int initgame(){ loadtexture("all", "px.jpg", 4,0,8); loadtexture("all", "speed.jpg", 4,0,11); loadtexture(course[loadc].dir, "lf.jpg", 4,0,2); loadtexture(course[loadc].dir, "rt.jpg", 4,0,3); loadtexture(course[loadc].dir, "dn.jpg", 4,0,4); loadtexture(course[loadc].dir, "up.jpg", 4,0,5); loadtexture(course[loadc].dir, "ft.jpg", 4,0,6); loadtexture(course[loadc].dir, "bk.jpg", 4,0,7); loadtexture(course[loadc].dir, "terrain.jpg", 4,0,9); loadtexture(course[loadc].dir, "map.bmp", 4,0,13); loadmap (&course[loadc]); player.rotvel = 0; player.vel = 0; player.dir = 0; player.rotdir = 0; player.rot = 180; player.x = -600; player.z = -1000; debugf("Reset Player Variables"); playmusic("data/music/growler.mp3"); newgame = 0; timestart = SDL_GetTicks(); printf("\nLoaded Map:\n %s (data/%s)\n %s\n\n", course[loadc].name, course[loadc].dir, course[loadc].description); return 1; }
// Duke3D-specific. --ryan. // void MUSIC_PlayMusic(char *_filename) int32_t MUSIC_PlaySong(char *song, int32_t loopflag) { // initprintf("MUSIC_PlaySong"); MUSIC_StopSong(); if (external_midi) { FILE *fp; #if defined FORK_EXEC_MIDI static int32_t sigchld_handler_set = 0; if (!sigchld_handler_set) { struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_handler=sigchld_handler; sa.sa_flags=0; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); if (sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL)==-1) initprintf("%s: sigaction: %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno)); sigchld_handler_set = 1; } #endif fp = Bfopen(external_midi_tempfn, "wb"); if (fp) { fwrite(song, 1, g_musicSize, fp); Bfclose(fp); #if defined FORK_EXEC_MIDI external_midi_restart = loopflag; playmusic(); #else music_musicchunk = Mix_LoadMUS(external_midi_tempfn); if (!music_musicchunk) initprintf("Mix_LoadMUS: %s\n", Mix_GetError()); #endif } else initprintf("%s: fopen: %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno)); } else music_musicchunk = Mix_LoadMUS_RW(SDL_RWFromMem((char *) song, g_musicSize) #if (SDL_MAJOR_VERSION > 1) , SDL_FALSE #endif ); if (music_musicchunk != NULL) if (Mix_PlayMusic(music_musicchunk, (loopflag == MUSIC_LoopSong)?-1:0) == -1) initprintf("Mix_PlayMusic: %s\n", Mix_GetError()); return MUSIC_Ok; }
void interruptHandler() { static u8 i; i++; switch (i) { case 4: cpct_scanKeyboard_if(); break; case 5: // Play music playmusic(); break; case 6: i = 0; } }
static void sigchld_handler(int signo) { if (signo==SIGCHLD && external_midi_restart) { int status; if (external_midi_pid > 0) { if (waitpid(external_midi_pid, &status, WUNTRACED)==-1) perror("waitpid (3)"); if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status)==0) { // loop ... playmusic(); } } } }
int main(int argc , char** argv){ srand(time(NULL)); printf("\n\nEnter Player Name:"); scanf("%s",playerName); scoreFile(); glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_DOUBLE ); glutInitWindowSize( WIDTH , HEIGHT ); glutInitWindowPosition(0,0); glutCreateWindow("First Window"); init(); glutDisplayFunc(display); //glutIdleFunc(display); glutTimerFunc(25, update , 0); glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard); glutMouseFunc(mouseClick); glutMotionFunc(mousePressed); //glutPassiveMotionFunc(mousePassiveMotion); playmusic(); glutMainLoop(); }
void valider (char* texte, Mix_Chunk* gSound, short* musique, Mix_Music* gMusic, short* onoff, SDL_bool* done) { if (strcmp (texte, "yolo") == 0) { printf ("c est bien\n"); playsound (1, gSound); } else if (strcmp (texte, "rick") == 0) { printf ("c est bien\n"); playsound (1, gSound); SDL_Delay (1000); *musique = 5; *onoff = 0; playmusic (*musique, gMusic); *done = SDL_TRUE; } else if (strcmp (texte, "love") == 0) { printf ("c est bien\n"); playsound (1, gSound); SDL_Delay (1000); *musique = 7; *onoff = 0; playmusic (*musique, gMusic); *done = SDL_TRUE; } else if (strcmp (texte, "hardcore") == 0) { printf ("c est bien\n"); playsound (1, gSound); SDL_Delay (1000); fenetreJeu ("Hardcore/", 3, 255, 255, 255, gSound, gMusic, musique, onoff, 14316556, 0); *done = SDL_TRUE; } else if (strcmp (texte, "nyan cat") == 0) { printf ("c est bien\n"); playsound (1, gSound); SDL_Delay (1000); *onoff = 0; playmusic (8, gMusic); fenetreJeu ("Cat/", 0, 255, 255, 255, gSound, gMusic, musique, onoff, 1450, 2); *done = SDL_TRUE; } else if (strcmp (texte, "kubiak") == 0) { printf ("c est bien\n"); playsound (1, gSound); SDL_Delay (1000); *onoff = 0; playmusic (7, gMusic); fenetreJeu ( "secret/", 0, 255, 105, 180, gSound, gMusic, musique, onoff, 2000, 1); *done = SDL_TRUE; } else if (strcmp (texte, "heyayayay") == 0) { printf ("c est bien\n"); playsound (1, gSound); SDL_Delay (1000); *onoff = 0; playmusic (9, gMusic); fenetreJeu ( "Hey/", 0, 255, 105, 180, gSound, gMusic, musique, onoff, 1450, 2); *done = SDL_TRUE; } else { printf ("c est rate\n"); playsound (2, gSound); } return; }
