void SavePDFTemplate::_add3DFigure(float x, float y, float width, float height)
  std::string resourcesPath = resourcesPathFld->getStringValue() + "/";

	// Load model into model resource pool (n.b.: only U3D models are allowed!)
  HPDF_U3D u3dModel = pdfDoc_Load3DModelDataFromFile(resourcesPath + _modelFilenameFld->getStringValue());

	if (u3dModel)
		// Create a view for the model
		mlPDF::VIEW3D anteriorView = pdfDoc_3DModel_CreateView("Anterior View", mlPDF::LIGHTING_SCHEME_HEADLAMP, 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f);

		// Set camera properties for this view 
		// The values are pre-calculated for the example model.
		// Alternatively they can be taken from the camera* fields.
		Vector3 centerOfOrbit(92.983320219395, -144.044277472549, 1118.7488450232);
		float   radiusOfOrbit = 605.31464f;
		Vector3 centerToCamera(107.696596162441, -587.894809441514, 95.8489332971112);
		float   fovAngle = 42.787704f;
		float   rollAngle = 351.67535f;
		pdfDoc_3DView_SetPerspectiveCamera(anteriorView, centerOfOrbit, radiusOfOrbit, centerToCamera, fovAngle, rollAngle);
		pdfDoc_3DModel_AddView(u3dModel, anteriorView);

		// Create another view
		mlPDF::VIEW3D lateralView = pdfDoc_3DModel_CreateView("Lateral View", mlPDF::LIGHTING_SCHEME_CAD, 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f);
		centerOfOrbit = Vector3(92.983320219395, -144.044277472549, 1118.7488450232);
		radiusOfOrbit = 605.31464f;
		centerToCamera = Vector3(-598.932991211859, -56.9541532176117, 66.6430675379161);
		fovAngle = 42.787704f;
		rollAngle = 8.9973822f;
		pdfDoc_3DView_SetPerspectiveCamera(lateralView, centerOfOrbit, radiusOfOrbit, centerToCamera, fovAngle, rollAngle);
		pdfDoc_3DModel_AddView(u3dModel, lateralView);

		// Set default view
		pdfDoc_3DModel_SetDefaultView(u3dModel, anteriorView);

		// Load poster image and add it to the image resource pool
    mlPDF::IMAGE posterImage = pdfDoc_LoadImageFromFile(resourcesPath + _posterFilenameFld->getStringValue());

		// Now actually create the 3D scene
		mlPDF::SCENE3D u3dScene = pdfDoc_Add3DScene(x, y, width, height, u3dModel, posterImage);

		// And finally set the scene properties.
		std::string activationMode = mlPDF::ActivationModeStrings[mlPDF::ACTIVATION_MODE_EXPLICIT_ACTIVATE];
		std::string deactivationMode = mlPDF::DeactivationModeStrings[mlPDF::DEACTIVATION_MODE_EXPLICIT_DEACTIVATE];
		bool toolbarEnabled = true;
		bool navigationInterfaceEnabled = false;
		bool animationAutoStart = false;
		pdfDoc_3DScene_SetActivationProperties(u3dScene, activationMode, deactivationMode, toolbarEnabled, navigationInterfaceEnabled, animationAutoStart);
void PDFGenerator::pdfDoc_AddImage(float x, float y, float width, float height, std::string imageFilename, bool ignoreMargins)
  if (pdfDocCurrentPage)
    HPDF_Rect imageRect = _getPageRect(x, y, width, height, ignoreMargins);

    HPDF_Image image = pdfDoc_LoadImageFromFile(imageFilename);

    if (image)
      HPDF_STATUS result = HPDF_Page_DrawImage(pdfDocCurrentPage, image, imageRect.left, imageRect.bottom, width, height);

      if (result != HPDF_OK)
        _handleError("pdfDoc_AddImage(float x, float y, float width, float height, std::string imageFilename, bool ignoreMargins)");
bool SavePDFTemplate::assemblePDFDocument()
  // *************************************************************************
  // This is the main method for all modules derived from PDFCreatorBase.
  // Add all code that assembles the actual PDF document here!
  // The following code is a simple example that demonstrates the usage and
  // built-in methods to add content to the PDF.
  // *************************************************************************

  // Helper variable to store current drawing position height
  float yPos = 0;

  // Enable compression for images only (Default is mlPDF::COMPRESS_ALL).
  // Writing the actual PDF file to disk is considerably speeded up if compression
  // is disbled. However, file size can considerably increase!

  // Set the passwords
  // The first password protects the document from unauthorized modifications.
  // The second password protects the document from unautorized access and can be empty.
  pdfDoc_SetPasswords("ModifyMe", "");

  // Set permissions
  // Attention: A password must be set PRIOR to setting permissions.
  // If no password has been set when pdfDoc_SetPermissions() is invoked,
  // a random password of 64 characters (512 bit) length is set!

