Exemplo n.º 1
void serial_init(serial_t *obj, PinName tx, PinName rx) {
    int is_stdio_uart = 0;
    // determine the UART to use
    UARTName uart_tx = (UARTName)pinmap_peripheral(tx, PinMap_UART_TX);
    UARTName uart_rx = (UARTName)pinmap_peripheral(rx, PinMap_UART_RX);
    UARTName uart = (UARTName)pinmap_merge(uart_tx, uart_rx);
    if ((int)uart == NC) {
        error("Serial pinout mapping failed");
    obj->uart = (LPC_UART_TypeDef *)uart;
    // enable power
    switch (uart) {
        case UART_0: LPC_SC->PCONP |= 1 <<  3; break;
        case UART_1: LPC_SC->PCONP |= 1 <<  4; break;
        case UART_2: LPC_SC->PCONP |= 1 << 24; break;
        case UART_3: LPC_SC->PCONP |= 1 << 25; break;
    // enable fifos and default rx trigger level
    obj->uart->FCR = 1 << 0  // FIFO Enable - 0 = Disables, 1 = Enabled
                   | 0 << 1  // Rx Fifo Reset
                   | 0 << 2  // Tx Fifo Reset
                   | 0 << 6; // Rx irq trigger level - 0 = 1 char, 1 = 4 chars, 2 = 8 chars, 3 = 14 chars

    // disable irqs
    obj->uart->IER = 0 << 0  // Rx Data available irq enable
                   | 0 << 1  // Tx Fifo empty irq enable
                   | 0 << 2; // Rx Line Status irq enable
    // set default baud rate and format
    serial_baud  (obj, 9600);
    serial_format(obj, 8, ParityNone, 1);
    // pinout the chosen uart
    pinmap_pinout(tx, PinMap_UART_TX);
    pinmap_pinout(rx, PinMap_UART_RX);
    // set rx/tx pins in PullUp mode
    pin_mode(tx, PullUp);
    pin_mode(rx, PullUp);
    switch (uart) {
        case UART_0: obj->index = 0; break;
        case UART_1: obj->index = 1; break;
        case UART_2: obj->index = 2; break;
        case UART_3: obj->index = 3; break;
    uart_data[obj->index].sw_rts.pin = NC;
    uart_data[obj->index].sw_cts.pin = NC;
    serial_set_flow_control(obj, FlowControlNone, NC, NC);
    is_stdio_uart = (uart == STDIO_UART) ? (1) : (0);
    if (is_stdio_uart) {
        stdio_uart_inited = 1;
        memcpy(&stdio_uart, obj, sizeof(serial_t));
Exemplo n.º 2
void serial_init(serial_t *obj, PinName tx, PinName rx)
    uint32_t uart_tx = pinmap_peripheral(tx, PinMap_UART_TX);
    uint32_t uart_rx = pinmap_peripheral(rx, PinMap_UART_RX);
    obj->index = pinmap_merge(uart_tx, uart_rx);
    MBED_ASSERT((int)obj->index != NC);


    lpuart_config_t config;
    config.baudRate_Bps = 9600;
    config.enableTx = false;
    config.enableRx = false;

    LPUART_Init(uart_addrs[obj->index], &config, serial_get_clock());

    pinmap_pinout(tx, PinMap_UART_TX);
    pinmap_pinout(rx, PinMap_UART_RX);

    if (tx != NC) {
        LPUART_EnableTx(uart_addrs[obj->index], true);
        pin_mode(tx, PullDefault);
    if (rx != NC) {
        LPUART_EnableRx(uart_addrs[obj->index], true);
        pin_mode(rx, PullDefault);

    if (obj->index == STDIO_UART) {
        stdio_uart_inited = 1;
        memcpy(&stdio_uart, obj, sizeof(serial_t));
Exemplo n.º 3
void i2c_init(i2c_t *obj, PinName sda, PinName scl) {
    // determine the SPI to use
    I2CName i2c_sda = (I2CName)pinmap_peripheral(sda, PinMap_I2C_SDA);
    I2CName i2c_scl = (I2CName)pinmap_peripheral(scl, PinMap_I2C_SCL);
    obj->i2c = (LPC_I2C_TypeDef *)pinmap_merge(i2c_sda, i2c_scl);
    MBED_ASSERT((int)obj->i2c != NC);
    // enable power
    // set default frequency at 100k
    i2c_frequency(obj, 100000);
    i2c_conclr(obj, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    pinmap_pinout(sda, PinMap_I2C_SDA);
    pinmap_pinout(scl, PinMap_I2C_SCL);

