Exemplo n.º 1
MainWindow::MainWindow( QWidget * parent ) : QWidget( parent ),m_ui( new Ui::MainWindow ),m_handle( nullptr )
	m_ui->setupUi( this ) ;
	this->setFixedSize( this->size() ) ;

	m_ui->lineEditKey->setEchoMode( QLineEdit::Password ) ;

	this->setWindowIcon( QIcon( ":/default.png" ) ) ;
	//m_ui->pbKeyFile->setIcon( QIcon( QString( ":/default.png" ) ) );

	connect( m_ui->pbCancel,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbCancel() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbOpen,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbOpen() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbKeyFile,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbKeyFile() ) ) ;

	m_ui->lineEditKey->setFocus() ;

	m_working = false ;

	m_requireKey = false ;
	m_requireKeyFile = true ;

	QAction * ac = new QAction( this ) ;
	QList<QKeySequence> keys ;
	keys.append( Qt::Key_Enter ) ;
	keys.append( Qt::Key_Return ) ;
	ac->setShortcuts( keys ) ;
	connect( ac,SIGNAL( triggered() ),this,SLOT( defaultButton() ) ) ;
	this->addAction( ac ) ;

	m_findExecutable = []( QVector<QString>& exe ){

		if( exe.isEmpty() ){
			return QString() ;

		QString e ;

		for( auto& it : exe ){
			auto _not_found = [&]( const char * path ){
				e = path + it ;
				bool r = QFile::exists( e ) ;
				if( r ){
					it = e ;
				return r == false ;
			} ;

			if( _not_found( "/usr/local/bin/" ) ){
				if( _not_found( "/usr/bin/" ) ){
					if( _not_found( "/usr/sbin/" ) ){
						return it ;
		return QString() ;
	} ;
Exemplo n.º 2
openvolume::openvolume( QWidget * parent ) : QDialog( parent ),m_ui( new Ui::openvolume() )
	m_ui->setupUi( this ) ;

	this->setFixedSize( this->size() ) ;
	this->setFont( parent->font() ) ;

	connect( m_ui->tableWidget,SIGNAL( itemDoubleClicked( QTableWidgetItem * ) ),
		 this,SLOT( tableEntryDoubleClicked( QTableWidgetItem * ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->tableWidget,SIGNAL( currentItemChanged( QTableWidgetItem *,QTableWidgetItem * ) ),
		 this,SLOT( currentItemChanged( QTableWidgetItem *,QTableWidgetItem * ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbHelp,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbHelp() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbUUID,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbUUID() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbCancel,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbCancel() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbOpen,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbOpen() ) ) ;

	this->addAction( [ this ](){

		auto ac = new QAction( this ) ;

		ac->setShortcuts( { Qt::Key_Enter,Qt::Key_Return } ) ;

		connect( ac,SIGNAL( triggered() ),this,SLOT( EnterKeyPressed() ) ) ;

		return ac ;
	}() ) ;

	auto tw = m_ui->tableWidget ;

	tw->setColumnWidth( 0,183 ) ;
	tw->setColumnWidth( 1,90 ) ;
	//tw->setColumnWidth( 2,110 ) ;
	tw->hideColumn( 2 ) ;
	tw->setColumnWidth( 3,90 ) ;
	tw->setColumnWidth( 4,309 ) ;

	for( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ ){

		tw->horizontalHeaderItem( i )->setFont( this->font() ) ;

	tw->horizontalHeader()->setVisible( true ) ;

	m_ui->checkBoxUUID->setVisible( false ) ;

	m_ui->pbHelp->setVisible( false ) ;

	this->installEventFilter( this ) ;

	this->disableAll() ;
Exemplo n.º 3
keyDialog::keyDialog( QWidget * parent,QTableWidget * table,const QString& path,
		      const QString& type,const QString& folderOpener,bool autoOpenFolderOnMount ) :
	QDialog( parent ),m_ui(new Ui::keyDialog)
	m_ui->setupUi( this ) ;
	m_ui->checkBoxShareMountPoint->setToolTip( utility::shareMountPointToolTip() ) ;
	m_table = table ;
	m_path = path ;
	m_working = false ;
	m_folderOpener = folderOpener ;

	m_autoOpenFolderOnMount = autoOpenFolderOnMount ;

	QString msg ;
	if( type == QString( "crypto_LUKS" ) ){
		msg = tr( "unlock and mount a luks volume in \"%1\"").arg( m_path ) ;
		msg = tr( "unlock and mount an encrypted volume in \"%1\"").arg( m_path ) ;
	this->setWindowTitle( msg ) ;

	m_ui->lineEditMountPoint->setText( path ) ;
	m_ui->pbkeyFile->setVisible( false ) ;
	m_ui->pbOpenMountPoint->setIcon( QIcon( QString( ":/folder.png" ) ) ) ;

	m_menu = new QMenu( this ) ;

	this->setFixedSize( this->size() ) ;
	this->setWindowFlags( Qt::Window | Qt::Dialog ) ;
	this->setFont( parent->font() ) ;

	m_ui->lineEditKey->setFocus() ;

	m_ui->checkBoxOpenReadOnly->setChecked( utility::getOpenVolumeReadOnlyOption( QString( "zuluMount-gui" ) ) ) ;

