Exemplo n.º 1
// Go home and retrieve disk then move to center
void load_disk(void)
	if (digitalRead(ACTUATOR_LIMIT) == HIGH)			// Check if a disk is already on the actuator
			delay(50);																// debounce
			if (digitalRead(ACTUATOR_LIMIT) == HIGH) 
				get_disk();				 // No disk detected so we load one
Exemplo n.º 2
void loop() 

	while (Serial.available())				// If serial data is available on the port
		inByte = (char)Serial.read();			 // Read a byte 
		if (echo) Serial.print(inByte);		 // If the scho is on then print it back to the host
		if (inByte == '\r')		 // Once a /r is recvd check to see if it's a good command
			if (echo) Serial.println();	 // Dummy empty line	 
			if (inData == "up") lift_arm();			 
			else if (inData == "downs")			down_seek(50, 0);				// Lower arm until it finds bottom 
			else if (inData == "down")				down(50, ARM_DN_POSITION);		// Blindly lower arm
			else if (inData == "pump on")			pump(ON);						// Start pump
			else if (inData == "pump off")			pump(OFF);						// Stop pump
			else if (inData == "vent")				pump_release();				 	// Stop pump and vent the vacuum
			else if (inData == "left")				baseLeft(16);					// Move base to the left
			else if (inData == "center")			findCenter();		 			// Move base to the right
			else if (inData == "right")			baseRight(BASE_CENTER_POSITION);// Move base to the right
			else if (inData == "stop")				baseStop();						// Stop base
			else if (inData == "home")				left_home();					// Mode base left until it finds home
			else if (inData == "status")			stats();						// Show current status
			else if (inData == "stats")			stats();						// Show current stats
			else if (inData == "get disk")			get_disk();						// Macro to get disk and lift to top
			else if (inData == "load disk")	 	load_disk();					// Macro to get disk and move to center
			else if (inData == "unload disk")	 	unload_disk();					// Macro to get disk and move to center
			else if (inData == "place disk")		place_disk();					// Macro to lower disk into tray
			else if (inData == "debug on")			debug_mode = true;				// turn on debug mode, prints encoder values
			else if (inData == "debug off")	 	debug_mode = false;				// Turn off debug mode
			else if (inData == "echo on")			echo = true;					// Turn on echo mode
			else if (inData == "echo off")		 	echo = false;					// Turn off echo mode		 
			else					// The string wasn't recognized so it was a bad command
				Serial.print("Error, Unknown Command: ");			 // Show the error
				Serial.println(inData);												 // Echo the command 
			inData = "";			// Clear the buffer (string)
			if (echo) prompt();	 // reprint the prompt

		else inData += inByte;	// If it's not a /r then keep adding to the string (buffer)

Exemplo n.º 3
// min
int min_node(int depth, int side, XY *move)
    int best = INFINITY, value;
    int nmoves;
    XY moves[MOVENUM], opp[MOVENUM];
    int pre_board[8][8];
    int i;
    if (depth == DEPTH)
        return eval_func();
    // 手を生成
	nmoves = generate_moves(side, moves);
    // 手がないとき
	if (nmoves == 0)
		if (generate_moves(-side, opp) == 0) // 相手もおけないときは終了
			return get_terminal_value();
		else    // 違うときはパス
			moves[nmoves++] = PASSMOVE;
    // たどっていく
    for (i = 0; i < nmoves; i++)
        memcpy(pre_board, board, sizeof(board));    // 盤面の保存
		place_disk(side, moves[i]);   // 一手進める
        // 再帰(recursive)
		value = max_node(depth + 1, -side, move);
        memcpy(board, pre_board, sizeof(board));    // 戻す
        // 値の更新
        if (value <= best)
            best = value;
            if (depth == 0)
                *move = moves[i];
	return best;
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const int human_side = (argc >= 2) ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0; // 先攻と後攻の選択
    XY moves[MOVENUM];
    init_board();   // 盤面の初期化
    print_board();  // 盤面の表示
    srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); // 乱数列の初期化
    int turn;
    for (turn = 1;; turn *= -1)   // ターンを交代
        XY nextmove;
        // どちらも置けなくなったときは終了
        if (generate_moves(turn, moves) == 0
            && generate_moves(-turn, moves) == 0)
        if (turn == human_side)
            man_player(turn, &nextmove);
            com_player(turn, &nextmove);
        // パスかどうかの判定
        if (nextmove.x != PASSMOVE.x && nextmove.y != PASSMOVE.y)
            printf("%s -> %c%c\n\n",
                   (turn == BLACK ? "BLACK" : "WHITE"),
                   'a' + nextmove.x, '1' + nextmove.y);
            place_disk(turn, nextmove); // ディスクの設置
            print_board();          // 盤面の表示
    show_result();  // 結果の表示
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  srand((unsigned) time(NULL));
  int board[8][8];//グローバル変数ではなく、いちいち渡すことに
  const int random_side = (argc >= 2) ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0;//MANの先攻後攻の決定

  int turn;
  int pass=0;
  for (turn = 1;; turn *= -1) {//先手の時はturn=1,後手の時はturn=-1
    Pair legal_moves[60];//合法手を全て収納するための配列
    const int nmoves = generate_all_legal_moves(turn, legal_moves,board);//空きマス0能時にnamoves=-1を返す ←一回目のここで既に何かミスってる
    if (nmoves == -1) break;     // no empty square→ゲーム終了
    if (nmoves ==  0) {
      printf("turn = %d, move = Pass\n", turn);//パスの処理

    Pair move;
    if (turn == random_side) {//人間側の操作のとき。com同士ならこれはおこらない
      move = legal_moves[rand()%nmoves];  //ランダム選択
    } else {//COM側の操作
      move = goodmove(turn,board);//turnは少なくとも必要
    place_disk(turn, move,board);//moveをそもそも受け取れていなかった
    printf("turn = %d, move = %c%c\n", turn, 'a' + move.x, '1' + move.y);
  return 0;