/* parse.c 720d */
Explist parselist(Parlist pl) {
    Exp e;

    if (pl == NULL)
        return NULL;

    e = parseexp(pl->hd);
    return mkEL(e, parselist(pl->tl));
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Now we can move on to parsing [[Exp]]s. The
 * [[parselist]] helper function repeatedly calls
 * [[parseexp]] to parse a list of [[Par]] expressions,
 * eventually returning a list of [[Exp]]s.
 * <parse.c>=
static Explist parselist(Parlist pl) {
    Exp e;

    if (pl == NULL)
        return NULL;

    e = parseexp(pl->hd); /* force pl->hd to be parsed first */
    return mkEL(e, parselist(pl->tl));
Exemplo n.º 3
char *parseword(char *&p)                 // parse single argument, including expressions
  p += strspn(p, " \t\r");
  if(p[0]=='/' && p[1]=='/') p += strcspn(p, "\n\0");  
    const char *word = p;
    p += strcspn(p, "\"\r\n\0");
    char *s = newstring(word, p-word);
    if(*p=='\"') p++;
    return s;
  if(*p=='(') return parseexp(p, ')');
  if(*p=='[') return parseexp(p, ']');
  char *word = p;
  p += strcspn(p, "; \t\r\n\0");
  if(p-word==0) return NULL;
  return newstring(word, p-word);
/* parse.c 723c */
static void parseletbindings(Par p, Parlist bindings, Exp letexp) {
    if (bindings) {
        Par t = bindings->hd;
        Name n;  /* name bound in t (if t is well formed) */
        Exp e;   /* expression on RHS of t (if t is well formed) */
        parseletbindings(p, bindings->tl, letexp);
        if (t->alt != LIST || lengthPL(t->u.list) != 2 
        ||  nthPL(t->u.list, 0)->alt != ATOM)
            error("%p: usage: (letX (letlist) exp)", p);
        n = nthPL(t->u.list, 0)->u.atom;
        e = parseexp(nthPL(t->u.list, 1));
        letexp->u.letx.nl = mkNL(n, letexp->u.letx.nl);
        letexp->u.letx.el = mkEL(e, letexp->u.letx.el);
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: exptree.c Projeto: pix/cppp
/* Parses a C preprocessor expression.
char const *parseexptree(struct exptree *t, struct clexer *cl,
			 char const *input)
    return parseexp(t, cl, input, 0);
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: exptree.c Projeto: pix/cppp
/* Parses a C preprocessor expression from the C source code pointed
 * to by input, via the given lexer, and creates a expression tree
 * representing it. prec gives the precedence of the operator this
 * expression is attached to, or zero if there is no such operator.
 * The return value points to the source immediately following the
 * parsed expression.
static char const *parseexp(struct exptree *t, struct clexer *cl,
			    char const *input, int prec)
    struct exptree *x;
    char const *tmp;
    int found, n;

    if (t->exp != expNone)
	return input;

    if (*input == '(') {
	tmp = input;
	input = skipwhite(cl, nextchar(cl, input));
	input = parseexp(t, cl, input, 0);
	if (t->exp == expNone) {
	    goto failure;
	} else if (*input != ')') {
	    goto failure;
	t->begin = tmp;
	input = nextchar(cl, input);
	t->end = input;
	input = skipwhite(cl, input);
    } else {
	found = FALSE;
	for (n = 0 ; n < sizearray(prefixops) ; ++n) {
	    if (!memcmp(input, prefixops[n].symbol, prefixops[n].size)) {
		found = TRUE;
	if (found) {
	    if (prefixops[n].prec < prec) {
		goto failure;
	    t->exp = expOperator;
	    t->op = prefixops[n].op;
	    t->begin = input;
	    input = nextchars(cl, input, prefixops[n].size);
	    input = skipwhite(cl, input);
	    x = addnewchild(t, -1);
	    input = parseexp(x, cl, input, prefixops[n].prec);
	    if (x->exp == expNone) {
		goto failure;
	    t->end = x->end;
	} else {
	    input = parseconstant(t, cl, input);
	    if (t->exp == expNone) {
		goto failure;

