Exemplo n.º 1
struct bitcoin_tx *create_close_tx(const tal_t *ctx,
				   const u8 *our_script,
				   const u8 *their_script,
				   const struct bitcoin_txid *anchor_txid,
				   unsigned int anchor_index,
				   struct amount_sat funding,
				   struct amount_sat to_us,
				   struct amount_sat to_them,
				   struct amount_sat dust_limit)
	struct bitcoin_tx *tx;
	size_t num_outputs = 0;
	struct amount_sat total_out;
	u8 *script;

	assert(amount_sat_add(&total_out, to_us, to_them));
	assert(amount_sat_less_eq(total_out, funding));

	/* BOLT #3:
	 * ## Closing Transaction
	 * Note that there are two possible variants for each node.
	 * * version: 2
	 * * locktime: 0
	 * * txin count: 1
	/* Now create close tx: one input, two outputs. */
	tx = bitcoin_tx(ctx, 1, 2);

	/* Our input spends the anchor tx output. */
	bitcoin_tx_add_input(tx, anchor_txid, anchor_index,

	if (amount_sat_greater_eq(to_us, dust_limit)) {
		script =
		    tal_dup_arr(tx, u8, our_script, tal_count(our_script), 0);
		/* One output is to us. */
		bitcoin_tx_add_output(tx, script, &to_us);

	if (amount_sat_greater_eq(to_them, dust_limit)) {
		script = tal_dup_arr(tx, u8, their_script,
				     tal_count(their_script), 0);
		/* Other output is to them. */
		bitcoin_tx_add_output(tx, script, &to_them);

	/* Can't have no outputs at all! */
	if (num_outputs == 0)
		return tal_free(tx);

	permute_outputs(tx, NULL, NULL);
	return tx;
Exemplo n.º 2
struct bitcoin_tx *create_close_tx(secp256k1_context *secpctx,
				   const tal_t *ctx,
				   const struct pubkey *our_final,
				   const struct pubkey *their_final,
				   const struct sha256_double *anchor_txid,
				   unsigned int anchor_index,
				   u64 anchor_satoshis,
				   uint64_t to_us, uint64_t to_them)
	struct bitcoin_tx *tx;
	const u8 *redeemscript;

	/* Now create close tx: one input, two outputs. */
	tx = bitcoin_tx(ctx, 1, 2);

	/* Our input spends the anchor tx output. */
	tx->input[0].txid = *anchor_txid;
	tx->input[0].index = anchor_index;
	tx->input[0].input_amount = anchor_satoshis;

	/* One output is to us. */
	tx->output[0].amount = to_us;
	redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_single(tx, our_final);
	tx->output[0].script = scriptpubkey_p2sh(tx, redeemscript);
	tx->output[0].script_length = tal_count(tx->output[0].script);

	/* Other output is to them. */
	tx->output[1].amount = to_them;
	redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_single(tx, their_final);
	tx->output[1].script = scriptpubkey_p2sh(tx, redeemscript);
	tx->output[1].script_length = tal_count(tx->output[1].script);

	assert(tx->output[0].amount + tx->output[1].amount
	       <= tx->input[0].input_amount);
	tx->fee = tx->input[0].input_amount
		- (tx->output[0].amount + tx->output[1].amount);

	permute_outputs(tx->output, 2, NULL);
	return tx;
Exemplo n.º 3
struct bitcoin_tx *funding_tx(const tal_t *ctx,
			      u16 *outnum,
			      const struct utxo **utxomap,
			      struct amount_sat funding,
			      const struct pubkey *local_fundingkey,
			      const struct pubkey *remote_fundingkey,
			      struct amount_sat change,
			      const struct pubkey *changekey,
			      const struct ext_key *bip32_base)
	u8 *wscript;
	struct bitcoin_tx *tx;
	bool has_change = !amount_sat_eq(change, AMOUNT_SAT(0));

	tx = tx_spending_utxos(ctx, utxomap, bip32_base, has_change);

	wscript = bitcoin_redeem_2of2(tx, local_fundingkey, remote_fundingkey);
	SUPERVERBOSE("# funding witness script = %s\n",
		     tal_hex(wscript, wscript));
	bitcoin_tx_add_output(tx, scriptpubkey_p2wsh(tx, wscript), &funding);

	if (has_change) {
		const void *map[2];
		map[0] = int2ptr(0);
		map[1] = int2ptr(1);
		bitcoin_tx_add_output(tx, scriptpubkey_p2wpkh(tx, changekey),
		permute_outputs(tx, NULL, map);
		*outnum = (map[0] == int2ptr(0) ? 0 : 1);
	} else {
		*outnum = 0;

	permute_inputs(tx, (const void **)utxomap);
	return tx;