char * cpu_linux::fill_cstate_line(int line_nr, char *buffer, const char *separator) { unsigned int i; buffer[0] = 0; if (line_nr == LEVEL_HEADER) { sprintf(buffer,_(" CPU %i"), number); return buffer; } for (i = 0; i < cstates.size(); i++) { if (cstates[i]->line_level != line_nr) continue; if (line_nr == LEVEL_C0) sprintf(buffer,"%5.1f%%", percentage(cstates[i]->duration_delta / time_factor)); else sprintf(buffer,"%5.1f%%%s %6.1f ms", percentage(cstates[i]->duration_delta / time_factor), separator, 1.0 * cstates[i]->duration_delta / (1 + cstates[i]->usage_delta) / 1000); } return buffer; }
void BallsUIImpl::DTChanged(int) { DTLabel->setText ( QString::number ( 0.00001*pow (10, percentage (DTSlider)*5.), 'g', 3)); BW->setDeltaT (0.00001*pow (10, percentage (DTSlider)*5.)); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofxTeensyOcto::update() { if(simulate) return; // send our data via serial for (int i=0; i < numPorts; i++) { // copy a portion of the movie's image to the LED image float xoffset = percentage(ledWidth, ledArea[i].x); float yoffset = percentage((ledHeight * stripsPerPort * numPortsMain), ledArea[i].y); float xwidth = percentage(ledWidth, ledArea[i].getWidth()); float yheight = percentage((ledHeight * stripsPerPort * numPortsMain), ledArea[i].getHeight()); // crop the pixels ledImage[i].setFromPixels(pixels1); ledImage[i].crop(xoffset, yoffset, xwidth, yheight); image2data(ledImage[i], ledData, ledLayout[i]); ledData[0] = '*'; // first Teensy is the frame sync master int nBytesWritten = 0; while (nBytesWritten < dataSize){ nBytesWritten += ledSerial[i].writeBytes( &ledData[nBytesWritten], dataSize ); } } }
TEST(CSSTokenizerTest, PercentageToken) { TEST_TOKENS("10%", percentage(IntegerValueType, 10)); TEST_TOKENS("+12.0%", percentage(NumberValueType, 12)); TEST_TOKENS("-48.99%", percentage(NumberValueType, -48.99)); TEST_TOKENS("6e-1%", percentage(NumberValueType, 0.6)); TEST_TOKENS("5%%", percentage(IntegerValueType, 5), delim('%')); }
void ExpandingSphereAnimation::draw(const ClockState &state) { ofPushStyle(); ofFloatColor color = _color; color.a *= _params.alpha.evaluate(percentage()); ofSetColor(color); ofDrawSphere(_position, _params.radius.evaluate(percentage())); ofPopStyle(); }
void Battery::changed() { emit monitoring( tr( "%1 : Properties changed").arg( m_path ) ); int level = percentage(); if( level < lowLevel() ) { if( ! m_hasAlreadyBeenLow ) { m_hasAlreadyBeenLow = true; emit lowBattery(this); emit monitoring( tr( "%1 : Low" ).arg( m_path ) ); } } else { m_hasAlreadyBeenLow = false; } if( state() == FullyCharged ) { if( ! m_hasAlreadyBeenFull ) { m_hasAlreadyBeenFull = true; emit full(this); emit monitoring( tr( "%1 : Full" ).arg( m_path ) ); } } else { m_hasAlreadyBeenFull = false; } //m_view->refresh(); emit changed(this); }
char * cpu_package::fill_pstate_line(int line_nr, char *buffer) { buffer[0] = 0; unsigned int i; if (total_stamp ==0) { for (i = 0; i < pstates.size(); i++) total_stamp += pstates[i]->time_after; if (total_stamp == 0) total_stamp = 1; } if (line_nr == LEVEL_HEADER) { sprintf(buffer,_(" Package")); return buffer; } if (line_nr >= (int)pstates.size() || line_nr < 0) return buffer; sprintf(buffer," %5.1f%% ", percentage(1.0* (pstates[line_nr]->time_after) / total_stamp)); return buffer; }
char *pretty_freespace(const char *desc, unsigned long long *free_k, unsigned long long *total_k) { char *quantities[] = { "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB", 0 }; char *result, **quantity; double free_space, total_space; free_space = *free_k; total_space = *total_k; result = static_cast<char*>(malloc(bsize * sizeof(char))); if (total_space == 0) { snprintf(result, bsize, "%s: none", desc); return result; } quantity = quantities; while (total_space > 1023 && *(quantity + 1)) { quantity++; free_space = free_space / 1024; total_space = total_space / 1024; } if (sysinfo_get_percent () != 0) snprintf(result, bsize, "%s: %.1f%s, %.1f%% free", desc, total_space, *quantity, percentage(free_k, total_k)); else snprintf(result, bsize, "%s: %.1f%s/%.1f%s free", desc, free_space, *quantity, total_space, *quantity); return result; }
