~proxy_member_caller() { if (m_called) return; m_called = true; // don't count the function and self-reference // since those will be popped by pcall int top = lua_gettop(L) - 2; // pcall will pop the function and self reference // and all the parameters push_args_from_tuple<1>::apply(L, m_args); # ifdef LUABIND_CPP0x if (pcall(L, std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value + 1, 0)) # else if (pcall(L, boost::tuples::length<Tuple>::value + 1, 0)) # endif { assert(lua_gettop(L) == top + 1); #ifndef LUABIND_NO_EXCEPTIONS throw luabind::error(L); #else error_callback_fun e = get_error_callback(); if (e) e(L); assert(0 && "the lua function threw an error and exceptions are disabled." "If you want to handle this error use luabind::set_error_callback()"); std::terminate(); #endif } // pops the return values from the function stack_pop pop(L, lua_gettop(L) - top); }
Ret operator[](const Policies& p) { typedef typename find_conversion_policy<0, Policies>::type converter_policy; typename mpl::apply_wrap2<converter_policy,Ret,lua_to_cpp>::type converter; m_called = true; // don't count the function and self-reference // since those will be popped by pcall int top = lua_gettop(L) - 2; // pcall will pop the function and self reference // and all the parameters detail::push_args_from_tuple<1>::apply(L, m_args, p); # ifdef LUABIND_CPP0x if (pcall(L, std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value + 1, 1)) # else if (pcall(L, boost::tuples::length<Tuple>::value + 1, 1)) # endif { assert(lua_gettop(L) == top + 1); #ifndef LUABIND_NO_EXCEPTIONS throw error(L); #else error_callback_fun e = get_error_callback(); if (e) e(L); assert(0 && "the lua function threw an error and exceptions are disabled." "If you want to handle this error use luabind::set_error_callback()"); std::terminate(); #endif } // pops the return values from the function stack_pop pop(L, lua_gettop(L) - top); if (converter.match(L, LUABIND_DECORATE_TYPE(Ret), -1) < 0) { assert(lua_gettop(L) == top + 1); #ifndef LUABIND_NO_EXCEPTIONS throw cast_failed(L, typeid(Ret)); #else cast_failed_callback_fun e = get_cast_failed_callback(); if (e) e(L, typeid(Ret)); assert(0 && "the lua function's return value could not be converted." "If you want to handle this error use luabind::set_error_callback()"); std::terminate(); #endif } return converter.apply(L, LUABIND_DECORATE_TYPE(Ret), -1); }
void operator[](const Policies& p) { m_called = true; // don't count the function and self-reference // since those will be popped by pcall int top = lua_gettop(L) - 2; // pcall will pop the function and self reference // and all the parameters detail::push_args_from_tuple<1>::apply(L, m_args, p); if (pcall(L, boost::tuples::length<Tuple>::value + 1, 0)) { assert(lua_gettop(L) == top + 1); #ifndef LUABIND_NO_EXCEPTIONS throw error(L); #else error_callback_fun e = get_error_callback(); if (e) e(L); assert(0 && "the lua function threw an error and exceptions are disabled." "If you want to handle this error use luabind::set_error_callback()"); std::terminate(); #endif } // pops the return values from the function stack_pop pop(L, lua_gettop(L) - top); }
R call_member_impl(lua_State* L, std::false_type /*void*/, meta::index_list<Indices...>, Args&&... args) { // don't count the function and self-reference // since those will be popped by pcall int top = lua_gettop(L) - 2; // pcall will pop the function and self reference // and all the parameters meta::expand_calls_hack(( specialized_converter_policy_n<Indices, PolicyList, typename unwrapped<Args>::type, cpp_to_lua>().to_lua(L, unwrapped<Args>::get(std::forward<Args>(args))), 0)... ); if (pcall(L, sizeof...(Args) +1, 1)) { assert(lua_gettop(L) == top + 1); call_error(L); } // pops the return values from the function stack_pop pop(L, lua_gettop(L) - top); specialized_converter_policy_n<0, PolicyList, R, lua_to_cpp> converter; if (converter.match(L, decorated_type<R>(), -1) < 0) { cast_error<R>(L); } return converter.to_cpp(L, decorated_type<R>(), -1); }
int LuaInterface::safeCall(int numArgs, int numRets) { assert(hasIndex(-numArgs-1)); // saves the current stack size for calculating the number of results later int previousStackSize = stackSize(); // pushes error function int errorFuncIndex = previousStackSize - numArgs; pushCFunction(&LuaInterface::luaErrorHandler); insert(errorFuncIndex); // calls the function in protected mode (means errors will be caught) int ret = pcall(numArgs, LUA_MULTRET, errorFuncIndex); remove(errorFuncIndex); // remove error func // if there was an error throw an exception if(ret != 0) throw LuaException(popString()); int rets = (stackSize() + numArgs + 1) - previousStackSize; while(numRets != -1 && rets != numRets) { if(rets < numRets) { pushNil(); rets++; } else { pop(); rets--; } } // returns the number of results return rets; }
