Exemplo n.º 1
main( void)
    putsLCD( "Insert card...\n");
    while ( !getCD());
    Delayms( 100);
    if ( !mount())
        putsLCD("Mount Failed");
        if ( !playWAV( "NELLY.WAV"))
            putsLCD("File not found");

    while( 1)
    } // main loop

} //main 
Exemplo n.º 2
 * UART sample.
 * Some functions do not work with ICCAVR.
int main(void)
    int got;
    int userchoice;
    char *cp;
    u_long baud = 115200;

    float dval = 0.0;

     * Each device must be registered. We do this by referencing the 
     * device structure of the driver. The advantage is, that only 
     * those device drivers are included in our flash code, which we 
     * really need.
     * The uart0 device is the first one on the ATmega chip. So it 
     * has no configurable base address or interrupt and we set both 
     * parameters to zero.
    NutRegisterDevice(&DEV_UART, 0, 0);

     * Now, as the device is registered, we can open it. The fopen()
     * function returns a pointer to a FILE structure, which we use 
     * for subsequent reading and writing.
    uart = fopen(DEV_UART_NAME, "r+");
    freopen("uart0", "w", stdout);
    _ioctl(_fileno(stdout), UART_SETSPEED, &baud);

     * Before doing the first read or write, we set the baudrate.
     * This low level function doesn't know about FILE structures
     * and we use _fileno() to get the low level file descriptor
     * of the stream.
     * The short sleep allows the UART to settle after the baudrate
     * change.
    _ioctl(_fileno(uart), UART_SETSPEED, &baud);

    /* Initialize the LCd */
    NutRegisterDevice(&devLcd, 0, 0);
    /* Initialize UROM */
    NutRegisterDevice(&devUrom, 0, 0);
    NutRegisterDevice(&devDebug0, 0, 0);

    * Stream devices can use low level read and write functions.
    * Writing program space data is supported too.
    _write(_fileno(uart), banner, strlen(banner));
        _write_P(_fileno(uart), presskey_P, sizeof(presskey_P));

     * Stream devices do buffered I/O. That means, nothing will be 
     * passed to the hardware device until either the output buffer 
     * is full or we do a flush. With stream I/O we typically use
     * fflush(), but low level writing a null pointer will also flush 
     * the output buffer.
    _write(_fileno(uart), 0, 0);

     * The low level function read() will grab all available bytes 
     * from the input buffer. If the buffer is empty, the call will
     * block until something is available for reading.
    got = _read(_fileno(uart), inbuf, sizeof(inbuf));
    _write(_fileno(uart), inbuf, got);
     * Nut/OS never expects a thread to return. So we enter an 
     * endless loop here.

    do {
	lcdPrint("Main Menu");
	userchoice = 0;
         * A bit more advanced input routine is able to read a string 
         * up to and including the first newline character or until a
         * specified maximum number of characters, whichever comes first.
		puts("\n* Main Menu *");
		puts("\n1. Generate speech\n");
		puts("\n2. IRC\n");
		puts("\n3. Settings\n");
		puts("\n4. Help\n");
		puts("\n5. Play wav\n");
      puts("\nEnter your choice: ");
		readLine(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf));

         * Streams support formatted output as well as printing strings 
         * from program space.
        if (inbuf[0]) {
			userchoice = atoi(inbuf);
			switch (userchoice)
    		case 1: speechSynthesize(uart);
    		case 2: runIRC(uart);
    		case 3: openSettings(uart);
    		case 4: showHelp(uart);        		
    		case 5: playWAV(uart);
    		default: puts("Invalid option selected\n");

         * Just to demonstrate formatted floating point output.
         * In order to use this, we need to link the application
         * with nutcrtf instead of nutcrt for pure integer.
        dval += 1.0125;
        fprintf(uart, "FP %f\n", dval);
	while (1);
Exemplo n.º 3
void update_actors(unsigned long playerdat) {
	int i, j, player_x = player.x, player_y = player.y;
	// Handle player.
	if (playerdat & 0x01) player.y -= PLAYER_SPEED;
	if (playerdat & 0x02) player.y += PLAYER_SPEED;
	if (playerdat & 0x04) player.x -= PLAYER_SPEED;
	if (playerdat & 0x08) player.x += PLAYER_SPEED;
	if (player.x > 124) player.x = 124;
	if (player.x < 4) player.x = 4;
	if (player.y > 92) player.y = 92;
	if (player.y < 4) player.y = 4;
	if (player.health > 0)
		buffer_draw(player_x-4, player_y-4, player_ship);
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_BULLETS; i++) { // Handle bullets.
		short bullet_x, bullet_y, dir;
		bullet *curr = &bullets[i];
		if (curr->info <= 0) continue;
		bullet_x = curr->x;
		bullet_y = curr->y;
		dir = curr->info & 0x0F;
		// Collision detection.
		if (curr->info & 0x10) {	// Enemy bullet.
			if (abs(bullet_x - player.x) < 3
				&& abs(bullet_y - player.y) < 3)
				player.health -= 1; curr->info = -1; 
				playWAV((unsigned char *) &shoot[0], 4080, 0);
		else {
			for (j = 0; j < MAX_ENEMIES; j++) {// Player bullet.
				short size;
				enemy_ref * curr_enemy = &enemies[j];
				if (!curr_enemy->health) continue;
				size = curr_enemy->type->size;
				if (abs(bullet_x - curr_enemy->x) < size && 
					abs(bullet_y - curr_enemy->y) < size)
					curr_enemy->health -= 1; 
					curr->info = -1;
			if (j < MAX_ENEMIES) continue;
		if (bullet_x > 128 - BULLET_SPEED || bullet_x < BULLET_SPEED
			|| bullet_y > 96 - BULLET_SPEED || bullet_y < BULLET_SPEED)
			{ curr->info = -1; continue; }
		// If it survived all of that, update position and redraw.
		if (dir & 0x01) bullet_y -= BULLET_SPEED;
		if (dir & 0x02) bullet_y += BULLET_SPEED;
		if (dir & 0x04) bullet_x -= BULLET_SPEED;
		if (dir & 0x08) bullet_x += BULLET_SPEED;
		curr->x = bullet_x;
		curr->y = bullet_y;
		buffer_drawbullet(bullet_x, bullet_y, dir);

	if (playerdat & 0x20) queue_bullet = 1;
	if(queue_bullet) { // Fix this
		queue_bullet = 0;
		fire_func(player.x, player.y, tick%4);
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) { // Handle enemies.
		enemy *info;
		unsigned short movement, freq, 
			size, weapon, px, py, counter;
		enemy_ref *curr = &enemies[i];
		if (curr->health < 0) continue;
		if (curr->health == 0)
			score += curr->type->score;
			curr->health = -1;
			playWAV((unsigned char *)&shoot[0], 4080, 0);
			if (curr->type == &enemy_list[6])
				buffer_draw(0, 40, (unsigned char *) &gamewin[0]);
				sprintf(&score_string[0], "%d", (score>>6));
				RIT128x96x4StringDraw(&score_string[0], 0, 0, 0x0F);