char * nhm_cpu::fill_pstate_line(int line_nr, char *buffer) { if (total_stamp ==0) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < pstates.size(); i++) total_stamp += pstates[i]->time_after; if (total_stamp == 0) total_stamp = 1; } if (line_nr == LEVEL_HEADER) { sprintf(buffer,_(" CPU %i"), number); return buffer; } if (line_nr == LEVEL_C0) { double F; F = 1.0 * (tsc_after - tsc_before) * (aperf_after - aperf_before) / (mperf_after - mperf_before) / time_factor * 1000; hz_to_human(F, buffer, 1); return buffer; } if (line_nr >= (int)pstates.size() || line_nr < 0) return buffer; sprintf(buffer," %5.1f%% ", percentage(1.0* (pstates[line_nr]->time_after) / total_stamp)); return buffer; }
char *pretty_freespace(const char *desc, unsigned long long *free_k, unsigned long long *total_k) { char *result, *bytesize; double free_space, total_space; free_space = *free_k; total_space = *total_k; result = malloc(bsize * sizeof(char)); const char *quantities = "KB\0MB\0GB\0TB\0PB\0EB\0ZB\0YB\0"; int i=0; if (total_space == 0) { snprintf(result, bsize, "%s: none", desc); return result; } bytesize = malloc(3 * sizeof(char)); while (total_space > 1023 && i <= 14) { i=i+3; *bytesize=*(quantities+i); *(bytesize+1)=*(quantities+i+1); *(bytesize+2)=*(quantities+i+2); free_space = free_space / 1024; total_space = total_space / 1024; } if (sysinfo_get_percent () != 0) snprintf(result, bsize, "%s: %.1f%s, %.1f%% free", desc, total_space, bytesize, percentage(free_k, total_k)); else snprintf(result, bsize, "%s: %.1f%s/%.1f%s free", desc, free_space, bytesize, total_space, bytesize); free (bytesize); return result; }
int main () { double * log = natural_log (); double * approx = approximation (); double * percent = percentage(log, approx); file_output (log, approx, percent); return 0; }
char * nhm_core::fill_pstate_line(int line_nr, char *buffer) { const int intel_pstate = is_intel_pstate_driver_loaded(); buffer[0] = 0; unsigned int i; if (!intel_pstate && total_stamp ==0) { for (i = 0; i < pstates.size(); i++) total_stamp += pstates[i]->time_after; if (total_stamp == 0) total_stamp = 1; } if (line_nr == LEVEL_HEADER) { sprintf(buffer,_(" Core")); return buffer; } if (intel_pstate > 0 || line_nr >= (int)pstates.size() || line_nr < 0) return buffer; sprintf(buffer," %5.1f%% ", percentage(1.0* (pstates[line_nr]->time_after) / total_stamp)); return buffer; }
void KNProgressSlider::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { KNAbstractSlider::paintEvent(event); //Initial painter. QPainter painter(this); //Set antialiasing. painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing, true); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, true); //Using background opacity to draw the slider background. painter.setOpacity(m_backOpacity); //Set no pen painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); //Draw central rects. painter.setBrush(m_rectColor); painter.drawRect(m_glowWidth, m_glowWidth+m_spacing, width()-(m_glowWidth<<1), m_sliderHeight); //If range is not 0, draw the button. if(range()>0) { //Restore the opacity. painter.setOpacity(1.0); //Get the current position. int positionLeft=percentage()*(float)(width()-m_buttonSize); //Paint the rect. painter.setBrush(m_buttonColor); painter.drawRect(m_glowWidth, m_glowWidth+m_spacing, positionLeft, m_sliderHeight); //Draw the circle button.; //Calculate position. painter.translate(positionLeft, m_spacing); //Set the gradient. int buttonCenter=m_glowWidth+(m_sliderHeight>>1); QRadialGradient buttonGradient=QRadialGradient(QPointF(buttonCenter, buttonCenter), buttonCenter, QPointF(buttonCenter, buttonCenter)); buttonGradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(255,255,255,200)); buttonGradient.setColorAt(1, QColor(255,255,255,0)); painter.setBrush(buttonGradient); painter.drawEllipse(0,0,height(),height()); //Set the color. painter.setBrush(m_backgroundColor); painter.drawEllipse(m_glowWidth-1, m_glowWidth-1, m_sliderHeight+2, m_sliderHeight+2); //Restore transform. painter.restore(); }
