Exemplo n.º 1
 * Advance to the next key pair
 * Take note if a new section header is encountered
 * @return false if EOF, otherwise true
bool FileParser::next() {

	string starts_with;
	new_section = false;
	while (!infile.eof()) {

		line = getLine(infile);

		// skip ahead if this line is empty
		if (line.length() == 0) continue;

		starts_with = line.at(0);
		// skip ahead if this line is a comment
		if (starts_with == "#") continue;
		// set new section if this line is a section declaration
		if (starts_with == "[") {
			new_section = true;
			section = parse_section_title(line);
			// keep searching for a key-pair
		// this is a keypair. Perform basic parsing and return
		parse_key_pair(line, key, val);
		return true;
	// hit the end of file
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Load the quests in the specific quest file
void QuestLog::load(string filename) {

	ifstream infile;
	string line;
	string key;
	string val;
	string starts_with;
	string section = "";
	int event_count = 0;
	infile.open(("quests/" + filename).c_str(), ios::in);

	if (infile.is_open()) {
		while (!infile.eof()) {
			line = getLine(infile);

			if (line.length() > 0) {
				starts_with = line.at(0);
				if (starts_with == "#") {
					// skip comments
				else if (starts_with == "[") {
					section = parse_section_title(line);
					if (section == "quest") {
						event_count = 0;
				else { // this is data.  treatment depends on key
					parse_key_pair(line, key, val);          
					key = trim(key, ' ');
					val = trim(val, ' ');
					quests[quest_count-1][event_count].type = key;
					quests[quest_count-1][event_count].s = val;
					// requires_status=s
					// requires_not=s
					// quest_text=s			
Exemplo n.º 3
bool ezFileParser::next() 
    std::string starts_with;
	new_section = false;
	while (!infile.eof()) {
		line = getLine(infile);
		if (line.length() == 0) 
		starts_with = line.at(0);
		if (starts_with == "#") 
		if (starts_with == "[") 
			new_section = true;
			section = parse_section_title(line);
		parse_key_pair(line, key, val);
		return true;
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * load
int MapIso::load(string filename) {
	ifstream infile;
	string line;
	string starts_with;
	string section;
	string key;
	string val;
	string cur_layer;
	string data_format;
    event_count = 0;
	infile.open(("maps/" + filename).c_str(), ios::in);

	if (infile.is_open()) {
		while (!infile.eof()) {

			line = getLine(infile);

			if (line.length() > 0) {
				starts_with = line.at(0);
				if (starts_with == "#") {
					// skip comments
				else if (starts_with == "[") {
					section = trim(parse_section_title(line), ' ');
					data_format = "dec"; // default
					if (enemy_awaiting_queue) {
						enemy_awaiting_queue = false;
					if (npc_awaiting_queue) {
						npc_awaiting_queue = false;
					// for sections that are stored in collections, add a new object here
					if (section == "enemy") {
						enemy_awaiting_queue = true;
					else if (section == "npc") {
						npc_awaiting_queue = true;
					else if (section == "event") {
				else { // this is data.  treatment depends on section type
					parse_key_pair(line, key, val);          
					key = trim(key, ' ');
					val = trim(val, ' ');

					if (section == "header") {
						if (key == "title") {
							this->title = val;
						else if (key == "width") {
							this->w = atoi(val.c_str());
						else if (key == "height") {
							this->h = atoi(val.c_str());
						else if (key == "tileset") {
							this->tileset = val;
						else if (key == "music") {
							if (this->music_filename == val) {
								this->new_music = false;
							else {
								this->music_filename = val;
								this->new_music = true;
						else if (key == "spawnpoint") {
							val = val + ",";
							spawn.x = eatFirstInt(val, ',') * UNITS_PER_TILE + UNITS_PER_TILE/2;
							spawn.y = eatFirstInt(val, ',') * UNITS_PER_TILE + UNITS_PER_TILE/2;
							spawn_dir = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
					else if (section == "layer") {
						if (key == "id") {
							cur_layer = val;
						else if (key == "format") {
							data_format = val;
						else if (key == "data") {
							// layer map data handled as a special case