    for (;;) {
	found = FALSE;
	for (n = 0 ; n < sizearray(infixops) ; ++n) {
	    if (!memcmp(input, infixops[n].symbol, infixops[n].size)) {
		found = TRUE;
	if (!found || infixops[n].prec < prec
		   || (infixops[n].prec == prec && infixops[n].l2r))
	input = nextchars(cl, input, infixops[n].size);
	input = skipwhite(cl, input);
	x = initexptree();
	tmp = t->begin;
	*x = *t;
	t->exp = expOperator;
	t->op = infixops[n].op;
	t->begin = tmp;
	addchild(t, x, -1);
	x = addnewchild(t, -1);
	if (t->op == opConditional) {
	    input = parseexp(x, cl, input, infixops[n].prec);
	    if (x->exp == expNone) {
		goto failure;
	    if (*input != ':') {
		goto failure;
	    input = skipwhite(cl, nextchar(cl, input));
	    x = addnewchild(t, -1);
	input = parseexp(x, cl, input, infixops[n].prec);
	if (x->exp == expNone) {
	    goto failure;
	t->end = x->end;
    return input;

    t->exp = expNone;
    return input;
/* parse.c 718b */
XDef parse(Par p) {
    switch (p->alt) {
    case ATOM:
        /* parse ATOM and return 718c */
        return mkDef(mkExp(parseexp(p)));
    case LIST:
        /* parse LIST and return 718d */
            Parlist pl = p->u.list;

            if (pl == NULL)
                error("%p: empty list", p);
            if (nthPL(pl, 0)->alt == ATOM) {
                Name first = nthPL(pl, 0)->u.atom;
                if (first == strtoname("define")) {
                    /* parse define and return 719a */
                    Name name;
                    Lambda l;

                    if (lengthPL(pl) != 4 || nthPL(pl, 1)->alt != ATOM || nthPL(
                                                            pl, 2)->alt != LIST)
                        error("%p: usage: (define fun (args) body)", p);

                    name      = nthPL(pl, 1)->u.atom;
                    l.formals = getnamelist(p, nthPL(pl, 2)->u.list);
                    l.body    = parseexp(nthPL(pl, 3));
                    return      mkDef(mkDefine(name, l));
                if (first == strtoname("val")) {
                    /* parse val and return 719b */
                    Exp var, exp;

                    if (lengthPL(pl) != 3)
                        error("%p: usage: (val var exp)", p);

                    var = parseexp(nthPL(pl, 1));
                    if (var->alt != VAR)
                        error("%p: usage: (val var exp) (bad variable)", p);

                    exp = parseexp(nthPL(pl, 2));
                    return mkDef(mkVal(var->u.var, exp));
                if (first == strtoname("use")) {
                    /* parse use and return 719c */
                    if (lengthPL(pl) != 2 || nthPL(pl, 1)->alt != ATOM)
                        error("%p: usage: (use filename)", p);

                    return mkUse(nthPL(pl, 1)->u.atom);
                if (first == strtoname("check-expect")) {
                    /* parse check-expect and return 719d */
                    Exp check, expect;

                    if (lengthPL(pl) != 3)
                        error("%p: usage: (check-expect exp exp)", p);

                    check  = parseexp(nthPL(pl, 1));
                    expect = parseexp(nthPL(pl, 2));
                    return mkTest(mkCheckExpect(check, expect));
                if (first == strtoname("check-error")) {
                    /* parse check-error and return 719e */
                    Exp check;

                    if (lengthPL(pl) != 2)
                        error("%p: usage: (check-error exp)", p);

                    check  = parseexp(nthPL(pl, 1));
                    return mkTest(mkCheckError(check));

            return mkDef(mkExp(parseexp(p)));
    return NULL;
/* parse.c 720f */
Exp parseexp(Par p) {
    switch (p->alt) {
    case ATOM:
        /* parseexp [[ATOM]] and return 721 */
            Name n = p->u.atom;
            const char *s; /* string form of n */
            char *t;       /* nondigits in s, if any */
            long l;        /* number represented by s, if any */

            if (n == strtoname("#t"))
                return mkLiteral(truev);
            else if (n == strtoname("#f"))
                return mkLiteral(falsev);

            s = nametostr(n);
            l = strtol(s, &t, 10);
            if (*t == '\0' && *s != '\0')
                                /* all the characters in s are digits base 10 */
                return mkLiteral(mkNum(l));
                return mkVar(n);
    case LIST:
        /* parseexp [[LIST]] and return 722a */
            Parlist pl;                /* parenthesized list we are parsing */
            Name first;
                            /* first element, as a name (or NULL if not name) */
            Explist el;                /* remaining elements, as expressions */
            Exp rv;                    /* result of parsing */