std::string percentage_str(int64_t value) const { boost::format percent_fmt("%4.1f%%"); percent_fmt % (percentage(value) * 100); std::string s = percent_fmt.str(); s.resize(4); return s; }
void RadiusOutlierRemoval:: execute() { pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr cloudNewTerrain (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>); emit percentage(1); // Create the filtering object pcl::RadiusOutlierRemoval<pcl::PointXYZI> ror; ror.setInputCloud (m_baseCloud->get_Cloud()); ror.setRadiusSearch(m_radius); ror.setMinNeighborsInRadius(m_neighbors); ror.filter (*cloudNewTerrain); emit percentage(50); cloudNewTerrain->width = cloudNewTerrain->points.size (); cloudNewTerrain->height = 1; cloudNewTerrain->is_dense = true; m_output->set_Cloud(cloudNewTerrain); emit percentage(100); sendData(); }
void StatOutlierRemoval:: execute() { pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr cloudNewTerrain (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>); emit percentage(1); // Create the filtering object pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval<pcl::PointXYZI> sor; sor.setInputCloud (m_baseCloud->get_Cloud()); sor.setMeanK (m_neighbors); sor.setStddevMulThresh (m_mDist); sor.filter (*cloudNewTerrain); emit percentage(70); cloudNewTerrain->width = cloudNewTerrain->points.size (); cloudNewTerrain->height = 1; cloudNewTerrain->is_dense = true; m_output->set_Cloud(cloudNewTerrain); emit percentage(100); sendData(); }
int virtual_memory(VmemInfo *ret) { struct sysinfo info; FILE *fp = NULL; unsigned long long totalram, freeram, bufferram; unsigned long long cached = -1, active = -1, inactive = -1; char *line = (char *)calloc(50, sizeof(char)); check_mem(line); check(sysinfo(&info) == 0, "sysinfo failed"); totalram = info.totalram * info.mem_unit; freeram = info.freeram * info.mem_unit; bufferram = info.bufferram * info.mem_unit; fp = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r"); check(fp, "Couldn't open /proc/meminfo"); while (fgets(line, 40, fp) != NULL) { if (strncmp(line, "Cached:", 7) == 0){ strtok(line, ":"); /* Drop "Cached:" */ cached = strtoull(strtok(NULL, " "), NULL, 10); } if (strncmp(line, "Active:", 7) == 0){ strtok(line, ":"); /* Drop "Active:" */ active = strtoull(strtok(NULL, " "), NULL, 10); } if (strncmp(line, "Inactive:", 7) == 0){ strtok(line, ":"); /* Drop "Inactive:" */ inactive = strtoull(strtok(NULL, " "), NULL, 10); } } if (cached == -1 || active == -1 || inactive == -1) { log_warn("Couldn't determine 'cached', 'active' and 'inactive' memory stats. Setting them to 0"); cached = active = inactive = 0; } fclose(fp); free(line); ret->total = totalram; ret->available = freeram + bufferram + cached; ret->percent = percentage((totalram - ret->available), totalram); ret->used = totalram - freeram; ret->free = freeram; ret->active = active; ret->inactive = inactive; ret->buffers = bufferram; ret->cached = cached; return 0; error: if(fp) fclose(fp); if (line) free(line); return -1; }
void UT_CMccJitterCalculator::UT_CMccJitterCalculator_CountPacketLossPercentageL() { TInt percentage( 0 ); iCalculator->iHomeTime.HomeTime(); // Not active iCalculator->JitterObserving(); iCalculator->iPrevFerValue = 0; iCalculator->iStartingSeqNum = 80; iCalculator->iCurrentSeqNum = 100; // no packets lost iCalculator->iPrevExpectedPackets = 20; iCalculator->iReceivedPacketCounter = 20; iCalculator->CountPacketLossPercentage(); EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( iCalculator->iPrevFerValue, 0 ); EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( iCalculator->iPrevExpectedPackets, 20 ); EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( iCalculator->iPrevPacketsReceived, 20 ); // no packets lost, inorder iCalculator->iCurrentSeqNum = 102; iCalculator->iPrevExpectedPackets = 22; iCalculator->CountPacketLossPercentage(); EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( iCalculator->iPrevFerValue, 0 ); EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( iCalculator->iPrevExpectedPackets, 22 ); EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( iCalculator->iPrevPacketsReceived, 