							// The next h lines must contain layer data.  TODO: err
							if (data_format == "hex") {
								for (int j=0; j<h; j++) {
									line = getLine(infile);
									line = line + ',';
									for (int i=0; i<w; i++) {
										if (cur_layer == "background") background[i][j] = eatFirstHex(line, ',');
										else if (cur_layer == "object") object[i][j] = eatFirstHex(line, ',');
										else if (cur_layer == "collision") collision[i][j] = eatFirstHex(line, ',');
							else if (data_format == "dec") {
								for (int j=0; j<h; j++) {
									line = getLine(infile);
									line = line + ',';
									for (int i=0; i<w; i++) {
										if (cur_layer == "background") background[i][j] = eatFirstInt(line, ',');
										else if (cur_layer == "object") object[i][j] = eatFirstInt(line, ',');
										else if (cur_layer == "collision") collision[i][j] = eatFirstInt(line, ',');
					else if (section == "enemy") {
						if (key == "type") {
							new_enemy.type = val;
						else if (key == "spawnpoint") {
							val = val + ",";
							new_enemy.pos.x = eatFirstInt(val, ',') * UNITS_PER_TILE + UNITS_PER_TILE/2;
							new_enemy.pos.y = eatFirstInt(val, ',') * UNITS_PER_TILE + UNITS_PER_TILE/2;
							new_enemy.direction = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
					else if (section == "npc") {
						if (key == "id") {
							new_npc.id = val;
						else if (key == "position") {
							val = val + ",";
							new_npc.pos.x = eatFirstInt(val, ',') * UNITS_PER_TILE + UNITS_PER_TILE/2;
							new_npc.pos.y = eatFirstInt(val, ',') * UNITS_PER_TILE + UNITS_PER_TILE/2;
					else if (section == "event") {
						if (key == "type") {
							events[event_count-1].type = val;
						else if (key == "location") {
							val = val + ",";
							events[event_count-1].location.x = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
							events[event_count-1].location.y = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
							events[event_count-1].location.w = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
							events[event_count-1].location.h = eatFirstInt(val, ',');							
						else {
							// new event component
							Event_Component *e = &events[event_count-1].components[events[event_count-1].comp_num];
							e->type = key;
							if (key == "intermap") {
								val = val + ",";
								e->s = eatFirstString(val, ',');
								e->x = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
								e->y = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
							else if (key == "mapmod") {
								val = val + ",";
								e->s = eatFirstString(val, ',');
								e->x = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
								e->y = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
								e->z = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
							else if (key == "soundfx") {
								e->s = val;
							else if (key == "loot") {
								val = val + ",";
								e->s = eatFirstString(val, ',');
								e->x = eatFirstInt(val, ',') * UNITS_PER_TILE + UNITS_PER_TILE/2;
								e->y = eatFirstInt(val, ',') * UNITS_PER_TILE + UNITS_PER_TILE/2;
								e->z = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
							else if (key == "msg") {
								e->s = val;
							else if (key == "shakycam") {
								e->x = atoi(val.c_str());
							else if (key == "requires_status") {
								e->s = val;
							else if (key == "requires_not") {
								e->s = val;
							else if (key == "requires_item") {
								e->x = atoi(val.c_str());
							else if (key == "set_status") {
								e->s = val;
							else if (key == "unset_status") {
								e->s = val;
							else if (key == "remove_item") {
								e->x = atoi(val.c_str());
							else if (key == "reward_xp") {
								e->x = atoi(val.c_str());
		// reached end of file.  Handle any final sections.
		if (enemy_awaiting_queue) {
			enemy_awaiting_queue = false;
		if (npc_awaiting_queue) {
			npc_awaiting_queue = false;


	collider.map_size.x = w;
	collider.map_size.y = h;
	if (this->new_music) {
		this->new_music = false;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Advance to the next key pair
 * Take note if a new section header is encountered
 * @return false if EOF, otherwise true
bool FileParser::next() {

	std::string starts_with;
	new_section = false;

	while (current_index < filenames.size()) {
		while (infile.good()) {
			if (include_fp) {
				if (include_fp->next()) {
					new_section = include_fp->new_section;
					section = include_fp->section;
					key = include_fp->key;
					val = include_fp->val;
					return true;
				else {
					delete include_fp;
					include_fp = NULL;

			line = trim(getLine(infile));

			// skip ahead if this line is empty
			if (line.length() == 0) continue;

			starts_with = line.at(0);

			// skip ahead if this line is a comment
			if (starts_with == "#") continue;

			// set new section if this line is a section declaration
			if (starts_with == "[") {
				new_section = true;
				section = parse_section_title(line);

