Exemplo n.º 1
 * pk_get_distro_id:
 * Return value: the distro-id, typically "distro;version;arch"
gchar *
pk_get_distro_id (void)
	const gchar *filename = "/etc/os-release";
	gboolean ret;
	_cleanup_error_free_ GError *error = NULL;
	_cleanup_free_ gchar *arch = NULL;
	_cleanup_free_ gchar *contents = NULL;
	_cleanup_free_ gchar *name = NULL;
	_cleanup_free_ gchar *version = NULL;
	_cleanup_keyfile_unref_ GKeyFile *key_file = NULL;
	_cleanup_string_free_ GString *str = NULL;

	/* we don't want distro specific results in 'make check' */
	if (g_getenv ("PK_SELF_TEST") != NULL)
		return g_strdup ("selftest;11.91;i686");

	/* load data */
	if (!g_file_test (filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
		filename = "/usr/lib/os-release";
	if (!g_file_get_contents (filename, &contents, NULL, NULL))
		return NULL;

	/* make a valid GKeyFile from the .ini data by prepending a header */
	str = g_string_new (contents);
	g_string_prepend (str, "[os-release]\n");
	key_file = g_key_file_new ();
	ret = g_key_file_load_from_data (key_file, str->str, -1, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, &error);
	if (!ret) {
		g_warning ("failed to load os-release: %s", error->message);
		return NULL;

	/* get keys */
	name = g_key_file_get_string (key_file, "os-release", "ID", NULL);
	if (name == NULL)
		return NULL;
	version = g_key_file_get_string (key_file, "os-release", "VERSION_ID", NULL);
	if (version == NULL)
		return NULL;
	arch = pk_get_distro_id_machine_type ();
	return g_strdup_printf ("%s;%s;%s", name, version, arch);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * pk_get_distro_id:
 * Return value: the distro-id, typically "distro;version;arch"
gchar *
pk_get_distro_id (void)
	gboolean ret;
	g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
	g_autofree gchar *arch = NULL;
	g_autofree gchar *name = NULL;
	g_autofree gchar *version = NULL;

	/* we don't want distro specific results in 'make check' */
	if (g_getenv ("PK_SELF_TEST") != NULL)
		return g_strdup ("selftest;11.91;i686");

	ret = pk_parse_os_release (&name, &version, &error);
	if (!ret) {
		g_warning ("failed to load os-release: %s", error->message);
		return NULL;

	arch = pk_get_distro_id_machine_type ();
	return g_strdup_printf ("%s;%s;%s", name, version, arch);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * pk_get_distro_id:
 * Return value: the distro-id, typically "distro;version;arch"
gchar *
pk_get_distro_id (void)
	guint i;
	gboolean ret;
	gchar *contents = NULL;
	gchar *arch = NULL;
	gchar *version = NULL;
	gchar **split = NULL;
	gchar *distro = NULL;
	gchar *distro_id = NULL;

	/* The distro id property should have the
	   format "distro;version;arch" as this is
	   used to determine if a specific package
	   can be installed on a certain machine.
	   For instance, x86_64 packages cannot be
	   installed on a i386 machine.

	/* we can't get arch from /etc */
	arch = pk_get_distro_id_machine_type ();

	/* check for fedora */
	ret = g_file_get_contents ("/etc/fedora-release", &contents, NULL, NULL);
	if (ret) {
		/* Fedora release 8.92 (Rawhide) */
		split = g_strsplit (contents, " ", 0);
		if (split == NULL)
			goto out;

		/* complete! */
		distro_id = g_strdup_printf ("fedora;%s;%s", split[2], arch);
		goto out;

	/* check for suse */
	ret = g_file_get_contents ("/etc/SuSE-release", &contents, NULL, NULL);
	if (ret) {
		/* replace with spaces: openSUSE 11.0 (i586) Alpha3\nVERSION = 11.0 */
		g_strdelimit (contents, "()\n", ' ');

		/* openSUSE 11.0  i586  Alpha3 VERSION = 11.0 */
		split = g_strsplit (contents, " ", 0);
		if (split == NULL)
			goto out;

		/* complete! */
		distro_id = g_strdup_printf ("suse;%s-%s;%s", split[1], split[3], arch);
		goto out;

	/* check for meego */
	ret = g_file_get_contents ("/etc/meego-release", &contents, NULL, NULL);
	if (ret) {
		/* Meego release 1.0 (MeeGo) */
		split = g_strsplit (contents, " ", 0);
		if (split == NULL)
			goto out;

		/* complete! */
		distro_id = g_strdup_printf ("meego;%s;%s", split[2], arch);
		goto out;

	/* check for foresight or foresight derivatives */
	ret = g_file_get_contents ("/etc/distro-release", &contents, NULL, NULL);
	if (ret) {
		/* Foresight Linux 2 */
		split = g_strsplit (contents, " ", 0);
		if (split == NULL)
			goto out;

		/* complete! */
		distro_id = g_strdup_printf ("foresight;%s;%s", split[2], arch);
		goto out;

	/* check for PLD */
	ret = g_file_get_contents ("/etc/pld-release", &contents, NULL, NULL);
	if (ret) {
		/* 2.99 PLD Linux (Th) */
		split = g_strsplit (contents, " ", 0);
		if (split == NULL)
			goto out;

		/* complete! */
		distro_id = g_strdup_printf ("pld;%s;%s", split[0], arch);
		goto out;

	/* check for Arch */
	ret = g_file_test ("/etc/arch-release", G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS);
	if (ret) {
		/* complete! */
		distro_id = g_strdup_printf ("arch;current;%s", arch);
		goto out;

	/* check for LSB */
	ret = g_file_get_contents ("/etc/lsb-release", &contents, NULL, NULL);
	if (ret) {
		/* split by lines */
		split = g_strsplit (contents, "\n", -1);
		for (i=0; split[i] != NULL; i++) {
			if (g_str_has_prefix (split[i], "DISTRIB_ID="))
				distro = g_ascii_strdown (&split[i][11], -1);
			if (g_str_has_prefix (split[i], "DISTRIB_RELEASE="))
				version = g_ascii_strdown (&split[i][16], -1);

		/* complete! */
		distro_id = g_strdup_printf ("%s;%s;%s", distro, version, arch);
		goto out;

	/* check for Debian or Debian derivatives */
	ret = g_file_get_contents ("/etc/debian_version", &contents, NULL, NULL);
	if (ret) {
		/* remove "\n": "squeeze/sid\n" */
		g_strdelimit (contents, "\n", '\0');
		/* removes leading and trailing whitespace */
		g_strstrip (contents);

		/* complete! */
		distro_id = g_strdup_printf ("debian;%s;%s", contents, arch);
		goto out;

#ifdef __FreeBSD__
	ret = TRUE;
	/* FreeBSD */
	if (ret) {
		/* we can't get version from /etc */
		version = pk_get_distro_id_os_release ();
		if (version == NULL)
			goto out;

		/* 7.2-RELEASE */
		split = g_strsplit (version, "-", 0);
		if (split == NULL)
			goto out;

		/* complete! */
		distro_id = g_strdup_printf ("freebsd;%s;%s", split[0], arch);
		goto out;
	g_strfreev (split);
	g_free (version);
	g_free (distro);
	g_free (arch);
	g_free (contents);
	return distro_id;