int test_igd_desc_parse(char * buffer, int len, FILE * f) { int n; struct IGDdatas igd; struct xmlparser parser; struct UPNPUrls urls; memset(&igd, 0, sizeof(struct IGDdatas)); memset(&parser, 0, sizeof(struct xmlparser)); parser.xmlstart = buffer; parser.xmlsize = len; = &igd; parser.starteltfunc = IGDstartelt; parser.endeltfunc = IGDendelt; parser.datafunc = IGDdata; parsexml(&parser); #ifdef DEBUG printIGD(&igd); #endif /* DEBUG */ GetUPNPUrls(&urls, &igd, "http://fake/desc/url/file.xml", 0); printf("ipcondescURL='%s'\n", urls.ipcondescURL); printf("controlURL='%s'\n", urls.controlURL); printf("controlURL_CIF='%s'\n", urls.controlURL_CIF); n = f ? compare_igd(&igd, f) : 0; FreeUPNPUrls(&urls); return n; }
static void upnpc_desc_received(struct evhttp_request * req, void * pvoid) { size_t len; unsigned char * data; struct evbuffer * input_buffer; struct IGDdatas igd; struct xmlparser parser; upnpc_device_t * d = (upnpc_device_t *)pvoid; if(req == NULL) { debug_printf("%s(%p, %p) NULL argument !\n", __func__, req, pvoid); return; } input_buffer = evhttp_request_get_input_buffer(req); len = evbuffer_get_length(input_buffer); data = evbuffer_pullup(input_buffer, len); debug_printf("%s %d (%d bytes)\n", __func__, evhttp_request_get_response_code(req), (int)len); if(evhttp_request_get_response_code(req) != HTTP_OK) { d->parent->ready_cb(evhttp_request_get_response_code(req), d->parent, d, d->parent->cb_data); return; } if(data == NULL) { d->parent->ready_cb(UPNPC_ERR_ROOT_DESC_ERROR, d->parent, d, d->parent->cb_data); return; } debug_printf("%.*s\n", (int)len, (char *)data); memset(&igd, 0, sizeof(struct IGDdatas)); memset(&parser, 0, sizeof(struct xmlparser)); parser.xmlstart = (char *)data; parser.xmlsize = len; = &igd; parser.starteltfunc = IGDstartelt; parser.endeltfunc = IGDendelt; parser.datafunc = IGDdata; parsexml(&parser); #ifdef DEBUG printIGD(&igd); #endif /* DEBUG */ d->control_conn_url = build_url_string(igd.urlbase, d->root_desc_location, igd.first.controlurl); d->event_conn_url = build_url_string(igd.urlbase, d->root_desc_location, igd.first.eventsuburl); d->conn_service_type = strdup(igd.first.servicetype); d->control_cif_url = build_url_string(igd.urlbase, d->root_desc_location, igd.CIF.controlurl); d->event_cif_url = build_url_string(igd.urlbase, d->root_desc_location, igd.CIF.eventsuburl); d->cif_service_type = strdup(igd.CIF.servicetype); debug_printf("control_conn_url='%s'\n (service_type='%s')\n", d->control_conn_url, d->conn_service_type); debug_printf("event_conn_url='%s'\n", d->event_conn_url); debug_printf("control_cif_url='%s'\n (service_type='%s')\n", d->control_cif_url, d->cif_service_type); if((d->cif_service_type == NULL) || (strlen(d->cif_service_type) == 0) || (!COMPARE(d->cif_service_type, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:"))) { d->parent->ready_cb(UPNPC_ERR_NOT_IGD, d->parent, d, d->parent->cb_data); } else { d->state |= UPNPC_DEVICE_GETSTATUS; upnpc_get_status_info(d); } }
struct SVGPath* svgParse(char* input) { struct SVGParser* p; struct SVGPath* ret = 0; p = svgCreateParser(); if (!p) return 0; p->tol = 1.0f; parsexml(input, svgStartElement, svgEndElement, svgContent, p); if (p->buf) { free(p->buf); p->buf = NULL; p->nbuf = 0; p->cbuf = 0; } ret = p->plist; p->plist = 0; svgDeleteParser(p); return ret; }
/* destroy the session on the server side */ void destroysession() { int sd; char *xml, query[256]; sprintf(query, "/destroysession.php?sessionid=%s", xmlxml.sessionid); do { *xmlxml.error = 0; sd = getconnection(host_entry, gijohnport); getxml(sd, &xml, query, gijohnserver, gijohnport, 0); close(sd); parsexml(xml); free(xml); if (*xmlxml.error) { printf("[-] Error: destroying session: %s\n[+] Sleeping for %dsec... and resending\n", xmlxml.error, SLEEP_TIME); sleep(SLEEP_TIME); } } while (*xmlxml.error); if (options.flags & FLG_VERBOSE) printf("[+] Session destroyed\n[+] Thanks for using GI John!\n"); return; }