				// keep searching for a key-pair

			// skip the string used to combine files
			if (line == "APPEND") continue;

			// read from a separate file
			std::size_t first_space = line.find(' ');

			if (first_space != std::string::npos) {
				std::string directive = line.substr(0, first_space);

				if (directive == "INCLUDE") {
					std::string tmp = line.substr(first_space+1);

					include_fp = new FileParser();
					if (!include_fp || !include_fp->open(tmp)) {
						delete include_fp;
						include_fp = NULL;

			// this is a keypair. Perform basic parsing and return
			parse_key_pair(line, key, val);
			return true;


		if (current_index == filenames.size()) return false;

		line_number = 0;
		const std::string current_filename = filenames[current_index];
		infile.open(current_filename.c_str(), std::ios::in);
		if (!infile.is_open()) {
			if (!errormessage.empty())
				logError("FileParser: %s: %s", errormessage.c_str(), current_filename.c_str());
			return false;
		// a new file starts a new section
		new_section = true;

	// hit the end of file
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
void ItemDatabase::load() {
	ifstream infile;
	string line;
	string key;
	string val;
	string starts_with;
	int id = 0;
	string s;
	infile.open("items/items.txt", ios::in);

	if (infile.is_open()) {
		while (!infile.eof()) {

			line = getLine(infile);

			if (line.length() > 0) {
				starts_with = line.at(0);
				if (starts_with == "#") {
					// skip comments
				else if (starts_with == "[") {
					// skip headers
					// we expect the first entry after the header
					//   to be the new id
				else { // this is data.  treatment depends on section type
					parse_key_pair(line, key, val);          
					key = trim(key, ' ');
					val = trim(val, ' ');
					//num = atoi(val.c_str());
					if (key == "id")
						id = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "name")
						items[id].name = val;
					else if (key == "level")
						items[id].level = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "icon") {
						val = val + ",";
						items[id].icon32 = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
						if (val.length() > 0)
							items[id].icon64 = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
					else if (key == "quality") {
						if (val == "low")
							items[id].quality = ITEM_QUALITY_LOW;
						else if (val == "high")
							items[id].quality = ITEM_QUALITY_HIGH;
						else if (val == "epic")
							items[id].quality = ITEM_QUALITY_EPIC;
					else if (key == "type") {
						if (val == "main")
							items[id].type = ITEM_TYPE_MAIN;
						else if (val == "body")
							items[id].type = ITEM_TYPE_BODY;
						else if (val == "off")
							items[id].type = ITEM_TYPE_OFF;
						else if (val == "artifact")
							items[id].type = ITEM_TYPE_ARTIFACT;
						else if (val == "consumable")
							items[id].type = ITEM_TYPE_CONSUMABLE;
						else if (val == "gem")
							items[id].type = ITEM_TYPE_GEM;
						else if (val == "quest")
							items[id].type = ITEM_TYPE_QUEST;
					else if (key == "dmg") {
						val = val + ",";
						items[id].dmg_min = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
						if (val.length() > 0)
							items[id].dmg_max = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
							items[id].dmg_max = items[id].dmg_min;
					else if (key == "abs") {
						val = val + ",";
						items[id].abs_min = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
						if (val.length() > 0)
							items[id].abs_max = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
							items[id].abs_max = items[id].abs_min;
					else if (key == "req") {
						val = val + ",";
						s = eatFirstString(val, ',');
						items[id].req_val = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
						if (s == "p")
							items[id].req_stat = REQUIRES_PHYS;
						else if (s == "m")
							items[id].req_stat = REQUIRES_MENT;
						else if (s == "o")
							items[id].req_stat = REQUIRES_OFF;
						else if (s == "d")
							items[id].req_stat = REQUIRES_DEF;
					else if (key == "bonus") {
						val = val + ",";
						items[id].bonus_stat = eatFirstString(val, ',');
						items[id].bonus_val = eatFirstInt(val, ',');
					else if (key == "sfx") {
						if (val == "book")
							items[id].sfx = SFX_BOOK;
						else if (val == "cloth")
							items[id].sfx = SFX_CLOTH;
						else if (val == "coins")
							items[id].sfx = SFX_COINS;
						else if (val == "gem")
							items[id].sfx = SFX_GEM;
						else if (val == "leather")
							items[id].sfx = SFX_LEATHER;
						else if (val == "metal")
							items[id].sfx = SFX_METAL;
						else if (val == "page")
							items[id].sfx = SFX_PAGE;
						else if (val == "maille")
							items[id].sfx = SFX_MAILLE;
						else if (val == "object")
							items[id].sfx = SFX_OBJECT;
						else if (val == "heavy")
							items[id].sfx = SFX_HEAVY;
						else if (val == "wood")
							items[id].sfx = SFX_WOOD;
						else if (val == "potion")
							items[id].sfx = SFX_POTION;
					else if (key == "gfx")
						items[id].gfx = val;
					else if (key == "loot")
						items[id].loot = val;
					else if (key == "power")
						items[id].power = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "power_mod")
						items[id].power_mod = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "power_desc")
						items[id].power_desc = val;
					else if (key == "price")
						items[id].price = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "max_quantity")
						items[id].max_quantity = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "rand_loot")
						items[id].rand_loot = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "rand_vendor")
						items[id].rand_vendor = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "pickup_status")
						items[id].pickup_status = val;
Exemplo n.º 7
 * All powers are defined in powers/powers.txt
void PowerManager::loadPowers() {

