;
  while( a < depth)
    einrueckung += "|";
  einrueckung += " ";
  // Ausgabe eineindeutige ID 
  cout << endl << einrueckung.c_str() << " Widget ID " << wid->_iId;
  cout << endl << einrueckung.c_str();

  // Ausgabe der Properties
  cout << endl << einrueckung.c_str() << " Properties";
  cout << endl << einrueckung.c_str() << " width    " << wid->_iWidth;
  cout << endl << einrueckung.c_str() << " height   " << wid->_iHeight;
  cout << endl << einrueckung.c_str() << " xCoord   " << wid->_iXCoord;
  cout << endl << einrueckung.c_str() << " yCoord   " << wid->_iYCoord;
  cout << endl << einrueckung.c_str() << " title    " << (wid->_sTitle).c_str();
  cout << endl << einrueckung.c_str() << " text     " << (wid->_sText).c_str();
  cout << endl << einrueckung.c_str() << " editable " << wid->_bEditable;
  cout << endl << einrueckung.c_str() << " checked  " << wid->_bchecked;
  cout << endl << einrueckung.c_str() << " Callback " << wid->_iCallbackId;
  cout << endl << einrueckung.c_str();

  switch( wid->_eWidgetType)
  case kwindow:
      cout << "\n## window gefunden";
  case kbutton:
      cout << "\n## button gefunden";
  // Rekursiv über alle Childs
  cout << endl << einrueckung.c_str() << " " << wid->_iId << " hat " << wid->_vChildWidgets.size() << " Childwidgets.";
  for( int i = 0; i < wid->_vChildWidgets.size(); i++)
    cout << endl << einrueckung.c_str();
    cout << endl << einrueckung.c_str() << i << ". Childwidget von " << wid->_iId << " ist " << wid->_vChildWidgets.at(i);
    widget *childwidget = dom->getWidget( wid->_vChildWidgets.at(i));
    if( childwidget != NULL)
      parseWidget(dom, childwidget);
Exemplo n.º 3
	void ResourceLayout::deserialization(xml::ElementPtr _node, Version _version)
		Base::deserialization(_node, _version);


		xml::ElementEnumerator widget = _node->getElementEnumerator();
		while (widget.next("Widget"))
Exemplo n.º 4
void EditorWidgets::loadxmlDocument(MyGUI::xml::xmlDocument * doc)
	MyGUI::xml::xmlNodePtr root = doc->getRoot();

	std::string type;
	if (root->findAttribute("type", type)) {
		if (type == "Layout")
			// берем детей и крутимся
			MyGUI::xml::xmlNodeIterator widget = root->getNodeIterator();
			while (widget.nextNode("Widget")) parseWidget(widget, 0);
Exemplo n.º 5
bool EditorWidgets::load(std::string _fileName)
	std::string _instance = "Editor";

	MyGUI::xml::xmlDocument doc;
	std::string file(MyGUI::helper::getResourcePath(_fileName, Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME));
	if (file.empty())
		if (false == doc.open(_fileName)) {
			LOGGING(LogSection, Error, _instance << " : '" << _fileName << "' not found");
			return false;
	else if (false == doc.open(file))
		LOGGING(LogSection, Error, _instance << " : " << doc.getLastError());
		return false;

	MyGUI::xml::xmlNodePtr root = doc.getRoot();
	if ( (null == root) || (root->getName() != "MyGUI") ) {
		LOGGING(LogSection, Error, _instance << " : '" << _fileName << "', tag 'MyGUI' not found");
		return false;

	std::string type;
	if (root->findAttribute("type", type)) {
		if (type == "Layout")
			// берем детей и крутимся
			MyGUI::xml::xmlNodeIterator widget = root->getNodeIterator();
			while (widget.nextNode("Widget")) parseWidget(widget, 0);
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
void EditorWidgets::parseWidget(MyGUI::xml::xmlNodeIterator & _widget, MyGUI::WidgetPtr _parent)
	WidgetContainer * container = new WidgetContainer();
	// парсим атрибуты виджета
	MyGUI::IntCoord coord;
	MyGUI::Align align = MyGUI::ALIGN_DEFAULT;

