Exemplo n.º 1
void main(void) {
    ///1. Standard Power-on routine (Clocks, Timers, IRQ's, etc)
    ///2. Standard OpenTag Init (most stuff actually will not be used)

    ///3. Initialize the User Applet & interrupts

    ///4a. The device will wait (and block anything else) until you connect
    ///    it to a valid console app.

    ///4b. Load a message to show that main startup has passed
    otapi_log_msg(MSG_utf8, 6, 26, (ot_u8*)"SYS_ON", (ot_u8*)"System on and Mpipe active");

    ///5. MAIN RUNTIME (post-init)  <BR>
    ///<LI> Use a main loop with platform_ot_run(), and nothing more. </LI>
    ///<LI> You could put code before or after sys_runtime_manager, which will
    ///     run before or after the (task + kernel).  If you do, keep the code
    ///     very short or else you are risking timing glitches.</LI>
    ///<LI> To run any significant amount of user code, use tasks. </LI>
    while(1) {
Exemplo n.º 2
void main( void ) {
    /// Platform power-up initialization:
    platform_poweron();     // 1. Clocks, Timers, IRQ's, etc
    platform_init_gpio();   // 2. Not built into platform_poweron()
    platform_init_OT();     // 3. OpenTag module inits

    /// Set up the user timer (you can change this if you want).  This code is
    /// lifted from platform_CC430.c (platform_init_gptim)
    APPTIM->CTL    |= 0x0004;
    APPTIM->CTL     = (0x01C3 & 0x01E0);
    APPTIM->EX0     = (0x01C3 & 0x0007);
    APPTIM->CCR0    = 0;
    APPTIM->CTL    |= 0x0013;

    /// Bind the System RFA callbacks to use the red_ functions
    red_vector              = 0;
    sys.evt.RFA.init        = &red_init;
    sys.evt.RFA.terminate   = &red_terminate;
    /// Bind the api callback to our api-based app
    sys.loadapp             = &app_pingpong;
    /// Start the OpenTag Daemon:
    /// Run this once.  Afterward, it will automatically run whenever there is
    /// a GPTIM interrupt (usually TIM0A5).  OT manages this timer internally.
    /// Wait around until something interesting happens!
    /// - If you have code that runs in parallel, put it in here
    while (1) {

Exemplo n.º 3
//API wrappers
void otapi_poweron()    { platform_poweron(); }