    // OpenDrain must explicitly be enabled for p0.0 and p0.1
    if (sda == P0_0) {
        pin_mode(sda, OpenDrain);
    if (scl == P0_1) {
        pin_mode(scl, OpenDrain);

Exemplo n.º 4
void i2c_init(i2c_t *obj, PinName sda, PinName scl) {
    // Determine the I2C to use
    I2CName i2c_sda = (I2CName)pinmap_peripheral(sda, PinMap_I2C_SDA);
    I2CName i2c_scl = (I2CName)pinmap_peripheral(scl, PinMap_I2C_SCL);

    obj->i2c = (I2CName)pinmap_merge(i2c_sda, i2c_scl);
    MBED_ASSERT(obj->i2c != (I2CName)NC);

    // Enable I2C clock
    if (obj->i2c == I2C_1) {
        RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1, ENABLE);
    if (obj->i2c == I2C_2) {
        RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C2, ENABLE);

    // Configure I2C pins
    pinmap_pinout(scl, PinMap_I2C_SCL);
    pin_mode(scl, OpenDrain);
    pinmap_pinout(sda, PinMap_I2C_SDA);
    pin_mode(sda, OpenDrain);

    // Reset to clear pending flags if any

    // I2C configuration
    i2c_frequency(obj, 100000); // 100 kHz per default
Exemplo n.º 5
void i2c_init(i2c_t *obj, PinName sda, PinName scl) {
    // determine the SPI to use
    I2CName i2c_sda = (I2CName)pinmap_peripheral(sda, PinMap_I2C_SDA);
    I2CName i2c_scl = (I2CName)pinmap_peripheral(scl, PinMap_I2C_SCL);
    obj->i2c = (I2C_TypeDef *)pinmap_merge(i2c_sda, i2c_scl);
    MBED_ASSERT((int)obj->i2c != NC);

    // enable power

    pinmap_pinout(sda, PinMap_I2C_SDA);
    pinmap_pinout(scl, PinMap_I2C_SCL);

    pin_mode(sda, OpenDrain);
    pin_mode(scl, OpenDrain);

    // Force reset if the bus is stuck in the BUSY state
    if (obj->i2c->SR2 & I2C_SR2_BUSY) {
        obj->i2c->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_SWRST;
        obj->i2c->CR1 &= ~I2C_CR1_SWRST;

    // Set the peripheral clock frequency
    obj->i2c->CR2 |= 42;

    // set default frequency at 100k
    i2c_frequency(obj, 100000);
void serial_set_flow_control(serial_t *obj, FlowControl type, PinName rxflow, PinName txflow)

    if (type == FlowControlRTSCTS || type == FlowControlRTS) {
        NRF_GPIO->DIR |= (1<<rxflow);
        pin_mode(rxflow, PullUp);
        obj->uart->PSELRTS = rxflow;

        obj->uart->CONFIG |= 0x01; // Enable HWFC

    if (type == FlowControlRTSCTS || type == FlowControlCTS) {
        NRF_GPIO->DIR &= ~(1<<txflow);
        pin_mode(txflow, PullUp);
        obj->uart->PSELCTS = txflow;

        obj->uart->CONFIG |= 0x01; // Enable HWFC;

    if (type == FlowControlNone) {
        obj->uart->PSELRTS = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Disable RTS
        obj->uart->PSELCTS = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Disable CTS

        obj->uart->CONFIG &= ~0x01; // Enable HWFC;
Exemplo n.º 7
void i2c_init(i2c_t *obj, PinName sda, PinName scl) {
    // Determine the I2C to use
    I2CName i2c_sda = (I2CName)pinmap_peripheral(sda, PinMap_I2C_SDA);
    I2CName i2c_scl = (I2CName)pinmap_peripheral(scl, PinMap_I2C_SCL);

    obj->i2c = (I2CName)pinmap_merge(i2c_sda, i2c_scl);

    if (obj->i2c == (I2CName)NC) {
        error("I2C error: pinout mapping failed.");

    // Enable I2C clock
    if (obj->i2c == I2C_1) {
    if (obj->i2c == I2C_2) {

    // Configure I2C pins
    pinmap_pinout(sda, PinMap_I2C_SDA);
    pinmap_pinout(scl, PinMap_I2C_SCL);
    pin_mode(sda, OpenDrain);
    pin_mode(scl, OpenDrain);