            pl = p->u.list;
            if (pl == NULL)
                error("%p: empty list in input", p);

            first = pl->hd->alt == ATOM ? pl->hd->u.atom : NULL;
            if (first == strtoname("lambda")) {
                /* parseexp [[lambda]] and put the result in [[rv]] 722b */
                Par q;

                if (lengthPL(pl->tl) != 2)
                    error("%p: usage: (lambda (formals) exp)", p);
                q = nthPL(pl->tl, 0);
                if (q->alt != LIST)
                    error("%p: usage: (lambda (formals) exp)", p);
                rv = mkLambdax(mkLambda(getnamelist(p, q->u.list), parseexp(
                                                            nthPL(pl->tl, 1))));
            } else if (first == strtoname("let")
                   ||  first == strtoname("let*")
                   ||  first == strtoname("letrec")) {
                /* parseexp let and put the result in [[rv]] 723a */
                Letkeyword letword;
                Par letbindings;

                if (first == strtoname("let"))
                    letword = LET;
                else if (first == strtoname("let*"))
                    letword = LETSTAR;
                else if (first == strtoname("letrec"))
                    letword = LETREC;

                if (lengthPL(pl->tl) != 2)
                    error("%p: usage: (%n (letlist) exp)", p, first);

                letbindings = nthPL(pl->tl, 0);
                if (letbindings->alt != LIST)
                    error("%p: usage: (%n (letlist) exp)", p, first);

                rv = mkLetx(letword, NULL, NULL, parseexp(nthPL(pl->tl, 1)));

                parseletbindings(p, letbindings->u.list, rv);
            } else if (first == strtoname("quote")) {
                /* parseexp [[quote]] and put the result in [[rv]] 723d */
                    if (lengthPL(pl) != 2)
                        error("%p: quote needs exactly one argument", p);
                    rv = mkLiteral(parsesx(nthPL(pl, 1)));
            } else {
                el = parselist(pl->tl);
                if (first == strtoname("begin")) {
                    /* parseexp [[begin]] and put the result in [[rv]] 724e */
                    rv = mkBegin(el);
                } else if (first == strtoname("if")) {
                    /* parseexp [[if]] and put the result in [[rv]] 724f */
                    if (lengthEL(el) != 3)
                        error("%p: usage: (if cond true false)", p);
                    rv = mkIfx(nthEL(el, 0), nthEL(el, 1), nthEL(el, 2));
                } else if (first == strtoname("set")) {
                    /* parseexp [[set]] and put the result in [[rv]] 725b */
                    if (lengthEL(el) != 2)
                        error("%p: usage: (set var exp)", p);
                    if (nthEL(el, 0)->alt != VAR)
                        error("%p: set needs variable as first param", p);
                    rv = mkSet(nthEL(el, 0)->u.var, nthEL(el, 1));
                } else if (first == strtoname("while")) {
                    /* parseexp [[while]] and put the result in [[rv]] 725a */
                    if (lengthEL(el) != 2)
                        error("%p: usage: (while cond body)", p);
                    rv = mkWhilex(nthEL(el, 0), nthEL(el, 1));

 /* [[RBR else LBR]] possibly parse expressions that are in \uschemeplus 723e */
                  /* nothing happens */
                } else {
                   /* parseexp application and put the result in [[rv]] 724d */
                   rv = mkApply(parseexp(pl->hd), el);
            return rv;
        return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 9
 * The parser needs to take concrete syntax, check to
 * see that it is well formed, and produce abstract
 * syntax. It provides the [[readtop]] function.
 * At the top level, parsing amounts to looking for top
 * level constructs and passing the rest of the work to
 * [[parseexp]], which parses the input into [[Exp]]s.
 * <parse.c>=
static Def parse(Par p) {
    switch (p->alt) {
    case ATOM:
         * If we have a name, we treat it as an expression.
         * <parse [[atom]] and return the result>=
        return mkExp(parseexp(p));
    case LIST:
         * If we have a list, we need to look for [[define]],
         * [[val]], and [[use]].
         * <parse [[list]] and return the result>=
            Name first;
            Parlist pl = p->u.list;
            if (pl == NULL)
                error("%p: empty list", p);
            if (nthPL(pl, 0)->alt != ATOM)
                error("%p: first item of list not name", p);

            first = nthPL(pl, 0)->u.atom;
            if (first == strtoname("define")) {
                 * Parsing the top-level expressions requires checking
                 * the argument counts and then parsing the subpieces.
                 * For function definitions, we could check that formal
                 * parameters have distinct names, but that check is
                 * part of the operational semantics for function
                 * definition.
                 * <parse [[define]] and return the result>=
                if (lengthPL(pl) != 4 || nthPL(pl, 1)->alt != ATOM || nthPL(pl,
                                                                2)->alt != LIST)
                    error("%p: usage: (define fun (formals) body)", p);