	connect( m_ui->pbCancel,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbCancel() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbOpen,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbOpen() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbkeyOption,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbkeyOption() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->rbKey,SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),this,SLOT( rbKey( bool ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->rbKeyFile,SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),this,SLOT( rbKeyFile( bool ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->rbPlugIn,SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),this,SLOT( rbPlugIn( bool ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->lineEditKey,SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ),this,SLOT( keyTextChanged( QString ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbOpenMountPoint,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbMountPointPath() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->checkBoxOpenReadOnly,SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ),this,SLOT( cbMountReadOnlyStateChanged( int ) ) ) ;
	m_ui->rbKey->setChecked( true ) ;

	m_ui->pbOpenMountPoint->setVisible( false ) ;

	m_point = m_path.split( "/" ).last() ;
	m_ui->lineEditMountPoint->setText( m_point ) ;
MainWindow::MainWindow( QWidget * parent ) : QWidget( parent ),m_ui( new Ui::MainWindow )
	m_ui->setupUi( this ) ;
	this->setFixedSize( this->size() ) ;

	m_ui->lineEditKey->setEchoMode( QLineEdit::Password ) ;

	this->setWindowIcon( QIcon( ":/key.png" ) ) ;

	QAction * ac = new QAction( this ) ;
	QList<QKeySequence> keys ;
	keys.append( Qt::Key_Enter ) ;
	keys.append( Qt::Key_Return ) ;
	ac->setShortcuts( keys ) ;
	connect( ac,SIGNAL( triggered() ),this,SLOT( defaultButton() ) ) ;
	this->addAction( ac ) ;

	connect( m_ui->pbCancel,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbCancel() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbOpen,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbOpen() ) ) ;

	this->SetFocus() ;
Exemplo n.º 5
keyDialog::keyDialog( QWidget * parent,QTableWidget * table,const volumeEntryProperties& e,std::function< void() > p,std::function< void( const QString& ) > q ) :
	QDialog( parent ),m_ui( new Ui::keyDialog ),m_cancel( std::move( p ) ),m_success( std::move( q ) )
	m_ui->setupUi( this ) ;
	m_ui->checkBoxShareMountPoint->setToolTip( utility::shareMountPointToolTip() ) ;
	m_table = table ;
	m_path = e.volumeName() ;
	m_working = false ;
	m_volumeIsEncFs = e.fileSystem() == "encfs" ;

	QString msg ;

	if( e.fileSystem() == "crypto_LUKS" ){

		msg = tr( "Mount A LUKS volume in \"%1\"").arg( m_path ) ;
		msg = tr( "Mount An Encrypted Volume In \"%1\"").arg( m_path ) ;

	this->setWindowTitle( msg ) ;

	m_ui->lineEditMountPoint->setText( m_path ) ;
	m_ui->pbOpenMountPoint->setIcon( QIcon( ":/folder.png" ) ) ;

	m_menu = new QMenu( this ) ;

	connect( m_menu,SIGNAL( triggered( QAction * ) ),this,SLOT( pbPluginEntryClicked( QAction * ) ) ) ;

	this->setFixedSize( this->size() ) ;
	this->setWindowFlags( Qt::Window | Qt::Dialog ) ;
	this->setFont( parent->font() ) ;

	m_ui->lineEditKey->setFocus() ;

	m_ui->checkBoxOpenReadOnly->setChecked( utility::getOpenVolumeReadOnlyOption( "zuluMount-gui" ) ) ;

	m_ui->pbkeyOption->setEnabled( false ) ;

	m_ui->lineEditKey->setEchoMode( QLineEdit::Password ) ;

	connect( m_ui->pbOptions,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbOptions() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbCancel,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbCancel() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbOpen,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbOpen() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbkeyOption,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbkeyOption() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbOpenMountPoint,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbMountPointPath() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->checkBoxOpenReadOnly,SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ),this,SLOT( cbMountReadOnlyStateChanged( int ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->cbKeyType,SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ),this,SLOT( cbActicated( int ) ) ) ;

	m_ui->pbOpenMountPoint->setVisible( false ) ;

	m_point = utility::mountPathPostFix( m_path.split( "/" ).last() ) ;

	m_ui->lineEditMountPoint->setText( m_point ) ;

	QAction * ac = new QAction( this ) ;
	QKeySequence s( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_F ) ;
	ac->setShortcut( s ) ;
	connect( ac,SIGNAL( triggered() ),this,SLOT( showOffSetWindowOption() ) ) ;
	this->addAction( ac ) ;

	m_menu_1 = new QMenu( this ) ;

	auto _add_action = [ & ]( const QString& e ){

		ac = m_menu_1->addAction( e ) ;
		ac ->setEnabled( !m_volumeIsEncFs ) ;
	} ;

	_add_action( tr( "Set File System Options" ) ) ;
	_add_action( tr( "Set Volume Offset" ) ) ;
	_add_action( tr( "Set Volume As VeraCrypt Volume" ) ) ;
	_add_action( tr( "Set VeraCrypt PIM value" ) ) ;

	m_ui->cbKeyType->addItem( tr( "Key" ) ) ;
	m_ui->cbKeyType->addItem( tr( "KeyFile" ) ) ;
	m_ui->cbKeyType->addItem( tr( "Plugin" ) ) ;

	if( m_volumeIsEncFs ){

		m_ui->checkBoxShareMountPoint->setEnabled( false ) ;
			m_ui->cbKeyType->addItem( tr( "TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt Keys" ) ) ;
			m_ui->cbKeyType->addItem( tr( "TrueCrypt keys" ) ) ;

	connect( m_menu_1,SIGNAL( triggered( QAction * ) ),this,SLOT( doAction( QAction * ) ) ) ;

	m_veraCryptWarning.setWarningLabel( m_ui->veraCryptWarning ) ;

	this->installEventFilter( this ) ;