    // Reset to clear pending flags if any

    // I2C configuration
    i2c_frequency(obj, 100000); // 100 kHz per default
Exemplo n.º 8
void gpio_pin_enable(gpio_t *obj, uint8_t enable)
    if (enable) {
        pin_mode(obj->pin, obj->mode);
    } else {
        pin_mode(obj->pin, Disabled); // TODO_LP return mode to default value
Exemplo n.º 9
        pin_mode(PIN_PTC0, PIN_MODE_MUX_ALT2);
        pin_mode(PIN_PTC5, PIN_MODE_MUX_ALT2);
        pin_mode(PIN_PTC6, PIN_MODE_MUX_ALT2);
        pin_mode(PIN_PTC7, PIN_MODE_MUX_ALT2);
Exemplo n.º 10
void can_init(can_t *obj, PinName rd, PinName td)
    CANName can_rd = (CANName)pinmap_peripheral(rd, PinMap_CAN_RD);
    CANName can_td = (CANName)pinmap_peripheral(td, PinMap_CAN_TD);

    obj->can = (CANName)pinmap_merge(can_rd, can_td);
    MBED_ASSERT((int)obj->can != NC);

    if (obj->can == CAN_1) {
        obj->index = 0;
#if defined(CAN2_BASE) && (CAN_NUM == 2)
    else if (obj->can == CAN_2) {
        __HAL_RCC_CAN1_CLK_ENABLE(); // needed to set filters
        obj->index = 1;
    else {

    // Configure the CAN pins
    pinmap_pinout(rd, PinMap_CAN_RD);
    pinmap_pinout(td, PinMap_CAN_TD);
    if (rd != NC) {
        pin_mode(rd, PullUp);
    if (td != NC) {
        pin_mode(td, PullUp);

    CanHandle.Instance = (CAN_TypeDef *)(obj->can);

    CanHandle.Init.TTCM = DISABLE;
    CanHandle.Init.ABOM = DISABLE;
    CanHandle.Init.AWUM = DISABLE;
    CanHandle.Init.NART = DISABLE;
    CanHandle.Init.RFLM = DISABLE;
    CanHandle.Init.TXFP = DISABLE;
    CanHandle.Init.Mode = CAN_MODE_NORMAL;
    CanHandle.Init.SJW = CAN_SJW_1TQ;
    CanHandle.Init.BS1 = CAN_BS1_6TQ;
    CanHandle.Init.BS2 = CAN_BS2_8TQ;
    CanHandle.Init.Prescaler = 2;

    if (HAL_CAN_Init(&CanHandle) != HAL_OK) {
        error("Cannot initialize CAN");

    // Set initial CAN frequency to 100 kb/s
    can_frequency(obj, 100000);

    uint32_t filter_number = (obj->can == CAN_1) ? 0 : 14;
    can_filter(obj, 0, 0, CANStandard, filter_number);
Exemplo n.º 11
void serial_init(serial_t *obj, PinName tx, PinName rx)
    // Determine the UART to use (UART_1, UART_2, ...)
    UARTName uart_tx = (UARTName)pinmap_peripheral(tx, PinMap_UART_TX);
    UARTName uart_rx = (UARTName)pinmap_peripheral(rx, PinMap_UART_RX);

    // Get the peripheral name (UART_1, UART_2, ...) from the pin and assign it to the object
    obj->uart = (UARTName)pinmap_merge(uart_tx, uart_rx);
    MBED_ASSERT(obj->uart != (UARTName)NC);

    // Enable UART clock
    if (obj->uart == UART_1) {
        obj->index = 0;
    if (obj->uart == UART_2) {
        obj->index = 1;
    if (obj->uart == UART_3) {
        obj->index = 2;

    // Configure UART pins
    pinmap_pinout(tx, PinMap_UART_TX);
    pinmap_pinout(rx, PinMap_UART_RX);
    if (tx != NC) {
        pin_mode(tx, PullUp);
    if (rx != NC) {
        pin_mode(rx, PullUp);

    // Configure UART
    obj->baudrate = 9600;
    obj->databits = UART_WORDLENGTH_8B;
    obj->stopbits = UART_STOPBITS_1;
    obj->parity   = UART_PARITY_NONE;

    obj->pin_tx = tx;
    obj->pin_rx = rx;


