void FetchManager::Loader::start()
    // "1. If |request|'s url contains a Known HSTS Host, modify it per the
    // requirements of the 'URI [sic] Loading and Port Mapping' chapter of HTTP
    // Strict Transport Security."
    // FIXME: Implement this.

    // "2. If |request|'s referrer is not none, set |request|'s referrer to the
    // result of invoking determine |request|'s referrer."
    // We set the referrer using workerGlobalScope's URL in
    // WorkerThreadableLoader.

    // "3. If |request|'s synchronous flag is unset and fetch is not invoked
    // recursively, run the remaining steps asynchronously."
    // We don't support synchronous flag.

    // "4. Let response be the value corresponding to the first matching
    // statement:"

    // "- should fetching |request| be blocked as mixed content returns blocked"
    // We do mixed content checking in ResourceFetcher.

    // "- should fetching |request| be blocked as content security returns
    //    blocked"
    if (!ContentSecurityPolicy::shouldBypassMainWorld(executionContext()) && !executionContext()->contentSecurityPolicy()->allowConnectToSource(m_request->url())) {
        // "A network error."
        performNetworkError("Refused to connect to '" + m_request->url().elidedString() + "' because it violates the document's Content Security Policy.");

    // "- |request|'s url's origin is |request|'s origin and the |CORS flag| is
    //    unset"
    // "- |request|'s url's scheme is 'data' and |request|'s same-origin data
    //    URL flag is set"
    // "- |request|'s url's scheme is 'about'"
    // Note we don't support to call this method with |CORS flag|.
    if ((SecurityOrigin::create(m_request->url())->isSameSchemeHostPort(m_request->origin().get()))
        || (m_request->url().protocolIsData() && m_request->sameOriginDataURLFlag())
        || (m_request->url().protocolIsAbout())) {
        // "The result of performing a basic fetch using request."

    // "- |request|'s mode is |same-origin|"
    if (m_request->mode() == WebURLRequest::FetchRequestModeSameOrigin) {
        // "A network error."
        performNetworkError("Fetch API cannot load " + m_request->url().string() + ". Request mode is \"same-origin\" but the URL\'s origin is not same as the request origin " + m_request->origin()->toString() + ".");

    // "- |request|'s mode is |no CORS|"
    if (m_request->mode() == WebURLRequest::FetchRequestModeNoCORS) {
        // "Set |request|'s response tainting to |opaque|."
        // "The result of performing a basic fetch using |request|."

    // "- |request|'s url's scheme is not one of 'http' and 'https'"
    if (!m_request->url().protocolIsInHTTPFamily()) {
        // "A network error."
        performNetworkError("Fetch API cannot load " + m_request->url().string() + ". URL scheme must be \"http\" or \"https\" for CORS request.");

    // "- |request|'s mode is |CORS-with-forced-preflight|.
    // "- |request|'s unsafe request flag is set and either |request|'s method
    // is not a simple method or a header in |request|'s header list is not a
    // simple header"
    if (m_request->mode() == WebURLRequest::FetchRequestModeCORSWithForcedPreflight
        || (m_request->unsafeRequestFlag()
            && (!FetchUtils::isSimpleMethod(m_request->method())
                || m_request->headerList()->containsNonSimpleHeader()))) {
        // "Set |request|'s response tainting to |CORS|."
        // "The result of performing an HTTP fetch using |request| with the
        // |CORS flag| and |CORS preflight flag| set."
        performHTTPFetch(true, true);

    // "- Otherwise
    //     Set |request|'s response tainting to |CORS|."
    // "The result of performing an HTTP fetch using |request| with the
    // |CORS flag| set."
    performHTTPFetch(true, false);
Exemplo n.º 2
void FetchManager::Loader::start()
    // "1. If |request|'s url contains a Known HSTS Host, modify it per the
    // requirements of the 'URI [sic] Loading and Port Mapping' chapter of HTTP
    // Strict Transport Security."
    // FIXME: Implement this.

    // "2. If |request|'s referrer is not none, set |request|'s referrer to the
    // result of invoking determine |request|'s referrer."
    // We set the referrer using workerGlobalScope's URL in
    // WorkerThreadableLoader.

    // "3. If |request|'s synchronous flag is unset and fetch is not invoked
    // recursively, run the remaining steps asynchronously."
    // We don't support synchronous flag.

    // "4. Let response be the value corresponding to the first matching
    // statement:"

    // "- should fetching |request| be blocked as mixed content returns blocked
    //  - should fetching |request| be blocked as content security returns
    //    blocked
    //      A network error."
    // We do mixed content checking and CSP checking in ResourceFetcher.

    // "- |request|'s url's origin is |request|'s origin and the |CORS flag| is
    //    unset"
    // "- |request|'s url's scheme is 'data' and |request|'s same-origin data
    //    URL flag is set"
    // "- |request|'s url's scheme is 'about'"
    if ((SecurityOrigin::create(m_request->url())->isSameSchemeHostPort(m_request->origin().get()) && !m_corsFlag)
        || (m_request->url().protocolIsData() && m_request->sameOriginDataURLFlag())
        || (m_request->url().protocolIsAbout())) {
        // "The result of performing a basic fetch using request."

    // "- |request|'s mode is |same-origin|"
    if (m_request->mode() == FetchRequestData::SameOriginMode) {
        // "A network error."

    // "- |request|'s mode is |no CORS|"
    if (m_request->mode() == FetchRequestData::NoCORSMode) {
        // "Set |request|'s response tainting to |opaque|."
        // "The result of performing a basic fetch using |request|."

    // "- |request|'s url's scheme is not one of 'http' and 'https'"
    if (!m_request->url().protocolIsInHTTPFamily()) {
        // "A network error."

    // "- |request|'s mode is |CORS-with-forced-preflight|.
    // "- |request|'s unsafe request flag is set and either |request|'s method
    // is not a simple method or a header in |request|'s header list is not a
    // simple header"
    if (m_request->mode() == FetchRequestData::CORSWithForcedPreflight
        || (m_request->unsafeRequestFlag()
            && (!FetchUtils::isSimpleMethod(m_request->method())
                || m_request->headerList()->containsNonSimpleHeader()))) {
        // "Set |request|'s response tainting to |CORS|."
        // "The result of performing an HTTP fetch using |request| with the
        // |CORS flag| and |CORS preflight flag| set."
        m_corsFlag = true;
        m_corsPreflightFlag = true;

    // "- Otherwise
    //     Set |request|'s response tainting to |CORS|."
    // "The result of performing an HTTP fetch using |request| with the
    // |CORS flag| set."
    m_corsFlag = true;
    m_corsPreflightFlag = false;