20 ); // packet lost - add FER by number of packets lost. // 5 packets lost iCalculator->iPrevFerValue = 0; iCalculator->iStartingSeqNum = 80; iCalculator->iCurrentSeqNum = 105; iCalculator->iPrevExpectedPackets = 20; iCalculator->iReceivedPacketCounter = 20; percentage = iCalculator->CountPacketLossPercentage(); EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( percentage, 1 ); EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( iCalculator->iPrevFerValue, 7952 ); EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( iCalculator->iPrevExpectedPackets, 25 ); EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( iCalculator->iPrevPacketsReceived, 20 ); }
const Rect Option::getGeometry(const Rect &ref) const { int t,l,w,h; t = l = w = h = 0; char *v = value; w = strtol(v, &v, 10); if (*v == '%') w = percentage(w, ref.width()), ++v; if (*v == 'x') { h = strtol(v + 1, &v, 10); if (*v == '%') h = percentage(h, ref.height()), ++v; if (*v == '+' || *v == '-') l = strtol(v, &v, 10); if (*v == '%') l = percentage(l, ref.width()), ++v; } else l = w, w = 0; if (*v == '+' || *v == '-') t = strtol(v, &v, 10); if (*v == '%') t = percentage(t, ref.height()), ++v; if (l < 0) l = ref.width() + l - w; if (t < 0) t = ref.height() + t - h; return Rect(l, t, l + w, t + h); }
char * cpu_package::fill_cstate_line(int line_nr, char *buffer, const char *separator) { unsigned int i; buffer[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < cstates.size(); i++) { if (cstates[i]->line_level != line_nr) continue; sprintf(buffer,"%5.1f%%", percentage(cstates[i]->duration_delta / time_factor)); } return buffer; }
/* Public functions */ bool disk_usage(const char path[], DiskUsage *ret) { struct statvfs s; int r; r = statvfs(path, &s); check(r == 0, "Error in calling statvfs for %s", path); ret->free = s.f_bavail * s.f_frsize; ret->total = s.f_blocks * s.f_frsize; ret->used = (s.f_blocks - s.f_bfree) * s.f_frsize; ret->percent = percentage(ret->used, ret->total); return true; error: return false; }
int main () { int message [7] = {0}; percentage("hello world",message); printf("The number of control character:%d\n",message[0]); printf("The number of space character:%d\n",message[1]); printf("The number of digit character:%d\n",message[2]); printf("The number of lower character:%d\n",message[3]); printf("The number of upper character:%d\n",message[4]); printf("The number of punctuation character:%d\n",message[5]); printf("The number of unable to be print character:%d\n",message[6]); getchar(); return 0; }
void OctreeTerrain:: execute() { //qWarning()<<"octree terrain starts"; emit percentage( 5); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr cloud_tmp(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr cloud_tmp2(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr cloud_tmp3(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr cloud_tmp4(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>); //velky cyklus emit percentage( 10); octree(m_resolution*5, m_baseCloud->get_Cloud(), cloud_tmp, cloud_tmp2); emit percentage( 70); octree(m_resolution/2, cloud_tmp2, cloud_tmp3, cloud_tmp4); emit percentage( 80); *cloud_tmp += *cloud_tmp3; m_vegetation->set_Cloud(cloud_tmp); m_terrain->set_Cloud(cloud_tmp4); emit percentage( 90); sendData(); }
bool swap_memory(SwapMemInfo *ret) { struct sysinfo info; FILE *fp = NULL; char *line = NULL; unsigned long totalswap, freeswap, usedswap; unsigned long sin = ULONG_MAX, sout = ULONG_MAX; check(sysinfo(&info) == 0, "sysinfo failed"); totalswap = info.totalswap; freeswap = info.freeswap; usedswap = totalswap - freeswap; fp = fopen("/proc/vmstat", "r"); check(fp, "Couldn't open /proc/vmstat"); line = (char *)calloc(50, sizeof(char)); check_mem(line); while (fgets(line, 40, fp) != NULL) { if (strncmp(line, "pswpin", 6) == 0) { sin = strtoul(line + 7, NULL, 10) * 4 * 1024; } if (strncmp(line, "pswpout", 7) == 0) { sout = strtoul(line + 8, NULL, 10) * 4 * 1024; } } if (sin == ULONG_MAX || sout == ULONG_MAX) { log_warn( "Couldn't determine 'sin' and 'sout' swap stats. Setting them to 0"); sout = sin = 0; } fclose(fp); free(line); ret->total = totalswap; ret->used = usedswap; ret->free = freeswap; ret->percent = percentage(usedswap, totalswap); ret->sin = sin; ret->sout = sout; return true; error: if (fp) fclose(fp); free(line); return false; }