    // For stdio management
    if (obj->uart == STDIO_UART) {
        stdio_uart_inited = 1;
        memcpy(&stdio_uart, obj, sizeof(serial_t));
Exemplo n.º 12
void pwmout_enable_pins(pwmout_t *obj, uint8_t enable)
    if (enable) {
        pin_mode(obj->pin, PushPull);
    } else {
        // TODO_LP return PinMode to the previous state
        pin_mode(obj->pin, Disabled);
Exemplo n.º 13
static void
        pin_mode(EZPORT_CS, PIN_MODE_MUX_ANALOG);
        pin_mode(EZPORT_CLK, PIN_MODE_MUX_ANALOG);
        pin_mode(EZPORT_DI, PIN_MODE_MUX_ANALOG);
        pin_mode(EZPORT_DO, PIN_MODE_MUX_ANALOG);
Exemplo n.º 14
    epCallback[0] = &USBHAL::EP1_OUT_callback;
    epCallback[1] = &USBHAL::EP1_IN_callback;
    epCallback[2] = &USBHAL::EP2_OUT_callback;
    epCallback[3] = &USBHAL::EP2_IN_callback;
    epCallback[4] = &USBHAL::EP3_OUT_callback;
    epCallback[5] = &USBHAL::EP3_IN_callback;

    // Enable power and clocking

#if defined(TARGET_STM32F407VG) || defined(TARGET_STM32F401RE) || defined(TARGET_STM32F411RE) || defined(TARGET_STM32F412ZG) || defined(TARGET_STM32F429ZI)
    pin_function(PA_8, STM_PIN_DATA(2, 10));
    pin_function(PA_9, STM_PIN_DATA(0, 0));
    pin_function(PA_10, STM_PIN_DATA(2, 10));
    pin_function(PA_11, STM_PIN_DATA(2, 10));
    pin_function(PA_12, STM_PIN_DATA(2, 10));

    // Set ID pin to open drain with pull-up resistor
    pin_mode(PA_10, OpenDrain);
    GPIOA->PUPDR &= ~(0x3 << 20);
    GPIOA->PUPDR |= 1 << 20;

    // Set VBUS pin to open drain
    pin_mode(PA_9, OpenDrain);


    // Enable interrupts
    OTG_FS->GREGS.GAHBCFG |= (1 << 0);

    // Turnaround time to maximum value - too small causes packet loss
    OTG_FS->GREGS.GUSBCFG |= (0xF << 10);

    // Unmask global interrupts
    OTG_FS->GREGS.GINTMSK |= (1 << 3) | // SOF
                             (1 << 4) | // RX FIFO not empty
                             (1 << 12); // USB reset

    OTG_FS->DREGS.DCFG |= (0x3 << 0) | // Full speed
                          (1 << 2); // Non-zero-length status OUT handshake

    OTG_FS->GREGS.GCCFG |= (1 << 19) | // Enable VBUS sensing
                           (1 << 16); // Power Up

    instance = this;
    NVIC_SetVector(OTG_FS_IRQn, (uint32_t)&_usbisr);
    NVIC_SetPriority(OTG_FS_IRQn, 1);
Exemplo n.º 15
static void
        pin_mode(EZPORT_CS, PIN_MODE_MUX_ALT2);
        pin_mode(EZPORT_CLK, PIN_MODE_MUX_ALT2);
        pin_mode(EZPORT_DI, PIN_MODE_MUX_ALT2);
        pin_mode(EZPORT_DO, PIN_MODE_MUX_ALT2);
Exemplo n.º 16
void spi_init(void) {
    pin_mode(SCLK, OUTPUT);
    pin_mode(MOSI, OUTPUT);
    pin_mode(SS, OUTPUT); /* Should be output in Master mode. */
    SPCR &= ~(_BV(DORD)); /* MSB first. */
    SPCR |= _BV(MSTR);    /* Act as master. */
    SPCR |= _BV(SPE);     /* Enable SPI. */
Exemplo n.º 17
void serial_init(serial_t *obj, PinName tx, PinName rx) {
    int is_stdio_uart = 0;
    // determine the UART to use
    UARTName uart_tx = (UARTName)pinmap_peripheral(tx, PinMap_UART_TX);
    UARTName uart_rx = (UARTName)pinmap_peripheral(rx, PinMap_UART_RX);
    UARTName uart = (UARTName)pinmap_merge(uart_tx, uart_rx);
    MBED_ASSERT((int)uart != NC);

    obj->uart = (LPC_USART_Type *)uart;
    // [TODO] Consider more elegant approach
    // disconnect USBTX/RX mapping mux, for case when switching ports
#ifdef USBTX
    pin_function(USBTX, 0);
    pin_function(USBRX, 0);