/* root description parsing */ void parserootdesc(const char * buffer, int bufsize, struct IGDdatas * data) { struct xmlparser parser; /* xmlparser object */ parser.xmlstart = buffer; parser.xmlsize = bufsize; = data; parser.starteltfunc = IGDstartelt; parser.endeltfunc = IGDendelt; parser.datafunc = IGDdata; parser.attfunc = 0; parsexml(&parser); }
void ParseNameValue(const char * buffer, int bufsize, struct NameValueParserData * data) { struct xmlparser parser; LIST_INIT(&(data->head)); /* init xmlparser object */ parser.xmlstart = buffer; parser.xmlsize = bufsize; = data; parser.starteltfunc = NameValueParserStartElt; parser.endeltfunc = 0; parser.datafunc = NameValueParserGetData; parser.attfunc = 0; parsexml(&parser); }
/* root description parsing */ MINIUPNP_LIBSPEC void parserootdesc(const char * buffer, int bufsize, struct IGDdatas * data) { struct xmlparser parser; /* xmlparser object */ parser.xmlstart = buffer; parser.xmlsize = bufsize; = data; parser.starteltfunc = IGDstartelt; parser.endeltfunc = IGDendelt; parser.datafunc = IGDdata; parser.attfunc = 0; parsexml(&parser); #ifdef DEBUG printIGD(data); #endif }
/* Parse the PortMappingList XML document for IGD version 2 */ void ParsePortListing(const char * buffer, int bufsize, struct PortMappingParserData * pdata) { struct xmlparser parser; memset(pdata, 0, sizeof(struct PortMappingParserData)); /* init xmlparser */ parser.xmlstart = buffer; parser.xmlsize = bufsize; = pdata; parser.starteltfunc = startelt; parser.endeltfunc = endelt; parser.datafunc = portlisting_data; parser.attfunc = 0; parsexml(&parser); }
void ParseNameValue(const char * buffer, int bufsize, struct NameValueParserData * data) { struct xmlparser parser; data->l_head = NULL; data->portListing = NULL; data->portListingLength = 0; /* init xmlparser object */ parser.xmlstart = buffer; parser.xmlsize = bufsize; = data; parser.starteltfunc = NameValueParserStartElt; parser.endeltfunc = NameValueParserEndElt; parser.datafunc = NameValueParserGetData; parser.attfunc = 0; parsexml(&parser); }
// bof ! void burptest(const char * buffer, int bufsize) { struct IGDdatas data; struct xmlparser parser; // objet IGDdatas bzero(&data, sizeof(struct IGDdatas)); // objet xmlparser parser.xmlstart = buffer; parser.xmlsize = bufsize; = &data; /*parser.starteltfunc = printeltname1; parser.endeltfunc = printeltname2; parser.datafunc = printdata; */ parser.starteltfunc = IGDstartelt; parser.endeltfunc = IGDendelt; parser.datafunc = IGDdata; parsexml(&parser); printIGD(&data); }
int test_igd_desc_parse(char * buffer, int len) { struct IGDdatas igd; struct xmlparser parser; struct UPNPUrls urls; memset(&igd, 0, sizeof(struct IGDdatas)); memset(&parser, 0, sizeof(struct xmlparser)); parser.xmlstart = buffer; parser.xmlsize = len; = &igd; parser.starteltfunc = IGDstartelt; parser.endeltfunc = IGDendelt; parser.datafunc = IGDdata; parsexml(&parser); printIGD(&igd); GetUPNPUrls(&urls, &igd, "http://fake/desc/url/file.xml", 0); printf("ipcondescURL='%s'\n", urls.ipcondescURL); printf("controlURL='%s'\n", urls.controlURL); printf("controlURL_CIF='%s'\n", urls.controlURL_CIF); FreeUPNPUrls(&urls); return 0; }
/* sending the result */ void sendtheresults() { char *post, *post2, *xml; int sd; makeitvalidxml(&post); if ((post2 = malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(post)*3+1)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Malloc error...\n"); exit(1); } urlencode(post, post2); free(post); post = post2; do { *xmlxml.error = 0; sd = getconnection(host_entry, gijohnport); postxml(sd, &xml, "/sendhashes.php", gijohnserver, gijohnport, post/*, 0*/); close(sd); parsexml(xml); free(xml); if (xmlxml.error[0]) { printf("[-] Error (post): %s\n[+] Sleeping for %dsec... and resending\n", xmlxml.error, SLEEP_TIME); sleep(SLEEP_TIME); } } while (*xmlxml.error); free(post); if (options.flags & FLG_VERBOSE) printf("[+] %d cracked hash sent\n", crackedhashnum); free(crackedhash); crackedhashnum = 0; crackedhash = NULL; return; }