int main( int argc, char *arvg[] ) { int quit = 0; int config_status = 0; int event; #ifdef __WIN32__ freopen( "cabrio.out", "w", stdout ); freopen( "cabrio.err", "w", stderr ); #endif config_status = config_open( NULL ); if( config_status == -1 ) return -1; if( sdl_init() != 0 ) bail(); if( ogl_init() != 0 ) bail(); /* Clear the screen as soon as we can. This avoids graphics * glitches which can occur with some SDL implementations. */ ogl_clear(); sdl_swap(); if( event_init() != 0 ) bail(); if( font_init() != 0 ) bail(); if( config_status == 1 ) { /* Config file didn't exist, so run the setup utility */ if( setup() != 0 ) return -1; config_update(); if( config_create() != 0 ) return -1; } location_init(); /* If config or location results in a new font, it'll be loaded here. */ font_free(); font_init(); /* Large game lists take a while to initialise, * so show the background while we wait... */ bg_init(); bg_clear(); bg_draw(); sdl_swap(); if( platform_init() != 0 ) bail(); if( category_init() != 0 ) bail(); if( game_sel_init() != 0 ) bail(); if( hint_init() != 0 ) bail(); if( snap_init() != 0 ) bail(); if( game_list_create() != 0 ) bail(); if( menu_init() != 0 ) bail(); if( submenu_init() != 0 ) bail(); sound_init(); video_init(); event_flush(); if( !config_get()-> ) menu_show(); focus_set( FOCUS_GAMESEL ); while( !quit ) { ogl_clear(); bg_draw(); snap_draw(); if (!config_get()->iface.hide_buttons) hint_draw(); menu_draw(); submenu_draw(); game_sel_draw(); sdl_swap(); if (Mix_PlayingMusic() != 1 && config_get()->iface.theme_sound && reader_running == 0) playmusic(); if (( event = event_poll() )) { if( supress_wait == 0 ) { if( event == EVENT_QUIT ) { quit = 1; } else { supress(); event_process( event ); } } } if( supress_wait > 0 ) supress_wait--; sdl_frame_delay(); } clean_up(); return 0; }
int initmenu2(void){ playmusic("data/music/Win.mp3"); return 1; }
int initmenu1(void){ playmusic("data/music/Lose.mp3"); return 1; }
int initmenu(void){ playmusic("data/music/sensation.mp3"); return 1; }
void actMinotaurTimer(Entity* my) { node_t* node; MINOTAURTIMER_LIFE++; if (( (currentlevel < 25 && MINOTAURTIMER_LIFE == TICKS_PER_SECOND * 120) || (currentlevel >= 25 && MINOTAURTIMER_LIFE == TICKS_PER_SECOND * 180) ) && rand() % 5 == 0 ) // two minutes if currentlevel < 25, else 3 minutes. { int c; bool spawnedsomebody = false; for ( c = 0; c < 9; c++ ) { Uint32 zapLeaderUid = 0; Entity* monster = summonMonster(HUMAN, my->x, my->y); if ( monster ) { monster->skill[29] = 1; // so we spawn a zap brigadier spawnedsomebody = true; if ( !zapLeaderUid ) { zapLeaderUid = monster->getUID(); } else { Stat* monsterStats = monster->getStats(); monsterStats->leader_uid = zapLeaderUid; } } } if ( spawnedsomebody ) { #ifdef MUSIC fadein_increment = default_fadein_increment * 20; fadeout_increment = default_fadeout_increment * 5; playmusic( sounds[175], false, true, false); #endif for ( c = 0; c < MAXPLAYERS; c++ ) { Uint32 color = SDL_MapRGB(mainsurface->format, 0, 255, 255); if ( stats[c]->type == HUMAN ) { messagePlayerColor(c, color, language[1114], stats[c]->name); } else { messagePlayerColor(c, color, language[3285]); } } } } else if (( (currentlevel < 25 && MINOTAURTIMER_LIFE >= TICKS_PER_SECOND * 150) || (currentlevel >= 25 && MINOTAURTIMER_LIFE >= TICKS_PER_SECOND * 210) ) && !MINOTAURTIMER_ACTIVE ) // two and a half minutes if currentlevel < 25, else 3.5 minutes { Entity* monster = summonMonster(MINOTAUR, my->x, my->y); if ( monster ) { int c; for ( c = 0; c < MAXPLAYERS; c++ ) { playSoundPlayer( c, 107 + rand() % 3, 128 ); Uint32 color = SDL_MapRGB(mainsurface->format, 255, 128, 0); messagePlayerColor(c, color, language[1115]); } MINOTAURTIMER_ACTIVE = MINOTAURTIMER_LIFE; } } if ( MINOTAURTIMER_ACTIVE && MINOTAURTIMER_LIFE >= MINOTAURTIMER_ACTIVE + TICKS_PER_SECOND * 3 ) { int c; for ( c = 0; c < MAXPLAYERS; c++ ) { if ( currentlevel < 25 ) { playSoundPlayer(c, 120 + rand() % 3, 128); Uint32 color = SDL_MapRGB(mainsurface->format, 255, 0, 255); messagePlayerColor(c, color, language[1116]); messagePlayerColor(c, color, language[73]); } else { playSoundPlayer(c, 375, 128); playSoundPlayer(c, 379, 128); messagePlayerColor(c, uint32ColorOrange(*mainsurface), language[1116]); messagePlayerColor(c, uint32ColorOrange(*mainsurface), language[73]); messagePlayerColor(c, uint32ColorBaronyBlue(*mainsurface), language[73]); } } list_RemoveNode(my->mynode); return; } }