  // Set default y axis reference to mlPDF::YAXIS_REFERENCE_TOP
  // This will result in all y coordinates being interpreted with the upper page border as zero
  // This is also the default setting and actually does not need to be called here... 
  // However, the availability of this method shall be demonstrated. ;-)

  // Add a page and set size & direction

  // Set page margins (i.e., the space that shall not be written at
  pdfDoc_SetGlobalPageMarginsMM(20, 20, 20, 15);

  // Set text font to Times Bold, 14 pt.
  pdfDoc_SetCurrentFont(buildInFonts.TimesBold, 14);

  // Write text at specified position
  pdfDoc_WriteTextAt(0, yPos, "PDF Creation Example");

  yPos += 25;

  // Set font to Times, 12 pt.
  pdfDoc_SetCurrentFont(buildInFonts.Times, 12);

  // Write text at specified position
  pdfDoc_WriteTextAt(10, yPos, "Created by 'SavePDFTemplate' module.");

  yPos += 35;

  // Adjust font size without changing the font type.

  // Write lorem ipsum text into specified area
  pdfDoc_WriteTextAreaAt(0, yPos, pdfDoc_GetPageMaxWidth(), 50, mlPDF::LOREM_IPSUM, mlPDF::TEXTALIGNMENT_JUSTIFY);

  // Draw a rectangle around the recently added text
  pdfDoc_AddOutlineRectangle(0, yPos, pdfDoc_GetPageMaxWidth(), 50, 1);

  // Set font to Courier Oblique, keep current font size.

  // Backup current y-axis reference (which is mlPDF::YAXIS_REFERENCE_TOP by default)

  // Now set the y-axis reference to mlPDF::YAXIS_REFERENCE_BOTTOM, 
  // which will result in all y coordinates being interpreted with the lower page border as zero

  // Write text into specified area at lower right corner of the page (note that the preset page margins shall be ignored)
  float textAreaWidth = pdfDoc_GetPageMaxWidth(mlPDF::IGNORE_MARGINS) / 2;
  pdfDoc_WriteTextAreaAt(pdfDoc_GetPageMaxX(mlPDF::IGNORE_MARGINS) - textAreaWidth, 0, textAreaWidth, 25, "A text in the lower right corner of the page.\nPage margins are ignored!", mlPDF::TEXTALIGNMENT_RIGHT, mlPDF::IGNORE_MARGINS);

  // Now restore the previous y-axis reference
  // pdfDoc_RestoreDefaultYAxisReference() would have worked here as well.

  // Go back to Times font.
  pdfDoc_SetCurrentFont(buildInFonts.TimesBold, 10);

  // Write headline for the following images
  yPos += 80;
  pdfDoc_WriteTextAt(0, yPos, "Two Images Sharing the Same Resource");
  // Load image into image resource pool (n.b.: only PNG anf JPG images are allowed!)
  std::string resourcesPath = resourcesPathFld->getStringValue() + "/";
  std::string exampleImagePath = resourcesPath + _imageFilenameFld->getStringValue();

  if (mlPDF::fileExists(exampleImagePath))
    mlPDF::IMAGE exampleImage = pdfDoc_LoadImageFromFile(exampleImagePath);

    // Add image by direct reference
    yPos += 15;
    pdfDoc_AddImage(0, yPos, 100, 100, exampleImage);

    // Add image once more through image pool
    if (pdfDocImages.size() > 0)
      pdfDoc_AddImage(110, yPos, 100, 100, pdfDocImages[pdfDocImages.size() - 1]);
    // Image could not be found. -> Cancel assembly, set error message
    assemblyErrorMessage = "Image file not found.";
    return false;

  // Write headline for the interactive 3D scene
  yPos += 120;
  pdfDoc_WriteTextAt(0, yPos, "Interactive 3D Scene with Poster Image");

  // Now add 3D scene.
  // This needs a little more than just one command.
  // Therefore it has been outsourced to a separate method...
  yPos += 15;
  _add3DFigure(0, yPos, 210, 210);

  // Now let's add some graphics...

  // First change fill color from default black to green.
  // Attention! This applies for text as well!
  pdfDoc_SetFillColor(0, 1, 0);

  // Add a green circle with black outline (black is the default stroke color)
  pdfDoc_AddFilledOutlineCircle(pdfDoc_GetPageCenterX()+80, pdfDoc_GetPageCenterY(), 50, 2);

  // And some text to show that the fill color also applies for text
  pdfDoc_WriteTextAt(pdfDoc_GetPageCenterX() + 140, pdfDoc_GetPageCenterY(), "This text is now green!");

  // Add a filled blue arc without outline
  pdfDoc_SetFillColor(0, 0, 1);
  pdfDoc_AddFilledPieDegrees(pdfDoc_GetPageCenterX() + 80, pdfDoc_GetPageCenterY() + 100, 50, 60, -40);

  // And a yellow outline ellipse
  pdfDoc_SetStrokeColor(1, 1, 0);
  pdfDoc_AddOutlineEllipse(pdfDoc_GetPageCenterX() + 80, pdfDoc_GetPageCenterY() + 200, 50, 25, 1);

  // Finally draw a fat red line from the lower left corner to the upper right corner! :-)
  pdfDoc_SetStrokeColor(1, 0, 0);
  pdfDoc_AddLine(0, 0, pdfDoc_GetPageMaxX(true), pdfDoc_GetPageMaxY(true), 5, true);

  // For more methods to add and manipulate contents, see MLPDF_PDFCreatorBase.h file.

  return true;