int testxmlparser(const char * xml, int size) { int r; struct eventlist evtlist; struct eventlist evtlistref; struct xmlparser parser; evtlist.n = 0; = malloc(sizeof(struct event)*100); memset(&parser, 0, sizeof(parser)); parser.xmlstart = xml; parser.xmlsize = size; = &evtlist; parser.starteltfunc = startelt; parser.endeltfunc = endelt; parser.datafunc = chardata; parsexml(&parser); printf("%d events\n", evtlist.n); /* compare */ evtlistref.n = sizeof(evtref)/sizeof(struct event); = (struct event *)evtref; r = evtlistcmp(&evtlistref, &evtlist); free(; return r; }
/* getting the new datas*/ int getthenewpiece() { int sd, i; char *xml, query[256], *post, *post2; if (firstrun) { splitserver(gijohnserver, &gijohnport); if ((xmlxml.newhashes = malloc(sizeof(char))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Malloc error...\n"); exit(1); } *xmlxml.newhashes = 0; if ((xmlxml.delhashes = malloc(sizeof(char))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Malloc error...\n"); exit(1); } *xmlxml.newhashes = 0; memset(xmlxml.format, '\0', 64); memset(xmlxml.keymap.firstword, '\0', 64); memset(xmlxml.keymap.lastword, '\0', 64); memset(xmlxml.keymap.charset, '\0', 256); memset(xmlxml.error, '\0', 1024); memset(xmlxml.sessionid, '\0', 33); } if (getnewsid) { getini(username, password); makeformatandperformancexml(&post, username, password); if ((post2 = malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(post)*3+1)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Malloc error...\n"); exit(1); } urlencode(post, post2); free(post); post = post2; setbuf(stdout, NULL); if (options.flags & FLG_VERBOSE) printf("[+] Getting new session\n"); if (gijohnsmp > 1) { for (i = 1; i < gijohnsmp; i++) { if (!fork()) { sessionname = malloc(sizeof(char)*30); memset(sessionname, 0, 30); sprintf(sessionname, "gijohnfork_%d", i); rec_name = sessionname; break; } } } sprintf(query, "/newsession.php"); do { *xmlxml.error = 0; host_entry = getthehostname(gijohnserver); if ((sd = getconnection(host_entry, gijohnport)) < 0) { strncpy(xmlxml.error, "connection error", strlen("connection error")); printf("[-] Connection error\n[+]" " Sleeping for %dsec... and reconnection\n", SLEEP_TIME); sleep(SLEEP_TIME); } else { postxml(sd, &xml, query, gijohnserver, gijohnport, post); close(sd); parsexml(xml); free(xml); if (*xmlxml.error) { printf("[-] Error (new sessionid): %s\n[+]" " Sleeping for %dsec... and resending\n", xmlxml.error, SLEEP_TIME); sleep(SLEEP_TIME); } } } while (*xmlxml.error); free(post); getnewsid = 0; if (options.flags & FLG_VERBOSE) printf("[+] New session is: %s\n", xmlxml.sessionid); } if (xmlxml.upgrade) { printf("[!] You have to upgrade your gijohn, because it's too old to use! Exiting...\n"); destroysession(); exit(1); } sprintf(query, "/getpieces.php?sessionid=%s", xmlxml.sessionid); do { *xmlxml.error = 0; if ((sd = getconnection(host_entry, gijohnport)) < 0) { strncpy(xmlxml.error, "connection error", strlen("connection error")); printf("[-] Connection error\n[+]" " Sleeping for %dsec... and reconnection\n", SLEEP_TIME); sleep(SLEEP_TIME); } else { getxml(sd, &xml, query, gijohnserver, gijohnport, options.flags & FLG_VERBOSE); close(sd); parsexml(xml); free(xml); if (*xmlxml.error) { printf("[-] Error (new keyspace): %s\n[+] " "Sleeping for %dsec... and resending\n", xmlxml.error, SLEEP_TIME); sleep(SLEEP_TIME); } } } while (*xmlxml.error); if (firstrun) { ldr_init_database(&database, &options.loader); } if (xmlxml.clearhashes) { memset(&database, '\0', sizeof(struct db_main)); ldr_init_database(&database, &options.loader); } if (*xmlxml.error == 0) { if (*xmlxml.newhashes) ldr_load_xml_array(&database, xmlxml.newhashes, xmlxml.format); if (*xmlxml.delhashes) ldr_load_xml_delarray(&database, xmlxml.delhashes); if (*xmlxml.newhashes || *xmlxml.delhashes) ldr_fix_xmldatabase(&database, xmlxml.clearhashes | firstrun); } else { printf("[-] Error: %s\n", xmlxml.error); exit(1); } if ((options.flags & FLG_VERBOSE) || firstrun) { log_event("Remaining %s", john_loaded_counts()); printf("[+] Loaded %s (%s [%s])\n", john_loaded_counts(), database.format->params.format_name, database.format->params.algorithm_name); } if (firstrun) { printf("[+] Server: %s\n[+] Charset: %s\n[+] Charset length: %d\n", gijohnserver, xmlxml.keymap.charset, (int)strlen(xmlxml.keymap.charset)); } return 0; }