	ifstream infile;
	string line;
	string key;
	string val;
	string starts_with;
	int input_id = 0;
	infile.open("powers/powers.txt", ios::in);

	if (infile.is_open()) {
		while (!infile.eof()) {
			line = getLine(infile);

			if (line.length() > 0) {
				starts_with = line.at(0);
				if (starts_with == "#") {
					// skip comments
				if (starts_with == "[") {
					// not actually necessary.  We know we're at a new power when
					// we see a new id key.
				else { // this is data.  treatment depends on key
					parse_key_pair(line, key, val);          
					key = trim(key, ' ');
					val = trim(val, ' ');
					// id needs to be the first component of each power.  That is how we write
					// data to the correct power.
					if (key == "id") {
						input_id = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "type") {
						if (val == "single") powers[input_id].type = POWTYPE_SINGLE;
						else if (val == "effect") powers[input_id].type = POWTYPE_EFFECT;
						else if (val == "missile") powers[input_id].type = POWTYPE_MISSILE;
						else if (val == "repeater") powers[input_id].type = POWTYPE_REPEATER;
					else if (key == "name") {
						powers[input_id].name = val;
					else if (key == "description") {
						powers[input_id].description = val;
					else if (key == "icon") {
						powers[input_id].icon = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "new_state") {
						if (val == "swing") powers[input_id].new_state = POWSTATE_SWING;
						else if (val == "shoot") powers[input_id].new_state = POWSTATE_SHOOT;
						else if (val == "cast") powers[input_id].new_state = POWSTATE_CAST;
						else if (val == "block") powers[input_id].new_state = POWSTATE_BLOCK;
					else if (key == "face") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].face = true;
					// power requirements
					else if (key == "requires_physical_weapon") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].requires_physical_weapon = true;
					else if (key == "requires_mental_weapon") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].requires_mental_weapon = true;
					else if (key == "requires_offense_weapon") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].requires_offense_weapon = true;
					else if (key == "requires_mp") {
						powers[input_id].requires_mp = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "requires_los") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].requires_los = true;
					else if (key == "requires_empty_target") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].requires_empty_target = true;
					else if (key == "requires_item") {
						powers[input_id].requires_item = atoi(val.c_str());
					// animation info
					else if (key == "gfx") {
						powers[input_id].gfx_index = loadGFX(val);
					else if (key == "sfx") {
						powers[input_id].sfx_index = loadSFX(val);
					else if (key == "rendered") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].rendered = true;				
					else if (key == "directional") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].directional = true;
					else if (key == "visual_random") {
						powers[input_id].visual_random = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "visual_option") {
						powers[input_id].visual_option = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "aim_assist") {
						powers[input_id].aim_assist = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "speed") {
						powers[input_id].speed = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "lifespan") {
						powers[input_id].lifespan = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "frame_loop") {
						powers[input_id].frame_loop = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "frame_duration") {
						powers[input_id].frame_duration = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "frame_size") {
						val = val + ",";
						powers[input_id].frame_size.x = eatFirstInt(val, ',');										
						powers[input_id].frame_size.y = eatFirstInt(val, ',');				
					else if (key == "frame_offset") {
						val = val + ",";
						powers[input_id].frame_offset.x = eatFirstInt(val, ',');										
						powers[input_id].frame_offset.y = eatFirstInt(val, ',');				
					else if (key == "floor") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].floor = true;
					else if (key == "active_frame") {
						powers[input_id].active_frame = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "complete_animation") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].complete_animation = true;
					// hazard traits
					else if (key == "use_hazard") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].use_hazard = true;
					else if (key == "no_attack") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].no_attack = true;
					else if (key == "radius") {
