Exemplo n.º 1
PDGL_API void pdglVertex3f(float x, float y, float z)
		{ pglVertex3f(x, y, z); return; }
	pglVertex3f(x, y, z);
Exemplo n.º 2
// render bounding box
static void RenderWireframeBox( FLOAT3D vMinVtx, FLOAT3D vMaxVtx, COLOR col)
  // only for OpenGL (for now)
  if( _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI!=GAT_OGL) return;

  // prepare wireframe OpenGL settings
  // fill vertex array so it represents bounding box
  FLOAT3D vBoxVtxs[8];
  vBoxVtxs[0] = FLOAT3D( vMinVtx(1), vMinVtx(2), vMinVtx(3));
  vBoxVtxs[1] = FLOAT3D( vMaxVtx(1), vMinVtx(2), vMinVtx(3));
  vBoxVtxs[2] = FLOAT3D( vMaxVtx(1), vMinVtx(2), vMaxVtx(3));
  vBoxVtxs[3] = FLOAT3D( vMinVtx(1), vMinVtx(2), vMaxVtx(3));
  vBoxVtxs[4] = FLOAT3D( vMinVtx(1), vMaxVtx(2), vMinVtx(3));
  vBoxVtxs[5] = FLOAT3D( vMaxVtx(1), vMaxVtx(2), vMinVtx(3));
  vBoxVtxs[6] = FLOAT3D( vMaxVtx(1), vMaxVtx(2), vMaxVtx(3));
  vBoxVtxs[7] = FLOAT3D( vMinVtx(1), vMaxVtx(2), vMaxVtx(3));
  // connect vertices into lines of bounding box
  INDEX iBoxLines[12][2];
  iBoxLines[ 0][0] = 0;  iBoxLines[ 0][1] = 1;  iBoxLines[ 1][0] = 1;  iBoxLines[ 1][1] = 2;
  iBoxLines[ 2][0] = 2;  iBoxLines[ 2][1] = 3;  iBoxLines[ 3][0] = 3;  iBoxLines[ 3][1] = 0;
  iBoxLines[ 4][0] = 0;  iBoxLines[ 4][1] = 4;  iBoxLines[ 5][0] = 1;  iBoxLines[ 5][1] = 5;
  iBoxLines[ 6][0] = 2;  iBoxLines[ 6][1] = 6;  iBoxLines[ 7][0] = 3;  iBoxLines[ 7][1] = 7;
  iBoxLines[ 8][0] = 4;  iBoxLines[ 8][1] = 5;  iBoxLines[ 9][0] = 5;  iBoxLines[ 9][1] = 6;
  iBoxLines[10][0] = 6;  iBoxLines[10][1] = 7;  iBoxLines[11][0] = 7;  iBoxLines[11][1] = 4;
  // for all vertices in bounding box
  pglBegin( GL_LINES);
  for( INDEX i=0; i<12; i++) {
    // get starting and ending vertices of one line
    FLOAT3D &v0 = vBoxVtxs[iBoxLines[i][0]];
    FLOAT3D &v1 = vBoxVtxs[iBoxLines[i][1]];
    pglVertex3f( v0(1), v0(2), v0(3));
    pglVertex3f( v1(1), v1(2), v1(3));
Exemplo n.º 3

update particle color, position etc
void CL_UpdateParticle( particle_t *p, float ft )
	float	time3 = 15.0 * ft;
	float	time2 = 10.0 * ft;
	float	time1 = 5.0 * ft;
	float	dvel = 4 * ft;
	float	grav = ft * clgame.movevars.gravity * 0.05f;
	float	size = 1.5f;
	int	i, iRamp, alpha = 255;
	vec3_t	right, up;
	rgb_t	color;


	switch( p->type )
	case pt_static:
	case pt_tracer:
	case pt_clientcustom:
		if( p->callback )
			p->callback( p, ft );
		if( p->type == pt_tracer )
			return; // already drawed
	case pt_fire:
		p->ramp += time1;
		if( p->ramp >= 6 ) p->die = -1;
		else p->color = ramp3[(int)p->ramp];
		p->vel[2] += grav;
	case pt_explode:
		p->ramp += time2;
		if( p->ramp >= 8 ) p->die = -1;
		else p->color = ramp1[(int)p->ramp];
		for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			p->vel[i] += p->vel[i] * dvel;
		p->vel[2] -= grav;
	case pt_explode2:
		p->ramp += time3;
		if( p->ramp >= 8 ) p->die = -1;
		else p->color = ramp2[(int)p->ramp];
		for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			p->vel[i] -= p->vel[i] * ft;
		p->vel[2] -= grav;
	case pt_blob:
	case pt_blob2:
		p->ramp += time2;
		iRamp = (int)p->ramp >> SIMSHIFT;

		if( iRamp >= SPARK_COLORCOUNT )
			p->ramp = 0.0f;
			iRamp = 0;
		p->color = CL_LookupColor( gSparkRamp[iRamp][0], gSparkRamp[iRamp][1], gSparkRamp[iRamp][2] );

		for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )		
			p->vel[i] -= p->vel[i] * 0.5f * ft;
		p->vel[2] -= grav * 5.0f;

		if( Com_RandomLong( 0, 3 ))
			p->type = pt_blob;
			alpha = 0;
			p->type = pt_blob2;
			alpha = 255;
	case pt_grav:
		p->vel[2] -= grav * 20;
	case pt_slowgrav:
		p->vel[2] -= grav;
	case pt_vox_grav:
		p->vel[2] -= grav * 8;
	case pt_vox_slowgrav:
		p->vel[2] -= grav * 4;

#if 0
	// HACKHACK a scale up to keep particles from disappearing
	size += (p->org[0] - RI.vieworg[0]) * RI.vforward[0];
	size += (p->org[1] - RI.vieworg[1]) * RI.vforward[1];
	size += (p->org[2] - RI.vieworg[2]) * RI.vforward[2];

	if( size < 20.0f ) size = 1.0f;
	else size = 1.0f + size * 0.004f;
 	// scale the axes by radius
	VectorScale( RI.vright, size, right );
	VectorScale( RI.vup, size, up );

	p->color = bound( 0, p->color, 255 );
	VectorSet( color, clgame.palette[p->color][0], clgame.palette[p->color][1], clgame.palette[p->color][2] );

	GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransTexture );
	pglColor4ub( color[0], color[1], color[2], alpha );

	GL_Bind( GL_TEXTURE0, cls.particleImage );

	// add the 4 corner vertices.
	pglBegin( GL_QUADS );

	pglTexCoord2f( 0.0f, 1.0f );
	pglVertex3f( p->org[0] - right[0] + up[0], p->org[1] - right[1] + up[1], p->org[2] - right[2] + up[2] );
	pglTexCoord2f( 0.0f, 0.0f );
	pglVertex3f( p->org[0] + right[0] + up[0], p->org[1] + right[1] + up[1], p->org[2] + right[2] + up[2] );
	pglTexCoord2f( 1.0f, 0.0f );
	pglVertex3f( p->org[0] + right[0] - up[0], p->org[1] + right[1] - up[1], p->org[2] + right[2] - up[2] );
	pglTexCoord2f( 1.0f, 1.0f );
	pglVertex3f( p->org[0] - right[0] - up[0], p->org[1] - right[1] - up[1], p->org[2] - right[2] - up[2] );


	if( p->type != pt_clientcustom )
		// update position.
		VectorMA( p->org, ft, p->vel, p->org );