~proxy_functor_caller() { if (m_called) return; m_called = true; lua_State* L = m_func->lua_state(); // get the function m_func->pushvalue(); push_args_from_tuple<1>::apply(L, m_args); if (pcall(L, boost::tuples::length<Tuple>::value, 0)) { #ifndef LUABIND_NO_EXCEPTIONS throw luabind::error(L); #else error_callback_fun e = get_error_callback(); if (e) e(L); /*assert(0 && "the lua function threw an error and exceptions are disabled." "if you want to handle this error use luabind::set_error_callback()"); std::terminate();*/ #endif } }
bool LuaState::callFunction(std::string fname, LuaValue& value) { //place the function on the stack getGlobal(fname); //push the argument value.push(L); //do it return pcall(1, 0); }
int lqtL_pcall_debug (lua_State *L, int narg, int nres, int err) { int status = 0; lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, LQT_PCALL); lqt_PCallPtr pcall = (lqt_PCallPtr)lua_touserdata(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); if (pcall) { status = pcall(L, narg, nres, err); } else { status = lqtL_pcall_debug_default(L, narg, nres, err); } return status; }
static int for_each(lua_State * L) { token_table const & t = to_token_table(L, 1); luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TFUNCTION); // user-fun for_each(t, [&](char const * k, token_info const & info) { lua_pushvalue(L, 2); lua_pushstring(L, k); lua_pushboolean(L, info.is_command()); push_name(L, info.value()); lua_pushinteger(L, info.expr_precedence()); pcall(L, 4, 0, 0); }); return 0; }
static int lua_rb_map_for_each(lua_State * L) { // Remark: we take a copy of the map to make sure // for_each will not crash if the map is updated while being // traversed. // The copy operation is very cheap O(1). lua_rb_map m(to_lua_rb_map(L, 1)); // map luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TFUNCTION); // user-fun m.for_each([&](luaref const & k, luaref const & v) { lua_pushvalue(L, 2); // push user-fun k.push(); v.push(); pcall(L, 2, 0, 0); }); return 0; }
void operator[](const Policies& p) { m_called = true; lua_State* L = m_func->lua_state(); #ifndef LUABIND_NO_ERROR_CHECKING if (L == 0) { #ifndef LUABIND_NO_EXCEPTIONS throw error(L); #else error_callback_fun e = get_error_callback(); if (e) e(L); /*assert(0 && "tried to call uninitialized functor object." "if you want to handle this error use luabind::set_error_callback()"); std::terminate();*/ #endif } #endif // get the function m_func->pushvalue(); detail::push_args_from_tuple<1>::apply(L, m_args, p); if (pcall(L, boost::tuples::length<Tuple>::value, 0)) { #ifndef LUABIND_NO_EXCEPTIONS throw error(L); #else error_callback_fun e = get_error_callback(); if (e) e(L); assert(0 && "the lua function threw an error and exceptions are disabled." "if you want to handle this error use luabind::set_error_callback()"); std::terminate(); #endif } }
void main_loop(void *data) { MainLoopData* loopData = (MainLoopData*)data; // TODO use registry to get love.update and love.draw? chdir("love"); timer_step(); graphics_clear(); matrixstack_origin(); lua_rawgeti(loopData->luaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, loopData->errhand); lua_getglobal(loopData->luaState, "love"); lua_pushstring(loopData->luaState, "update"); lua_rawget(loopData->luaState, -2); lua_pushnumber(loopData->luaState, timer_getDelta()); pcall(loopData->luaState, 1); lua_pushstring(loopData->luaState, "draw"); lua_rawget(loopData->luaState, -2); pcall(loopData->luaState, 0); graphics_DisplayState curState = *graphics_getState(); matrixstack_push(); mouse_cursor_draw(); matrixstack_pop(); graphics_setState(&curState); graphics_swap(); lua_pop(loopData->luaState, 1); SDL_Event event; while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch(event.