    // enable fifos and default rx trigger level
    obj->uart->FCR = 1 << 0  // FIFO Enable - 0 = Disables, 1 = Enabled
                   | 0 << 1  // Rx Fifo Reset
                   | 0 << 2  // Tx Fifo Reset
                   | 0 << 6; // Rx irq trigger level - 0 = 1 char, 1 = 4 chars, 2 = 8 chars, 3 = 14 chars
    // disable irqs
    obj->uart->IER = 0 << 0  // Rx Data available irq enable
                   | 0 << 1  // Tx Fifo empty irq enable
                   | 0 << 2; // Rx Line Status irq enable
    // set default baud rate and format
    serial_baud  (obj, 9600);
    serial_format(obj, 8, ParityNone, 1);
    // pinout the chosen uart
    pinmap_pinout(tx, PinMap_UART_TX);
    pinmap_pinout(rx, PinMap_UART_RX);
    // set rx/tx pins in PullUp mode
    if (tx != NC) {
        pin_mode(tx, PullUp);
    if (rx != NC) {
        pin_mode(rx, PullUp);
    switch (uart) {
        case UART_0: obj->index = 0; break;
    is_stdio_uart = (uart == STDIO_UART) ? (1) : (0);
    if (is_stdio_uart) {
        stdio_uart_inited = 1;
        memcpy(&stdio_uart, obj, sizeof(serial_t));
Exemplo n.º 18
void serial_init(serial_t *obj, PinName tx, PinName rx) {
    // Determine the UART to use (UART_1, UART_2, ...)
    UARTName uart_tx = (UARTName)pinmap_peripheral(tx, PinMap_UART_TX);
    UARTName uart_rx = (UARTName)pinmap_peripheral(rx, PinMap_UART_RX);

    // Get the peripheral name (UART_1, UART_2, ...) from the pin and assign it to the object
    obj->uart = (UARTName)pinmap_merge(uart_tx, uart_rx);

    if (obj->uart == (UARTName)NC) {
        error("Serial pinout mapping failed");

    // Enable USART clock
    if (obj->uart == UART_1) {
        RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_USART1, ENABLE);
    if (obj->uart == UART_2) {
        RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_USART2, ENABLE);
    if (obj->uart == UART_3) {
        RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_USART3, ENABLE);
    if (obj->uart == UART_4) {
        RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_UART4, ENABLE);
    if (obj->uart == UART_5) {
        RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_UART5, ENABLE);

    // Configure the UART pins
    pinmap_pinout(tx, PinMap_UART_TX);
    pinmap_pinout(rx, PinMap_UART_RX);
    pin_mode(tx, PullUp);
    pin_mode(rx, PullUp);

    // Configure UART
    obj->baudrate = 9600;
    obj->databits = USART_WordLength_8b;
    obj->stopbits = USART_StopBits_1;
    obj->parity = USART_Parity_No;


    // The index is used by irq
    if (obj->uart == UART_1) obj->index = 0;
    if (obj->uart == UART_2) obj->index = 1;
    if (obj->uart == UART_3) obj->index = 2;
    if (obj->uart == UART_4) obj->index = 3;
    if (obj->uart == UART_5) obj->index = 4;

    // For stdio management
    if (obj->uart == STDIO_UART) {
        stdio_uart_inited = 1;
        memcpy(&stdio_uart, obj, sizeof(serial_t));
Exemplo n.º 19
void i2c_enable_pins(i2c_t *obj, uint8_t enable)
    if (enable) {
        pin_mode(obj->i2c.scl, WiredAndPullUp);
        pin_mode(obj->i2c.sda, WiredAndPullUp);
    } else {
        // TODO_LP return PinMode to the previous state
        pin_mode(obj->i2c.sda, Disabled);
        pin_mode(obj->i2c.scl, Disabled);
Exemplo n.º 20
void gpio_init(gpio_t *obj, PinName pin, PinDirection direction) {
    if(pin == NC) return;

    obj->pin = pin;
    obj->mask = gpio_set(pin);

#if defined(TARGET_LPC1768) || defined(TARGET_LPC2368)
    LPC_GPIO_TypeDef *port_reg = (LPC_GPIO_TypeDef *) ((int)pin & ~0x1F);

    obj->reg_set = &port_reg->FIOSET;
    obj->reg_clr = &port_reg->FIOCLR;
    obj->reg_in  = &port_reg->FIOPIN;
    obj->reg_dir = &port_reg->FIODIR;

