Exemplo n.º 1
static void event_names_list(const char *data, SERVER_REC *server)
	CHANNEL_REC *chanrec;
	char *params, *type, *channel, *names, *ptr;

	g_return_if_fail(data != NULL);

	params = event_get_params(data, 4, NULL, &type, &channel, &names);

	chanrec = channel_find(server, channel);
	if (chanrec == NULL || chanrec->names_got) {
		/* unknown channel / names list already read */

	/* type = '=' = public, '*' = private, '@' = secret.

	   This is actually pretty useless to check here, but at least we
	   get to know if the channel is +p or +s a few seconds before
	   we receive the MODE reply... */
	if (*type == '*')
		parse_channel_modes(IRC_CHANNEL(chanrec), NULL, "+p");
	else if (*type == '@')
		parse_channel_modes(IRC_CHANNEL(chanrec), NULL, "+s");

	while (*names != '\0') {
		while (*names == ' ') names++;
		ptr = names;
		while (*names != '\0' && *names != ' ') names++;
		if (*names != '\0') *names++ = '\0';

		if (*ptr == '@' && g_strcasecmp(server->nick, ptr+1) == 0)
			chanrec->chanop = TRUE;

		nicklist_insert(chanrec, ptr+isnickflag(*ptr),
				*ptr == '@', *ptr == '+', FALSE);

Exemplo n.º 2
static void event_channel_mode(IRC_SERVER_REC *server, const char *data,
			       const char *nick)
	IRC_CHANNEL_REC *chanrec;
	char *params, *channel, *mode;

	g_return_if_fail(data != NULL);

	params = event_get_params(data, 3 | PARAM_FLAG_GETREST,
				  NULL, &channel, &mode);
	chanrec = irc_channel_find(server, channel);
	if (chanrec != NULL) {
		if (chanrec->key != NULL && strchr(mode, 'k') == NULL) {
			/* we joined the channel with a key,
			   but it didn't have +k mode.. */
                        parse_channel_modes(chanrec, NULL, "-k", TRUE);
		parse_channel_modes(chanrec, nick, mode, FALSE);
		channel_got_query(chanrec, CHANNEL_QUERY_MODE);

Exemplo n.º 3
static void event_mode(const char *data, IRC_SERVER_REC *server,
		       const char *nick)
	IRC_CHANNEL_REC *chanrec;
	char *params, *channel, *mode;

	g_return_if_fail(data != NULL);

	params = event_get_params(data, 2 | PARAM_FLAG_GETREST,
				  &channel, &mode);

	if (!ischannel(*channel)) {
		/* user mode change */
		parse_user_mode(server, mode);
	} else {
		/* channel mode change */
		chanrec = irc_channel_find(server, channel);
		if (chanrec != NULL)
			parse_channel_modes(chanrec, nick, mode);

Exemplo n.º 4
static void event_names_list(IRC_SERVER_REC *server, const char *data)
	IRC_CHANNEL_REC *chanrec;
	NICK_REC *rec;
	char *params, *type, *channel, *names, *ptr, *host;
        int op, halfop, voice;
	char prefixes[MAX_USER_PREFIXES+1];
	const char *nick_flags, *nick_flag_cur, *nick_flag_op;

	g_return_if_fail(data != NULL);

	params = event_get_params(data, 4, NULL, &type, &channel, &names);

	chanrec = irc_channel_find(server, channel);
	if (chanrec == NULL || chanrec->names_got) {
		/* unknown channel / names list already read */
	nick_flags = server->get_nick_flags(SERVER(server));
	nick_flag_op = strchr(nick_flags, '@');

	/* type = '=' = public, '*' = private, '@' = secret.

	   This is actually pretty useless to check here, but at least we
	   get to know if the channel is +p or +s a few seconds before
	   we receive the MODE reply...

	   If the channel key is set, assume the channel is +k also until
           we know better, so parse_channel_modes() won't clear the key */
	if (*type == '*') {
		parse_channel_modes(chanrec, NULL,
				    chanrec->key ? "+kp" : "+p", FALSE);
	} else if (*type == '@') {
		parse_channel_modes(chanrec, NULL,
				    chanrec->key ? "+ks" : "+s", FALSE);

	while (*names != '\0') {
		while (*names == ' ') names++;
		ptr = names;
		while (*names != '\0' && *names != ' ') names++;
		if (*names != '\0') *names++ = '\0';

		/* some servers show ".@nick", there's also been talk about
		   showing "@+nick" and since none of these chars are valid
		   nick chars, just check them until a non-nickflag char is
		   found. */
		op = halfop = voice = FALSE;
		prefixes[0] = '\0';
		while (isnickflag(server, *ptr)) {
			prefix_add(prefixes, *ptr, (SERVER_REC *) server);
			switch (*ptr) {
			case '@':
                                op = TRUE;
			case '%':
                                halfop = TRUE;
			case '+':
                                voice = TRUE;
				/* If this flag is listed higher than op (in the
				 * isupport PREFIX reply), then count this user
				 * as an op. */
				nick_flag_cur = strchr(nick_flags, *ptr);
				if (nick_flag_cur && nick_flag_op && nick_flag_cur < nick_flag_op) {
					op = TRUE;

		host = strchr(ptr, '!');
		if (host != NULL)
			*host++ = '\0';

		if (nicklist_find((CHANNEL_REC *) chanrec, ptr) == NULL) {
			rec = irc_nicklist_insert(chanrec, ptr, op, halfop,
						  voice, FALSE, prefixes);
			if (host != NULL)
				nicklist_set_host(CHANNEL(chanrec), rec, host);