						powers[input_id].radius = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "base_damage") {
						if (val == "none")
							powers[input_id].base_damage = BASE_DAMAGE_NONE;
						else if (val == "melee")
							powers[input_id].base_damage = BASE_DAMAGE_MELEE;
						else if (val == "ranged")
							powers[input_id].base_damage = BASE_DAMAGE_RANGED;
						else if (val == "ment")
							powers[input_id].base_damage = BASE_DAMAGE_MENT;
					else if (key == "damage_multiplier") {
						powers[input_id].damage_multiplier = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "starting_pos") {
						if (val == "source")
							powers[input_id].starting_pos = STARTING_POS_SOURCE;
						else if (val == "target")
							powers[input_id].starting_pos = STARTING_POS_TARGET;
						else if (val == "melee")
							powers[input_id].starting_pos = STARTING_POS_MELEE;
					else if (key == "multitarget") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].multitarget = true;
					else if (key == "trait_armor_penetration") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].trait_armor_penetration = true;
					else if (key == "trait_crits_impaired") {
						powers[input_id].trait_crits_impaired = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "trait_elemental") {
						if (val == "wood") powers[input_id].trait_elemental = ELEMENT_WOOD;
						else if (val == "metal") powers[input_id].trait_elemental = ELEMENT_METAL;
						else if (val == "wind") powers[input_id].trait_elemental = ELEMENT_WIND;
						else if (val == "water") powers[input_id].trait_elemental = ELEMENT_WATER;
						else if (val == "earth") powers[input_id].trait_elemental = ELEMENT_EARTH;
						else if (val == "fire") powers[input_id].trait_elemental = ELEMENT_FIRE;
						else if (val == "shadow") powers[input_id].trait_elemental = ELEMENT_SHADOW;
						else if (val == "light") powers[input_id].trait_elemental = ELEMENT_LIGHT;
					//steal effects
					else if (key == "hp_steal") {
						powers[input_id].hp_steal = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "mp_steal") {
						powers[input_id].mp_steal = atoi(val.c_str());
					//missile modifiers
					else if (key == "missile_num") {
						powers[input_id].missile_num = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "missile_angle") {
						powers[input_id].missile_angle = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "angle_variance") {
						powers[input_id].angle_variance = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "speed_variance") {
						powers[input_id].speed_variance = atoi(val.c_str());
					//repeater modifiers
					else if (key == "delay") {
						powers[input_id].delay = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "start_frame") {
						powers[input_id].start_frame = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "repeater_num") {
						powers[input_id].repeater_num = atoi(val.c_str());
					// buff/debuff durations
					else if (key == "bleed_duration") {
						powers[input_id].bleed_duration = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "stun_duration") {
						powers[input_id].stun_duration = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "slow_duration") {
						powers[input_id].slow_duration = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "immobilize_duration") {
						powers[input_id].immobilize_duration = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "immunity_duration") {
						powers[input_id].immunity_duration = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "haste_duration") {
						powers[input_id].haste_duration = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "hot_duration") {
						powers[input_id].hot_duration = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "hot_value") {
						powers[input_id].hot_value = atoi(val.c_str());
					// buffs
					else if (key == "buff_heal") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].buff_heal = true;
					else if (key == "buff_shield") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].buff_shield = true;
					else if (key == "buff_teleport") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].buff_teleport = true;
					else if (key == "buff_immunity") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].buff_immunity = true;
					else if (key == "buff_restore_hp") {
						powers[input_id].buff_restore_hp = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "buff_restore_mp") {
						powers[input_id].buff_restore_mp = atoi(val.c_str());
					// pre and post power effects
					else if (key == "post_power") {
						powers[input_id].post_power = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "wall_power") {
						powers[input_id].wall_power = atoi(val.c_str());
					else if (key == "allow_power_mod") {
						if (val == "true") powers[input_id].allow_power_mod = true;