#elif defined(TARGET_LPC11U24)
    unsigned int port = (unsigned int)pin >> PORT_SHIFT;

    obj->reg_set = &LPC_GPIO->SET[port];
    obj->reg_clr = &LPC_GPIO->CLR[port];
    obj->reg_in  = &LPC_GPIO->PIN[port];
    obj->reg_dir = &LPC_GPIO->DIR[port];
#elif  defined(TARGET_LPC11Cxx)
    int gpionum = ((int) pin) >> 5;
    int pinnum = ((int) pin) & 0x1f;
    LPC_GPIO_TypeDef* lpc = 0;
    switch(gpionum) {
      case 0: lpc = LPC_GPIO0; break;
      case 1: lpc = LPC_GPIO1; break;
      case 2: lpc = LPC_GPIO2; break;
      case 3: lpc = LPC_GPIO3; break;
      default: {
        extern void abort(void); abort();
    obj->reg_dir = &lpc->DIR;
    obj->reg_set = &lpc->MASKED_ACCESS[1<<pinnum];
    // TODO(bracz) this is not strictly speaking true. You have to write 0 here
    // to clear the pin state.
    obj->reg_clr = &lpc->MASKED_ACCESS[1<<pinnum];
    obj->reg_in = &lpc->DATA;
#error CPU undefined.

    gpio_dir(obj, direction);
    switch (direction) {
        case PIN_OUTPUT: pin_mode(pin, PullNone); break;
        case PIN_INPUT : pin_mode(pin, PullDown); break;
Exemplo n.º 21
        // REMOTE_EN pin
        pin_mode(PIN_PTD3, PIN_MODE_MUX_GPIO);
        gpio_dir(PIN_PTD3, GPIO_OUTPUT);

        // UART
        pin_mode(PIN_PTA1, PIN_MODE_MUX_ALT2);
        pin_mode(PIN_PTA2, PIN_MODE_MUX_ALT2);

        // for I2C devices
        PORTB.pcr[pin_physpin_from_pin(PIN_PTB0)].raw = ((struct PCR_t) {.mux=2,.ode=1}).raw;
Exemplo n.º 22
void serial_init(serial_t *obj, PinName tx, PinName rx) {
    // determine the UART to use -- for mcu's with multiple uart connections
    UARTName uart_tx = (UARTName)pinmap_peripheral(tx, PinMap_UART_TX);
    UARTName uart_rx = (UARTName)pinmap_peripheral(rx, PinMap_UART_RX);
    UARTName uart = (UARTName)pinmap_merge(uart_tx, uart_rx);
    if ((int)uart == NC) {
        error("Serial pinout mapping failed");       
    obj->uart = (NRF_UART_Type *)uart;
    //pin configurations -- 
    NRF_GPIO->DIR |= (1<<tx);//TX_PIN_NUMBER);

    NRF_GPIO->DIR &= ~(1<<rx);//RX_PIN_NUMBER);
    obj->uart->PSELRTS = RTS_PIN_NUMBER;
    obj->uart->PSELTXD = tx;//TX_PIN_NUMBER;
    obj->uart->PSELCTS = CTS_PIN_NUMBER;
    obj->uart->PSELRXD = rx;//RX_PIN_NUMBER;
    // set default baud rate and format
    serial_baud  (obj, 9600);
    serial_format(obj, 8, ParityNone, 1);
    obj->uart->ENABLE = (UART_ENABLE_ENABLE_Enabled << UART_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos);;
    obj->uart->TASKS_STARTTX = 1;
    obj->uart->TASKS_STARTRX = 1;
    obj->uart->EVENTS_RXDRDY =0;
    obj->index = 0;
    // set rx/tx pins in PullUp mode
    pin_mode(tx, PullUp);
    pin_mode(rx, PullUp);
    if (uart == STDIO_UART) {
        stdio_uart_inited = 1;
        memcpy(&stdio_uart, obj, sizeof(serial_t));
Exemplo n.º 23
/** Set the input pin mode
 * @param obj  The GPIO object
 * @param mode The pin mode to be set
void gpio_mode(gpio_t *obj, PinMode mode)
    uint32_t pin = obj->gpioPin;