int FileLoader::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QThread::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: status((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 1: percentage((*reinterpret_cast< qint64(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 2: progressRange((*reinterpret_cast< qint64(*)>(_a[1]))); break; default: ; } _id -= 3; } return _id; }
void BorderBar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QRectF rect(2, 2, width()-4, height()-4); QPainter painter(this); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); // 边缘平滑.. painter.setBrush(backgroundColor()); painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter.drawEllipse(rect); painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); m_pen.setColor(foregroundColor()); m_pen.setWidth(4); painter.setPen(m_pen); painter.drawArc(rect, 0.25 * RADIAN, -percentage() * RADIAN); // +: 逆时针 -: 顺时针 DRAWTEXT(painter, m_pen, m_font); // 绘画文字.. }
void WProgressBar::updateDom(DomElement& element, bool all) { DomElement *bar = 0, *label = 0; if (all) { WApplication *app = WApplication::instance(); bar = DomElement::createNew(DomElement_DIV); bar->setId("bar" + id()); bar->setProperty(PropertyClass, valueStyleClass_); app->theme()->apply(this, *bar, ProgressBarBarRole); label = DomElement::createNew(DomElement_DIV); label->setId("lbl" + id()); app->theme()->apply(this, *label, ProgressBarLabelRole); } if (changed_ || all) { if (!bar) bar = DomElement::getForUpdate("bar" + id(), DomElement_DIV); if (!label) label = DomElement::getForUpdate("lbl" + id(), DomElement_DIV); bar->setProperty(PropertyStyleWidth, boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(percentage()) + "%"); WString s = text(); removeScript(s); label->setProperty(PropertyInnerHTML, s.toUTF8()); changed_ = false; } if (bar) element.addChild(bar); if (label) element.addChild(label); WInteractWidget::updateDom(element, all); }
void output_comparison(COMPARISON comp) { puts("--------------------------------------------------------"); printf("%s\t-\t%s\t%6.2f%%\n", comp->a->filename, comp->b->filename, comp->overall*100); if ( ! quiet_flag ) { printf(_("\tTiles: %d, Sum: %d\n"), comp->atom_tiles->num, comp->atom_tiles->sum_lengths); if ( use_metric != 2 ) output_tiles(comp, comp->atom_tiles); if ( use_metric ) { printf(_("Metrics values: \n")); int num_metrics = sizeof(struct metrics) / sizeof(int), i; int *metr_a = (int*) &comp->a->theMetrics; int *metr_b = (int*) &comp->b->theMetrics; for(i=0; i < num_metrics; i++) printf(" %4d - %4d %10s %%\n", metr_a[i], metr_b[i], percentage(metr_a[i], metr_b[i])); } } }
std::string ScopeTimerResults::timer_results() { ScopeTimeFunction(); std::map<const char *, bool> result_names; for (size_t i = 0; i < instance.results.size(); i++) result_names[instance.results[i].name] = true; std::string final_results; for (std::map<const char *, bool>::iterator it = result_names.begin(); it != result_names.end(); ++it) { int time_spent = percentage(it->first); if (time_spent > 0) { if (!final_results.empty()) final_results += "\n"; final_results += string_format("%1: %2%%", it->first, time_spent); } } return final_results; }
__int64 CDupFileFilter::CompareFiles(HANDLE pFiles[], unsigned int nFiles) { __int64 pos = FileSize(pFiles[0]); char buffer1[4096]; DWORD nRead1 = sizeof(buffer1)/sizeof(char); bool bUpdateProgress = pos >= 1024*1024; // 1Mb CPercentage percentage(pos, FileCompareUpdateCallback, m_pDialog); pos = 0; while (ReadFile(pFiles[0], buffer1, nRead1, &nRead1, NULL) && nRead1 > 0) { pos += nRead1; for (unsigned int i=1; i < nFiles; ++i) { char buffer2[4096]; ReadFile(pFiles[i], buffer2, nRead1, &nRead1, NULL); if (nRead1 == 0 || memcmp(buffer1, buffer2, nRead1)) { return pos; } } if (bUpdateProgress) percentage.Update(pos); } return 0; }