                  Name     name    = nthPL(pl, 1)->u.atom;
                  Namelist formals = getnamelist(name, p, nthPL(pl, 2)->u.list);
                  Exp      body    = parseexp(nthPL(pl, 3));
                  return mkDefine(name, mkUserfun(formals, body));
            if (first == strtoname("val")) {
                 * <parse [[val]] and return the result>=
                Exp var, exp;

                if (lengthPL(pl) != 3)
                    error("%p: usage: (val var exp)", p);

                var = parseexp(nthPL(pl, 1));
                if (var->alt != VAR)
                    error("%p: usage: (val var exp) (bad variable)", p);

                exp = parseexp(nthPL(pl, 2));
                return mkVal(var->u.var, exp);
            if (first == strtoname("use")) {
                 * <parse [[use]] and return the result>=
                if (lengthPL(pl) != 2 || nthPL(pl, 1)->alt != ATOM)
                    error("%p: usage: (use filename)", p);

                return mkUse(nthPL(pl, 1)->u.atom);
            return mkExp(parseexp(p));
    return NULL;
/* parse.c 694a */
static XDef parse(Par p) {
    switch (p->alt) {
    case ATOM:
        /* parse [[atom]] and return the result 694b */
        return mkDef(mkExp(parseexp(p)));
    case LIST:
        /* parse [[list]] and return the result 694c */
            Name first;
            Parlist pl = p->u.list;
            if (pl == NULL)
                error("%p: empty list", p);
            if (nthPL(pl, 0)->alt != ATOM)
                error("%p: first item of list not name", p);

            first = nthPL(pl, 0)->u.atom;
             if (first == strtoname("define")) {
                 /* parse [[define]] and return the result */
                 if (lengthPL(pl) != 5 || nthPL(pl, 1)->alt != ATOM || 
                     nthPL(pl, 2)->alt != LIST || nthPL(pl, 3)->alt != LIST)
                     error("%p: usage: (define fun (formals) (locals) body)", p);
                 Name     name    = nthPL(pl, 1)->u.atom;
                 Namelist formals = getnamelist(name, p, nthPL(pl, 2)->u.list);
                 Namelist locals  = getnamelist(name, p, nthPL(pl, 3)->u.list);
                 Exp      body    = parseexp(nthPL(pl, 4));
                 return   mkDef(mkDefine(name, mkUserfun(formals, locals, body)));

            if (first == strtoname("val")) {
                /* parse [[val]] and return the result 695c */
                Exp var, exp;

                if (lengthPL(pl) != 3)
                    error("%p: usage: (val var exp)", p);

                var = parseexp(nthPL(pl, 1));
                if (var->alt != VAR)
                    error("%p: usage: (val var exp) (bad variable)", p);

                exp = parseexp(nthPL(pl, 2));
                return mkDef(mkVal(var->u.var, exp));
            if (first == strtoname("use")) {
                /* parse [[use]] and return the result 695d */
                if (lengthPL(pl) != 2 || nthPL(pl, 1)->alt != ATOM)
                    error("%p: usage: (use filename)", p);

                return mkUse(nthPL(pl, 1)->u.atom);
            if (first == strtoname("check-expect")) {
                /* parse [[check-expect]] and return the result 695e */
                Exp check, expect;

                if (lengthPL(pl) != 3)
                    error("%p: usage: (check-expect exp exp)", p);

                check  = parseexp(nthPL(pl, 1));
                expect = parseexp(nthPL(pl, 2));
                return mkTest(mkCheckExpect(check, expect));
            if (first == strtoname("check-error")) {
                /* parse [[check-error]] and return the result 696a */
                Exp check;

                if (lengthPL(pl) != 2)
                    error("%p: usage: (check-error exp)", p);

                check  = parseexp(nthPL(pl, 1));
                return mkTest(mkCheckError(check));
            return mkDef(mkExp(parseexp(p)));
    return NULL;