    /* Set the mode for the pin */
    pin_mode((PinName)pin, mode);
Exemplo n.º 24
static void
        /* set modes before to enable the port */
        gpio_dir(PROG_BUTTON, GPIO_INPUT);
        pin_mode(PROG_BUTTON, PIN_MODE_PULLUP);
        gpio_dir(TARGET_RESET, GPIO_INPUT);
        gpio_dir(TARGET_LED, GPIO_INPUT);

        /* set digital debounce/filter */
        pin_physport_from_pin(PROG_BUTTON)->dfcr.cs = PORT_CS_LPO;
        pin_physport_from_pin(PROG_BUTTON)->dfwr.filt = 31;

        /* button interrupt */
        pin_physport_from_pin(PROG_BUTTON)->dfer |= 1 << pin_physpin_from_pin(PROG_BUTTON);
        pin_physport_from_pin(PROG_BUTTON)->pcr[pin_physpin_from_pin(PROG_BUTTON)].irqc = PCR_IRQC_INT_FALLING;

        /* reset interrupt */
        pin_physport_from_pin(TARGET_RESET)->pcr[pin_physpin_from_pin(TARGET_RESET)].irqc = PCR_IRQC_INT_RISING;

        /* LED interrupt */
        pin_physport_from_pin(TARGET_LED)->pcr[pin_physpin_from_pin(TARGET_LED)].irqc = PCR_IRQC_INT_FALLING;


        gpio_dir(LED_SUCCESS, GPIO_OUTPUT);
        gpio_dir(LED_FAIL, GPIO_OUTPUT);

Exemplo n.º 25
void analogout_init(dac_t *obj, PinName pin)
    /* init in-memory structure */
    obj->dac = (DAC_TypeDef *) pinmap_peripheral(pin, PinMap_DAC);
    MBED_ASSERT((int) obj->dac != NC);

    obj->channel = pin_location(pin, PinMap_DAC);
    MBED_ASSERT((int) obj->channel != NC);
    pin_mode(pin, Disabled);

    if (!dac_initialized) {
        /* Initialize the DAC. Will disable both DAC channels, so should only be done once */
        /* Use default settings */
        CMU_ClockEnable(cmuClock_DAC0, true);

        DAC_Init_TypeDef init = DAC_INIT_DEFAULT;

        /* Calculate the DAC clock prescaler value that will result in a DAC clock
         * close to 500kHz. Second parameter is zero. This uses the current HFPERCLK
         * frequency instead of setting a new one. */
        init.prescale = DAC_PrescaleCalc(500000, REFERENCE_FREQUENCY);

        /* Set reference voltage to VDD */
        init.reference = dacRefVDD;

        DAC_Init(obj->dac, &init);
        dac_initialized = 1;
    /* Use default channel settings */
    DAC_InitChannel_TypeDef initChannel = DAC_INITCHANNEL_DEFAULT;
    initChannel.enable = true;
    DAC_InitChannel(obj->dac, &initChannel, obj->channel);
Exemplo n.º 26
 * This code will increase the PWM duty cycle from 0% to 100%, then
 * decrease it from 100% to 0%, and so on.
	int inc = 1;		/* Currently incrementing */
	long fract v = 0.0;	/* Current PWM duty cycle */

	/* Initialize FTM and set PWM pin mode */
	pin_mode(PIN_PTC1, PIN_MODE_MUX_ALT4);

	/* XXX: Switch to timeouts instead of busy-wait */
	for (;;) {
		/* Increment or decrement PWM duty slightly */
		if (inc)
			v += 0.00001lr;
			v -= 0.00001lr;

		/* Switch between increment and decrement */
		if (v >= 1 || v <= 0) inc = !inc;

		/* Set the actual PWM duty cycle */
		ftm_set(FTM_CH0, v);
Exemplo n.º 27
void serial_init(serial_t *obj, PinName tx, PinName rx) {
    // Determine the UART to use (UART_1, UART_2, ...)
    UARTName uart_tx = (UARTName)pinmap_peripheral(tx, PinMap_UART_TX);
    UARTName uart_rx = (UARTName)pinmap_peripheral(rx, PinMap_UART_RX);
    // Get the peripheral name (UART_1, UART_2, ...) from the pin and assign it to the object
    obj->uart = (UARTName)pinmap_merge(uart_tx, uart_rx);
    MBED_ASSERT(obj->uart != (UARTName)NC);

