TEST(gogame_move_check, blank_board_passes) {
    uint8_t board_size = 3;
    GoGame test(board_size);

    GoMove pass_move(test.get_board());

    test.make_move(pass_move, 0);
    test.make_move(pass_move, 1);

    GoBoard expected_board(board_size);

    EXPECT_EQ(expected_board, test.get_board());
Exemplo n.º 2
static void
benchmark(int num_games_per_point)
  int i, j;
  unsigned int random_seed = 1U;
  board_size = 9;
  komi = 0.5;


  for (i = 0; i < board_size; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < board_size; j++) {
      int white_wins = 0;
      int black_wins = 0;
      int k;
      for (k = 0; k < num_games_per_point; k++) {
	int passes = 0;
	int num_moves = 1;
	int color = WHITE;
	play_move(i, j, BLACK);
        while (passes < 3 && num_moves < 600) {
	  int m, n;
          generate_move(&m, &n, color);
          play_move(m, n, color);
          if (pass_move(m, n)) {
          else {
            passes = 0;
          color = OTHER_COLOR(color);
	if (passes == 3) {
	  if (compute_score() > 0) {
	  else {
      printf("%d %d %f\n", i, j,
	     (float) black_wins / (float) (black_wins + white_wins));
Exemplo n.º 3
static int
legal_move(int i, int j, int color)
  int other = OTHER_COLOR(color);
  /* Pass is always legal. */
  if (pass_move(i, j))
    return 1;

  /* Already occupied. */
  if (get_board(i, j) != EMPTY)
    return 0;

  /* Illegal ko recapture. It is not illegal to fill the ko so we must
   * check the color of at least one neighbor.
  if (i == ko_i && j == ko_j
      && ((on_board(i - 1, j) && get_board(i - 1, j) == other)
	  || (on_board(i + 1, j) && get_board(i + 1, j) == other)))
    return 0;

  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 4
char* do_play(Game *game, Color c, Point pt)
// Play the move (updating the Game struct)
    char *ret;
    Color to_play_before;
    int   played=0;
    Info  m = 0;
    Position *pos = game->pos;

    to_play_before = board_color_to_play(pos);
    board_set_color_to_play(pos, c);

    if (point_color(pos,pt) == EMPTY) {
        ret = play_move(pos, pt);
        if (ret[0] == 0) {
            m = pt + (board_captured_neighbors(pos) << 9) 
                   + (board_ko_old(pos) << 13) 
                   + ((to_play_before) << 22);
            played = 1;
        // else illegal move: nothing played
    else if(pt == PASS_MOVE) {
        ret = pass_move(pos);
        m = pt + (board_captured_neighbors(pos) << 9) 
               + (board_ko_old(pos) << 13) 
               + ((to_play_before) << 22);
        played = 1;
    else ret ="Error Illegal move: point not EMPTY\n";
    if (played) {
        slist_push(game->moves, m);
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 5
/* Play at (i, j) for color. No legality check is done here. We need
 * to properly update the board array, the next_stone array, and the
 * ko point.
static void
play_move(int i, int j, int color)
  int pos = POS(i, j);
  int captured_stones = 0;
  int k;

  /* Reset the ko point. */
  ko_i = -1;
  ko_j = -1;

  /* Nothing more happens if the move was a pass. */
  if (pass_move(i, j))

  /* If the move is a suicide we only need to remove the adjacent
   * friendly stones.
  if (suicide(i, j, color)) {
    for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
      int ai = i + deltai[k];
      int aj = j + deltaj[k];
      if (on_board(ai, aj)
	  && get_board(ai, aj) == color)
	remove_string(ai, aj);

  /* Not suicide. Remove captured opponent strings. */
  for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
    int ai = i + deltai[k];
    int aj = j + deltaj[k];
    if (on_board(ai, aj)
	&& get_board(ai, aj) == OTHER_COLOR(color)
	&& !has_additional_liberty(ai, aj, i, j))
      captured_stones += remove_string(ai, aj);

  /* Put down the new stone. Initially build a single stone string by
   * setting next_stone[pos] pointing to itself.
  board[pos] = color;
  next_stone[pos] = pos;

  /* If we have friendly neighbor strings we need to link the strings
   * together.
  for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
    int ai = i + deltai[k];
    int aj = j + deltaj[k];
    int pos2 = POS(ai, aj);
    /* Make sure that the stones are not already linked together. This
     * may happen if the same string neighbors the new stone in more
     * than one direction.
    if (on_board(ai, aj) && board[pos2] == color && !same_string(pos, pos2)) {
      /* The strings are linked together simply by swapping the the
       * next_stone pointers.
      int tmp = next_stone[pos2];
      next_stone[pos2] = next_stone[pos];
      next_stone[pos] = tmp;

  /* If we have captured exactly one stone and the new string is a
   * single stone it may have been a ko capture.
  if (captured_stones == 1 && next_stone[pos] == pos) {
    int ai, aj;
    /* Check whether the new string has exactly one liberty. If so it
     * would be an illegal ko capture to play there immediately. We
     * know that there must be a liberty immediately adjacent to the
     * new stone since we captured one stone.
    for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
      ai = i + deltai[k];
      aj = j + deltaj[k];
      if (on_board(ai, aj) && get_board(ai, aj) == EMPTY)
    if (!has_additional_liberty(i, j, ai, aj)) {
      ko_i = ai;
      ko_j = aj;