	_widget->findAttribute("name", container->name);
	_widget->findAttribute("type", container->type);
	_widget->findAttribute("skin", container->skin);
	_widget->findAttribute("layer", container->layer);
	if (_widget->findAttribute("align", container->align)) align = MyGUI::SkinManager::getInstance().parseAlign(container->align);
	if (_widget->findAttribute("position", container->position)) coord = MyGUI::IntCoord::parse(container->position);
	if (_widget->findAttribute("position_real", container->position_real)) coord = MyGUI::Gui::getInstance().convertRelativeToInt(MyGUI::FloatCoord::parse(container->position_real), _parent);

	// в гуе на 2 одноименных виджета ругается и падает, а у нас будет просто переименовывать
	if (false == container->name.empty())
		WidgetContainer * iter = find(container->name);
		if (null != iter)
			LOGGING(LogSection, Warning, "widget with same name name '" << container->name << "'. Renamed");
			static long renameN=0;
			container->name = MyGUI::utility::toString(container->name, renameN++);

	std::string tmpname = container->name;
	if (tmpname.empty()) 
		tmpname = MyGUI::utility::toString(container->type, global_counter);

	//может и не стоит
	tmpname = "LayoutEditor_" + tmpname;

	if (null == _parent) {
		container->widget = MyGUI::Gui::getInstance().createWidgetT(container->type, container->skin, coord, align, container->layer, tmpname);
		container->widget = _parent->createWidgetT(container->type, container->skin, coord, align, tmpname);

	// берем детей и крутимся
	MyGUI::xml::xmlNodeIterator widget = _widget->getNodeIterator();
	while (widget.nextNode()) {

		std::string key, value;

		if (widget->getName() == "Widget") parseWidget(widget, container->widget);
		else if (widget->getName() == "Property") {

			// парсим атрибуты
			if (false == widget->findAttribute("key", key)) continue;
			if (false == widget->findAttribute("value", value)) continue;
			// и парсим свойство
			if (("Message_Modal" != key) && ("Window_AutoAlpha" != key)) MyGUI::WidgetManager::getInstance().parse(container->widget, key, value);
			container->mProperty.push_back(std::make_pair(key, value));
		else if (widget->getName() == "UserString") {
			// парсим атрибуты
			if (false == widget->findAttribute("key", key)) continue;
			if (false == widget->findAttribute("value", value)) continue;
			container->mUserString.insert(std::make_pair(key, value));

Exemplo n.º 7
void EditorWidgets::parseWidget(MyGUI::xml::xmlNodeIterator & _widget, MyGUI::WidgetPtr _parent)
	WidgetContainer * container = new WidgetContainer();
	// парсим атрибуты виджета
	MyGUI::IntCoord coord;
	MyGUI::Align align = MyGUI::ALIGN_DEFAULT;

	_widget->findAttribute("name", container->name);
	_widget->findAttribute("type", container->type);
	_widget->findAttribute("skin", container->skin);
	_widget->findAttribute("layer", container->layer);
	if (_widget->findAttribute("align", container->align)) align = MyGUI::SkinManager::getInstance().parseAlign(container->align);
	if (_widget->findAttribute("position", container->position)) coord = MyGUI::IntCoord::parse(container->position);
	if (_widget->findAttribute("position_real", container->position_real)) coord = MyGUI::Gui::getInstance().convertRelativeToInt(MyGUI::FloatCoord::parse(container->position_real), _parent);

	// в гуе на 2 одноименных виджета ругается и падает, а у нас будет просто переименовывать
	if (false == container->name.empty())
		WidgetContainer * iter = find(container->name);
		if (null != iter)
			static long renameN=0;
			std::string mess = MyGUI::utility::toString("widget with same name name '", container->name, "'. Renamed to '", container->name, renameN, "'.");
			LOGGING(LogSection, Warning, mess);
			MyGUI::Message::_createMessage("Warning", mess, "", "LayoutEditor_Popup", true, null, MyGUI::Message::IconWarning | MyGUI::Message::Ok);
			container->name = MyGUI::utility::toString(container->name, renameN++);

	std::string tmpname = container->name;
	if (tmpname.empty()) 
		tmpname = MyGUI::utility::toString(container->type, global_counter);

	//может и не стоит
	tmpname = "LayoutEditor_" + tmpname;

	if (null == _parent) {
		container->widget = MyGUI::Gui::getInstance().createWidgetT(container->type, container->skin, coord, align, container->layer, tmpname);
		container->widget = _parent->createWidgetT(container->type, container->skin, coord, align, tmpname);