    // Enable USART clock
    if (obj->uart == UART_1) {
        RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_USART1, ENABLE);
        obj->index = 0;
    if (obj->uart == UART_2) {
        RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_USART2, ENABLE);
        obj->index = 1;
    // Configure the UART pins
    pinmap_pinout(tx, PinMap_UART_TX);
    pinmap_pinout(rx, PinMap_UART_RX);
    if (tx != NC) {
        pin_mode(tx, PullUp);
    if (rx != NC) {
        pin_mode(rx, PullUp);

    // Configure UART
    obj->baudrate = 9600;
    obj->databits = USART_WordLength_8b;
    obj->stopbits = USART_StopBits_1;
    obj->parity = USART_Parity_No;

    obj->pin_tx = tx;
    obj->pin_rx = rx;

    // For stdio management
    if (obj->uart == STDIO_UART) {
        stdio_uart_inited = 1;
        memcpy(&stdio_uart, obj, sizeof(serial_t));
Exemplo n.º 28
void serial_init(serial_t *obj, PinName tx, PinName rx) {
    UARTName uart = UART_0;

    MBED_ASSERT((int)uart != NC);

    obj->uart = (NRF_UART_Type *)uart;

    //pin configurations --
    NRF_GPIO->DIR |= (1 << tx); //TX_PIN_NUMBER);

    NRF_GPIO->DIR &= ~(1 << rx); //RX_PIN_NUMBER);
    NRF_GPIO->DIR &= ~(1 << CTS_PIN_NUMBER);

    obj->uart->PSELRTS = RTS_PIN_NUMBER;
    obj->uart->PSELTXD = tx; //TX_PIN_NUMBER;

    obj->uart->PSELCTS = CTS_PIN_NUMBER;
    obj->uart->PSELRXD = rx; //RX_PIN_NUMBER;

    // set default baud rate and format
    serial_baud  (obj, 9600);
    serial_format(obj, 8, ParityNone, 1);

    obj->uart->ENABLE        = (UART_ENABLE_ENABLE_Enabled << UART_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos);
    obj->uart->TASKS_STARTTX = 1;
    obj->uart->TASKS_STARTRX = 1;
    obj->uart->EVENTS_RXDRDY = 0;

    obj->index = 0;

    // set rx/tx pins in PullUp mode
    if (tx != NC) {
        pin_mode(tx, PullUp);
    if (rx != NC) {
        pin_mode(rx, PullUp);

    if (uart == STDIO_UART) {
        stdio_uart_inited = 1;
        memcpy(&stdio_uart, obj, sizeof(serial_t));
Exemplo n.º 29
void initialize() {
  // Disable timers 0, 1

  //Power timers 0, 1
  LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= 1 << (7 + 0);
  LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= 1 << (7 + 1);

  // Enable counter mode (non PWM) for timers 0, 1
  LPC_CT16B0->PWMC = 0b0000;
  LPC_CT16B1->PWMC = 0b0000;

  // Reset functionality on MR0 controlling the counter time period
  LPC_CT16B0->MCR = (1 << 1);  // Timer0: reset counter 0 o0 MR0 match
  LPC_CT16B1->MCR = (1 << 4);  // Timer1: reset counter 1 on MR1 match

  // Set prescalers to 1. Timer is incremented 'SystemCoreClock' times a second.
  LPC_CT16B0->PR = 0;
  LPC_CT16B1->PR = 0;

  // TODO: is this reset needed?

  // Clear output on match (tone are off, keep outputs  low).
  LPC_CT16B0->EMR = (0b01 << 4);  // Timer0: output LOW on MR0 match
  LPC_CT16B1->EMR = (0b10 << 6);  // Timer1: output HIGH on MR1 match

  // Set arbitrary cycle, just to have counter matches which sets
  // the outputs to desired values based on EMR setting.
  // Values don't matter much since we override latter when dialing
  // the tones.
  LPC_CT16B0->MR0 = COUNT(1000);
  LPC_CT16B1->MR1 = COUNT(1300);


  // Pinout
  // TODO: define a const for the PWM pin function 2.
  pin_function(P0_8, 2);  // CT16B0_MAT0
  pin_mode(P0_8, PullNone);

  pin_function(P0_22, 2);  // CT16B1_MAT1
  pin_mode(P0_22, PullNone);
Exemplo n.º 30
void port_mode(port_t *obj, PinMode mode) {
    uint32_t i;  
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { // Process all pins
        if (obj->mask & (1 << i)) { // If the pin is used
            pin_mode(port_pin(obj->port, i), mode);