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: keyboard_keypressed(event.key.keysym.sym); break; case SDL_KEYUP: keyboard_keyreleased(event.key.keysym.sym); break; case SDL_TEXTINPUT: keyboard_textInput(event.text.text); break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: mouse_mousemoved(event.motion.x, event.motion.y); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse_mousepressed(event.button.x, event.button.y, event.button.button); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: mouse_mousereleased(event.button.x, event.button.y, event.button.button); break; case SDL_JOYDEVICEADDED: joystick_deviceAdded(event.jdevice.which); break; case SDL_JOYDEVICEREMOVED: joystick_deviceRemoved(event.jdevice.which); break; case SDL_JOYBUTTONUP: joystick_buttonReleased(event.jbutton.which, event.jbutton.button); break; case SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: joystick_buttonPressed(event.jbutton.which, event.jbutton.button); break; case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: joystick_axisEvent(event.jaxis.which, event.jaxis.axis, event.jaxis.value); break; case SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONUP: joystick_controllerButtonReleased(event.jbutton.which, event.jbutton.button); break; case SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONDOWN: joystick_controllerButtonPressed(event.jbutton.which, event.jbutton.button); break; case SDL_CONTROLLERAXISMOTION: joystick_controllerAxisEvent(event.jaxis.which, event.jaxis.axis, event.jaxis.value); break; #ifndef EMSCRIPTEN case SDL_QUIT: exit(0); #endif } } audio_updateStreams(); //lua_gc(loopData->luaState, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0); }
int main() { lua_State *lua = luaL_newstate(); luaL_openlibs(lua); motor_Config config; l_motor_register(lua); l_audio_register(lua); l_graphics_register(lua); l_image_register(lua); l_keyboard_register(lua); l_mouse_register(lua); l_filesystem_register(lua); l_timer_register(lua); l_math_register(lua); l_event_register(lua); l_joystick_register(lua); chdir("/love"); l_boot(lua, &config); if(config.identity) { filesystem_setIdentity(config.identity, false); } image_init(); joystick_init(); keyboard_init(); graphics_init(config.window.width, config.window.height); audio_init(); math_init(); if(luaL_dofile(lua, "main.lua")) { printf("Error: %s\n", lua_tostring(lua, -1)); } lua_pushcfunction(lua, errorhandler); lua_getglobal(lua, "love"); lua_pushstring(lua, "load"); lua_rawget(lua, -2); /*if(lua_pcall(lua, 0, 0, 1)) { printf("Error in love.load: %s\n", lua_tostring(lua, -1)); } */ pcall(lua, 0); lua_pop(lua, 1); lua_pushcfunction(lua, errorhandler); mainLoopData.luaState = lua; mainLoopData.errhand = luaL_ref(lua, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); timer_init(); #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN emscripten_set_main_loop_arg(main_loop, &mainLoopData, 0, 1); #else for(;;) { main_loop(&mainLoopData); } #endif }
void State::pcall(int nargs, int nresults) { pcall(nargs, nresults, 0); }
static void exec(lua_State * L) { pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0); }
Ret operator[](const Policies& p) { typedef typename detail::find_conversion_policy<0, Policies>::type converter_policy; typename converter_policy::template generate_converter<Ret, lua_to_cpp>::type converter; m_called = true; lua_State* L = m_func->lua_state(); #ifndef LUABIND_NO_ERROR_CHECKING if (L == 0) { #ifndef LUABIND_NO_EXCEPTIONS throw error(L); #else error_callback_fun e = get_error_callback(); if (e) e(L); /*assert(0 && "tried to call uninitialized functor object." "if you want to handle this error use luabind::set_error_callback()"); std::terminate();*/ #endif } #endif detail::stack_pop popper(L, 1); // pop the return value // get the function m_func->pushvalue(); detail::push_args_from_tuple<1>::apply(L, m_args, p); if (pcall(L, boost::tuples::length<Tuple>::value, 1)) { #ifndef LUABIND_NO_EXCEPTIONS throw error(L); #else error_callback_fun e = get_error_callback(); if (e) e(L); /*assert(0 && "the lua function threw an error and exceptions are disabled." "if you want to handle this error use luabind::set_error_callback()"); std::terminate();*/ #endif } #ifndef LUABIND_NO_ERROR_CHECKING if (converter.match(L, LUABIND_DECORATE_TYPE(Ret), -1) < 0) { #ifndef LUABIND_NO_EXCEPTIONS throw cast_failed(L, LUABIND_TYPEID(Ret)); #else cast_failed_callback_fun e = get_cast_failed_callback(); if (e) e(L, LUABIND_TYPEID(Ret)); /*assert(0 && "the lua function's return value could not be converted." "if you want to handle this error use luabind::set_error_callback()"); std::terminate();*/ #endif } #endif return converter.apply(L, LUABIND_DECORATE_TYPE(Ret), -1); }
bool LuaState::callFunction(std::string fname) { getGlobal(fname); return pcall(0, 0); }