	// берем детей и крутимся
	MyGUI::xml::xmlNodeIterator widget = _widget->getNodeIterator();
	while (widget.nextNode()) {

		std::string key, value;

		if (widget->getName() == "Widget") parseWidget(widget, container->widget);
		else if (widget->getName() == "Property") {

			// парсим атрибуты
			if (false == widget->findAttribute("key", key)) continue;
			if (false == widget->findAttribute("value", value)) continue;

			// и парсим свойство
				if (("Message_Modal" != key) && ("Window_AutoAlpha" != key) && ("Window_Snap" != key))
					MyGUI::WidgetManager::getInstance().parse(container->widget, key, value);
				MyGUI::Message::_createMessage("Warning", "No such " + key + ": '" + value + "'", "", "LayoutEditor_Popup", true, null, MyGUI::Message::IconWarning | MyGUI::Message::Ok);
				if (key == "Image_Texture") MyGUI::WidgetManager::getInstance().parse(container->widget, key, "");
			}// for incorrect meshes or textures

			container->mProperty.push_back(std::make_pair(key, value));
		else if (widget->getName() == "UserString") {
			// парсим атрибуты
			if (false == widget->findAttribute("key", key)) continue;
			if (false == widget->findAttribute("value", value)) continue;
			container->mUserString.insert(std::make_pair(key, value));

Exemplo n.º 8
int main( int argC, char *argV[])
  // vstdom mit xml file initiieren
  vstdom *testvstdom = new vstdom("xml/formular_test.xml");
  // vstdom *testvstdom = new vstdom("xml/beispiel.xml");

  // leere Instanz von vstdom erzeugen
  vstdom *testnew = new vstdom();

  // Anzahl der root Elemente ermitteln
  cout << endl << "Anzahl der root Widget " << testvstdom->getNumberOfChildWidget() << endl;  

  // Schleife ueber alle root Elemente
  for( int i = 0; i < testvstdom->getNumberOfChildWidget(); i++)
    // root Element einem widget zuordnen
    widget *rootwidget = testvstdom->getWidget(testvstdom->getIdOfRootWidget(i));
    // Ausgabe der Attribute und Proberties aller Elemente (rekursiv)
    parseWidget(testvstdom, rootwidget);

  // definiere neues Widget
  widget updatedWidget;
  updatedWidget._iId = 8;
  updatedWidget._eWidgetType = kbutton;
  updatedWidget._iWidth = 100;
  updatedWidget._iHeight = 50;
  updatedWidget._iXCoord = 10;
  updatedWidget._iYCoord = 10;
  updatedWidget._sText   = "geänderter Text";
  updatedWidget._bEditable = true;

  // uebertrage geaendertes Widget
  testvstdom->updateWidget( updatedWidget, updatedWidget._iId);

  widget newWidget;
  newWidget._eWidgetType = kwindow;
  newWidget._iId = 88;
  newWidget._iCallbackId = 120;
  newWidget._iHeight = 43;
  newWidget._iWidth = 66;
  newWidget._iXCoord = 5;
  newWidget._iYCoord = 7;
  newWidget._bchecked = true;
  newWidget._bIsScrollable = false;
  newWidget._bEditable = true;
  newWidget._sMnemonic = "Alt-Q";
  newWidget._sTitle = "Keine Ahnung";
  newWidget._sText = "Text-O-Text";

  // testvstdom->addWidget(newWidget);
  widget newWidgetZwei;
  newWidgetZwei._eWidgetType = klabel;
  newWidgetZwei._iId = 10;
  newWidgetZwei._iCallbackId = 12;
  newWidgetZwei._iHeight = 4;
  newWidgetZwei._iWidth = 6;
  newWidgetZwei._iXCoord = 52;
  newWidgetZwei._iYCoord = 72;
  newWidgetZwei._bchecked = true;
  newWidgetZwei._bIsScrollable = false;
  newWidgetZwei._bEditable = true;
  newWidgetZwei._sMnemonic = "Alt-Q";
  newWidgetZwei._sTitle = "Label Text";
  newWidgetZwei._sText = "Text-O-Text";

  testvstdom->addWidget(newWidgetZwei, 88);
  // schreibe neues xml File
  testvstdom->writexml( "neues_xml.xml");
  delete testvstdom;

  cout << "\n" << flush;
  return 0;