Exemplo n.º 1
double OnsetDetectionFunction :: highFrequencySpectralDifferenceHWR()
	double sum;
	double mag_diff;
	// perform the FFT
	sum = 0; // initialise sum to zero
	// compute phase values from fft output and sum deviations
	for (int i = 0;i < frameSize;i++)
		// calculate magnitude value
		magSpec[i] = sqrt(pow(complexOut[i][0],2) + pow(complexOut[i][1],2));
		// calculate difference
		mag_diff = magSpec[i] - prevMagSpec[i];
		if (mag_diff > 0)
			sum = sum + (mag_diff*((double) (i+1)));

		// store values for next calculation
		prevMagSpec[i] = magSpec[i];
	return sum;		
Exemplo n.º 2
double OnsetDetectionFunction :: complexSpectralDifferenceHWR()
	double phaseDeviation;
	double sum;
	double magnitudeDifference;
	double csd;
	// perform the FFT
	sum = 0; // initialise sum to zero
	// compute phase values from fft output and sum deviations
	for (int i = 0;i < frameSize;i++)
		// calculate phase value
		phase[i] = atan2(complexOut[i][1],complexOut[i][0]);
		// calculate magnitude value
		magSpec[i] = sqrt(pow(complexOut[i][0],2) + pow(complexOut[i][1],2));
        // phase deviation
        phaseDeviation = phase[i] - (2*prevPhase[i]) + prevPhase2[i];
        // calculate magnitude difference (real part of Euclidean distance between complex frames)
        magnitudeDifference = magSpec[i] - prevMagSpec[i];
        // if we have a positive change in magnitude, then include in sum, otherwise ignore (half-wave rectification)
        if (magnitudeDifference > 0)
            // calculate complex spectral difference for the current spectral bin
            csd = sqrt(pow(magSpec[i], 2) + pow(prevMagSpec[i], 2) - 2 * magSpec[i] * prevMagSpec[i] * cos(phaseDeviation));
            // add to sum
            sum = sum + csd;
		// store values for next calculation
		prevPhase2[i] = prevPhase[i];
		prevPhase[i] = phase[i];
		prevMagSpec[i] = magSpec[i];
	return sum;		
Exemplo n.º 3
double OnsetDetectionFunction :: phaseDeviation()
	double dev,pdev;
	double sum;
	// perform the FFT
	sum = 0; // initialise sum to zero
	// compute phase values from fft output and sum deviations
	for (int i = 0;i < frameSize;i++)
		// calculate phase value
		phase[i] = atan2(complexOut[i][1],complexOut[i][0]);
		// calculate magnitude value
		magSpec[i] = sqrt(pow(complexOut[i][0],2) + pow(complexOut[i][1],2));
		// if bin is not just a low energy bin then examine phase deviation
		if (magSpec[i] > 0.1)
			dev = phase[i] - (2*prevPhase[i]) + prevPhase2[i];	// phase deviation
			pdev = princarg(dev);	// wrap into [-pi,pi] range
			// make all values positive
			if (pdev < 0)	
				pdev = pdev*-1;
			// add to sum
			sum = sum + pdev;
		// store values for next calculation
		prevPhase2[i] = prevPhase[i];
		prevPhase[i] = phase[i];
	return sum;		
Exemplo n.º 4
double OnsetDetectionFunction :: spectralDifferenceHWR()
	double diff;
	double sum;
	// perform the FFT
	// compute first (N/2)+1 mag values
	for (int i = 0;i < (frameSize/2)+1;i++)
		magSpec[i] = sqrt(pow(complexOut[i][0],2) + pow(complexOut[i][1],2));
	// mag spec symmetric above (N/2)+1 so copy previous values
	for (int i = (frameSize/2)+1;i < frameSize;i++)
		magSpec[i] = magSpec[frameSize-i];
	sum = 0;	// initialise sum to zero
	for (int i = 0;i < frameSize;i++)
		// calculate difference
		diff = magSpec[i] - prevMagSpec[i];
		// only add up positive differences
		if (diff > 0)
			// add difference to sum
			sum = sum+diff;
		// store magnitude spectrum bin for next detection function sample calculation
		prevMagSpec[i] = magSpec[i];
	return sum;		
Exemplo n.º 5
double OnsetDetectionFunction :: complexSpectralDifference()
	double phaseDeviation;
	double sum;
	double csd;
	// perform the FFT
	sum = 0; // initialise sum to zero
	// compute phase values from fft output and sum deviations
	for (int i = 0;i < frameSize;i++)
		// calculate phase value
		phase[i] = atan2(complexOut[i][1],complexOut[i][0]);
		// calculate magnitude value
		magSpec[i] = sqrt(pow(complexOut[i][0],2) + pow(complexOut[i][1],2));
		// phase deviation
		phaseDeviation = phase[i] - (2*prevPhase[i]) + prevPhase2[i];
        // calculate complex spectral difference for the current spectral bin
		csd = sqrt(pow(magSpec[i], 2) + pow(prevMagSpec[i], 2) - 2 * magSpec[i] * prevMagSpec[i] * cos(phaseDeviation));
		// add to sum
		sum = sum + csd;
		// store values for next calculation
		prevPhase2[i] = prevPhase[i];
		prevPhase[i] = phase[i];
		prevMagSpec[i] = magSpec[i];
	return sum;		
// _______________________________________________________
void KeyWordDetector::getMFCCs() {
  // First perform the FFT
  // Try to reduce noise by estimated noise floor subtraction
  // Only half of the powerSpec vector [0-FFT_SIZE/2] now contains relevant information
  // Calculate the power spectrum in place
  // Calculate the log mel energies will be size of NUM_MEL_FILTER_BANKS
  melEnergy(logMelEn, powerSpec, FFT_SIZE/2, melBins, NUM_MEL_FILTER_BANKS+2);
  // Compute the 12 needed mfccs by the adjusted discrete cosine transformation for 26
  performDCT26Unrolled12MFCCs(currentMFCCs, logMelEn, dctCoeff);
  //printV(logMelEn, 28, true);